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🧊ICE, KRIPTOVALŪTAS MĀKOŅU IEGUVE JAU KORTĒTA OKX BIRŽĀ ✅VISS PAR BRĪVU Ledus ir kriptovalūta, par kuru tiek daudz runāts, viņiem ir savs BLOKĶĒDE UN TAS IR ĻOTI DERĪGS KĀ PROJEKTS ➡️ @huss24 Atcerieties norādīt, kurš jūs uzaicināja, ievadiet: huss24 Kad esat lejupielādējis un instalējis lietotni, lai ģenerētu ledu, ik pēc 24 stundām noklikšķiniet uz sniegpārslas pogas apakšā, iegūstot 60 ledus dienā. Nav obligāti jāaicina draugi, no kuriem tomēr pelni divos līmeņos; tie, kas reģistrējas, saņem sākotnējo bonusu 10 Ice. Izņemšana ik pēc 30 darba dienām automātiski BNB ON OKX #okx #BNB



Ledus ir kriptovalūta, par kuru tiek daudz runāts, viņiem ir savs BLOKĶĒDE UN TAS IR ĻOTI DERĪGS KĀ PROJEKTS

➡️ @huss24

Atcerieties norādīt, kurš jūs uzaicināja, ievadiet: huss24

Kad esat lejupielādējis un instalējis lietotni, lai ģenerētu ledu, ik pēc 24 stundām noklikšķiniet uz sniegpārslas pogas apakšā, iegūstot 60 ledus dienā.

Nav obligāti jāaicina draugi, no kuriem tomēr pelni divos līmeņos; tie, kas reģistrējas, saņem sākotnējo bonusu 10 Ice.

Izņemšana ik pēc 30 darba dienām automātiski BNB ON OKX

#okx #BNB

Atruna: iekļauti trešo pušu pausti viedokļi. Šī informācija nav uzskatāma par finansiālu padomu. Var būt iekļauts apmaksāts saturs. Skati lietošanas noteikumus.
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What are the advantages and why we need to use Islamic Coin $ISLM 💸 The mission of Islamic Coin involve over 1.8 billion Muslims in digital finance without compromising values and faith. 🕌 Islamic Shariah-compliant trading, often referred to as Islamic finance, is rooted in the principles of Shariah law, which governs various aspects of a Muslim's life, including economic activities. Here are some key elements of Shariah-compliant trading: ✅1: Prohibition of Riba (Usury/Interest): Shariah strictly prohibits the payment or receipt of interest. Islamic finance encourages profit-sharing arrangements where both parties share in the risks and rewards of a transaction, fostering a more equitable system. ✅2: Avoidance of Gharar (Uncertainty/Excessive Risk): Transactions involving excessive uncertainty or ambiguity (gharar) are discouraged. Contracts should be clear and transparent to ensure fair dealings. ✅3: Prohibition of Maisir (Gambling): Engaging in speculative transactions or activities that resemble gambling is not allowed. Investments should be based on real economic activities and not rely on chance. ✅4: Ethical Investment: Shariah-compliant trading emphasizes ethical and socially responsible investments. Trading in industries such as alcohol, gambling, and pork-related products is strictly prohibited. ✅5: Asset-Backed Financing: Islamic finance encourages transactions backed by tangible assets. This ensures that wealth is generated through legitimate and productive economic activities rather than through financial speculation. ✅6: Profit-and-Loss Sharing (Mudarabah): In Mudarabah contracts, one party provides capital, and the other provides expertise. Profits are shared, but losses are borne by the capital provider. This encourages a partnership model in business. ✅7: Fixed Income Securities (Sukuk): Sukuk are Islamic bonds structured to generate returns without interest. They represent ownership in a tangible asset or project and provide a way for investors to earn profits in compliance with Shariah. 💚(FIRST POST) #btc #sol
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