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Skatīt oriģinālu
Neaktivizētā bitkoinu apmaiņa tiek aktivizēta ar 100 miljonu dolāru aktīviem pēc 10 gadiem.Bitkoina (BTC) adrese, kurā ir 1701 BTC 115,41 miljona ASV dolāru vērtībā, ir bijusi neaktīva kopš 2014. gada; Sestdien, 6. aprīlī, 10 gadus snaudošs bitcoin maciņš aktivizēja šo veco adresi, lai tirgotu 50 BTC. Interesanti, ka šī ir vecā #bitcoin maka "1CLxm. . 1oeUZ" adrese, kas atpazīstama pēc burta "1" sākumā. Iepriekš, 2014. gada 18. februārī, Valis iztērēja 2570 #BTC $ 1,6 miljonu vērtībā par bitkoina cenu $BTC . Pēc tam viņš bija neaktīvs 10 gadus un kopumā savā vēsturē saņēma 4272,29 BTC. Uzglabājot noliktavā, kopējā saņemtā summa būtu tuvāk 300 miljoniem USD.

Neaktivizētā bitkoinu apmaiņa tiek aktivizēta ar 100 miljonu dolāru aktīviem pēc 10 gadiem.

Bitkoina (BTC) adrese, kurā ir 1701 BTC 115,41 miljona ASV dolāru vērtībā, ir bijusi neaktīva kopš 2014. gada; Sestdien, 6. aprīlī, 10 gadus snaudošs bitcoin maciņš aktivizēja šo veco adresi, lai tirgotu 50 BTC.

Interesanti, ka šī ir vecā #bitcoin maka "1CLxm. . 1oeUZ" adrese, kas atpazīstama pēc burta "1" sākumā. Iepriekš, 2014. gada 18. februārī, Valis iztērēja 2570 #BTC $ 1,6 miljonu vērtībā par bitkoina cenu $BTC . Pēc tam viņš bija neaktīvs 10 gadus un kopumā savā vēsturē saņēma 4272,29 BTC. Uzglabājot noliktavā, kopējā saņemtā summa būtu tuvāk 300 miljoniem USD.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Strauji popularitāti gūstošā Shiba Inu nesen parādījusies biržā.Nexo ir paziņojis par aizraujošu funkciju sarakstu, kas tiks pievienots jaunajam SHIB sarakstam, piešķirot prioritāti labākai lietotāja pieredzei kriptogrāfijas kopienas locekļiem. Starp šīm funkcijām ir iespēja viegli iegādāties Shibboleth žetonus ar bankas karti un dažu sekunžu laikā, izmantojot platformas tūlītējos darījumus. Turklāt #Nexo teica, ka Shibainu investori platformā varēs apmainīt žetonus pret atlīdzību. #cryptocurrency Uzņēmums uzsvēra, ka #BTC finansējums ir iespējams investoriem, kuri vēlas iegādāties vairāk #ETH žetonu.

Strauji popularitāti gūstošā Shiba Inu nesen parādījusies biržā.

Nexo ir paziņojis par aizraujošu funkciju sarakstu, kas tiks pievienots jaunajam SHIB sarakstam, piešķirot prioritāti labākai lietotāja pieredzei kriptogrāfijas kopienas locekļiem. Starp šīm funkcijām ir iespēja viegli iegādāties Shibboleth žetonus ar bankas karti un dažu sekunžu laikā, izmantojot platformas tūlītējos darījumus.

Turklāt #Nexo teica, ka Shibainu investori platformā varēs apmainīt žetonus pret atlīdzību. #cryptocurrency Uzņēmums uzsvēra, ka #BTC finansējums ir iespējams investoriem, kuri vēlas iegādāties vairāk #ETH žetonu.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Kardano cenas satricinājušās: vai vaļi var palīdzēt ADA atgūties no nesenā lejupslīdes?Cardano cena pēdējās nedēļas laikā ir piedzīvojusi ievērojamu lāču spiedienu, nokrītot vairāk nekā par 12%. Šis nesenais kritums sakrīt ar plašāku lejupslīdi kriptovalūtu tirgū, kur citi lielākie altkoīni pēdējās nedēļas laikā ir cietuši ievērojamus zaudējumus. Jo īpaši Cardano cenas kritums lielā mērā ir saistīts ar to, ka Grayscale Digital Large Cap Fund (GDLC) nesen pārdeva visu tā daļu #ADA : ceturtdien, 4. aprīlī, fonds nolēma līdzsvarot savu portfeli. , un tā līdzdalība #Cardano (apmēram 1,6 % no kopējām līdzdalības daļām) paziņoja par savu līdzdalības Cardano likvidāciju (apmēram 1,6 % no tā kopējām līdzdalības daļām).

Kardano cenas satricinājušās: vai vaļi var palīdzēt ADA atgūties no nesenā lejupslīdes?

Cardano cena pēdējās nedēļas laikā ir piedzīvojusi ievērojamu lāču spiedienu, nokrītot vairāk nekā par 12%. Šis nesenais kritums sakrīt ar plašāku lejupslīdi kriptovalūtu tirgū, kur citi lielākie altkoīni pēdējās nedēļas laikā ir cietuši ievērojamus zaudējumus.

Jo īpaši Cardano cenas kritums lielā mērā ir saistīts ar to, ka Grayscale Digital Large Cap Fund (GDLC) nesen pārdeva visu tā daļu #ADA : ceturtdien, 4. aprīlī, fonds nolēma līdzsvarot savu portfeli. , un tā līdzdalība #Cardano (apmēram 1,6 % no kopējām līdzdalības daļām) paziņoja par savu līdzdalības Cardano likvidāciju (apmēram 1,6 % no tā kopējām līdzdalības daļām).
Skatīt oriģinālu
Kriptovalūtu izmeklētāji apsūdz ASV tiesu sistēmu "robežu uzmākšanā".ZachXBT raksta savā amatā : «Viņi parādījās reālajā dzīvē uz vecas adreses, sazinājās ar manu personīgo e-pasta kontu ar personisko informāciju un rakstīja man, kad man bija publiski pieejams saziņas līdzeklis. Vienā attēlā ZachXBT parādīja e-pastu no IRS-CI īpašā aģenta, kurā tika lūgta kriptovalūtu aģentu palīdzība jaunā digitālā īpašuma lietā; IRS-CI īpašais aģents slavēja #blockchain aģentus par "lielisku darbu" #cryptocurrency telpas nodrošināšanā. Turklāt ZachXBT atkārtoti apliecināja gatavību palīdzēt krāpšanas upuriem, nodrošinot tiesībaizsardzības iestādēm nepieciešamo dokumentāciju. Tomēr uzņēmums norādīja, ka nevēlas to darīt pēc tam, kad tika pārkāptas tās robežas un privātums.

Kriptovalūtu izmeklētāji apsūdz ASV tiesu sistēmu "robežu uzmākšanā".

ZachXBT raksta savā amatā

«Viņi parādījās reālajā dzīvē uz vecas adreses, sazinājās ar manu personīgo e-pasta kontu ar personisko informāciju un rakstīja man, kad man bija publiski pieejams saziņas līdzeklis.
Vienā attēlā ZachXBT parādīja e-pastu no IRS-CI īpašā aģenta, kurā tika lūgta kriptovalūtu aģentu palīdzība jaunā digitālā īpašuma lietā; IRS-CI īpašais aģents slavēja #blockchain aģentus par "lielisku darbu" #cryptocurrency telpas nodrošināšanā.
Turklāt ZachXBT atkārtoti apliecināja gatavību palīdzēt krāpšanas upuriem, nodrošinot tiesībaizsardzības iestādēm nepieciešamo dokumentāciju. Tomēr uzņēmums norādīja, ka nevēlas to darīt pēc tam, kad tika pārkāptas tās robežas un privātums.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Cardano dibinātājs uzskata, ka ADA trūkums ir "sarkanā siļķe"? Cardano dibinātājs tā domā.Čārlzs Hoskinsons piedāvāja padomus par iepazīšanos ar kriptovalūtām, atbildot uz vīrusu video "Cardano Girls" veidotājas Lilijas Brodijas jautājumu. Satura veidotājs jautāja, vai ir dīvaini jautāt personai pirmajā iepazīšanās dienā, vai viņam pieder ADA. #Cardano dibinātājs atbildēja, ka #ADA neesamība ir "nopietns sarkanais karogs". Hoskinsons jokojot deva mājienu, ka šī persona var nebūt "kanibāls", bet, ja viņam nav dzimtā. Cardano žetons, viņiem joprojām vajadzētu būt piesardzīgiem. Pēc tam viņš ierosināja, ka viņš varētu pazīt vienu vai divus piemērotus "vientuļus Cardano vīriešus". Sabiedrībai Hoskinsona komentāri šķita uzjautrinoši, un daži piekrita viņa viedokļiem par potenciālajiem partneriem.

Cardano dibinātājs uzskata, ka ADA trūkums ir "sarkanā siļķe"? Cardano dibinātājs tā domā.

Čārlzs Hoskinsons piedāvāja padomus par iepazīšanos ar kriptovalūtām, atbildot uz vīrusu video "Cardano Girls" veidotājas Lilijas Brodijas jautājumu. Satura veidotājs jautāja, vai ir dīvaini jautāt personai pirmajā iepazīšanās dienā, vai viņam pieder ADA.

#Cardano dibinātājs atbildēja, ka #ADA neesamība ir "nopietns sarkanais karogs". Hoskinsons jokojot deva mājienu, ka šī persona var nebūt "kanibāls", bet, ja viņam nav dzimtā. Cardano žetons, viņiem joprojām vajadzētu būt piesardzīgiem.
Pēc tam viņš ierosināja, ka viņš varētu pazīt vienu vai divus piemērotus "vientuļus Cardano vīriešus". Sabiedrībai Hoskinsona komentāri šķita uzjautrinoši, un daži piekrita viņa viedokļiem par potenciālajiem partneriem.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Binance Launchpool uzsāk atbalstu izstrādātājiem paredzētajiem 1. līmeņa kriptovalūtu projektiem.Vadošā globālā kriptovalūtu birža Binance ir uzsākusi atbalstu jauniem 1. līmeņa kriptovalūtu projektiem, izmantojot savu Launchpool platformu. Binance Launchpool, kas lietotājiem ļauj piedāvāt monētas un izveidot jaunus aktīvus, paziņoja, ka tā 51. projekts būs Saga (SAGA), tīmekļa platforma3, kas paredzēta izstrādātājiem. Saga mērķis ir ļaut izstrādātājiem palaist mijiedarbīgas lietojumprogrammām specifiskas ķēdes, ko sauc par ķēdēm. %%%%%% Projekta vietne skaidro. Mēs veidojam Saga, pārdomājot, kā izstrādātāji un galalietotāji mijiedarbojas ar #blockchain . Izmantojot kopīgu drošību, inovācijas validatora orķestrēšanā un automatizētu izvietošanas konveijeru, Saga atvieglo viedā līguma izvietošanu, lai palaistu īpašu blokķēdi vai ķēdes ķēdi.

Binance Launchpool uzsāk atbalstu izstrādātājiem paredzētajiem 1. līmeņa kriptovalūtu projektiem.

Vadošā globālā kriptovalūtu birža Binance ir uzsākusi atbalstu jauniem 1. līmeņa kriptovalūtu projektiem, izmantojot savu Launchpool platformu.

Binance Launchpool, kas lietotājiem ļauj piedāvāt monētas un izveidot jaunus aktīvus, paziņoja, ka tā 51. projekts būs Saga (SAGA), tīmekļa platforma3, kas paredzēta izstrādātājiem.
Saga mērķis ir ļaut izstrādātājiem palaist mijiedarbīgas lietojumprogrammām specifiskas ķēdes, ko sauc par ķēdēm. %%%%%%
Projekta vietne skaidro.
Mēs veidojam Saga, pārdomājot, kā izstrādātāji un galalietotāji mijiedarbojas ar #blockchain . Izmantojot kopīgu drošību, inovācijas validatora orķestrēšanā un automatizētu izvietošanas konveijeru, Saga atvieglo viedā līguma izvietošanu, lai palaistu īpašu blokķēdi vai ķēdes ķēdi.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Kardano ar pietūkušām krūtīm: kāpēc ADA krīt?Pateicoties ADA un darījumu maksām katrā laikmetā, Cardano ir daudz līdzekļu, lai turpinātu izaugsmi, ņemot vērā, ka Input-Output Global (IOG) aktīvi virza jaunus jauninājumus, lai uzlabotu sava tīkla veiktspēju un uzticamību. Organizācija ir ļoti svarīga. Pašlaik tas ir Basho stadijā, kura mērķis ir uzlabot veiktspēju un ļaut tīklam pieņemt intensīvus Dapps un konkurēt ar #BTC un Solana. #Cardano jau saņem atbalstu, īpaši no valdībām. Tā sadarbojas ar Etiopijas valdību, lai uzlabotu izglītību, izmantojot blokķēdi, un valdības aģentūras ASV un Eiropā arī rūpīgāk aplūko Cardano.

Kardano ar pietūkušām krūtīm: kāpēc ADA krīt?

Pateicoties ADA un darījumu maksām katrā laikmetā, Cardano ir daudz līdzekļu, lai turpinātu izaugsmi, ņemot vērā, ka Input-Output Global (IOG) aktīvi virza jaunus jauninājumus, lai uzlabotu sava tīkla veiktspēju un uzticamību. Organizācija ir ļoti svarīga.

Pašlaik tas ir Basho stadijā, kura mērķis ir uzlabot veiktspēju un ļaut tīklam pieņemt intensīvus Dapps un konkurēt ar #BTC un Solana. #Cardano jau saņem atbalstu, īpaši no valdībām.
Tā sadarbojas ar Etiopijas valdību, lai uzlabotu izglītību, izmantojot blokķēdi, un valdības aģentūras ASV un Eiropā arī rūpīgāk aplūko Cardano.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Solana dibinātājs tīkla atteices iemeslus skaidroja šādi.Ziņojumā vietnē X Jakovenko norādīja, ka kļūdu novēršana ir grūtāka nekā tīkla uzturēšana lietotājiem. Jakovenko norādīja, ka tikt galā ar kļūdām ir grūtāk nekā tikt galā ar pilnīgām dzīvotspējas kļūmēm. Pēdējā gadījumā darbs tiek veikts vienu reizi, kļūda tiek identificēta, novērsta un ķēde turpinās. Pirmajā gadījumā jums ir jāiziet viss izlaišanas un testēšanas cauruļvads. Ātra piegāde nav iespējama. Jakovenko paziņojums seko līdzdibinātāja Raj Gokal ierakstam vietnē X šī mēneša sākumā, aprakstot tipiskas problēmas #Solana ķēdē un pasaules līmeņa personālu, kas tās risina.

Solana dibinātājs tīkla atteices iemeslus skaidroja šādi.

Ziņojumā vietnē X Jakovenko norādīja, ka kļūdu novēršana ir grūtāka nekā tīkla uzturēšana lietotājiem.

Jakovenko norādīja, ka tikt galā ar kļūdām ir grūtāk nekā tikt galā ar pilnīgām dzīvotspējas kļūmēm. Pēdējā gadījumā darbs tiek veikts vienu reizi, kļūda tiek identificēta, novērsta un ķēde turpinās. Pirmajā gadījumā jums ir jāiziet viss izlaišanas un testēšanas cauruļvads. Ātra piegāde nav iespējama.
Jakovenko paziņojums seko līdzdibinātāja Raj Gokal ierakstam vietnē X šī mēneša sākumā, aprakstot tipiskas problēmas #Solana ķēdē un pasaules līmeņa personālu, kas tās risina.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Uzņēmums SHIBB Corp. prognozē 0,001 $ SHIB cenu straujā kāpumā, ko mudināja jauni noslēpumaini vaļi, kas pērk miljardus.Kamēr kriptovalūtu tirgus ietur pauzi pēc pagājušā ceturkšņa iespaidīgā kāpuma, šķiet, ka investoru interese pāriet uz meme monētām. Suņu tēma #cryptocurrency Shiba Inu (SHIB) ir tikai viens no tiem. Nedēļas vidū trīs jauni maki palielināja satriecošus 184 miljardus #SHIB (atbilst aptuveni 4,9 miljoniem USD). Saskaņā ar interneta slavenības "The Data Nerd" trešdien ievietoto tvītu šie jaunie maki 24 stundu laikā izvilka SHIB no lielākajām biržām, piemēram, Binance un Coinbase. Turklāt šo SHIB vaļu skaita pieaugumu papildināja ievērojams neto plūsmu pieaugums no lielajiem turētājiem. Saskaņā ar analītiķu firmas IntoTheBlock teikto, neto plūsmas no lielajiem īpašniekiem SHIB Inu pēdējo 30 dienu laikā ir palielinājušās par 1058%, kas liecina par plašāku vaļu ierobežošanas tendenci, jo buļļi sāk cieši sekot līdzi 0,001 USD cenu līmenim. Šī tendence liecina, ka vaļi kļūst arvien pārliecinātāki par SHIB ilgtermiņa perspektīvām, neskatoties uz īstermiņa cenu nepastāvību.

Uzņēmums SHIBB Corp. prognozē 0,001 $ SHIB cenu straujā kāpumā, ko mudināja jauni noslēpumaini vaļi, kas pērk miljardus.

Kamēr kriptovalūtu tirgus ietur pauzi pēc pagājušā ceturkšņa iespaidīgā kāpuma, šķiet, ka investoru interese pāriet uz meme monētām.

Suņu tēma #cryptocurrency Shiba Inu (SHIB) ir tikai viens no tiem. Nedēļas vidū trīs jauni maki palielināja satriecošus 184 miljardus #SHIB (atbilst aptuveni 4,9 miljoniem USD).
Saskaņā ar interneta slavenības "The Data Nerd" trešdien ievietoto tvītu šie jaunie maki 24 stundu laikā izvilka SHIB no lielākajām biržām, piemēram, Binance un Coinbase.
Turklāt šo SHIB vaļu skaita pieaugumu papildināja ievērojams neto plūsmu pieaugums no lielajiem turētājiem. Saskaņā ar analītiķu firmas IntoTheBlock teikto, neto plūsmas no lielajiem īpašniekiem SHIB Inu pēdējo 30 dienu laikā ir palielinājušās par 1058%, kas liecina par plašāku vaļu ierobežošanas tendenci, jo buļļi sāk cieši sekot līdzi 0,001 USD cenu līmenim. Šī tendence liecina, ka vaļi kļūst arvien pārliecinātāki par SHIB ilgtermiņa perspektīvām, neskatoties uz īstermiņa cenu nepastāvību.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Bitcoin ETF apstiprinājums nozīmē, ka BTC 'neies uz nulli'... - Bitwise izpilddirektorsASV akciju tirgi kritās, jo Federālās atvērtā tirgus komitejas (FOMC) locekļi iestājās par pacietību procentu likmju samazināšanā un brīdināja par pastāvīgu inflāciju. Neskatoties uz to, #bitcoin [BTC] spot #ETF tirgus turpina redzēt neto pieplūdumu, kas liecina, ka #cryptocurrency tirgus ir noturīgs plašāku ekonomisko problēmu apstākļos. %%%%%% Ēriks Bartunass, Bloomberg Intelligence vecākais ETF analītiķis, piekrita. "Liela daļa no bitcoin pieauguma par 40 procentiem kopš ETF darbības uzsākšanas ir notikusi pēcstundu laikā, kad bija liela cenu atšķirība starp slēgšanu un atvēršanu... Lieliska diagramma, kas parāda korelāciju starp dienas un pēcstundu IBIT atdevi (no plkst. @psarofagis).Saskaņā ar BitMEX pētījuma ziņojumu neto ieplūde #BTC spot ETF tirgū palielinājās no 40,2 miljoniem USD 2. aprīlī līdz 113,2 miljoniem USD 3. aprīlī.

Bitcoin ETF apstiprinājums nozīmē, ka BTC 'neies uz nulli'... - Bitwise izpilddirektors

ASV akciju tirgi kritās, jo Federālās atvērtā tirgus komitejas (FOMC) locekļi iestājās par pacietību procentu likmju samazināšanā un brīdināja par pastāvīgu inflāciju.

Neskatoties uz to, #bitcoin [BTC] spot #ETF tirgus turpina redzēt neto pieplūdumu, kas liecina, ka #cryptocurrency tirgus ir noturīgs plašāku ekonomisko problēmu apstākļos. %%%%%%
Ēriks Bartunass, Bloomberg Intelligence vecākais ETF analītiķis, piekrita.
"Liela daļa no bitcoin pieauguma par 40 procentiem kopš ETF darbības uzsākšanas ir notikusi pēcstundu laikā, kad bija liela cenu atšķirība starp slēgšanu un atvēršanu... Lieliska diagramma, kas parāda korelāciju starp dienas un pēcstundu IBIT atdevi (no plkst. @psarofagis).Saskaņā ar BitMEX pētījuma ziņojumu neto ieplūde #BTC spot ETF tirgū palielinājās no 40,2 miljoniem USD 2. aprīlī līdz 113,2 miljoniem USD 3. aprīlī.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Pirkšanas signāls apstiprināts daudzstūrim (MATIC), sagaidiet 15% pieaugumu līdz USD 1 — monētu izdevums.Uzziniet par jaunākajām tendencēm kriptovalūtu tirgū. Analītiķis #Ali Martinezs konstatēja pirkšanas signālu šādā valūtā: #MATIC , virzot aktīvu uz 1 dolāra atzīmi. Analītiķis atzīmēja, ka MATIC ir jāpaliek virs 0,87 USD, lai sasniegtu 15 procentu pieaugumu. MATIC kopš pagājušā gada ir samazinājies par vairāk nekā 24%, savukārt tā vienaudži uzrāda divciparu pieaugumu. #BNB (MATIC), iespējams, ir pārspējis pašreizējo buļļu tirgu, taču slavenais analītiķis Ali Martiness uzskata, ka aktīvs varētu atkal sasniegt USD 1 līmeni. MATIC akcijas ir samazinājušās par 4% pēdējo 24 stundu laikā un vēl par 13% septiņu dienu laikā.

Pirkšanas signāls apstiprināts daudzstūrim (MATIC), sagaidiet 15% pieaugumu līdz USD 1 — monētu izdevums.

Uzziniet par jaunākajām tendencēm kriptovalūtu tirgū.

Analītiķis #Ali Martinezs konstatēja pirkšanas signālu šādā valūtā: #MATIC , virzot aktīvu uz 1 dolāra atzīmi.
Analītiķis atzīmēja, ka MATIC ir jāpaliek virs 0,87 USD, lai sasniegtu 15 procentu pieaugumu.
MATIC kopš pagājušā gada ir samazinājies par vairāk nekā 24%, savukārt tā vienaudži uzrāda divciparu pieaugumu.
#BNB (MATIC), iespējams, ir pārspējis pašreizējo buļļu tirgu, taču slavenais analītiķis Ali Martiness uzskata, ka aktīvs varētu atkal sasniegt USD 1 līmeni. MATIC akcijas ir samazinājušās par 4% pēdējo 24 stundu laikā un vēl par 13% septiņu dienu laikā.
Solana's Froganas tops NFT sales ranking with $1.45 millionSolana's Froganas collection has taken the top spot in the unique token market thanks to notable sales, collecting $1.45 million in the 24 hours to 11 a.m. (EST) on Friday. According to CryptoSlam, the surge corresponds to a 20.49% increase in sales. The collection also saw a significant increase in marketplace activity, with the number of transactions rising 24.95% to 3,701, taking the top spot away from Ethereum-based Pandora's ERC-404 collection. Pandora, which topped yesterday's sales charts, lost 28.53% of its sales volume but managed to hold on to third place with $1.16 million. Yuga Labs' monkey-themed #binance collection, Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC), took second place with $1.22 million. The NodeMonkes #bitcoin collection came in fourth place with declines in both sales and transactions; NodeMonkes sales fell 10.74% to US$1.04 million and transactions fell 18.92%. LockDeal NFT's collections on the #BNB network rose 563% to fifth place with $871,689, accounting for the majority of BNB's $973,655 in sales for the day. LockDeal NFT contributed to the BNB Ecosystem results and was the fourth largest seller in the BNB Ecosystem on the day. Making a rare appearance in the top 10 in ninth place is Avalanche Collection, followed by Dokyo, up 87% to $BTC This article was written by the CryptoSlam staff with assistance from SlamAI. With commentary from Forkast Editor-in-Chief Angie Lau, we bring you a weekly roundup of the hottest new tech developments from an Asian perspective. Check out the latest issue here. Read us at: [Compass Investments]( #TokenEconomy #CryptoAdoption

Solana's Froganas tops NFT sales ranking with $1.45 million

Solana's Froganas collection has taken the top spot in the unique token market thanks to notable sales, collecting $1.45 million in the 24 hours to 11 a.m. (EST) on Friday.

According to CryptoSlam, the surge corresponds to a 20.49% increase in sales.
The collection also saw a significant increase in marketplace activity, with the number of transactions rising 24.95% to 3,701, taking the top spot away from Ethereum-based Pandora's ERC-404 collection.
Pandora, which topped yesterday's sales charts, lost 28.53% of its sales volume but managed to hold on to third place with $1.16 million.
Yuga Labs' monkey-themed #binance collection, Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC), took second place with $1.22 million.
The NodeMonkes #bitcoin collection came in fourth place with declines in both sales and transactions; NodeMonkes sales fell 10.74% to US$1.04 million and transactions fell 18.92%.
LockDeal NFT's collections on the #BNB network rose 563% to fifth place with $871,689, accounting for the majority of BNB's $973,655 in sales for the day.
LockDeal NFT contributed to the BNB Ecosystem results and was the fourth largest seller in the BNB Ecosystem on the day.
Making a rare appearance in the top 10 in ninth place is Avalanche Collection, followed by Dokyo, up 87% to $BTC This article was written by the CryptoSlam staff with assistance from SlamAI.
With commentary from Forkast Editor-in-Chief Angie Lau, we bring you a weekly roundup of the hottest new tech developments from an Asian perspective. Check out the latest issue here.
Read us at: Compass Investments
#TokenEconomy #CryptoAdoption
Bhutan to increase bitcoin mining capacity six times before BTC prices fall.At the time, the partners announced plans to use the Kingdom of Bhutan's abundant hydropower to support the mining of key decentralized financial assets (DeFi), and Kong said the fund is expected to close by July this year. Meanwhile, DHI CEO Ujjwal Deep Dahal said the capital increase "relies on Bitdeer's state-of-the-art hardware, reduces costs and ... , increases computing power," he said. Recall that the impending halving of the largest #cryptocurrency asset by market capitalization is part of an algorithm that cuts the reward for #mining in half about every four years, with the ultimate goal of limiting the total number of bitcoins to 21 million. Institutional investors, who are also expected to halve their mining rewards, are gradually building up their positions in Marathon Digital Holdings, the world's largest listed #bitcoin miner. According to Finbold's March 24 filing, just five companies hold 22% of the shares. Meanwhile, the complexity of bitcoin mining - the amount of computing power required to add new blocks to the chain - recently hit a record high, driving up the cost of computing and to some extent offsetting the benefit of recent price increases. Indeed, according to Finbold's latest pricing information on April 5, bitcoin was trading at $66,519 at the time of publication, showing a slight decline of 0.01% on the daily chart. It is also worth noting that many cryptocurrency analysts are offering #BTC price forecasts ranging from $100,000 this year to $1 million in 2025, driven by the impact of bitcoin halving in 2024. However, you should do your own research before investing significant sums in this asset. Read us at: [Compass Investments]( #GlobalCrypto

Bhutan to increase bitcoin mining capacity six times before BTC prices fall.

At the time, the partners announced plans to use the Kingdom of Bhutan's abundant hydropower to support the mining of key decentralized financial assets (DeFi), and Kong said the fund is expected to close by July this year.

Meanwhile, DHI CEO Ujjwal Deep Dahal said the capital increase "relies on Bitdeer's state-of-the-art hardware, reduces costs and ... , increases computing power," he said.
Recall that the impending halving of the largest #cryptocurrency asset by market capitalization is part of an algorithm that cuts the reward for #mining in half about every four years, with the ultimate goal of limiting the total number of bitcoins to 21 million.
Institutional investors, who are also expected to halve their mining rewards, are gradually building up their positions in Marathon Digital Holdings, the world's largest listed #bitcoin miner. According to Finbold's March 24 filing, just five companies hold 22% of the shares.
Meanwhile, the complexity of bitcoin mining - the amount of computing power required to add new blocks to the chain - recently hit a record high, driving up the cost of computing and to some extent offsetting the benefit of recent price increases.
Indeed, according to Finbold's latest pricing information on April 5, bitcoin was trading at $66,519 at the time of publication, showing a slight decline of 0.01% on the daily chart.
It is also worth noting that many cryptocurrency analysts are offering #BTC price forecasts ranging from $100,000 this year to $1 million in 2025, driven by the impact of bitcoin halving in 2024. However, you should do your own research before investing significant sums in this asset.
Read us at: Compass Investments
Starknet explains the cause of the four-hour blockchain outage.As a result, new transactions could not be accepted for processing for several minutes and were rejected. In addition, some transactions were canceled due to parameter changes (e.g. timestamps)," the post explained. Cointelegraph contacted Starknet for more details on the incident, but did not receive any further information on whether blockchain-compliant #blockchain #mining was stopped. The last time Starknet's status page reflected a major outage was on March 13, when the network took longer to generate blocks due to the #binance Dencun update. The Starknet outage is the latest in a series of outages on the ecosystem's largest blockchain networks. The #Solana network experienced a major outage in early February 2024. An outage in block mining on the main network halted the network's blockchain advancement for more than five hours. This was not the first Solana outage: since January 2022, the Solana network has experienced about half a dozen significant outages and 15 days of partial or major outages. Anza, Solana's software developer, published a report on the latest outage on Feb. 9. According to the report, there was a bug in Solana's just-in-time (JIT) compilation cache (which compiles all software before executing a transaction). Austin Feder, head of strategy at the Solana Foundation, told Cointelegraph that the old loader system is in the process of being replaced with a new one that will be disabled in the updated version. It looks like someone deliberately called up an old instruction set that had long since been unused but remained in the codebase, and the JIT compiler ran into a problem by not finding what it was looking for. This created an endless loop," Feder told Cointelegraph. Solana ran into problems again in early April, when nearly 75% of all transactions on the network failed amid an influx of activity caused by the recent memcoin boom. Analysts speculate that these failed transactions were mostly caused by bot activity on Solana attempting to make arbitrage transactions. Read us at: [Compass Investments]( #FinTechInnovations

Starknet explains the cause of the four-hour blockchain outage.

As a result, new transactions could not be accepted for processing for several minutes and were rejected. In addition, some transactions were canceled due to parameter changes (e.g. timestamps)," the post explained.

Cointelegraph contacted Starknet for more details on the incident, but did not receive any further information on whether blockchain-compliant #blockchain #mining was stopped.
The last time Starknet's status page reflected a major outage was on March 13, when the network took longer to generate blocks due to the #binance Dencun update.
The Starknet outage is the latest in a series of outages on the ecosystem's largest blockchain networks.
The #Solana network experienced a major outage in early February 2024. An outage in block mining on the main network halted the network's blockchain advancement for more than five hours.
This was not the first Solana outage: since January 2022, the Solana network has experienced about half a dozen significant outages and 15 days of partial or major outages.
Anza, Solana's software developer, published a report on the latest outage on Feb. 9.
According to the report, there was a bug in Solana's just-in-time (JIT) compilation cache (which compiles all software before executing a transaction).
Austin Feder, head of strategy at the Solana Foundation, told Cointelegraph that the old loader system is in the process of being replaced with a new one that will be disabled in the updated version.
It looks like someone deliberately called up an old instruction set that had long since been unused but remained in the codebase, and the JIT compiler ran into a problem by not finding what it was looking for. This created an endless loop," Feder told Cointelegraph.
Solana ran into problems again in early April, when nearly 75% of all transactions on the network failed amid an influx of activity caused by the recent memcoin boom.
Analysts speculate that these failed transactions were mostly caused by bot activity on Solana attempting to make arbitrage transactions.
Read us at: Compass Investments
Binance introduces Discover, the industry's first futures copying service.In addition, seamless integration allows users to easily switch between testing virtual "mock" funds and real trading. Moreover, top traders on #Binance offer their portfolios for copying and receive 10% profit and 10% trading commission from copy traders. Thus, the design allows users to focus on evaluating each portfolio without being overwhelmed by numerous options. Since the beginning of the year, Binance has seen an impressive 78.3% growth in the number of copy traders and 138.1% growth in assets under management. The platform now boasts thousands of top traders and over 1,000 top performing portfolios, and the Discover feature was developed in response to user feedback to create a more streamlined social trading experience. The company has also developed the Discover feature. Sherin Tan, head of product marketing at Binance, emphasized the company's commitment to improving social engagement in the community, saying: "We launched the copy feature to make it easier for traders to share their experiences and help increase social engagement in the community. We have always listened to our users and the need for a better user experience was evident, so we decided to go beyond our domain and innovate our non-financial product model. " Discover is a great addition to our copy products, designed for mobile users who want a richer experience at their own pace. The rollout of Discover to all copy-trading users is scheduled for next week, and Binance encourages feedback from all communities to further improve the product. Read us at: [Compass Investments]( #DigitalCurrency #CryptoNews #MarketInsights #CompassInvestments

Binance introduces Discover, the industry's first futures copying service.

In addition, seamless integration allows users to easily switch between testing virtual "mock" funds and real trading.

Moreover, top traders on #Binance offer their portfolios for copying and receive 10% profit and 10% trading commission from copy traders.
Thus, the design allows users to focus on evaluating each portfolio without being overwhelmed by numerous options.
Since the beginning of the year, Binance has seen an impressive 78.3% growth in the number of copy traders and 138.1% growth in assets under management.
The platform now boasts thousands of top traders and over 1,000 top performing portfolios, and the Discover feature was developed in response to user feedback to create a more streamlined social trading experience. The company has also developed the Discover feature.
Sherin Tan, head of product marketing at Binance, emphasized the company's commitment to improving social engagement in the community, saying:
"We launched the copy feature to make it easier for traders to share their experiences and help increase social engagement in the community. We have always listened to our users and the need for a better user experience was evident, so we decided to go beyond our domain and innovate our non-financial product model. " Discover is a great addition to our copy products, designed for mobile users who want a richer experience at their own pace.
The rollout of Discover to all copy-trading users is scheduled for next week, and Binance encourages feedback from all communities to further improve the product.
Read us at: Compass Investments
#DigitalCurrency #CryptoNews #MarketInsights #CompassInvestments
Legendary trader Peter Brandt has called Ethereum an "unnecessary coin."Veteran trader Peter Brandt is bearish on Ethereum, criticizing its rising gas prices and complex L2 terrain. Legendary trader Peter Brandt calls #binance an "unwanted coin". Legendary trader Peter Brandt calls Ethereum an "unwanted coin. Ethereum, commonly referred to as the "king of smart contracts," has become a force to be reckoned with in the cryptocurrency market since its launch in 2015. Acting as the leading platform for hosting decentralized applications (dApps) and smart contracts, Ethereum continues to serve as the foundation for many innovative projects and protocols. Despite the influence of #cryptocurrencies , Brandt argues that Ethereum as a store of value is a "junk coin. " Brandt argues that #binance as a store of value is best suited to rival #bitcoin . Simply put, the store-of-value nature of cryptocurrencies means that their value is preserved over time. In short, good cryptocurrencies should be rare and verifiable. Notably, in recent comments by Katie Wood, CEO of Arc Invest, she stated that bitcoin is rapidly displacing gold as a store of value. In her view, this means that people are increasingly turning to bitcoin (rather than Ethereum) for long-term investments. Another flaw cited by Ms. Brandt to support her view that ETH is an "unnecessary coin" has to do with the cryptocurrency's functionality. The legendary trader emphasized that ETH is difficult to integrate into second-tier solutions due to exorbitant gas prices. Despite the pessimistic comments, Brandt noted that ETH will always attract investors. I'm tired of saying it already, but ETH is an unimportant coin, despite its mindless devotion to Efirium. Brandt's comments were echoed by much of the online community, but it remains unclear whether he has made any recent L2 transactions. This is because several reports have emphasized that the recent Ethereum Dencun update has helped lower the stakes for the L2 protocol. Read us at: [Compass Investments]( #BlockchainFuture

Legendary trader Peter Brandt has called Ethereum an "unnecessary coin."

Veteran trader Peter Brandt is bearish on Ethereum, criticizing its rising gas prices and complex L2 terrain.

Legendary trader Peter Brandt calls #binance an "unwanted coin".
Legendary trader Peter Brandt calls Ethereum an "unwanted coin.
Ethereum, commonly referred to as the "king of smart contracts," has become a force to be reckoned with in the cryptocurrency market since its launch in 2015. Acting as the leading platform for hosting decentralized applications (dApps) and smart contracts, Ethereum continues to serve as the foundation for many innovative projects and protocols.
Despite the influence of #cryptocurrencies , Brandt argues that Ethereum as a store of value is a "junk coin. " Brandt argues that #binance as a store of value is best suited to rival #bitcoin . Simply put, the store-of-value nature of cryptocurrencies means that their value is preserved over time. In short, good cryptocurrencies should be rare and verifiable.
Notably, in recent comments by Katie Wood, CEO of Arc Invest, she stated that bitcoin is rapidly displacing gold as a store of value. In her view, this means that people are increasingly turning to bitcoin (rather than Ethereum) for long-term investments.
Another flaw cited by Ms. Brandt to support her view that ETH is an "unnecessary coin" has to do with the cryptocurrency's functionality. The legendary trader emphasized that ETH is difficult to integrate into second-tier solutions due to exorbitant gas prices. Despite the pessimistic comments, Brandt noted that ETH will always attract investors.
I'm tired of saying it already, but ETH is an unimportant coin, despite its mindless devotion to Efirium.
Brandt's comments were echoed by much of the online community, but it remains unclear whether he has made any recent L2 transactions. This is because several reports have emphasized that the recent Ethereum Dencun update has helped lower the stakes for the L2 protocol.

Read us at: Compass Investments
Solana, struggling with ... 75% of user TXs fail?This was prompted by recent outrage from Solana users on social media complaining about failed transactions and a deteriorating user experience. In an April 4 post on X's website, pseudonymous altcoin trader Sherpa noted that while he believes #Solana will establish itself as a blockchain network for retailers, the current user experience is not ideal. I believe #SOL is the network for retail in this cycle, but the user experience lately is just outrageous. However, in an April 4 post on X, ardent Solana supporter and Helius CEO Mert Mumtaz disagreed with the claim that 75% of transactions fail, noting that most failed transactions without votes are simply "spam from bots. It's usually not a big problem for users because the wallet simulates [the transaction] and tells you in advance what can go wrong," he said. Mumtaz said the graph of failed transactions "is not a good way to measure the impact on users because most users never get to it. "About 95% of this entire graph is bots that have failed in arbitration attempts," he added. Mumtaz also explained that most spam happens before the scheduling process, so increasing the transaction priority fee won't help, and "increasing it above a certain median" will result in users "wasting money. He added that Solana's upcoming 1.18 network update is unlikely to fix these issues, suggesting that the user experience on Solana may remain degraded for some time. "Network patches are needed and will be released soon. Over the past week, the price of Solana (SOL) has fallen about 3%, stumbling slightly after rising 45% over the past month, and according to CoinGecko, the cryptocurrency's recent weekly drawdown has pushed it down to the fifth-largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization. SOL currently has a market capitalization of $81 billion, behind the #BNB token (BNB) on the #Binance exchange at $ 89 billion. Read us at: [Compass Investments](

Solana, struggling with ... 75% of user TXs fail?

This was prompted by recent outrage from Solana users on social media complaining about failed transactions and a deteriorating user experience.

In an April 4 post on X's website, pseudonymous altcoin trader Sherpa noted that while he believes #Solana will establish itself as a blockchain network for retailers, the current user experience is not ideal.
I believe #SOL is the network for retail in this cycle, but the user experience lately is just outrageous.
However, in an April 4 post on X, ardent Solana supporter and Helius CEO Mert Mumtaz disagreed with the claim that 75% of transactions fail, noting that most failed transactions without votes are simply "spam from bots.
It's usually not a big problem for users because the wallet simulates [the transaction] and tells you in advance what can go wrong," he said.
Mumtaz said the graph of failed transactions "is not a good way to measure the impact on users because most users never get to it.
"About 95% of this entire graph is bots that have failed in arbitration attempts," he added.
Mumtaz also explained that most spam happens before the scheduling process, so increasing the transaction priority fee won't help, and "increasing it above a certain median" will result in users "wasting money.
He added that Solana's upcoming 1.18 network update is unlikely to fix these issues, suggesting that the user experience on Solana may remain degraded for some time.
"Network patches are needed and will be released soon.
Over the past week, the price of Solana (SOL) has fallen about 3%, stumbling slightly after rising 45% over the past month, and according to CoinGecko, the cryptocurrency's recent weekly drawdown has pushed it down to the fifth-largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization.
SOL currently has a market capitalization of $81 billion, behind the #BNB token (BNB) on the #Binance exchange at $ 89 billion.
Read us at: Compass Investments
Grayscale, the largest crypto asset manager, withdraws two altcoins from its fund.Grayscale, the world's largest cryptocurrency asset manager, said in a statement that it is making adjustments to its altcoin index fund starting today. Grayscale revalues the fund's assets every quarter. The company's index funds include #Grayscale Digital Large Cap Fund, Grayscale DeFi Fund and Grayscale Non-Ethereum Smart Contract Platform Fund. According to an official statement, Cardano (ADA) has been excluded from the fund after updating the components of Grayscale Digital Large Cap Fund. The fund now includes only #BTC , #binance , SOL, XRP and AVAX. Additionally, no new tokens have been added to the Grayscale DeFi Fund and no tokens have been removed. The fund will continue to operate as usual. The said fund includes UNI, MKR, LDO, AAVE and SNX. However, Grayscale has made significant changes to the Grayscale Non-Ethereum Smart Contract Platform Fund. As a result of the evaluation, the fund's altcoin basket has been restructured to no longer include the Cosmos altcoin (ATOM). Going forward, the fund will consist of the altcoins SOL, ADA, AVAX, DOT and MATIC. The major #bitcoin movement was due to the new #Binance altcoins! Read us at: [Compass Investments](

Grayscale, the largest crypto asset manager, withdraws two altcoins from its fund.

Grayscale, the world's largest cryptocurrency asset manager, said in a statement that it is making adjustments to its altcoin index fund starting today.

Grayscale revalues the fund's assets every quarter. The company's index funds include #Grayscale Digital Large Cap Fund, Grayscale DeFi Fund and Grayscale Non-Ethereum Smart Contract Platform Fund.
According to an official statement, Cardano (ADA) has been excluded from the fund after updating the components of Grayscale Digital Large Cap Fund. The fund now includes only #BTC , #binance , SOL, XRP and AVAX.
Additionally, no new tokens have been added to the Grayscale DeFi Fund and no tokens have been removed. The fund will continue to operate as usual. The said fund includes UNI, MKR, LDO, AAVE and SNX.
However, Grayscale has made significant changes to the Grayscale Non-Ethereum Smart Contract Platform Fund. As a result of the evaluation, the fund's altcoin basket has been restructured to no longer include the Cosmos altcoin (ATOM). Going forward, the fund will consist of the altcoins SOL, ADA, AVAX, DOT and MATIC.
The major #bitcoin movement was due to the new #Binance altcoins!
Read us at: Compass Investments
Wormhole's $3 billion debut: how it will affect SolanaWormhole has gotten a lot of attention and the Solana network has become more active. The mood on the network was positive. Wormhole, the interchain bridge, launched an airdrop that resulted in the first users receiving 617 million units of freshly minted tokens from W. Control. The tokens debuted on the Solana-based OpenBook #Decentralized Exchange (DEX) [SOL] at an initial price of $1.66, with a market capitalization of $2.98 billion and a fully diluted valuation of $16.5 billion. Does #Solana have any problems in the future? The distribution of W tokens to early users has stimulated participation and engagement in the Solana network. The influx of new users may lead to an increase in ecosystem users, transaction volumes, and ecosystem activity. However, the increased attention to Solana could also cause problems for the network itself. Wormhole warns users that providing ether can cause congestion issues for the Solana network. If congestion issues cause delays or difficulties for users, sentiment on the network could drop. However, at the time of publication, data showed that the Solana network was fully operational and no network outages had been identified. While the network was in good condition, there were other issues. #Coinbase stated that some users may experience delays when sending and receiving transactions on Solana. However, the company assured users that their funds were safe. What's going on with Solana? Despite these issues, the number of users on the Solana network is growing. According to the token terminal, the number of daily active users has increased by 76.2% in the last month. In addition, due to the increase in activity on the network, the revenue generated by the protocol has also increased by 494.6%. These factors could affect the overall sentiment around #SOL going forward. At the time of publication, sentiment around the network remains relatively positive. Read us at: [Compass Investments]( #InvestSmart

Wormhole's $3 billion debut: how it will affect Solana

Wormhole has gotten a lot of attention and the Solana network has become more active.

The mood on the network was positive.
Wormhole, the interchain bridge, launched an airdrop that resulted in the first users receiving 617 million units of freshly minted tokens from W. Control.
The tokens debuted on the Solana-based OpenBook #Decentralized Exchange (DEX) [SOL] at an initial price of $1.66, with a market capitalization of $2.98 billion and a fully diluted valuation of $16.5 billion.
Does #Solana have any problems in the future?
The distribution of W tokens to early users has stimulated participation and engagement in the Solana network. The influx of new users may lead to an increase in ecosystem users, transaction volumes, and ecosystem activity.
However, the increased attention to Solana could also cause problems for the network itself.
Wormhole warns users that providing ether can cause congestion issues for the Solana network. If congestion issues cause delays or difficulties for users, sentiment on the network could drop.
However, at the time of publication, data showed that the Solana network was fully operational and no network outages had been identified.
While the network was in good condition, there were other issues.
#Coinbase stated that some users may experience delays when sending and receiving transactions on Solana. However, the company assured users that their funds were safe.
What's going on with Solana?
Despite these issues, the number of users on the Solana network is growing. According to the token terminal, the number of daily active users has increased by 76.2% in the last month.
In addition, due to the increase in activity on the network, the revenue generated by the protocol has also increased by 494.6%.
These factors could affect the overall sentiment around #SOL going forward. At the time of publication, sentiment around the network remains relatively positive.

Read us at: Compass Investments
How a new Polygon node (MATIC) improves zkEVM scaling - DailyCoin.The Polygon Foundation (MATIC) has launched a new RPC node for Polygon zkEVM. This new RPC node significantly increases the bandwidth capacity of #binance zkEVM. The new node is the latest in an endless series of developments for Polygon zkEVM. The network has undergone a number of updates since Polygon zkEVM launched in March 2023, and more than a year later, Polygon zkEVM development shows no signs of slowing down as developers strive to bring Layer 2 Ethernet out of #beta . It shows no signs of slowing down. The network completed an Etrog upgrade in February 2024, making it fully equivalent to EVM. Currently, according to Polygon, zkEVM will have much improved scalability thanks to a recently launched RPC node: cdk-erigon. What is the cdk-erigon RPC node? The cdk-erigon RPC node is now available in Polygon zkEVM. It is already available for testing. The first unofficial benchmarks show performance gains of an order of magnitude in maximum tps and synchronization time. RPC nodes, abbreviated as remote procedure call nodes, act as intermediaries between #blockchain applications and the blockchain network itself. Through an application programming interface (API), RPC nodes allow applications to request data from the blockchain and send transactions to the network. They can also deliver messages to and send responses from the blockchain. Unlike full nodes, RPC nodes store data only in the underlying blockchain and therefore operate with faster response times. While cdk-erigon is in devnet, a sandbox for developers to test new features, Polygon (MATIC) co-founder Mihajlo Bjelic says the RPC nodes are ready for real-world use. According to the developer, the new RPC nodes will improve the scalability of Ethereum's Layer 2 network. On Tuesday, April 2, Gateway FM shared the first cdk-erigon test results showing that 250 TPS speeds have been achieved and 500 TPS speeds can be achieved. Read us at: [Compass Investments]( #MarketInsights #DigitalCurrency

How a new Polygon node (MATIC) improves zkEVM scaling - DailyCoin.

The Polygon Foundation (MATIC) has launched a new RPC node for Polygon zkEVM.

This new RPC node significantly increases the bandwidth capacity of #binance zkEVM.
The new node is the latest in an endless series of developments for Polygon zkEVM.
The network has undergone a number of updates since Polygon zkEVM launched in March 2023, and more than a year later, Polygon zkEVM development shows no signs of slowing down as developers strive to bring Layer 2 Ethernet out of #beta . It shows no signs of slowing down.
The network completed an Etrog upgrade in February 2024, making it fully equivalent to EVM. Currently, according to Polygon, zkEVM will have much improved scalability thanks to a recently launched RPC node: cdk-erigon.
What is the cdk-erigon RPC node?
The cdk-erigon RPC node is now available in Polygon zkEVM. It is already available for testing.
The first unofficial benchmarks show performance gains of an order of magnitude in maximum tps and synchronization time.
RPC nodes, abbreviated as remote procedure call nodes, act as intermediaries between #blockchain applications and the blockchain network itself. Through an application programming interface (API), RPC nodes allow applications to request data from the blockchain and send transactions to the network. They can also deliver messages to and send responses from the blockchain. Unlike full nodes, RPC nodes store data only in the underlying blockchain and therefore operate with faster response times.
While cdk-erigon is in devnet, a sandbox for developers to test new features, Polygon (MATIC) co-founder Mihajlo Bjelic says the RPC nodes are ready for real-world use.
According to the developer, the new RPC nodes will improve the scalability of Ethereum's Layer 2 network.

On Tuesday, April 2, Gateway FM shared the first cdk-erigon test results showing that 250 TPS speeds have been achieved and 500 TPS speeds can be achieved.

Read us at: Compass Investments
#MarketInsights #DigitalCurrency

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