Binance Square
🔺️If $8 trillion USD worth of funds are transferred to XRP ripple To determine the estimated price of #XRP Calculation 1. Determine the current market capitalization of $XRP . According to your data, it is $26,741,289,544. 2. Divide the amount you intend to invest ($8 trillion USD) by the current market capitalization of XRP: $8,000,000,000,000 / $26,741,289,544 = approximately 298,396,887 This calculation shows how much XRP you would purchase for $8 trillion USD at the current market cap. 3. Now, to determine the expected price of XRP, divide the investment amount by the amount of XRP: $8 trillion USD / 298,396,887 XRP = approximately $26,771.42 USD per XRP. This means that the estimated price of XRP after investing $8 trillion USD will be approximately $26,771.42 #USD per XRP coin. Please note that this is a simplified calculation and does not take into account factors such as market dynamics, liquidity and demand. The cryptocurrency market is very volatile and prices can fluctuate widely. In addition, such large-scale investments can have a significant impact on the market and change conditions. Please remember that cryptocurrencies are high risk #binance

🔺️If $8 trillion USD worth of funds are transferred to XRP ripple To determine the estimated price of #XRP


1. Determine the current market capitalization of $XRP . According to your data, it is $26,741,289,544.

2. Divide the amount you intend to invest ($8 trillion USD) by the current market capitalization of XRP:

$8,000,000,000,000 / $26,741,289,544 = approximately 298,396,887

This calculation shows how much XRP you would purchase for $8 trillion USD at the current market cap.

3. Now, to determine the expected price of XRP, divide the investment amount by the amount of XRP:

$8 trillion USD / 298,396,887 XRP = approximately $26,771.42 USD per XRP.

This means that the estimated price of XRP after investing $8 trillion USD will be approximately $26,771.42 #USD per XRP coin.

Please note that this is a simplified calculation and does not take into account factors such as market dynamics, liquidity and demand. The cryptocurrency market is very volatile and prices can fluctuate widely. In addition, such large-scale investments can have a significant impact on the market and change conditions.

Please remember that cryptocurrencies are high risk


As the US dollar prepares to collapse, Forbes predicts $8T will flow into the XRP and Bitcoin market
In a recent publication, Forbes magazine drew attention to a notable transformation occurring within the #cryptocurrency sector, whereby #XRP becomes a central role.
The paper bore the title "Anticipating the 'Collapse' of the U.S. Dollar: Projecting a $8 Trillion Shock, Inflationary Response by the Federal Reserve, and the Subsequent Emergence of a 'Critical' Price Surge in #bitcoin , Ethereum, XRP, and Other Cryptocurrencies to Compete with Gold."
“U.S. Dollar ‘Collapse’—Shock $8 Trillion Predicted Fed Inflation Flip To Spark A ‘Critical’ Bitcoin, Ethereum, #XRP And Crypto Price Boom To Rival Gold”
— Chad Steingraber (@ChadSteingraber) October 8, 2023
The aforementioned event shed light on a momentous incident that possesses the capacity to reverberate throughout XRP, Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other notable cryptocurrencies. The Forbes study presented an argument on the possible impact of a $8 trillion withdrawal from the US financial system on the XRP and Bitcoin markets, in light of an anticipated collapse of the US currency.

Chad Steingraber, a game designer with expertise in the XRP community, brought attention to the report inside the XRP Army.
The paper bore the headline "Anticipating the 'Collapse' of the U.S. Dollar: Projecting a $8 Trillion Shock Resulting from Inflationary Measures by the Federal Reserve, Potentially Triggering a 'Critical' Surge in Bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP, and Cryptocurrency Prices Comparable to Gold."
The aforementioned event shed light on a momentous incident that possesses the capacity to reverberate throughout XRP, Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other prominent cryptocurrencies. The Forbes piece presented an argument on the possible impact of a $8 trillion outflow from the US financial system towards the XRP and Bitcoin markets in the event of a forecasted collapse of the US currency.
Chad Steingraber, a game designer with expertise in the XRP community, brought attention to the report inside the XRP Army.
Atruna: iekļauti trešo pušu pausti viedokļi. Šī informācija nav uzskatāma par finansiālu padomu. Skati lietošanas noteikumus.
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СМысли в слух 💭 Вот смотрю я на эту суету с момента резкого повышения цены на криптовалюту и мне вдруг захотелось поделиться промежуточным мнением по поводу фьючерсов ., где лонг дамы и господа ~ У ВАС уже в руках ~ кто это предвидел и успел в этот момент накопить финансы на лонг в максимальные иксы ( Плеча ×75 ×125 ×50 ×25 ) от порога Bitcoin 29000-30000$BTC и уверенно захочет и не будет сейчас выводить, а подождёт ещё месяц и не будет докупать , дабы не потерять позиции на РОСТ в любой криптовалюте , на любой выбор это я предпологаю будет рост до отметки прогноз на 39000-44000$BTC Январь 2023 Это всё так или иначе в связке новостей , все знают что будет РОСТ и шортят потому , что верят что еще не время ) так мы и сами тормозим хорошо . Это выбор каждого ) Учитывая так же , что всё может быть наоборот - если все поддаются панике и решают продать , это работает на короткую дистанцию , но главные новости решают исход на 5 порядков больше . Читайте новости и ждите реальные вести ) #mastermind #Bitcoin #XRP #BTC

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