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Solana (SOL) pārsteidzoši integrējas ar Filecoin (FIL): Sīkāka informācija. Partnerība paver jaunas iespējas uzņēmumam Solana (SOL) attiecībā uz datu pieejamību, darījumu ātrumu un tīkla veiktspēju. Turklāt jaunais dizains padara Solana (SOL) ekosistēmu progresīvāku decentralizācijas ziņā. Sākas Solana (SOL), Filecoin (FIL) tehnoloģiju partnerība. Solana (SOL), augstas veiktspējas L1 blokķēde, vakar, 2024. gada 16. februārī, paziņoja, ka tā ir integrēta ar Filecoin (FIL), decentralizētu tīklu, kas nodarbojas ar datu glabāšanu un apstrādi. Solana (SOL) izmantos Filecoin (FIL) datu instrumentus, lai padarītu savu bloku vēsturi pieejamāku un lietojamāku Web3 infrastruktūras nodrošinātājiem, bloku pētniekiem, indeksētājiem un jebkuram tīkla dalībniekam, kurš ir ieinteresēts pārbaudīt Solana (SOL) darījumu arhīva datus. Tā rezultātā Solana (SOL) sasniegs jaunus pavērsienus datu dublēšanas, mērogojamības un uzlabotas drošības ziņā bez decentralizācijas kompromisiem. Pēc paziņojuma Filecoin (FIL) cena pieauga par vairāk nekā 10%, sasniedzot vairāku nedēļu maksimumu virs 6,4 USD lielākajās tūlītējās biržās. Solana's (SOL) Jakovenko vietnē Filecoin (FIL): "Liels decentralizēts arhīva slānis" Kā uzsvēra Filecoin (FIL) pārstāvji, jaunā partnerība būs izdevīga dažādu ekosistēmu tehnoloģiju izstrādātājiem un Web3 entuziastiem: Šī sadarbība demonstrē blokķēdes tīklu spēku, lai izveidotu izturīgākas un elastīgākas ekosistēmas lietotāju un izstrādātāju labā. Solana Labs dibinātājs Anatolijs Jakovenko uzsvēra Filecoin (FIL) tehnoloģiju pārākumu un tā iespējamo lomu Solana (SOL) arhīvu datu pārvaldībā. Jakovenko arī minēja Triton One RPC infrastruktūras nodrošinātāja lomu Solana (SOL) un Filecoin (FIL) integrācijā.

Solana (SOL) pārsteidzoši integrējas ar Filecoin (FIL): Sīkāka informācija.

Partnerība paver jaunas iespējas uzņēmumam Solana (SOL) attiecībā uz datu pieejamību, darījumu ātrumu un tīkla veiktspēju. Turklāt jaunais dizains padara Solana (SOL) ekosistēmu progresīvāku decentralizācijas ziņā.

Sākas Solana (SOL), Filecoin (FIL) tehnoloģiju partnerība.

Solana (SOL), augstas veiktspējas L1 blokķēde, vakar, 2024. gada 16. februārī, paziņoja, ka tā ir integrēta ar Filecoin (FIL), decentralizētu tīklu, kas nodarbojas ar datu glabāšanu un apstrādi.

Solana (SOL) izmantos Filecoin (FIL) datu instrumentus, lai padarītu savu bloku vēsturi pieejamāku un lietojamāku Web3 infrastruktūras nodrošinātājiem, bloku pētniekiem, indeksētājiem un jebkuram tīkla dalībniekam, kurš ir ieinteresēts pārbaudīt Solana (SOL) darījumu arhīva datus.

Tā rezultātā Solana (SOL) sasniegs jaunus pavērsienus datu dublēšanas, mērogojamības un uzlabotas drošības ziņā bez decentralizācijas kompromisiem.

Pēc paziņojuma Filecoin (FIL) cena pieauga par vairāk nekā 10%, sasniedzot vairāku nedēļu maksimumu virs 6,4 USD lielākajās tūlītējās biržās.

Solana's (SOL)

Jakovenko vietnē Filecoin (FIL): "Liels decentralizēts arhīva slānis"

Kā uzsvēra Filecoin (FIL) pārstāvji, jaunā partnerība būs izdevīga dažādu ekosistēmu tehnoloģiju izstrādātājiem un Web3 entuziastiem:

Šī sadarbība demonstrē blokķēdes tīklu spēku, lai izveidotu izturīgākas un elastīgākas ekosistēmas lietotāju un izstrādātāju labā.

Solana Labs dibinātājs Anatolijs Jakovenko uzsvēra Filecoin (FIL) tehnoloģiju pārākumu un tā iespējamo lomu Solana (SOL) arhīvu datu pārvaldībā.

Jakovenko arī minēja Triton One RPC infrastruktūras nodrošinātāja lomu Solana (SOL) un Filecoin (FIL) integrācijā.

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Chainlink (LINK) Defies Market Trend With 14% Jump in Key Metric. Chainlink (LINK), the dominant Ethereum- based oracle protocol, is standing its ground against market bears at a time when the broader digital currency ecosystem is seeing a negative reversal. At the time of writing, CoinMarketCap data shows LINK is up by 3.18% in 23 hours to $18.54, a figure that compares to the 0.62% drop in the combined market cap. While its daily growth rate is impressive compared to that of Bitcoin (BTC) and other top altcoins, Chainlink's 14.74% surge in volume places it on the right path for more potential surges. A total of $445,393,986 in LINK has been shuffled in between exchanges lately, placing the token as the 21st most traded in the market. The optimism surrounding Chainlink in the retail market suggests the sentiment to buy is impacted. If it is sustained, the decoupling from the bearish Bitcoin twist might help it extend its daily bullish candle. The LINK/ USD * 4H chart as seen on TradingView reveals that the token is trading above its 50, 100 and 200 moving averages, a bullish showcase. Over the past month, market data reveals Chainlink has printed 36.46% growth. Many trends have contributed to this major uptick in Chainlink, and beyond regular whale shifts, this primarily hinges on its value addition and the niche it occupies in the industry. As a dominant Oracle service provider, Chainlink powers the operational efficiencies of many decentralized applications (dApps). To further solidify its position in the industry, Chainlink has inked several partnerships with top protocols to power their interoperability reach. Chainlink also benefited from its staking engine upgrade as the protocol now offers a more enhanced avenue to bet on LINK while also democratizing engagements across the board.
Cardano Founder Awaits 'Big Moment' to Engage With Elon Musk: Details. In a recent revelation, Cardano founder Charles Hoskinson has hinted at the possibility of a future interaction with tech mogul Elon Musk. However, Hoskinson emphasized that he is reserving this opportunity for a particularly "big moment," underscoring the strategic patience behind his decision. Hoskinson, a prominent figure in the blockchain and cryptocurrency world, has expressed his intention to engage with Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX. However, Hoskinson is keen on ensuring that this interaction happens at the right moment, suggesting that he is saving this "card" for something massive. "You only get to pull that card once," Hoskinson remarked, highlighting the importance of timing. "I'm saving it for something big." While Hoskinson has not disclosed specific details about the "something big" he is awaiting, it might be likely tied to a significant milestone or breakthrough for Cardano. This could range from a major technological advancement, a strategic partnership, or a substantial expansion of the network's capabilities. Whatever the occasion, it is clear that Hoskinson aims to maximize the impact of his engagement with Musk. A potential discussion between Hoskinson and Musk would have significant implications for the cryptocurrency industry. Both individuals are renowned for their innovative approaches and contributions to technology, and their interaction could lead to groundbreaking developments in the crypto and blockchain sectors. It should be recalled that Hoskinson previously expressed interest in working with Musk to create a decentralized version of Twitter. As the Cardano network continues to evolve and achieve new milestones, the prospect of a collaboration or dialogue with Musk adds an element of anticipation and excitement for the community. The crypto world will be watching closely to see what the "big moment" will be and how it might influence the future of Cardano and the broader cryptocurrency industry.
Shiba Inu (SHIB) May Break Major Record This Month, Here's Reason. Shiba Inu (SHIB) had a good showing in the month of May, despite the broader market uncertainty. The digital currency recorded 13.2% growth in May, according to data from Cryptorank. This performance is a major lift-off from the 15.4% slump it recorded in May 2023 as it effectively broke free from that bearish trend. This month holds an even bigger stake for Shiba Inu. Since its inception, the digital currency has never recorded a positive close for June. In June 2021, the token recorded a 4.75% slump, setting the historic record for a 12% slump in June 2022. Last year, Shiba Inu also ended the month down by 11.5%, creating an avenue for SHIB to make a difference this month. The market dynamics this year are quite different from any in the past three years. Now, there are spot Bitcoin ETF products trading on U.S. stock exchanges. While this does not impact Shiba Inu directly, it bolsters the general institutional liquidity that can drive BTC prices up. As a token with a high correlation with Bitcoin, Shiba Inu is also poised to benefit from this rally. As per the internal Shiba Inu updates, the digital currency has recorded a major evolution that can contribute to its bid to breach major records this month. Unlike last year, Shibarium is fully operational with a growing total value locked (TVL) and functional decentralized applications (dApps) that are helping to drive the demand surge for SHIB. Shiba Inu is also well positioned to make history this month considering its current momentum over the past few weeks. Though it has been in and out of the top 10 list of coins by market cap, displacing Cardano and Avalanche recently, SHIB has shown that it can ride a steady momentum to clear outstanding losses. While it remains too early to tell, Shiba Inu might pull a similar May growth stunt to breach the historic June losing streak.

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