Binance Square
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Pievienojieties Āfrikas P2P ekskluzīvām kampaņām, lai saņemtu līdz pat 30% žetonu! Piezīme: atlikušas vēl divas nedēļas. Ātrā izpārdošana Āfrikas ekskluzīvai: pabeidziet pirkumu pakalpojumā Binance P2P un saņemiet līdz pat 30% naudas atmaksu katru piektdienu šajā novembrī! Šī gada novembrī Binance P2P piedāvā jaunu piektdienas kriptovalūtu izpārdošanu visiem Āfrikas tirgos, kur piemērotie lietotāji var nopelnīt līdz 30% naudas atmaksu no pirmā kvalificētā pirkuma pakalpojumā Binance P2P katru piektdienu akcijas perioda laikā. Akcijas periods: ▶️2023-11-03 00:00 (UTC) līdz 2023-11-03 23:59 (UTC) <piektdiena> ⏭️2023.11.10. 00:00 (UTC) līdz 2023.11.10. 23:59 (UTC) <piektdiena> ⏭️2023.11.17. 00:00 (UTC) līdz 2023.11.17. 23:59 (UTC) <piektdiena> ⏭️2023.11.24. 00:00 (UTC) līdz 2023.11.24. 23:59 (UTC) <piektdiena> 🏄‍♂️ Katru piektdienu akcijas perioda laikā pirmie 30 piemērotie lietotāji, kuri akcijas lapā noklikšķina uz pogas “Pievienoties tūlīt” un pabeidz vienu pirkumu vismaz 30 ASV dolāru apmērā par jebkuru kriptovalūtu pakalpojumā Binance P2P, varēs saņemt līdz pat 30% naudas atmaksa par kvalificētu pirkumu, kā parādīts zemāk esošajā diagrammā: Atlīdzības struktūra: Reitings, pamatojoties uz laiku, kad ir izpildīts atbilstošs P2P pirkums Naudas atmaksas likme lietotāju kvalificētajiem pirkumiem Maksimālā naudas atmaksas atlīdzība vienam lietotājam (USD marķiera kuponos) 1.-10.vieta 30% 10 USDT 11. - 20. vieta 20% 8 USDT 21. - 30. vieta 10% 4 USDT Pievienojieties piektdienas Crypto Flash izpārdošanai tūlīt! Sīkāka informācija: [Read Here]( #Crypto_Angel #BinanceP2P

Pievienojieties Āfrikas P2P ekskluzīvām kampaņām, lai saņemtu līdz pat 30% žetonu!

Piezīme: atlikušas vēl divas nedēļas.

Ātrā izpārdošana Āfrikas ekskluzīvai: pabeidziet pirkumu pakalpojumā Binance P2P un saņemiet līdz pat 30% naudas atmaksu katru piektdienu šajā novembrī!

Šī gada novembrī Binance P2P piedāvā jaunu piektdienas kriptovalūtu izpārdošanu visiem Āfrikas tirgos, kur piemērotie lietotāji var nopelnīt līdz 30% naudas atmaksu no pirmā kvalificētā pirkuma pakalpojumā Binance P2P katru piektdienu akcijas perioda laikā.

Akcijas periods:

▶️2023-11-03 00:00 (UTC) līdz 2023-11-03 23:59 (UTC) <piektdiena>

⏭️2023.11.10. 00:00 (UTC) līdz 2023.11.10. 23:59 (UTC) <piektdiena>

⏭️2023.11.17. 00:00 (UTC) līdz 2023.11.17. 23:59 (UTC) <piektdiena>

⏭️2023.11.24. 00:00 (UTC) līdz 2023.11.24. 23:59 (UTC) <piektdiena>

🏄‍♂️ Katru piektdienu akcijas perioda laikā pirmie 30 piemērotie lietotāji, kuri akcijas lapā noklikšķina uz pogas “Pievienoties tūlīt” un pabeidz vienu pirkumu vismaz 30 ASV dolāru apmērā par jebkuru kriptovalūtu pakalpojumā Binance P2P, varēs saņemt līdz pat 30% naudas atmaksa par kvalificētu pirkumu, kā parādīts zemāk esošajā diagrammā:

Atlīdzības struktūra:

Reitings, pamatojoties uz laiku, kad ir izpildīts atbilstošs P2P pirkums

Naudas atmaksas likme lietotāju kvalificētajiem pirkumiem

Maksimālā naudas atmaksas atlīdzība vienam lietotājam (USD marķiera kuponos)

1.-10.vieta 30% 10 USDT

11. - 20. vieta 20% 8 USDT

21. - 30. vieta 10% 4 USDT

Pievienojieties piektdienas Crypto Flash izpārdošanai tūlīt!

Sīkāka informācija: Read Here

#Crypto_Angel #BinanceP2P

Atruna: iekļauti trešo pušu pausti viedokļi. Šī informācija nav uzskatāma par finansiālu padomu. Skati lietošanas noteikumus.
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Reģistrējies, lai iegūtu iespēju nopelnīt atlīdzību 100 USDT vērtībā!
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Atbilstošs autors

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DUAL INVESTMENT (Part 2) Benefits and risks involved Helping you to understand it further, Dual Investment gives you an opportunity to buy or sell crypto at your desired price and date in the future, while earning high rewards no matter which direction the market goes DUAL INVESTMENT BENEFITS: 1. Buy Low or Sell High: You can buy crypto at a lower price or sell crypto at a higher price; High Rewards: You’ll earn a high passive income no matter which direction the market goes 2. Wide Selection: You can choose from a wide variety of assets and set the target date and price to your liking 3. No Trading Fees: Zero trading fees when the target is reached and the “Buy Low” or “Sell High” product is filled When should I use Dual Investment? Whether you’re an advanced trader or simply a HODLer that wants to earn some extra rewards, there are many reasons why you may decide to use Dual Investment Some of the most common scenarios include: *Take profit: Sell your crypto holding at a Target Price to realize some of your gains while benefiting from additional rewards; *Buy the dips: Buy crypto at a Target Price when the market is down, and enjoy additional rewards; *Grow more crypto: You have crypto and want to earn additional returns while holding onto them; *Grow more stablecoin: You have stablecoins and want to earn additional returns while holding onto them. How to check your subscriptions? Your subscriptions are visible on Binance in the Portfolio tab > Earn Cryptos, then in the “Double investment” tab RISK OF DUAL INVESTMENT 1. Depending on the product execution scenario, the invested asset can be converted without another crypto upon delivery (BTC, USDT or FDUSD) 2. Subscriptions cannot be canceled. There is a risk due to the blocking of funds, during a possible period of high volatility in the crypto market. Also keep in mind that the reference price mentioned in the product details may be readjusted according to the price on the Spot market, up to 24 hours after the start of the offer period. Wait for part 3 #Binance
DUAL INVESTMENT : With Binance dual investment, you make side ways incomes in double folds. Getting you acquainted with this product and how to use it: • What is Binance Dual Investment? Dual investment is a high yield financial product. This product allows you to deposit a cryptocurrency (eg USDT) and earn a return based on two assets (eg USDT or BNB). Dual Investment has a high return, but also risks. The annualized return is fixed, but the final payout will be influenced by the price of the asset upon delivery and the strike price. The crypto market is very volatile, and it is in this context that the risk of Dual Investment lies. How to Subscribe to Binance Dual Investment ✓ Go to Binance earn page and select dual Investment or use search bar to search dual investment function ✓ You will see a list of different products displayed, such as BNB and USDT, choose your desired pairs Toggle on the beginners mode at the right corner of the page ✓ Choose sell high or buy low and follow the instructions on this screenshots below ✓ Follow the next step that are displayed in the page by entering your desired subscription amount Each of these products has unique annualized rate of return, delivery date  and strike price. You can also subscribe to other pairs such as Doge USDT, BTC USDT , etc. ✓ Then confirm your subscription Please note that, When the subscribed product expires, the corresponding cryptocurrency wll be added to your Binance Spot Wallet within 48 hours. The subscription of the product is over a short period (30 to 60 days max) or even very short (7 to 15 days). Explanation Of common Terms: * Annualized rate of return: The fixed interest you will earn when the product is settled. * Strike price: The price threshold that determines the cryptocurrency in which you will be paid. * Limit: Maximum amount of the subscription. * Subscription deadline: Closure of subscriptions. * Delivery date: The Date on which your cryptocurrencies will be reimbursed, with the interest you have earned. Wait for part 2 #binance

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