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🌖 LUNC cena atkopšanas režīmā pēc atvēršanas paziņojumiem no SEC un #DoKwon aizsardzības komandas Pirmdien #TerraClassic (LUNC) un #terraluna (LUNA) cenas saglabājās stabilas, sākoties Do Kwon izmēģinājumam ar SEC par Terraform Labs TerraUSD stabilās monētas sabrukumu. Tiesas process sākās Manhetenas federālajā tiesā, kurā Do Kvonu pārstāvēja viņa aizstāvības komanda. SEC uzsvēra Terraform ekosistēmas trūkumus, uzsverot decentralizācijas un finansiālās integritātes trūkumu. Neskatoties uz izmēģinājumu, gan #LUNC. , gan $LUNA cenas uzrādīja atveseļošanās pazīmes, $LUNC cenas pieauga par 3%, bet LUNA - aptuveni 2%. Tomēr izmēģinājuma gaitā saglabājas nenoteiktība, kas, iespējams, var izraisīt nestabilitāti tirgū. #BTC

🌖 LUNC cena atkopšanas režīmā pēc atvēršanas paziņojumiem no SEC un #DoKwon aizsardzības komandas

Pirmdien #TerraClassic (LUNC) un #terraluna (LUNA) cenas saglabājās stabilas, sākoties Do Kwon izmēģinājumam ar SEC par Terraform Labs TerraUSD stabilās monētas sabrukumu. Tiesas process sākās Manhetenas federālajā tiesā, kurā Do Kvonu pārstāvēja viņa aizstāvības komanda. SEC uzsvēra Terraform ekosistēmas trūkumus, uzsverot decentralizācijas un finansiālās integritātes trūkumu. Neskatoties uz izmēģinājumu, gan #LUNC. , gan $LUNA cenas uzrādīja atveseļošanās pazīmes, $LUNC cenas pieauga par 3%, bet LUNA - aptuveni 2%. Tomēr izmēģinājuma gaitā saglabājas nenoteiktība, kas, iespējams, var izraisīt nestabilitāti tirgū.


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🌖 More on the Terra Luna Classic (LUNC) Proposals According to an explanation in regards to this proposal, “increasing the minimum commission is meant to increase the income especially for small validators to motivate them to invest in better infrastructure and increase resistance against attack.” Interestingly, the same can be said of Proposal 12094 “Proposal to decrease MaxBlockSize”. This has been approved officially by the Terra Luna Classic community after surpassing the threshold. The developer team #GenuineLabs was the chief architect of this proposal and is meant to decrease the MaxBlockSize from 5 MB to 2 MB to mitigate peer-to-peer spam. With all of these approved to serve the best interest of the ecosystem, Proposal 12095 – 10x Gas Fees which Crypto News Flash extensively covered was voted against because it could severely damage DApps and threaten the existence of an auto-compound module. In addition to these developments, the #TerraLunaClassic community pool balance has also reached a new milestone at an all-time high of 5 billion LUNC. As of April 21, the community pool held 5,005,468,596 $LUNC and 11,803,526 #USTC . This implies that developers and contributors have access to more funds. However, it has not been utilized to the maximum capacity. Contrary to the ongoing activities within the community, #LUNC✅ has failed to hold its ground as it breaks major support levels to fall by 9% in the last 24 hours, extending its 30-day decline to 39%. At press time, the asset was trading at $0.0001018 with a 5% decline in its 24-hour trading volume. However, analyst Javon Marks believes that the asset could stage a bullish reversal to surge by 270% amid the bull market. His prediction was based on the formation of a massive bull pennant pattern in the long timeline. #bitcoin

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