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BitEagle News
You have to get comfortable with missing out, Dont get comfortable with the idea of never being risky, you have to be risky and have some conviction… BUT its ok to miss that memecoin that just moonshot over night, that NFT 10x that you faded. Its better to say fock the fomo and be on your toes and start looking for whats next. This space moves fast, be ok with missing out. #Fomo #BullRun #BitEagleNews

You have to get comfortable with missing out,

Dont get comfortable with the idea of never being risky, you have to be risky and have some conviction…

BUT its ok to miss that memecoin that just moonshot over night, that NFT 10x that you faded.

Its better to say fock the fomo and be on your toes and start looking for whats next.

This space moves fast, be ok with missing out.

#Fomo #BullRun #BitEagleNews

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Derīguma termiņš: 2024-03-08 11:42:04
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