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Populārākās AI kriptomonētas Bittensor (TAO), Render (RNDR) un (FET) nepārsteidzoši ir 2024. gadā līdz šim populārākās mākslīgā intelekta monētas, pateicoties to lielajai tirgus kapitalizācijai un spēcīgajai cenu veiktspējai. 7 citas populāras AI monētas, kas ierindojas starp 200 labākajām kriptovalūtām pēc tirgus kapitalizācijas, ir Akash Network (AKT), PAAL AI (PAAL), SingularityNET (AGIX), Ocean Protocol (OCEAN), AIOZ tīkls (AIOZ), Nosana (NOS) un Arkham (ARKM). 15 mazākām AI kripto monētām arī ir izdevies piesaistīt uzmanību un ierindoties starp populārākajām. Piemēram, PaLM AI (PALM) ir ieguvusi ievērojamu interesi, saistoties ar Google AI tehnoloģiju. Tikmēr viedais līgumu auditors (0X0), RWA platforma TokenFi (TOKEN), tīmekļa 3 spēļu infrastruktūra GameSwift (GSWIFT) un sociālās tirdzniecības platforma Zignaly (ZIG) ir radījuši interesi par mākslīgā intelekta tehnoloģiju iekļaušanu. Mazākās, bet populārās AI kriptomonētas ir Autonolas (OLAS), Oraichain (ORAI) un (CLORE). 25 populārākās mākslīgā intelekta kriptomonētas, kuru pamatā ir tīmekļa trafika bez robotiem 2024. gadā, ir sakārtotas šādi: 1 bittensor (TAO) 11,95% 2 Renderēšana (RNDR) 10,18% 3 (FET) 8,86% 4 Akash tīkls (AKT) 5,79% 5 PAAL AI (PAAL) 5,72% 6 PaLM AI (PALM) 4,94% 7 SingularityNET (AGIX) 4,41% 8 Solidus AI Tech (AITECH) 4,16% 9 DeepFakeAI (FAKEAI) 4,06% 10 ķēdes GPT (CGPT) 3,94% 11 Autonolas (OLAS) 3,94% 12 AIT protokols (AIT) 3,72% 13 LayerAI (LAI) 2,85% 14 Nosana (NOS) 2,81% 15 Oraichain (ORAI) 2,51% 16 Okeāna protokols (OCEAN) 2,35% 17 AIOZ tīkls (AIOZ) 2,29% 18 (0X0) 2,12% 19 TokenFi (TOKEN) 2,03% 20 GameSwift (GSWIFT) 1,95% 21 Arkham (ARKM) 1,92% 22 Bezmiega AI (AI) 1,91% 23 Zignaly (ZIG) 1,91% 24 (CLORE) 1,88% 25 Delysium (AGI) 1,80%

Populārākās AI kriptomonētas

Bittensor (TAO), Render (RNDR) un (FET) nepārsteidzoši ir 2024. gadā līdz šim populārākās mākslīgā intelekta monētas, pateicoties to lielajai tirgus kapitalizācijai un spēcīgajai cenu veiktspējai. 7 citas populāras AI monētas, kas ierindojas starp 200 labākajām kriptovalūtām pēc tirgus kapitalizācijas, ir Akash Network (AKT), PAAL AI (PAAL), SingularityNET (AGIX), Ocean Protocol (OCEAN), AIOZ tīkls (AIOZ), Nosana (NOS) un Arkham (ARKM).

15 mazākām AI kripto monētām arī ir izdevies piesaistīt uzmanību un ierindoties starp populārākajām. Piemēram, PaLM AI (PALM) ir ieguvusi ievērojamu interesi, saistoties ar Google AI tehnoloģiju. Tikmēr viedais līgumu auditors (0X0), RWA platforma TokenFi (TOKEN), tīmekļa 3 spēļu infrastruktūra GameSwift (GSWIFT) un sociālās tirdzniecības platforma Zignaly (ZIG) ir radījuši interesi par mākslīgā intelekta tehnoloģiju iekļaušanu.

Mazākās, bet populārās AI kriptomonētas ir Autonolas (OLAS), Oraichain (ORAI) un (CLORE).

25 populārākās mākslīgā intelekta kriptomonētas, kuru pamatā ir tīmekļa trafika bez robotiem 2024. gadā, ir sakārtotas šādi:

1 bittensor (TAO) 11,95%

2 Renderēšana (RNDR) 10,18%

3 (FET) 8,86%

4 Akash tīkls (AKT) 5,79%

5 PAAL AI (PAAL) 5,72%

6 PaLM AI (PALM) 4,94%

7 SingularityNET (AGIX) 4,41%

8 Solidus AI Tech (AITECH) 4,16%

9 DeepFakeAI (FAKEAI) 4,06%

10 ķēdes GPT (CGPT) 3,94%

11 Autonolas (OLAS) 3,94%

12 AIT protokols (AIT) 3,72%

13 LayerAI (LAI) 2,85%

14 Nosana (NOS) 2,81%

15 Oraichain (ORAI) 2,51%

16 Okeāna protokols (OCEAN) 2,35%

17 AIOZ tīkls (AIOZ) 2,29%

18 (0X0) 2,12%

19 TokenFi (TOKEN) 2,03%

20 GameSwift (GSWIFT) 1,95%

21 Arkham (ARKM) 1,92%

22 Bezmiega AI (AI) 1,91%

23 Zignaly (ZIG) 1,91%

24 (CLORE) 1,88%

25 Delysium (AGI) 1,80%

Atruna: iekļauti trešo pušu pausti viedokļi. Šī informācija nav uzskatāma par finansiālu padomu. Var būt iekļauts apmaksāts saturs. Skati lietošanas noteikumus.
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How Did Bitcoin Price Move During and After Previous Halvings: Here is the Data How did the halving period, one of Bitcoin's most anticipated events, affect the BTC price in past events? As we approach the next Bitcoin halving event, scheduled for Saturday, April 20 at approximately 1:00 am ET, it is worth taking a look at how the Bitcoin price has reacted before and after previous halvings. Historically, the year following the halving has seen significant increases in Bitcoin's price: 2012: 8.839% 2016: 285% 2020: 548% The month following the halving saw more mixed results: 2012: 9% 2016: -10% 2020: 6% Related News Shocking Statement from the Founder of Altcoin, Which Soared Up to 300 Percent Today: "I'm Suspending" While the data we have is limited, an interesting pattern emerges: The market is pricing in the short-term impact of the halving but underestimating the long-term impact. Former Bitmex CEO Arthur Hayes shared his thoughts on the upcoming Bitcoin halving in a Medium post last week. While discussing the halving, which is seen as a bullish catalyst for cryptocurrency markets, he said: “I agree that this will raise prices in the medium term, but price movements immediately before and after may be negative.” Hayes also noted: “The narrative that the halving is positive for crypto prices is well established. When most market participants agree on a particular outcome, the opposite often occurs.“I believe that Bitcoin and crypto prices will generally decline during the halving period.”*This is not investment advice.
Cardano Smart Contracts: What Makes Them Different? Smart contracts are a crucial component of decentralized blockchain networks, automating the execution of agreements without the need for intermediaries. Cardano, a prominent blockchain platform, has emerged as a leading player in the smart contract arena. What sets Cardano's smart contracts apart from others, and why are they gaining attention in the blockchain community? One key differentiator of Cardano's smart contracts is their foundation on peer-reviewed academic research and a rigorous development process. Cardano's approach prioritizes security, scalability, and sustainability, aiming to address the limitations faced by other blockchain networks. The platform's smart contracts are created using the Plutus programming language, which offers developers a secure and reliable framework for building decentralized applications. Another standout feature of Cardano's smart contracts is their focus on interoperability and compatibility with existing systems. By utilizing open standards and protocols, Cardano enables seamless integration with external networks and applications, fostering a more interconnected and versatile blockchain ecosystem. This interoperability opens up new opportunities for developers and businesses looking to leverage smart contracts for a wide range of use cases. In conclusion, Cardano's smart contracts stand out for their commitment to security, interoperability, and sustainability. With a strong foundation in academic research, a focus on open standards, and energy-efficient design principles, Cardano is well-positioned to drive innovation and adoption in the smart contract space. #Cardano #SmartContracts #Blockchain #Plutus #Interoperability #Sustainability
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