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šŸ”„šŸ’„Ko saka PEPE, FLOKI cenu prognozes? #PEPE un floki ilgtermiņa perspektÄ«vas ir bullish Nākamajā nedēļā mēmu monētu tirgi varētu pieaugt. Pepe [PEPE] reÄ£istrēja 17,53% pieaugumu preses laikā. Nedēļas nogale bija labvēlÄ«ga arÄ« FLOKI [FLOKI], taču pēdējo 48 stundu laikā memecoin ir palielinājies tikai par gandrÄ«z 8%. Dogecoin [DOGE] guvumi pagājuÅ”ajā nedēļā varētu izveidot bullish nedēļu pārējā meme monētu tirgÅ«. No divām Å”eit analizētajām Ambcrypto monētām Pepe Ä«stermiņa skatÄ«jums uzskatÄ«ja daudz bullŔāku. PEPE cenu darbÄ«ba liecina par kāpuma tendenci PEPE atkāpās no visu laiku augstākā lÄ«meņa ā€“ USD 0,00001084, bet ne tuvu netuvojās zemākajam kritumam ā€” USD 0,00000581. PEPE cenām pieaugot virs Ŕī lÄ«meņa, A/D rādÄ«tājs turpināja augt. ViņŔ norādÄ«ja, ka aiz kustÄ«bas ir pieprasÄ«jums. RSI ir arÄ« pārsniedzis 60 atzÄ«mi, kas norāda uz spēku. Ņemot vērā, ka BTC varētu saskarties ar ievērojamu pretestÄ«bu aptuveni 72Ā 000Ā $, nebija skaidrs, vai pepe spēs sev veikt vēl vienu skrējienu uz ziemeļiem, kā tas notika februāra beigās. atspoguļo pieprasÄ«jumu. Tas arÄ« apstiprināja A/D indikatora konstatējumus. Open Interest ir lēnām pieaudzis kopÅ” 25. marta, redzot lielāku lēcienu, kad tika pārkāpta vietējā pretestÄ«ba. Tā bija zÄ«me, ka spekulanti bija gatavi ilgstoÅ”i turpināt Pepes Ä«stermiņa atrāvienu. #floki bija lēnāks par atzÄ«mi FLOKI buļļi bija svārstÄ«gāki nekā Dogecoin un Pepe. CMF atzÄ«mēja, ka FLOKI svētdienā ir veselÄ«ga kapitāla plÅ«sma. RSI arÄ« palika virs neitrālajiem 50 6 stundu diagrammā. Tāpat kā PEPE, viņam ir bullish tirgus struktÅ«ra. Turklāt oktobra 61,8% Fib retracement lÄ«menis ir pieredzējis labu reakciju no buļļiem. ÄŖstermiņā bija iespējama nepastāvÄ«ba. Lielāka laika joslu novirze strauji pieauga. FLOKI Hyblock Lik lÄ«meņi Avots: Hyblock KumulatÄ«vie likvidācijas lÄ«meņi bija nedaudz negatÄ«vi un liecināja par augÅ”upejoÅ”u kustÄ«bu, lai notÄ«rÄ«tu Ä«sās pozÄ«cijas. Cenas tiek ievilktas ievērojamas likviditātes kabatās. #binance #Memecoins

šŸ”„šŸ’„Ko saka PEPE, FLOKI cenu prognozes?

#PEPE un floki ilgtermiņa perspektīvas ir bullish

Nākamajā nedēļā mēmu monētu tirgi varētu pieaugt.

Pepe [PEPE] reģistrēja 17,53% pieaugumu preses laikā. Nedēļas nogale bija labvēlīga arī FLOKI [FLOKI], taču pēdējo 48 stundu laikā memecoin ir palielinājies tikai par gandrīz 8%.

Dogecoin [DOGE] guvumi pagājuÅ”ajā nedēļā varētu izveidot bullish nedēļu pārējā meme monētu tirgÅ«. No divām Å”eit analizētajām Ambcrypto monētām Pepe Ä«stermiņa skatÄ«jums uzskatÄ«ja daudz bullŔāku.

PEPE cenu darbība liecina par kāpuma tendenci

PEPE atkāpās no visu laiku augstākā lÄ«meņa ā€“ USD 0,00001084, bet ne tuvu netuvojās zemākajam kritumam ā€” USD 0,00000581.

PEPE cenām pieaugot virs Ŕī lÄ«meņa, A/D rādÄ«tājs turpināja augt. ViņŔ norādÄ«ja, ka aiz kustÄ«bas ir pieprasÄ«jums. RSI ir arÄ« pārsniedzis 60 atzÄ«mi, kas norāda uz spēku.

Ņemot vērā, ka BTC varētu saskarties ar ievērojamu pretestÄ«bu aptuveni 72Ā 000Ā $, nebija skaidrs, vai pepe spēs sev veikt vēl vienu skrējienu uz ziemeļiem, kā tas notika februāra beigās.

atspoguļo pieprasījumu. Tas arī apstiprināja A/D indikatora konstatējumus.

Open Interest ir lēnām pieaudzis kopÅ” 25. marta, redzot lielāku lēcienu, kad tika pārkāpta vietējā pretestÄ«ba.

Tā bija zÄ«me, ka spekulanti bija gatavi ilgstoÅ”i turpināt Pepes Ä«stermiņa atrāvienu.

#floki bija lēnāks par atzīmi

FLOKI buļļi bija svārstīgāki nekā Dogecoin un Pepe. CMF atzīmēja, ka FLOKI svētdienā ir veselīga kapitāla plūsma. RSI arī palika virs neitrālajiem 50 6 stundu diagrammā.

Tāpat kā PEPE, viņam ir bullish tirgus struktÅ«ra. Turklāt oktobra 61,8% Fib retracement lÄ«menis ir pieredzējis labu reakciju no buļļiem. ÄŖstermiņā bija iespējama nepastāvÄ«ba.

Lielāka laika joslu novirze strauji pieauga.

FLOKI Hyblock Lik līmeņi

Avots: Hyblock

KumulatÄ«vie likvidācijas lÄ«meņi bija nedaudz negatÄ«vi un liecināja par augÅ”upejoÅ”u kustÄ«bu, lai notÄ«rÄ«tu Ä«sās pozÄ«cijas. Cenas tiek ievilktas ievērojamas likviditātes kabatās.

#binance #Memecoins

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šŸ”„šŸ’„Shiba Inu Coin: Burn Rate Increases 200% Amid SHIB Price Change, What's Next? Shibburn's data shows an approximate 200% surge in Shiba Inu's burn rate today. The burn rate upswing ignites hope for Shiba Inu, although broader market statistics weigh in fueling mixed market sentiments. Shiba Inu witnesses a price flux, with the token trading in the red at press time. #ShibaInu , the meme crypto positioned as the self-proclaimed Dogecoin killer, has once again stirred up a storm of speculation among crypto market traders and investors globally. Today, May 9, the crypto has recorded a significant 200% surge in its burn rate, a development that has coincided with a highly volatile price action experienced by #SHIB in the past 24 hours. These current market statistics have not only set the crypto space abuzz but also sparked discussions among the global crypto community over SHIBā€™s future price movements. Letā€™s delve into SHIBā€™s current cryptographic dynamics. Burn Rate Surge Ignites Hope For Shiba Inu Notably, insights streamlined by the meme coinā€™s burn tracker Shibbrun reveal that the burn rate surged 210.27% in the past 24 hours. Further, incinerating 24.63 million tokens from Shiba Inuā€™s supply, this surge in the burn rate rides usual market sentiments of optimism. Meanwhile, upon deeper investigation, it was found that a massive dead wallet transaction primarily sparked the burn upswing. Shibburnā€™s data shows that a wallet, going by the address 0xa9d1e08c7793aā€¦, moved 24.17 million SHIB to a null address. This transaction has garnered significant attention, as data by Nansen further illustrated that the crypto holdings on this address totaled a whopping $287.57 million. At press time, the walletā€™s SHIB holdings totaled 162.25 billion SHIB. This data, collectively, has set off ripples of speculation across the broader crypto market. #memecoins #binance #altcoins
šŸ«ØšŸ‘ļøWorldcoin Pilots World ID Verification In Peru, WLD Price To Rally? Having made significant progress with the help of #Worldcoin 's Orb verification, a vital component of World Identity verification, including remarkable developments in Argentina and Singapore, the project is now expanding to #Peru aiming to revolutionize digital identity. WLD, the local token of Worldcoin, is ready to potentially benefit from this expansion and is currently attracting the attention of investors, as it is witnessing a decline in price. World Authentication Is Moving to Peru: What's Going On? World Identity Verification is a state-of-the-art, open-source and permission-free digital identity protocol that allows individuals to verify their humanity online while protecting their privacy. This verification primarily takes advantage of Worldcoin's Orb verification process, which uses an Orb to scan a person's irises in order to generate a unique iris code, which is then used to create a distinctive digital identity. In its official statement released on May 8, Worldcoin stated: 'World ID sphere verifications are now available in Lima, the capital of Peru.' Peruvians over the age of 18 have the right to prove their humanity online. According to a recent survey conducted in March this year, 90% of more than 800 Peruvian respondents implied that they wanted technology-based solutions to distinguish people from online bots. Moreover, 84% said that mechanisms that separate machines from humans are 'very much needed' for the future. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Worldcoin seems to have started a nationwide wave with World ID verification. As mentioned above, the development efforts in Argentina included the recording of about 500,000 World Authentications. However, last year, the company launched its Orb verification processes in Singapore in parallel with its efforts to expand its global foothold. #WLD #altcoins #binance
šŸ«ØšŸ‹šŸ‹FLOKI Price Jumps As Whale Buys 19 Bln Coins, Rally To Continue? The rising price of the leading meme coin #Floki attracted the attention of investors today with a notable increase of over 2%. Sunday Dec's surge is also particularly noteworthy as it occurred in the midst of a broader downturn in the crypto market and sparked debate among investors about the driving forces behind floki's sudden rally. Moreover, the meme coin sector also retreated, reflecting the broader Sunday trend. The Whale Has Accumulated 19 Billion #FLOKI In a surprising turn of events, a whale identified by the wallet address "0x864 ...ā€œ9e814" has made significant moves in the FLOKI Sunday, accumulating an astonishing 19 billion coins. This purchase, detected by the famous on-chain transaction tracker Scopescan, sent shockwaves through the crypto community, increasing FLOKI's price amid a bearish market sentiment. Meanwhile, the strategic accumulation of the FLOKI whale involved the withdrawal of a total of 3.28 billion coins worth about $ 18.76 million from the three leading crypto exchanges (Decoin, OKX and others). . In particular, this significant coin movement has fueled speculation about the whale's intentions and their potential impact on floki's future price trajectory. In addition, the data provided by Scopescan showed that the withdrawal and deposit rate for FLOKI in the last 24 hours was 86% and October 14, respectively. This imbalance indicates a significant outflow of the meme coin from the stock exchanges, which indicates a strong bullish feeling among owners and potentially contributes to the price increase of the coin Dec. #memecoins #altcoins #binance
šŸ«ØšŸ«ØšŸ‡ŖšŸ‡ŗCrypto step from the European Union for the 12 trillion euro market: "If it happens, everything will change" The #European Union regulator ESMA is asking financial industry executives and experts questions about whether cryptocurrencies can be considered an investment product. Experts note that if the EU finds the future answers positive and includes crypto in this area, it will have a "game-changing" effect on the financial world. The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has launched a study on whether cryptocurrencies can be considered an investment product. The institution, which asks industry leaders and experts for their opinions on the subject and requests them back, is currently on standby. Many times higher than the US spot #Bitcoin ETFsā€¦ While ESMA is considering whether cryptocurrencies can be included in the ā€œCollective Investment Funds in convertible / transferable Securitiesā€, abbreviated as UCITS, it is seen that the size of the investment trust/funds market also exceeds 12 trillion euros. This figure represents a value many times higher than Bitcoin spot ETFs in the United States. In addition to being a type of mutual fund, also commonly called a UCITS, it allows individual investors to come together to create a portfolio and the portfolio is handed over to a professional manager Dec. These funds mostly invest in stocks, bonds, liquid funds and other financial instruments. Here ESMA is discussing whether cryptocurrencies can also be included in these funds. It will have a game-changing effectā€ Of course, such a move will pave the way for crowds to get involved in the crypto world much easier. Speaking to DL News, financial regulation expert Sean Tuffy, who made the news on the subject, said, ā€œIf ESMA is convinced, the last step that will bring cryptocurrencies to the mainstream will have been taken in Europe. This makes a game-changing impact. Everything changes,ā€ he said. #BTC #binance #altcoins

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