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Vēsturiski kopētāji ir bijuši lēni, lai gūtu saķeri savos agrīnajos bullish gados. ETH vadīs komplektu tikai pēc tam, kad BTC atvērs savus cenu griestus. Pīrāgs tagad ir sasniedzis jaunu augstāko līmeni, bet vēršu tirgus kopētājiem ir tikai sākuma punkts. Trīs veiksmīgas mēmas elementi: unikāls stāstījums + dvēseles raksturs + pirktspēja! Ērti izplatiet unikālus stāstus un stāstus, kurus var izplatīt plašā mērogā bez kropļojumiem! BTC: 10 000 Bitcoins, lai iegādātos picu DOGE: plaši izplatītais Shiba Inu attēls Cilvēki: Pērciet konstitūciju pepe: mēmu aizsācējs SHIB: 50% nonāk Buterīna makā BOME: Ziedojumu izsniegšana SLERF: nodedzināt dīķi Katrs veiksmīgs mēms nav atdalāms no dvēseles aiz tā, kas nosaka augšējo robežu tam, ko projekts var sasniegt. Ar unikālu stāstījumu un dvēseliskiem varoņiem jau ir lojālu fanu grupa. Šī ir kā reliģija, kas attīstās un izplatās pati no sevis, izplešas uz āru ar milzīgu spēku. Tagad, kad ir izveidota grupa un pārliecība, ir svarīgi veicināt pirktspēju, nodrošināt stabilu pirkšanu un stabilu mikroshēmu struktūru. #TrendingTopic: #sol #BOME #ETH

Vēsturiski kopētāji ir bijuši lēni, lai gūtu saķeri savos agrīnajos bullish gados. ETH vadīs komplektu tikai pēc tam, kad BTC atvērs savus cenu griestus. Pīrāgs tagad ir sasniedzis jaunu augstāko līmeni, bet vēršu tirgus kopētājiem ir tikai sākuma punkts.

Trīs veiksmīgas mēmas elementi: unikāls stāstījums + dvēseles raksturs + pirktspēja!

Ērti izplatiet unikālus stāstus un stāstus, kurus var izplatīt plašā mērogā bez kropļojumiem!

BTC: 10 000 Bitcoins, lai iegādātos picu

DOGE: plaši izplatītais Shiba Inu attēls

Cilvēki: Pērciet konstitūciju

pepe: mēmu aizsācējs

SHIB: 50% nonāk Buterīna makā

BOME: Ziedojumu izsniegšana

SLERF: nodedzināt dīķi

Katrs veiksmīgs mēms nav atdalāms no dvēseles aiz tā, kas nosaka augšējo robežu tam, ko projekts var sasniegt.

Ar unikālu stāstījumu un dvēseliskiem varoņiem jau ir lojālu fanu grupa. Šī ir kā reliģija, kas attīstās un izplatās pati no sevis, izplešas uz āru ar milzīgu spēku. Tagad, kad ir izveidota grupa un pārliecība, ir svarīgi veicināt pirktspēju, nodrošināt stabilu pirkšanu un stabilu mikroshēmu struktūru.

#TrendingTopic: #sol #BOME #ETH

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Tesla Starts Accepting Dogecoin as Payment Method at Tesla Shops Elon Musk’s electric car company, Tesla, has recently announced that it will now be accepting Dogecoin as a payment method at Tesla Shops. According to information found on a Dogecoin support page on the Tesla website, customers can now use Dogecoin to purchase eligible Tesla products by looking for the Dogecoin symbol next to the “order” page of Dogecoin-eligible items. This update was made as recently as May 4, according to the Wayback Machine. Customers wishing to make purchases using Dogecoin must do so through a Dogecoin wallet. All eligible Tesla products will have prices clearly listed in Dogecoin, including any applicable taxes, as stated in a frequently asked questions (FAQ) section. However, there are certain terms to be aware of when making payments with Dogecoin. These terms include restrictions on using payments from multiple wallets for a single order, no cancellations once an order is placed, and no returns for items purchased with Dogecoin. Additionally, it’s important to note that Tesla exclusively accepts Dogecoin as a form of payment and cannot process any other digital assets. This decision follows Musk’s previous remarks about Dogecoin during an event at the Tesla Gigafactory in Germany back in March. When questioned about the possibility of Tesla accepting Dogecoin for car purchases, Musk expressed his support, suggesting that it could happen “at some point.” Additionally, it’s important to note that Tesla exclusively accepts Dogecoin as a form of payment and cannot process any other digital assets. This decision follows Musk’s previous remarks about Dogecoin during an event at the Tesla Gigafactory in Germany back in March. When questioned about the possibility of Tesla accepting Dogecoin for car purchases, Musk expressed his support, suggesting that it could happen “at some point.” 💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰#TeslaBitcoin #TradingExchange
🚨 Shiba Inu( SHIB) Scam Alert: Please Be Careful The 'Shibarmy Scam Alert' account on the X platform has issued a caution to the global Shiba Inu (SHIB) community due to an uptick in scammers posing as SHIB development team members. One recent incident involved a fake social media account on Telegram pretending to be Kaal Dhairya, a prominent SHIB developer. These scammers aim to deceive users by sharing false information, leading them to fraudulent websites, and attempting to gather personal data for malicious purposes. The 'Shibarmy Scam Alert' account stressed the importance of staying in touch with official team members and reminded users that no legitimate SHIB team member would initiate contact through direct messages or ask for wallet links or personal information. Additionally, the same source issued a warning about potential scams related to the upcoming TREAT token, which is set to power a layer-3 solution on the Shibarium blockchain once launched. The alert clarified that the SHIB team has not officially released TREAT, contrary to misleading claims. The 'Shibarmy Scam Alert' account advised the SHIB community to refrain from any transactions or investments involving TREAT until its release is confirmed by trustworthy sources. In other developments, the Shibburn account reported a notable increase in the SHIB burn rate. In the past 24 hours, the burn rate surged by 19.64%, resulting in a total of 5,862,502 SHIB tokens being sent to unspendable blockchain addresses, effectively reducing the circulating supply. Notably, the largest burns amounted to 3,285,122 and 1,010,509 SHIB tokens. To date, an impressive 410,726,111,151,270 SHIB tokens have been burned by the SHIB team and community members. This year and in late 2023, Shiba Inu developers have contributed to burning several billion meme coins. 🫂Remember: Your Generous Tips would Empower our Mission and help us to work even Harder for you to give Best Investment Advice.#Write2Profit #bitcoinhalving #SHIBDreams 💰💰💰

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