Binance Square
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#DODOX /#DODOGarais signāls Tehniskā analīze • Paraboliska kustība kopš iekļaušanas sarakstā • Atkārtota parabollas pārbaude un apgriešana virs 78,6% FIB • Tirdzniecība virs ikdienas 200MA • Krūzes un roktura iestatīšana vēsturiskajā plankumu diagrammā (DODO) • Bullish MACD krusts uz HTF Viena no retajām monētām, kas šajā buļļu tirgū vēl nav izsūknējusies. Tas var sasniegt augstu līmeni ļoti ātri.#DODOtokens

#DODOX /#DODOGarais signāls

Tehniskā analīze

• Paraboliska kustība kopš iekļaušanas sarakstā

• Atkārtota parabollas pārbaude un apgriešana virs 78,6% FIB

• Tirdzniecība virs ikdienas 200MA

• Krūzes un roktura iestatīšana vēsturiskajā plankumu diagrammā (DODO)

• Bullish MACD krusts uz HTF

Viena no retajām monētām, kas šajā buļļu tirgū vēl nav izsūknējusies. Tas var sasniegt augstu līmeni ļoti ātri.#DODOtokens

Atruna: iekļauti trešo pušu pausti viedokļi. Šī informācija nav uzskatāma par finansiālu padomu. Skati lietošanas noteikumus.
Atbildes 7
Apskati tev domātu saturu
Reģistrējies, lai iegūtu iespēju nopelnīt atlīdzību 100 USDT vērtībā!
Reģistrēties kā uzņēmumam
Atbilstošs autors

Apskati vairāk satura no autora

To protect yourself from crypto giveaway scams: 1. **Verify Official Accounts:** Only trust cryptocurrency giveaway announcements from verified and official accounts of reputable projects or individuals. Scammers often create fake profiles that look similar to legitimate ones. 2. **Research and Confirm:** Before participating in any giveaway, research the project or individual behind it. Look for official announcements on their official website or social media channels to confirm the authenticity of the giveaway. 3. **Never Share Private Keys:** Legitimate giveaways do not require you to share your private keys or provide access to your wallet. Never share sensitive information or grant access to your funds. 4. **Be Skeptical of Unrealistic Promises:** If a giveaway promises guaranteed returns or seems too good to be true, it's likely a scam. Exercise caution and skepticism, especially when large sums of cryptocurrency are involved. 5. **Double-Check URLs:** Scammers often create fake websites that mimic legitimate ones. Always double-check the URL to ensure you're visiting the correct website of the project or exchange. 6. **Report Suspicious Activity:** If you encounter a suspicious giveaway or believe you've been targeted by a scam, report it to the relevant authorities or the platform where you encountered it. This can help prevent others from falling victim to the same scam. 7. **Educate Yourself:** Stay informed about common cryptocurrency scams and tactics used by scammers. Education is one of the best defenses against falling for fraudulent schemes. Remember, legitimate cryptocurrency projects and individuals do occasionally host giveaways, but it's essential to verify their authenticity before participating to avoid falling victim to scams. #ScamRiskWarning #ScamRiskWarning $BTC $BNB $SOL

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