Binance Square
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KRIPTO KOPIENA REAGĀ UZ CZ ATSTĀŠANĀS — VIŅŠ IR LEĢENDA Tas ir apstiprināts!! CZ ir atkāpies no Binance izpilddirektora amata, samaksājot Amerikas Savienoto Valstu Tieslietu ministrijai (DOJ) vairāk nekā 4 miljardus ASV dolāru. CZ paziņojumā par X ir stāstīts par vadītāju, kurš darīja visu iespējamo un dodas mājās atpūsties — “Es vispirms paņemšu pārtraukumu. Pēdējo 6 ar pusi gadu laikā man nav bijis nevienas reālas (izslēgts telefona) dienas.” Šodien Bloomberg publicēja ziņojumu, ka Binance izpilddirektors Changpeng Zhao (alias CZ) vēlas norēķināties ar ASV DOJ par 4 miljardiem ASV dolāru. Nu tā ir taisnība. ASV DOJ iekasēja maksu no pasaules lielākās kriptovalūtas biržas Binance par sankciju un naudas pārsūtīšanas likumu pārkāpšanu. Binance ir piekritusi maksāt 4,3 miljardus ASV dolāru, lai atrisinātu apsūdzības, kā rezultātā ASV jebkad ir saņēmis "vienu no lielākajiem sodiem" no korporatīvā apsūdzētā. Uzņēmuma dibinātājs un izpilddirektors Changpeng “CZ” Zhao apsūdzībā Sietlā atzina savu vainu savās apsūdzībās un piekrita samaksāt 50 miljonu dolāru soda naudu. CZ kriptovalūtu ēra beidzas Tiesas dokumentā, kas otrdien tika aizzīmogots, apgalvots, ka Binance atzīts par vainīgu neatļautā naudas pārsūtīšanas biznesā, efektīvas naudas atmazgāšanas apkarošanas programmas neuzturēšanā un sankciju likuma pārkāpšanā. Citā pieteikumā norādīts, ka CZ ir iesniegusi savu vainu Banku noslēpuma likuma pārkāpšanā un par to, ka finanšu iestāde lika pārkāpt BSA. Viņa sankcija tiks atskaitīta arī no summas, ko viņš ir parādā Commodity Futures Trading Commission, saskaņā ar iesniegumu ASV Tieslietu departamentā. CZ apmeklēja savu X lapu, lai paziņotu saviem 8,7 miljoniem sekotāju, ka viņa ēra ir beigusies. Viņa paziņojumi sākas šādi: Šodien es atkāpos no Binance izpilddirektora amata. Jāatzīst, ka emocionāli nebija viegli atbrīvoties. Bet es zinu, ka tas ir pareizi. Es pieļāvu kļūdas, un man jāuzņemas atbildība. Tas ir vislabākais mūsu kopienai, Binance un man.


Tas ir apstiprināts!! CZ ir atkāpies no Binance izpilddirektora amata, samaksājot Amerikas Savienoto Valstu Tieslietu ministrijai (DOJ) vairāk nekā 4 miljardus ASV dolāru.

CZ paziņojumā par X ir stāstīts par vadītāju, kurš darīja visu iespējamo un dodas mājās atpūsties — “Es vispirms paņemšu pārtraukumu. Pēdējo 6 ar pusi gadu laikā man nav bijis nevienas reālas (izslēgts telefona) dienas.”

Šodien Bloomberg publicēja ziņojumu, ka Binance izpilddirektors Changpeng Zhao (alias CZ) vēlas norēķināties ar ASV DOJ par 4 miljardiem ASV dolāru. Nu tā ir taisnība. ASV DOJ iekasēja maksu no pasaules lielākās kriptovalūtas biržas Binance par sankciju un naudas pārsūtīšanas likumu pārkāpšanu.

Binance ir piekritusi maksāt 4,3 miljardus ASV dolāru, lai atrisinātu apsūdzības, kā rezultātā ASV jebkad ir saņēmis "vienu no lielākajiem sodiem" no korporatīvā apsūdzētā. Uzņēmuma dibinātājs un izpilddirektors Changpeng “CZ” Zhao apsūdzībā Sietlā atzina savu vainu savās apsūdzībās un piekrita samaksāt 50 miljonu dolāru soda naudu.

CZ kriptovalūtu ēra beidzas

Tiesas dokumentā, kas otrdien tika aizzīmogots, apgalvots, ka Binance atzīts par vainīgu neatļautā naudas pārsūtīšanas biznesā, efektīvas naudas atmazgāšanas apkarošanas programmas neuzturēšanā un sankciju likuma pārkāpšanā.

Citā pieteikumā norādīts, ka CZ ir iesniegusi savu vainu Banku noslēpuma likuma pārkāpšanā un par to, ka finanšu iestāde lika pārkāpt BSA. Viņa sankcija tiks atskaitīta arī no summas, ko viņš ir parādā Commodity Futures Trading Commission, saskaņā ar iesniegumu ASV Tieslietu departamentā.

CZ apmeklēja savu X lapu, lai paziņotu saviem 8,7 miljoniem sekotāju, ka viņa ēra ir beigusies. Viņa paziņojumi sākas šādi:

Šodien es atkāpos no Binance izpilddirektora amata. Jāatzīst, ka emocionāli nebija viegli atbrīvoties. Bet es zinu, ka tas ir pareizi. Es pieļāvu kļūdas, un man jāuzņemas atbildība. Tas ir vislabākais mūsu kopienai, Binance un man.

Atruna: iekļauti trešo pušu pausti viedokļi. Šī informācija nav uzskatāma par finansiālu padomu. Skati lietošanas noteikumus.
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Reģistrējies, lai iegūtu iespēju nopelnīt atlīdzību 100 USDT vērtībā!
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Binance Chief CZ To Sign Off After $4b Settlement With DOJ Binance's current CEO, Changpeng Zhao, is reportedly signing off and stepping down from his role. The move comes as the crypto exchange faces a $4.3 billion (USD) fine alongside criminal charges from the U.S. government, which forwarded allegations against Binance's involvement with violating anti-money laundering laws and sanctions. Zhao is scheduled to appear in federal court in Seattle to enter a guilty plea tomorrow afternoon (PST). Zhao's decision to plead guilty, set to be formalized in a Seattle federal court, implies a strategic response on the part of Binance to assuage the U.S. Department of Justice's (DOJ) intensifying crackdown on cryptocurrency exchanges. The charges against Binance, which highlight the company's regulatory challenges, have now culminated into arguably one of the largest fines in the industry. Notably, the settlement will be made only between Binance, the Department of Justice, and the Commodities Futures Trading Commission, with the Securities and Exchange Commission left out of from participating. The SEC previously charged CZ and Binance sometime in June with operating an unregistered exchange, alongside charges of misleading investors through a Switzerland-based fund Sigma Chain. This charge points to malpractice on the side of the exchange, with the intent of inflating trading volume for its U.S. platform. “Through thirteen charges, we allege that Zhao and Binance entities engaged in an extensive web of deception, conflicts of interest, lack of disclosure, and calculated evasion of the law,” stated SEC chair Gary Gensler. The fine, a combination of criminal and civil penalties, can be read as a direct consequence of Binance's past practices, which were once key to Binance's rapid growth, have led to severe legal repercussions, underlining the risks of non-compliance. While Zhao’s resignation marks a critical change in Binance's leadership, the company's operational future remains subject to the details of its agreement with the DOJ. #DOYR
#NYDFS UNVEILS NEW CRYPTO LISTING RULES FOR ENHANCED CONSUMER SAFETY In a significant regulatory development, the New York State Department of Financial Services (NYDFS) has introduced new guidelines for the listing and delisting of cryptocurrencies. Spearheaded by Superintendent Adrienne Harris, these measures aim to enhance consumer protection and establish clearer standards for the crypto industry. The core of the new regulations mandates that licensed crypto firms develop and present a policy for coin delisting, subject to NYDFS approval. This move reflects the department’s dedication to safeguarding consumers and maintaining market stability. Moreover, the guidelines reinforce the NYDFS’s commitment to a data-driven and innovative approach to overseeing virtual currencies. Under Superintendent Harris’s tenure, the NYDFS has levied over $132 million in fines on cryptocurrency companies. This enforcement underscores the agency’s focus on accountability and rectifying improper practices in the sector. The newly released guidance builds on this ethos, setting expectations for crypto businesses to manage and assess coin offerings. Notably, these regulations include a framework for writing specific policies on currency listing and delisting within companies. This framework is designed to offer a systematic and transparent process for evaluating coin offerings before approval, and it lays down criteria for responsible coin delisting. Additionally, the NYDFS released comprehensive regulations for the cryptocurrency industry earlier this year, including requirements for businesses to segregate customer funds from company assets. This directive aims to bolster consumer protection. The regulations also clarify the responsibilities of crypto firms regarding custody and safekeeping services, emphasizing the importance of prudent partnerships, especially in the context of sub-custody arrangements with third-party entities. #DYOR
FTX Can Start Mediation, File Counterclaims in BlockFi Bankruptcy Case, Judge Rules BlockFi filed for bankruptcy in late November last year, in part because of the ripple effects of the sudden collapse of FTX, which triggered an automatic stay that halted proceedings between the two. A U.S. judge ordered the end of an automatic stay on proceedings between bankrupt crypto firms FTX and BlockFi, meaning the two can start negotiating a claims settlement. BlockFi, a lender, filed for bankruptcy in late November last year, in part because of the ripple effects of the sudden collapse of FTX earlier that month. That triggered the automatic stay, halting proceedings between the two. BlockFi had an estimated $355 million frozen on the crypto exchange's platform and was owed a further $671 million by FTX's sister company, Alameda Research. Crypto PricesCoinDesk Market Index Finance FTX Can Start Mediation, File Counterclaims in BlockFi Bankruptcy Case, Judge Rules BlockFi filed for bankruptcy in late November last year, in part because of the ripple effects of the sudden collapse of FTX, which triggered an automatic stay that halted proceedings between the two. By Jamie Crawley Nov 14, 2023 at 3:20 p.m.  BlockFi CEO Zac Prince (right) (Danny Nelson/CoinDesk)  10 Years of Decentralizing the Future May 29-31, 2024 - Austin, TexasThe biggest and most established global hub for everything crypto, blockchain and Web3.Register Now A U.S. judge ordered the end of an automatic stay on proceedings between bankrupt crypto firms FTX and BlockFi, meaning the two can start negotiating a claims settlement. BlockFi, a lender, filed for bankruptcy in late November last year, in part because of the ripple effects of the sudden collapse of FTX earlier that month. That triggered the automatic stay, halting proceedings between the two. BlockFi had an estimated $355 million frozen on the crypto exchange's platform and was owed a further $671 million by FTX's sister company, Alameda Research.

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