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#LTC #Litecoin #Profit Čau, puiši, 11. martā, gandrīz pirms mēneša, ieteicu paņemt lightcoin no atbalsta 80-85 un šī stratēģija varētu dot +40% pie cenas maksimuma. Kopumā instruments sasniedza mērķi 115$ un uz doto brīdi korekcija, joprojām aktuāls ir stāsts par pirkšanu no balstiem, testējamās zonas ir 95-90-85. Jāsaprot, ka instruments ir lauzis lejupslīdi un šogad tam ir labas izredzes uzrādīt izaugsmi, turklāt par FUD atceramies uz institucionālās intereses par LTC ETF rēķina. DYOR. Sekojiet līdzi.

#LTC #Litecoin #Profit

Čau, puiši,

11. martā, gandrīz pirms mēneša, ieteicu paņemt lightcoin no atbalsta 80-85 un šī stratēģija varētu dot +40% pie cenas maksimuma. Kopumā instruments sasniedza mērķi 115$ un uz doto brīdi korekcija, joprojām aktuāls ir stāsts par pirkšanu no balstiem, testējamās zonas ir 95-90-85. Jāsaprot, ka instruments ir lauzis lejupslīdi un šogad tam ir labas izredzes uzrādīt izaugsmi, turklāt par FUD atceramies uz institucionālās intereses par LTC ETF rēķina.


Sekojiet līdzi.

#LTC #Litecoin #Profit #Write2Earn‬ $LTC
Sveiki, puiši
Litecoin ir izlauzies cauri norādītajai $80$ zonai un šobrīd uzrāda aptuveni 20% peļņu.
Labi izskatās tendence turpināties ar mērķi 115 un 150 USD, galvenais atbalsts ir zem 75 USD. Pirkšanas stratēģija ar korekcijām no atbalsta 80$ un 85$ var dot labu ieejas punktu un vidējo cenu.
Sekojiet līdzi.
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#XRP #XRPL #xrpstablecoin $XRP Hey guys. This is an update on XRP. And this time there is something besides charts. 4.05. Ripple (parent company of XRP), which provides corporate financial services to businesses, announced the release of a stablecoin on the XRPL and Ethereum blockchain, with plans to release a stablecoin on other blockchains in the future. The coin will be linked 1-to-1 to the U.S. dollar, and backed by cash or equivalent, short-term U.S. government treasuries. The stablecoin is expected to be available later this year, after regulatory approval. To better understand how it will work and look, we can make an analogy with the TRON blockchain. There is the TRON blockchain, which has a TRX coin, and on this blockchain there is a stable coin USDT of TRC 20 standard. In the case of XRP, it would look like this as I understand it. An XRPL blockchain that has an XRP coin and on that blockchain a stable coin such as USD(X) will be created. After that I expect the new stablecoin to compete with existing coins. According to Ripple's statement both XRP and USD (X) coins will be used in the payment solution. Technically on the chart we can see that the price is trying to break the downtrend, and break the consolidation, in case of consolidation above 0.55 will be the absorption of the bearish candle from April 13, and may open the way to the zone of 0.6-0.65- 0.7$. Most likely, we will see that a big player will push the price up, working ahead (buy rumors), and on the release of a stable coin will be unloaded on the crowd (sell facts). I will be on the side of the big player. DYOR. Stay tuned.
#BTC #FedDecision $BTC #BTC✅ Hey guys. This is a weekly update on bitcoin. Last time we looked at the growth of the instrument with targets of 67-70k. The price reached the first target, and from the 67k zone, about 4%, the sellers showed strength again, bringing the price back to the buying range where we traded last week. This is another reminder of the need to fix part of the position when the first target is reached. Cancellation of this scenario is still the fixation of the price below 60k. What can be done at the moment. If you have no position, you can try to buy above 64 th. And the second option is a false breakdown of 60 thousand, buying at a sharp price return after the test of the stop zone. I don't see a good entry point for selling, except locally, but we are talking about more medium-term trading. If you have a position in Long, the stop zone is not affected and you should still have at least half of the position to hold with the prospect of recovery of growth. In general, the prospects for continued positive dynamics of bitcoin and all crypto are quite good, several arguments in favor of this. But it is worth bearing in mind that there may be doboes and another testing of supports before the reversal, especially in altcoins, many of which have already sagged enough. 1. Cycle after halving - historically, the period starts a new growth cycle 2. Seasonality - May is a fairly strong month seasonally, although the last few years have been marked by corrections in early May. 3. ETFs - recent adoption of bitcoin ETFs in the US market, Pending decision on etherium ETF in May, approval of bitcoin and etherium ETFs in the Hong Kong market. Events this week that may lead to volatility are as follows 1. Decision on the US Federal Reserve rate, which is likely to remain unchanged at 5.5%. But the main focus will be on Fed Chairman Powell's speech. Stay tuned.

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