• On April 5, Roger Ver, a well-known early bitcoin (BTC) investor, officially launched his new book "Hijacking Bitcoin". The book, co-authored with Robert Patterson, has become an Amazon bestseller and promises to reveal "the hidden history of BTC".

The book "Hijacking Bitcoin" has caught the attention of the #cryptocurrency market and has already caused a stir among #BTC supporters. On the day of the official launch, Molly Zuckerman published an article on the Blockworks website that Roger Ver believes is "right about #bitcoin . " Many BTC investors and contributors disagree with this opinion.

In particular, Adam Back has started actively writing and commenting on the X (formerly Twitter) website criticizing the hijacked bitcoin. Back is the CEO of Blockstream and one of the main authors of the Bitcoin #Core software. However, he is also a controversial figure that Ver and Patterson mention in the book.

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