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šŸ”„šŸ’„Filecoin cenas pieaugums: LÅ«k, kāpēc FIL pieaug rekordātrumā Nesenais cenu pieaugums #Filecoin ir piesaistÄ«jis tirgus uzmanÄ«bu. Kriptogrāfija pēdējo 24 stundu laikā ir pieaugusi lÄ«dz pat 16%, ātri kļūstot par vienu no vadoÅ”ajiem žetoniem, ar kuriem mijiedarboties. Filecoin ievērojamais cenu pieaugums lielā mērā bija saistÄ«ts ar neseno partnerÄ«bu ar blokķēdes gigantu Solana. Nesenais cenu pieaugums #FILCOIN ir kļuvis par ievērojamu notikumu kriptogrāfijas entuziastiem. Saskaņā ar CoinMarketCap datiem, Filecoin ikdienas darÄ«jumu apjoms ir pieaudzis lÄ«dz pat 217%, kas liecina, ka lietotāju interese pieaug. OktobrÄ« kriptovalÅ«ta ieņēma 12. vietu tirgus kapitalizācijas ziņā. viņŔ pozicionēja to kā vadoÅ”o kriptovalÅ«tu. Filecoin fenomenālais cenu pieaugums galvenokārt bija saistÄ«ts ar neseno sadarbÄ«bu ar Solana. Saskaņā ar oficiālo ziņojumu Solana izmantos un gÅ«s labumu no Filecoin lielisko uzglabāŔanas pakalpojumu, lai arhivētu blokķēdes vēsturi un datus. "Solana izmanto Filecoin, lai padarÄ«tu bloku vēsturi pieejamāku un noderÄ«gāku infrastruktÅ«ras nodroÅ”inātājiem, pētniekiem, indeksētājiem un ikvienam, kam nepiecieÅ”ama piekļuve vēsturei. Izmantojot Filecoin decentralizētās krātuves funkcijas, Solana var panākt datu dublÄ“Å”anu, mērogojamÄ«bu un uzlabotu droŔību, vienlaikus paliek uzticÄ«gs savam decentralizētajam ētikam.ā€ Ziņojums vēlāk tika kopÄ«gots. Filecoin ir gatavs veiksmÄ«gai cenas atgÅ«Å”anai Nesenais Filecoin cenu pieaugums ir piespiedis kriptovalÅ«tu analÄ«tiÄ·us publicēt pozitÄ«vas cenu prognozes. Ali Martiness, viens no vadoÅ”ajiem kriptovalÅ«tu analÄ«tiÄ·iem, sociālajā tÄ«klā Twitter dalÄ«jās, kā FIL svētdien ir gatavs uzņemt lielāku impulsu. Ņemot vērā paÅ”reizējo FIL cenu tendenci, Martiness ātri prognozēja kriptovalÅ«tas nākamo cenu mērÄ·i. "VeiksmÄ«gs izrāviens pie Ŕīs barjeras varētu ievērojami atbalstÄ«t USD FIL cenu un, iespējams, trÄ«skārÅ”ot tās vērtÄ«bu lÄ«dz 25,5 USD!" FIL nesenais cenu pieaugums ir piesaistÄ«jis arÄ« atvasināto instrumentu investoru uzmanÄ«bu. Jaunākie Coinglass dati liecina, ka atklātā interese par FIL fjūčeriem arÄ« pieaugusi lÄ«dz 26 nedēļu augstākajam lÄ«menim. #binance

šŸ”„šŸ’„Filecoin cenas pieaugums: LÅ«k, kāpēc FIL pieaug rekordātrumā

Nesenais cenu pieaugums #Filecoin ir piesaistÄ«jis tirgus uzmanÄ«bu. Kriptogrāfija pēdējo 24 stundu laikā ir pieaugusi lÄ«dz pat 16%, ātri kļūstot par vienu no vadoÅ”ajiem žetoniem, ar kuriem mijiedarboties.

Filecoin ievērojamais cenu pieaugums lielā mērā bija saistīts ar neseno partnerību ar blokķēdes gigantu Solana.

Nesenais cenu pieaugums #FILCOIN ir kļuvis par ievērojamu notikumu kriptogrāfijas entuziastiem. Saskaņā ar CoinMarketCap datiem, Filecoin ikdienas darÄ«jumu apjoms ir pieaudzis lÄ«dz pat 217%, kas liecina, ka lietotāju interese pieaug. OktobrÄ« kriptovalÅ«ta ieņēma 12. vietu tirgus kapitalizācijas ziņā. viņŔ pozicionēja to kā vadoÅ”o kriptovalÅ«tu.

Filecoin fenomenālais cenu pieaugums galvenokārt bija saistīts ar neseno sadarbību ar Solana.

Saskaņā ar oficiālo ziņojumu Solana izmantos un gÅ«s labumu no Filecoin lielisko uzglabāŔanas pakalpojumu, lai arhivētu blokķēdes vēsturi un datus.

"Solana izmanto Filecoin, lai padarÄ«tu bloku vēsturi pieejamāku un noderÄ«gāku infrastruktÅ«ras nodroÅ”inātājiem, pētniekiem, indeksētājiem un ikvienam, kam nepiecieÅ”ama piekļuve vēsturei. Izmantojot Filecoin decentralizētās krātuves funkcijas, Solana var panākt datu dublÄ“Å”anu, mērogojamÄ«bu un uzlabotu droŔību, vienlaikus paliek uzticÄ«gs savam decentralizētajam ētikam.ā€ Ziņojums vēlāk tika kopÄ«gots.

Filecoin ir gatavs veiksmīgai cenas atgūŔanai

Nesenais Filecoin cenu pieaugums ir piespiedis kriptovalūtu analītiķus publicēt pozitīvas cenu prognozes.

Ali Martiness, viens no vadoÅ”ajiem kriptovalÅ«tu analÄ«tiÄ·iem, sociālajā tÄ«klā Twitter dalÄ«jās, kā FIL svētdien ir gatavs uzņemt lielāku impulsu.

Ņemot vērā paÅ”reizējo FIL cenu tendenci, Martiness ātri prognozēja kriptovalÅ«tas nākamo cenu mērÄ·i.

"VeiksmÄ«gs izrāviens pie Ŕīs barjeras varētu ievērojami atbalstÄ«t USD FIL cenu un, iespējams, trÄ«skārÅ”ot tās vērtÄ«bu lÄ«dz 25,5 USD!"

FIL nesenais cenu pieaugums ir piesaistījis arī atvasināto instrumentu investoru uzmanību. Jaunākie Coinglass dati liecina, ka atklātā interese par FIL fjūčeriem arī pieaugusi līdz 26 nedēļu augstākajam līmenim.


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šŸ˜±šŸ”„Dogecoin (DOGE) Non-Empty Wallets Increased 13.8% in Recent Months According to on-chain analytics firm Sentiment, the number of non-empty Dogecoin wallets has increased by 13.8% in the last three months. This comes despite a recent flattening trend following a tremendous upswing earlier this year. The increase in non-empty wallets demonstrates the continuous Dogecoin user activity, highlighting the enduring appeal of the iconic cryptocurrency. The increase in active wallets also indicates that there is a constant interest in dog-themed cryptocurrency, even if the market is experiencing a consolidation phase. This shows that despite the lack of dramatic price action, the Dogecoin community remains active and may even expand The price of Dogecoin surged at the beginning of the year, fueled in part by a frenzy of retail investor interest, and reached a high of $0.229 on March 28. As a result, #Dogecoin refused to enter a consolidation period, with its price flattening and trading in a December. Despite this apparent stability, the #dogecoin community remains vibrant and engaged, as evidenced by the rise in non-empty wallets. The growth in non-empty wallets also follows ongoing developments and initiatives aimed at expanding the adoption of Dogecoin. In late March, the Dogecoin Foundation launched version 1.0 of gigawallet, a back-end service that provides a convenient integration API for platforms such as online stores, exchanges and social media platforms to programmatically process Dogecoin. The increase in non-empty wallets could be a positive sign for Dogecoin, as it implies that the community is not only driven by speculative trading, but also includes users who see value in keeping DOGE for the long term. At the time of writing, #DOGE has risen by 2.82% in the last 24 hours to $ 0.149, and after yesterday's decline, it has fallen to a low of $ 0.142. Dogecoin ranks as the eighth largest cryptocurrency with a market capitalization of $ 21.49 billion. #Memecoins #binance
šŸ˜±šŸš€šŸš€Bitcoin Raises Bull Flag, Formation Triggers $100,000 Call A bullish flag has recently appeared on the Bitcoin chart, increasing the likelihood of a reversal of the trend in a short time when the flagship crypto makes significant moves upwards. This crypto analyst suggests that the crypto could go up to $ 100,000 when he makes this move. Bitcoin's Bullish Flag Points To Further Upside Denis Baca, Product Manager at Zivoe Finance, noted that the bullish flag formation on Bitcoin's daily chart historically suggests that the crypto token is preparing for more advantages. He added that the bullish pattern is ā€œshaping up nicelyā€ and that Bitcoin could potentially rise towards $100,000 when the declining volume picks up. However, Baca also suggested that Bitcoin could fall below $ 60,000 before making such a parabolic move. He touched on how the crypto token has historically retested the support level of the 20-week SMA (small moving average) in May. He claimed that this could cause Bitcoin to fall to $ 56,000. The total crypto market capitalization currently stands at $2.2 trillion. Baca noted that such price drops may be ā€œhealthyā€ for Bitcoin before they reverse. He noted that these declines ā€œoffer solid buying opportunities" that could help Bitcoin rise to record highs. Crypto analyst Mikybull Crypto also shared his thoughts on what this bullish pattern could mean for Bitcoin. For his part, he suggested that the formation further proves that Bitcoin's bull run is continuing, and it is unlikely that the downward trend will reverse. #BTC Needs a Catalyst to Trigger This Upward Trend Andrey Stoychev, head of Nexo's main brokerage firm, stated that it is unlikely that any potential price increase for Bitcoin will be realized without a catalyst. He noted that the flagship crypto token managed to establish flexible support at $ 64,000, but will continue to trade only in the December of $ 67,000 without any catalysts. #BullorBear #binance #Bitcoin
šŸ˜±šŸ”„As the declines end, PEPE and FLOKI are on the rise: Will this continue? FLOKI and PEPE are up by 2% and 8% respectively. Pepe's indicators were mostly bullish, but FLOKI's indicators were bearish. Like most cryptocurrencies, Meme coins witnessed price corrections on April 27. Pepe [PEPE] and Floki Inu [FLOKI] were no exception, as their values also fell sharply. However, there was some good news as these memecoins are showing signs of recovery which could allow them to regain the value they have shed. In fact, floki's Weighted Sentiment remained in the negative zone, which meant that the bearish feeling around the token was dominant in the market. However, the last few hours have been in favor of investors, as the price charts for both of these tokens have turned green. According to Coinmarketcap, the price of floki has increased by more than 2%. At the time of writing, it was trading at $0.0001787 with a market capitalization of over $1.7 billion. We then checked floki's daily schedule to see which one he went to. PEPE takes the lead While #floki is on the rise, #pepe has gone even further, as its price has increased by more than 8% in the last 24 hours. At the time of writing, meme coin was trading at $0.000007686 with a market capitalization of over $3.2 billion, making it the 37th most traded coin in the world. he was making it into the biggest crypto money. Intotheblock's data revealed that more than 72% of PEPE investors were in profit at press time. AMBCrypto also found that the buying pressure on PEPE has increased in the last few days. This seemed to be the case, as its supply outside the stock exchanges increased while its supply in the stock exchanges decreased. The technical indicator MACD showed a bullish advantage in the market. Meme coin's Relative Strength Index (RSI) also registered an increase, implying that the price increase continued in the following days. #Memecoins #binance
šŸ˜±šŸ¦ˆšŸ¦ˆ74 Million XRP Mysteriously Moved to Wallets While Whales Made Crazy Moves XRP, the seventh largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization, has experienced a flurry of activity with a staggering 74 million tokens mysteriously transferred to various wallets through a series of transactions. Significant XRP token transfers, which may bring to mind the whale purchase, have ignited speculation and intrigue in the XRP community and the broader cryptocurrency market. XRP has fluctuated over the past 24 hours and its price has fallen amid a broader market downturn. At the time of writing, XRP has fallen by 1.14% to $0.516 over the past 24 hours, after falling to an intraday low of $0.5077. Millions of XRP tokens have been moved to various unknown wallets on crypto exchanges such as Binance and Bitvavo in the last 24 hours, in a way that may coincide with the crypto whales' strategic move to buy the fall. Whale Alert, a cryptocurrency data tracker, reveals three transactions totaling more than 74 million XRP. Whale Alert @whale_alert šŸšØ 24,118,600 #XRP (12,461,230 USD) transferred from Bitvavo to unknown wallet In two separate transactions, 24,059,884 XRP worth $12,390,804 and 26,336,059 XRP worth $13,563,030 were transferred from #binance to unknown wallets. The third transaction involved the transfer of 24,118,600 XRP worth $12,461,230 from the Bitvavo exchange to an unknown wallet. This series of transactions has raised questions about the goals and intentions behind the move, as well as the fact that the identities of the recipient wallets are unknown. Not ruling out the possibility of a re-shuffle of funds, transactions may be related to whales or large shareholders who want to take advantage of market trends. Dec. Keep in mind that withdrawals from cryptocurrency exchanges can be a sign of a purchase. According to Centiment's on-chain data, XRP may currently be undervalued with a profit rate of 77%. Compared to other cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, a low percentage of supply in profit may indicate a low valuation. #XRPUSDT
šŸ”„šŸ’„Top 3 Meme Coins to Add to Your Portfolio That Can Bring You 10 Times Profit DogWifHat (WIF) dogwifhat with cryptocurrency Dogwifhat (WIF), currently trading at $ 3.03, has experienced an increase of 2.27% in the last 24 hours. The cryptocurrency's 24-hour decline and highs are at $2.87 and $3.34, respectively. The growing interest in Dogwifhat's strong community and ecosystem does not make it any different. Further investment The discovery of the potential of this meme can be increased by the speed of demand for wif, which can lead to a significant price increase. With similar features and the potential to be widely used, Dogwifhat is a meme token that should definitely be monitored for a potential 10 times earnings. Shiba Inu (SHIB) Shiba Inu Is Predicted to Reach 8 Cents: That's When As the second largest meme coin by market capitalization, the Shiba Inu has already registered its ability to provide great returns for early investors. #SHIB , which is currently trading at a value of $ 0.00002579, has experienced a 2.83% increase in the last 24 hours. The 24-hour lows and highs of the coin are $0.00002457 and $0.00002652, respectively. Despite its effective performance in the past, many people believe that Shiba Inu still has significant potential. #Dogecoin 's Return to the $0.2 Level Is Predicted: That's When Dogecoin, the original meme coin that started at the moment but has since become a serious competitor in the cryptocurrency space, is another token with a 10-fold earning potential. DOGE, which is currently trading at $0.1509, has experienced an increase of 0.18% in the last 24 hours. The 24-hour lowest and highest prices of the coin are at $ 0.1477 and $ 0.1542, respectively. Although Dogecoin is a significant large registration, he believes that the popularity of multiple people's coins and the growing acceptance of cryptocurrencies may lead to their price becoming even more valuable. #Memecoins #WIF

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