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#ICP $ICP šŸ’ŽšŸš€šŸŒž

#ICP $ICP šŸ’ŽšŸš€šŸŒž

Vai ICP ir "Debesu karaļa" vai "Debesu nāves" līmeņa projekts? Cik liels ir potenciāls?
ICP ir pazÄ«stams kā karaļa lÄ«meņa projekts. Tas sasniedza savu maksimumu. 2022.Ā gada buļļu tirgus vidÅ« tajā dominēja lielas biržas, un tas visu laiku neliecināja stils stiprs un stiprs Vēlāk tas neizdevās atgÅ«ties un nožēlojami krita, vai tas tieŔām ir tik nepanesams? PagaidÄ«sim, vai tas var atgÅ«t savu slavu. Å”is buļļu tirgus!

1. Kas ir ICP?
Interneta datoram, ko dēvē par ICP monētu, kopējais piedāvājums ir 469,213 miljoni ICP.
Dfinity dibinātājs Dominiks Viljamss vietnē Twitter sacÄ«ja, ka Dfinity integrē Bitcoin, izmantojot Chian Key tehnoloÄ£iju, integrācija tiek panākta, izmantojot ķēdes atslēgas Å”ifrÄ“Å”anas protokolu (Å”ifrÄ“Å”anas protokolu komplektu, kas organizē IC mezglus) un konteinerus.
Atruna: iekļauti treÅ”o puÅ”u pausti viedokļi. Å Ä« informācija nav uzskatāma par finansiālu padomu.Ā Skati lietoÅ”anas noteikumus.
Apskati tev domātu saturu
ReÄ£istrējies, lai iegÅ«tu iespēju nopelnÄ«t atlÄ«dzÄ«bu 100Ā USDT vērtÄ«bā!
Reģistrēties kā uzņēmumam
AtbilstoŔs autors

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#ICPšŸš€šŸš€ $ICP Developers can now integrate @OpenAI's DALL-E and GPT-4 AI models directly into dapps on #ICP šŸ’ŽšŸš€šŸŒž "AI enables personalization and interaction at a level never before achieved in decentralized applications" dApps + AI = Infinite potential ā™¾ļø DFINITY, the foundation behind the innovative Internet Computer Protocol (ICP), has just unveiled a remarkable opportunity for decentralized application (dApp) developers. This new feature involves the ability to integrate OpenAIā€™s cutting-edge artificial intelligence models, DALL-E and GPT-4 Vision Preview, directly into dApps running on the ICP blockchain via the Juno platform. An innovation that comes with significant benefits for developers. AI: A New Possibility for dApp Developers on ICP The integration of DALL-E and GPT-4 Vision Preview into dApps onĀ ICPĀ through Juno opens up a new realm of possibilities for developers. This technological leap allows dApp creators to leverage the advanced capabilities of content generation and natural language processing provided by these AI models. By utilizing canisters and serverless functions, developers can embed these AI models directly into their applications, thereby enhancing the user experience with more natural interactions and dynamically generated content. Beyond improving user experience, the integration of DALL-E and GPT-4 on ICP spurs innovation in dApp development. Developers are encouraged to rethink the functionalities and services their applications can offer, exploring new ways to engage users and solve complex problems with the help of AI. This integration promises to diversify and enrich the dApp ecosystem on ICP, contributing to its evolution and maturity. A Host of Benefits for Developers The integration of artificial intelligence, with DALL-E and GPT-4, into dApps on ICP offers developers numerous advantages. AI enables customization and interaction at a level never before achieved in decentralized applications. Developers can generate and adapt content in real-time according to user preferences and actions.

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