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🚨🚨 OPENAI DIBINĀTĀJS SEM ALTMANS SNIEDZ LIELU PAZIŅOJUMU PAR KRIPTO 🚨🚨 Sems Altmans, Openai dibinātājs sniedza savu viedokli par noteikumiem, ko ASV valdība izstrādā pret kriptovalūtu. Altmans sacīja, ka ASV valdība uzliek visus noteikumus tikai tāpēc, ka vēlas kontrolēt kriptovalūtu tirgu un bitkoīnu. Turklāt viņš teica, ka ir noraizējies par kriptovalūtu nākotni ASV. Kāds ir jūsu viedoklis par šo paziņojumu? pastāstiet mums komentāros Spied Like un dod mums padomu par atbalstu 💸🚀 #ama #openai #ai


Sems Altmans, Openai dibinātājs sniedza savu viedokli par noteikumiem, ko ASV valdība izstrādā pret kriptovalūtu.

Altmans sacīja, ka ASV valdība uzliek visus noteikumus tikai tāpēc, ka vēlas kontrolēt kriptovalūtu tirgu un bitkoīnu.

Turklāt viņš teica, ka ir noraizējies par kriptovalūtu nākotni ASV.

Kāds ir jūsu viedoklis par šo paziņojumu?

pastāstiet mums komentāros

Spied Like un dod mums padomu par atbalstu 💸🚀

#ama #openai #ai

Atruna: iekļauti trešo pušu pausti viedokļi. Šī informācija nav uzskatāma par finansiālu padomu. Var būt iekļauts apmaksāts saturs. Skati lietošanas noteikumus.
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Manta network :- 1st and Largest Modular L2 🚀 Hi everyone in this post we will talk about manta network in detail and see its features , Functions and other details What is manta ecosystem? Manta network is a privacy - preserving defi , focusing on programmable privacy and decentralized identities with zero knowledge soulbound tokens (zKSBTs) i,e your privacy would be saved at any cost. Cedefi Products offered by Manta and there real returns :- Manta mainly focuses on defi so here are some of the products offered by manta Private DeFi Swaps: Utilize zkSNARKs to enable private token swaps, ensuring transaction details and user identities remain confidential so you don’t have to worry about someone keeping an eye on your wallet and try to hack it Private Payment System: Leveraging zero-knowledge proofs to offer private transactions similar to cash transactions in the digital realm. this can help you to make transactions privately and more securely Programmable Privacy for DeFi: Developers can build and deploy custom privacy-preserving DeFi applications using Manta’s SDK. Advantages of manta’s modular and zero proof knowledge technology :- So how would these technologies help you or are beneficial for you ? Here are some advantages that you would love to learn :- 1.Enhanced Privacy:- wit is enhanced. 2.Scalability : 3.Interoperability :- 4.Reduced Transaction Costs 5.secured transactions What are business development and research capabilities of manta network ? Privacy for business transactions :- with the zk transactions you can maintain privacy for business transactions. 2. Research and development :- with its strong hold and focus on zk proofs , it serves as a great platform for research in acadamic and crypto field 3. Easy business adoption :- Business can easily adopt the ecosystem as it is easy to understand and use. #MantaRWA #MantaRaw

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