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Avive ir globāls līderis ar lietotājiem no vairāk nekā 130 valstīm un 20 000+ pilsētām, padarot to par pasaulē lielāko marķierizēto kopienu. Aktīvi iesaistoties Avive pilsoņiem mūsu platformā, mēs esam sasnieguši vēl nebijušu pavērsienu, uzkrājot vislielāko suverēnu individuālo dvēseļu skaitu, kas aptver gan ķēdē, gan ārpus tās. Šis ievērojamais sasniegums ir apliecinājums Avive daudzveidīgajai un plaši izplatītajai ieviešanai, jo indivīdi no visas pasaules pulcējas, lai izpētītu un sniegtu savu ieguldījumu šajā revolucionārajā sociālajā ekosistēmā. Nevainojama ķēdes un ārpus ķēdes mijiedarbības integrācija Avive sniedz lietotājiem iespēju paust savu identitāti un veidot dziļas attiecības ar citiem, pārsniedzot tradicionālās sociālās robežas. Avive ir apzināti centusies izveidot sociālu pasauli, kas atbalsta brīvības, vienlīdzības un atvērtības vērtības. Šajā sfērā diskursa spēks ir decentralizēts, nodrošinot, ka neviens priviliģēts daži nevar monopolizēt ietekmi. dinamiska un savstarpēji saistīta kopiena. Avive apzinās reālās pasaules attiecību vērtību un saprot, ka spēcīgi bezsaistes savienojumi bagātina vispārējo sociālo pieredzi. Nemanāmi integrējot tiešsaistes un bezsaistes tīklus, kā arī virtuālo realitāti (VR), AR un MR tehnoloģijas, Avive mērķis ir izveidot holistisku sociālo vidi, kurā lietotāji var bez piepūles pārvietoties starp digitālo un fizisko jomu, izmantojot labāko no abām pasaulēm. Izmantojot MR spēku, Avive paceļ sociālās mijiedarbības jēdzienu jaunos augstumos. Lietotāji var iegremdēties valdzinošā virtuālajā vidē un sadarboties ar citiem ieskaujošāk un reālistiskāk. lai piekļūtu viņa pilnvarai, izmantojiet saiti#Avive— tīkla protokola pierādījums Ja palaidāt garām#BTCun #ETH, nepalaidiet garām #Avive 👉 Lai reģistrētos, noklikšķiniet uz šīs saites #AviveAirdrops #btc #AviveWorld

Avive ir globāls līderis ar lietotājiem no vairāk nekā 130 valstīm un 20 000+ pilsētām, padarot to par pasaulē lielāko marķierizēto kopienu. Aktīvi iesaistoties Avive pilsoņiem mūsu platformā, mēs esam sasnieguši vēl nebijušu pavērsienu, uzkrājot vislielāko suverēnu individuālo dvēseļu skaitu, kas aptver gan ķēdē, gan ārpus tās.

Šis ievērojamais sasniegums ir apliecinājums Avive daudzveidīgajai un plaši izplatītajai ieviešanai, jo indivīdi no visas pasaules pulcējas, lai izpētītu un sniegtu savu ieguldījumu šajā revolucionārajā sociālajā ekosistēmā. Nevainojama ķēdes un ārpus ķēdes mijiedarbības integrācija Avive sniedz lietotājiem iespēju paust savu identitāti un veidot dziļas attiecības ar citiem, pārsniedzot tradicionālās sociālās robežas.

Avive ir apzināti centusies izveidot sociālu pasauli, kas atbalsta brīvības, vienlīdzības un atvērtības vērtības. Šajā sfērā diskursa spēks ir decentralizēts, nodrošinot, ka neviens priviliģēts daži nevar monopolizēt ietekmi. dinamiska un savstarpēji saistīta kopiena.

Avive apzinās reālās pasaules attiecību vērtību un saprot, ka spēcīgi bezsaistes savienojumi bagātina vispārējo sociālo pieredzi. Nemanāmi integrējot tiešsaistes un bezsaistes tīklus, kā arī virtuālo realitāti (VR), AR un MR tehnoloģijas, Avive mērķis ir izveidot holistisku sociālo vidi, kurā lietotāji var bez piepūles pārvietoties starp digitālo un fizisko jomu, izmantojot labāko no abām pasaulēm.

Izmantojot MR spēku, Avive paceļ sociālās mijiedarbības jēdzienu jaunos augstumos. Lietotāji var iegremdēties valdzinošā virtuālajā vidē un sadarboties ar citiem ieskaujošāk un reālistiskāk.

lai piekļūtu viņa pilnvarai, izmantojiet saiti#Avive— tīkla protokola pierādījums

Ja palaidāt garām#BTCun #ETH, nepalaidiet garām #Avive

👉 Lai reģistrētos, noklikšķiniet uz šīs saites

#AviveAirdrops #btc #AviveWorld

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Smart Money Smart money on FXS and RBX + a promising new asset  Dec 22, 2023 07:48 14 min read Even with crypto market volatility, smart money trends can reveal promising opportunities. We explore recent developments for FXS and RBX, from halving impacts to future catalysts. But our journey doesn't stop there – we also have our sights set on an emerging token that's catching the attention of savvy investors. Re-evaluating the FXS halving trade  On December 8, we wrote a report about Frax Finance and it's halving event planned for December 20. The halving occurred on Wednesday, but the price has not responded as we had hoped. One thing we have noticed dragging FXS down during this halving is its close correlation to ETH, which acts as a high-beta asset (meaning that when ETH goes up, FXS tends to go up even more). However, recently, as ETH began to underperform going into December after initially being more closely correlated with BTC, this has had a negative impact on FXS.  For FXS to truly shine, it must decouple from ETH and establish its price discovery. Alternatively, we would need to witness ETH gaining support and outperforming BTC once more, which appears unlikely until the BTC ETF launch. Disclaimer: Not financial or investment advice. Any capital-related decisions you make is your full responsibility. Are our whales still holding? Our first whale address, likely belonging to the crypto trading firm Amber Group, did not view the halving as a 'sell the news' event and has added to its FXS position. It bought another 100,000 FXS worth $876,990 on December 15, 2023, at 15:36:59 UTC on Binance. This was added to the tracker wallet, increasing its total FXS position to 811,501.50 FXS worth $6,720,268. Our other whale wallet, likely belonging to DragonFly Capital, has yet to make any changes to its position so far. This should be more of a long-term investment for them rather than a trade, as the funds are stored in a BitGo custody wallet. When would the FXS halving trade be invalidated? #BTC #Launchpool #airdrops
##Shiba Inu (SHIB) Performs Better Than Dogecoin (SHIB) Despite not being among the best performers today (December 28), the popular meme coin – Shiba Inu – has experienced a notable price increase lately. It is up more than 30% on a monthly basis (according to CoinGecko’s data), outpacing the gains recorded by Dogecoin (19%). SHIB’s uptrend could be attributed to numerous developments, such as the asset’s burning mechanism and the advancement of the layer-2 blockchain solution Shibarium. The meme coin project witnessed over 17 billion tokens burned last week. In addition, the burn rate for December 27 exploded by around 2,500%, resulting in more than 136 million assets destroyed. The move aims to reduce the tremendous circulating supply of SHIB, thus making it more scarce and potentially valuable in time. For its part, Shibarium blasted through another major milestone in terms of transaction volume. As CryptoPotato recently reported, total transactions on the network have surpassed the 200 million mark, whereas total blocks have climbed above 2.3 million. Those willing to learn about Shibarium’s merits and specifics could do so by watching our dedicated video below: Meanwhile, IntoTheBlock reveals that 40% of SHIB holders are currently sitting on paper profits, while 52% are in the red. Almost 90% of investors were underwater less than four months ago SHIB Whales on the Move The recent actions of Shiba Inu whales could have also played a role. As disclosed by WhaleAlert, one such investor transferred over 2.2 trillion SHIB (worth around $24 million at current rates) from Binance to an unknown address. Shifting from exchanges toward self-custody methods might be considered bullish since it reduces the immediate selling pressure. According to IntoTheBlock, whales control approximately 78% of Shiba Inu’s circulating supply (over 580 trillion), and their efforts can affect the token’s price. #NFP #BTC #Launchpool #ARB #ShibaInuEcosystem please tip for more information
#Launchpool #NFP #BTC #shibainu Shiba Inu (SHIB) Performs Better Than Dogecoin (SHIB) Despite not being among the best performers today (December 28), the popular meme coin – Shiba Inu – has experienced a notable price increase lately. It is up more than 30% on a monthly basis (according to CoinGecko’s data), outpacing the gains recorded by Dogecoin (19%). SHIB’s uptrend could be attributed to numerous developments, such as the asset’s burning mechanism and the advancement of the layer-2 blockchain solution Shibarium. The meme coin project witnessed over 17 billion tokens burned last week. In addition, the burn rate for December 27 exploded by around 2,500%, resulting in more than 136 million assets destroyed. The move aims to reduce the tremendous circulating supply of SHIB, thus making it more scarce and potentially valuable in time. For its part, Shibarium blasted through another major milestone in terms of transaction volume. As CryptoPotato recently reported, total transactions on the network have surpassed the 200 million mark, whereas total blocks have climbed above 2.3 million. Those willing to learn about Shibarium’s merits and specifics could do so by watching our dedicated video below: Meanwhile, IntoTheBlock reveals that 40% of SHIB holders are currently sitting on paper profits, while 52% are in the red. Almost 90% of investors were underwater less than four months ago SHIB Whales on the Move The recent actions of Shiba Inu whales could have also played a role. As disclosed by WhaleAlert, one such investor transferred over 2.2 trillion SHIB (worth around $24 million at current rates) from Binance to an unknown address. Shifting from exchanges toward self-custody methods might be considered bullish since it reduces the immediate selling pressure. According to IntoTheBlock, whales control approximately 78% of Shiba Inu’s circulating supply (over 580 trillion), and their efforts can affect the token’s price.

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