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Loom Network (LOOM) pēdējo 7 dienu laikā ir saglabājis nerentablākās kriptovalūtas statusu. 2023. gada 22. oktobra vakarā tās kotācijas kritās par 75,02%, salīdzinot ar nedēļu iepriekš. Daudzi investori bija ārkārtīgi vīlušies un cieta nopietnus zaudējumus. Dienas laikā digitālā marķiera kurss samazinājās vēl par 5,2%. Līdz ar to LOOM kotācijas noslīdēja līdz pirms mēneša vērtībām, pat zaudējot 5.6% no šī rādītāja. Atgādinām, ka straujais Loom Network kursa pieaugums sākās ap šī gada 20. septembri. Tad kriptovalūta tirgojās nedaudz dārgāk par 0,045 USD. Cena sāka strauji augt un sasniedza savu cenas maksimumu 15. oktobrī, kad tā bija virs 0,41 dolāra atzīmes. Tad sākās milzīgs izpārdošanas vilnis, un cena nokritās līdz 0,1 USD līdz 19. oktobrim, tas ir, mazāk nekā 4 dienu laikā. Šo ziņu rakstīšanas laikā kriptogrāfijas aktīva tirgus kapitalizācija bija USD 126,05 miljoni. Ikdienas tirdzniecības apjomi sasniedza 94,38 miljonus ASV dolāru. Tas ir par 62% mazāk nekā pagājušās dienas rādītāji. Neviena cita kriptovalūta no top 500 saraksta nav tik daudz zaudējusi no savas cenas šajā īsajā laika posmā, it īpaši uz bitcoin (BTC) kotējumu pieauguma līdz gandrīz 30 000 USD fona. #loom #cryptocurrency #Bitcoin #Crypto

Loom Network (LOOM) pēdējo 7 dienu laikā ir saglabājis nerentablākās kriptovalūtas statusu. 2023. gada 22. oktobra vakarā tās kotācijas kritās par 75,02%, salīdzinot ar nedēļu iepriekš. Daudzi investori bija ārkārtīgi vīlušies un cieta nopietnus zaudējumus. Dienas laikā digitālā marķiera kurss samazinājās vēl par 5,2%.

Līdz ar to LOOM kotācijas noslīdēja līdz pirms mēneša vērtībām, pat zaudējot 5.6% no šī rādītāja. Atgādinām, ka straujais Loom Network kursa pieaugums sākās ap šī gada 20. septembri. Tad kriptovalūta tirgojās nedaudz dārgāk par 0,045 USD. Cena sāka strauji augt un sasniedza savu cenas maksimumu 15. oktobrī, kad tā bija virs 0,41 dolāra atzīmes. Tad sākās milzīgs izpārdošanas vilnis, un cena nokritās līdz 0,1 USD līdz 19. oktobrim, tas ir, mazāk nekā 4 dienu laikā.

Šo ziņu rakstīšanas laikā kriptogrāfijas aktīva tirgus kapitalizācija bija USD 126,05 miljoni. Ikdienas tirdzniecības apjomi sasniedza 94,38 miljonus ASV dolāru. Tas ir par 62% mazāk nekā pagājušās dienas rādītāji. Neviena cita kriptovalūta no top 500 saraksta nav tik daudz zaudējusi no savas cenas šajā īsajā laika posmā, it īpaši uz bitcoin (BTC) kotējumu pieauguma līdz gandrīz 30 000 USD fona.

#loom #cryptocurrency #Bitcoin #Crypto

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A well-known cryptocurrency analyst and reporter from China, Colin Wu, has published a new message on the X platform. He noted that today, on November 9, 2023, an unknown major holder of the Ethereum (ETH) cryptocurrency carried out a large-scale transaction. Keith deposited 25,700 #ETH on the world's largest trading platform Binance. This amount is approximately equivalent to the amount of $49.52 million. The researcher stressed that this number of digital coins is almost equal to the amount of assets transferred from the same exchange from November 3-6 of this year. The market researcher noted that at the time of the last transaction, the investor's virtual currencies were valued at $47.71 million. The reporter assured that "if we consider this to be the time of the transaction at this address, the investor has gained about $1.81 million." Recall that a few days ago the editorial board reported that the owner of the 0xb15 wallet made a withdrawal of 8398 ETH for $ 15.9 million from the Binance trading platform, as of late evening on November 6. Market researchers noted that the whale had been actively buying and selling digital coins for several days in a row. According to Spot On Chain, the total return from the last transaction was $5.5 million.$ According to analytical data, a successful trader managed to earn about $ 14.5 million by making 6 successful transactions out of 7. Experts noted that the bidder skillfully bought ETH at the lower levels and sold at the local maximum almost every time. Experts also stressed that in a few days he withdrew 27,714 ETH from Binance. As of 13:00 Moscow time on November 9, 2023, the value of the ETH #cryptocurrency was $1916. The market capitalization of the virtual coin was $230.53 billion. Over the past day, traders have executed transactions with a digital coin in the amount of $ 9.79 billion. $BTC $ETH $USDC #cryptocurrency #Ethereum #BinanceNews
#ABM $BTC Crypto expert Michael Nderitu studied the growth prospects of the Cardano digital coin #ADA speculated the ability of a virtual asset to reach the $24 mark. The owner of the Cardano Feed Twitter account announced this possibility days earlier. In this case, the market capitalization of the cryptocurrency will grow to $870 billion. This is about 9.5 times more than the total ADA supply at the peak of the "last bullish rise". Michael Nderitu, a researcher at the company, estimated that the cost of Cardano could rise to $24 in 2024-2025. He is not sure about this possibility. According to him, the prediction is based on the fact that a new global bull rally of cryptocurrencies is now beginning. He recalled that in 2021, the value of this digital coin reached a value of about $ 3.1. As of October 26, 2023, it was trading at $0.284. The capitalization of ADA was $10.03 billion, despite the fact that the virtual currency rate jumped by 16.5% over the week. According to analyst Michael Nderitu, achieving capitalization of $870 billion will be difficult. At the moment, the total supply of all bitcoin #BTC coins is $661.34 billion. Currently, Cardano's market capitalization was only $10 billion, which means that the digital coin has an incredibly long way to go before it grows in price 87 times. According to the researcher, a more realistic target during the next bullish rally can be considered a peak in the price range from $6 to $8. The expert stressed that "buying positions remained stable for a long period, which suggests that the current bullish wave was caused by the loss of interest of bears." The specialist conducted a technical analysis of the Cardano course schedule. He stressed that, according to the MVRV coefficient, the profitability of ADA has now reached a 4-week maximum. The bulk of the growth potential has been observed over the past 7 days. This, according to him, indicates a strong wave of demand during the specified time period.

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