Binance Square
BeyOglu - The Analyst
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#sadstory Mums šodien bija kautiņš 😳 un viņa izmeta laulības gredzenu pa logu un devās uz savu istabu. Skrienot uz vietu, kur nokrita gredzens, es to atradu, tad nopirku viņai ko ēdamu, aiznesu uz istabu un atvainojos. Viņa pieņēma un nožēloja un devās pēc gredzena. Pavadiet divas stundas, meklējot gredzenu pilnā saulē, kamēr gredzens bija manā kabatā. Tā nu es devos uz turieni, iedevu un teicu, ka atradu pirms divām stundām. Tāpēc mums bija vēl viena cīņa. - Kopēts #beyoglu #meme


Mums šodien bija kautiņš 😳 un viņa izmeta laulības gredzenu pa logu un devās uz savu istabu.

Skrienot uz vietu, kur nokrita gredzens, es to atradu, tad nopirku viņai ko ēdamu, aiznesu uz istabu un atvainojos.

Viņa pieņēma un nožēloja un devās pēc gredzena.

Pavadiet divas stundas, meklējot gredzenu pilnā saulē, kamēr gredzens bija manā kabatā.

Tā nu es devos uz turieni, iedevu un teicu, ka atradu pirms divām stundām.

Tāpēc mums bija vēl viena cīņa.

- Kopēts

#beyoglu #meme

Atruna: iekļauti trešo pušu pausti viedokļi. Šī informācija nav uzskatāma par finansiālu padomu. Skati lietošanas noteikumus.
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Reģistrējies, lai iegūtu iespēju nopelnīt atlīdzību 100 USDT vērtībā!
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#WhatsApp #Crypto_Scam My Friend was added to a what’s app group and an analyst gives alerts for crypto contract trades. He has been pretty accurate so far and I have actually been able to withdraw the money without giving them personal information….they have their own website…it seems a little cheap but it seems reasonable and it shows the tickets in real time. Is this a scam…? she has been in the group since is inception... around mid Feb.... she watched for a couple of weeks before making any trades... Then #FOMO hit her, and she made some trades... His signals are pretty accurate. more accurate than me coz they are fake crypto projects😂😂😂 Out of the month the group has been trading, all except one of the signals have been off. There have been 2 whale attacks... Both of which wiped me out completely. she told me about it. I told her it's most definitely a scam. That it could be a long con, with the advisor being the whale that attacks, and profits. she was still watching the group from a far, not trading anymore, since it's hard to find a legit group. Perhaps she will try the one being suggested in the group... Update, as of today, the group is talking of a whale project. People are putting together funds, so they can be the whales in the market... I am still wondering what the end game is, i've warn her multiple times that your going to be scam sooner but she isn't getting agreed with me i told her your funds can't be withdraw... Well lets see the what will happen to her being a friend i have guided her fully, #beyoglu #ScamRiskWarning

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