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Investor lost $67.8 million in a “poison address” attack. Learn how to avoid a trap.A scam commonly known as “poison address” (spoofing) is a sophisticated technique used by cybercriminals to trick unsuspecting victims into sending them cryptocurrency. The essence of this scam lies in manipulating the length and appearance of cryptocurrency wallet addresses. Through subtle modifications, fraudsters create fake addresses that can be difficult to distinguish from legitimate ones. Differing by as little as a few characters, it is easy for investors to fall into the trap of mistyping the address. What are the potential negative consequences of this technique employed by cybercriminals? Let's take a closer look at the story of a crypto enthusiast who lost nearly $70 million to this scam.Negative consequences for the victims and the cryptocurrency market An investor recently became a victim of a scam called address poisoning, which resulted in the loss of $68 million in Wrapped #Bitcoin (WBTC). The information about the incident was revealed by Certik – a company specializing in blockchain security. The theft of funds was detected on May 3, as was announced on the X social media platform. The target wallet, identified as “0x1E”, experienced a huge loss of over 97% of its cryptocurrency assets, which translates to approximately $67.8 million. “Our system detected a transfer of 1155 WBTC (~ $69.3 million) to an address associated with address spoofing. The EOA 0xd9A1 mimicked a transfer of 0.05 ETH, which led the victim to send the funds to the wrong address”In this case, the fraudster attacked the victim by impersonating a previous transaction. Generating an almost identical wallet address caused the investor to accidentally copy the incorrect address. This resulted in the funds being sent to the cybercriminal's fake address. The CEO of Cyvers, a platform that reports similar cybersecurity issues, also shared this information on X. He said that this incident is likely the highest value of funds lost in an address spoofing scam in history. Reddit user investigation One Reddit user decided to take a closer look at this scam. The author of the post located a large number of wallets to which the fraudster distributed the funds. The map of wallets he created will certainly make it easier to locate the cybercriminal. Moreover, the analysis indicated that the entire incident was most likely targeted at a specific wallet containing up to $68 million. “I was looking for clues as to who the scammer might be, and I came across this wallet – 0xd50Ddd086EEf8E48c597c5A9225F616A2b3250F2. It seems that this scammer is well-funded and it seems like this was a very targeted attack.” Moreover, the author of the analysis pointed out several important points to consider when making transactions between your wallets. Let's take a closer look at them: Caution always comes first: Regardless of whether you are sending a large or small amount of money, always be careful and double-check each transaction and address. Avoid sending transactions while intoxicated: Make sure you are fully aware when sending your cryptocurrency. Avoid sending transactions when you are tired or under the influence of alcohol. Use a whitelist: Many cryptocurrency wallets allow you to add addresses to a whitelist, which prevents you from sending funds to unauthorized addresses. Surprise the scammers: Avoid predictable patterns in your actions. Implementing new wallets to send larger amounts can make it difficult for scammers to track your transactions. Regularly monitor the cryptocurrency market: Use tracking tools to keep an eye on your assets and react quickly to suspicious transactions. Loss of trust in the cryptocurrency market The losses incurred as a result of address spoofing scams have serious consequences for both individual investors and the entire cryptocurrency market. Individual victims not only struggle with the loss of significant funds, but also with a sense of powerlessness against cybercriminals who use cunning tactics.Moreover, such incidents contribute to the deterioration of the overall reputation of the cryptocurrency market. Investors may therefore be increasingly questioning the safety of investing in digital assets, which could lead to a loss of trust and a decline in the value of cryptocurrencies on the market.The fight against address spoofing scams is a challenge for blockchain security experts and other institutions that oversee cryptocurrency markets. It is necessary to constantly improve the methods of detecting and preventing this type of fraud in order to protect investors and maintain the integrity of the market. One possible perspective is to increase education among cryptocurrency users, which would allow them to better recognize suspicious situations and avoid traps. In addition, the development of security technologies, such as algorithms that detect anomalies in transactions, can also help to reduce spoofing scams.#Bitcoin $WBTC

Investor lost $67.8 million in a “poison address” attack. Learn how to avoid a trap.

A scam commonly known as “poison address” (spoofing) is a sophisticated technique used by cybercriminals to trick unsuspecting victims into sending them cryptocurrency. The essence of this scam lies in manipulating the length and appearance of cryptocurrency wallet addresses. Through subtle modifications, fraudsters create fake addresses that can be difficult to distinguish from legitimate ones. Differing by as little as a few characters, it is easy for investors to fall into the trap of mistyping the address. What are the potential negative consequences of this technique employed by cybercriminals? Let's take a closer look at the story of a crypto enthusiast who lost nearly $70 million to this scam.Negative consequences for the victims and the cryptocurrency market An investor recently became a victim of a scam called address poisoning, which resulted in the loss of $68 million in Wrapped #Bitcoin (WBTC). The information about the incident was revealed by Certik – a company specializing in blockchain security. The theft of funds was detected on May 3, as was announced on the X social media platform. The target wallet, identified as “0x1E”, experienced a huge loss of over 97% of its cryptocurrency assets, which translates to approximately $67.8 million. “Our system detected a transfer of 1155 WBTC (~ $69.3 million) to an address associated with address spoofing. The EOA 0xd9A1 mimicked a transfer of 0.05 ETH, which led the victim to send the funds to the wrong address”In this case, the fraudster attacked the victim by impersonating a previous transaction. Generating an almost identical wallet address caused the investor to accidentally copy the incorrect address. This resulted in the funds being sent to the cybercriminal's fake address.

The CEO of Cyvers, a platform that reports similar cybersecurity issues, also shared this information on X. He said that this incident is likely the highest value of funds lost in an address spoofing scam in history.

Reddit user investigation One Reddit user decided to take a closer look at this scam. The author of the post located a large number of wallets to which the fraudster distributed the funds. The map of wallets he created will certainly make it easier to locate the cybercriminal. Moreover, the analysis indicated that the entire incident was most likely targeted at a specific wallet containing up to $68 million. “I was looking for clues as to who the scammer might be, and I came across this wallet – 0xd50Ddd086EEf8E48c597c5A9225F616A2b3250F2. It seems that this scammer is well-funded and it seems like this was a very targeted attack.” Moreover, the author of the analysis pointed out several important points to consider when making transactions between your wallets. Let's take a closer look at them:

Caution always comes first: Regardless of whether you are sending a large or small amount of money, always be careful and double-check each transaction and address. Avoid sending transactions while intoxicated: Make sure you are fully aware when sending your cryptocurrency. Avoid sending transactions when you are tired or under the influence of alcohol. Use a whitelist: Many cryptocurrency wallets allow you to add addresses to a whitelist, which prevents you from sending funds to unauthorized addresses. Surprise the scammers: Avoid predictable patterns in your actions. Implementing new wallets to send larger amounts can make it difficult for scammers to track your transactions. Regularly monitor the cryptocurrency market: Use tracking tools to keep an eye on your assets and react quickly to suspicious transactions. Loss of trust in the cryptocurrency market The losses incurred as a result of address spoofing scams have serious consequences for both individual investors and the entire cryptocurrency market. Individual victims not only struggle with the loss of significant funds, but also with a sense of powerlessness against cybercriminals who use cunning tactics.Moreover, such incidents contribute to the deterioration of the overall reputation of the cryptocurrency market. Investors may therefore be increasingly questioning the safety of investing in digital assets, which could lead to a loss of trust and a decline in the value of cryptocurrencies on the market.The fight against address spoofing scams is a challenge for blockchain security experts and other institutions that oversee cryptocurrency markets. It is necessary to constantly improve the methods of detecting and preventing this type of fraud in order to protect investors and maintain the integrity of the market.
One possible perspective is to increase education among cryptocurrency users, which would allow them to better recognize suspicious situations and avoid traps. In addition, the development of security technologies, such as algorithms that detect anomalies in transactions, can also help to reduce spoofing scams.#Bitcoin $WBTC
The price of Bitcoin could remainThe price of Bitcoin could remain flat for up to two months after the recent halving in the cryptocurrency market, according to market analysts at Bitfinex. The report suggests that Bitcoin will continue to drive the direction of the cryptocurrency market until May and remain a critical indicator of the overall market capitalization of the sector. Bitcoin price to consolidate Bitfinex analysts point out that consumers and businesses are now — in contrast with previous cycles — more informed about the economic fundamentals that influence market trends. This knowledge could lead to a one- or two-month consolidation phase in the price of Bitcoin. As a result, the price could fluctuate, potentially by as much as $10,000 in either direction. Speaking to BeInCrypto, Andrey Stoychev, Head of Prime Brokerage at Nexo, said: “Bitcoin has historically retraced in the first weeks after previous halvings, with a few months required for the new supply issuance to be reflected in its price. In this case, it could be argued that the price of #Bitcoin and its consolidation depends on investors’ conviction in the asset and their unwillingness to sell.” Further, the anticipated consolidation follows the peak of the Bitcoin Dominance Index (BTCD). It appears to be weakening as liquidity shifts toward altcoins. This shift is also attributed to the halving of new #BTC supply. Historically, it has increased investors’ risk appetite and shifted attention away from altcoins. Bitfinex analysts wrote: “The 57% level on BTCD is a significant technical and psychological reference point based on historical data. When Bitcoin dominance reaches this level, it tends to experience a sharp rejection, indicating a change in market sentiment and capital flow from Bitcoin to altcoins. Following last week’s halving, we saw BTCD reach 57%, before experiencing a steep decline.” Furthermore, market experts are keeping a close eye on Bitcoin derivatives. The recently observed decrease in implied volatility suggests that a calmer summer is approaching for BTC. Bitfinex’s Head of Derivatives, Jag Kooner, said: “Summers are usually periods of lower volatility and investors start to position themselves accordingly based on their sentiment.” As the market adjusts to the halving and economic cues, investors are advised to closely monitor these developments. They need to keep an eye on the shifting liquidity and market sentiment that could dictate the pace for the remainder of the year.

The price of Bitcoin could remain

The price of Bitcoin could remain flat for up to two months after the recent halving in the cryptocurrency market, according to market analysts at Bitfinex. The report suggests that Bitcoin will continue to drive the direction of the cryptocurrency market until May and remain a critical indicator of the overall market capitalization of the sector.

Bitcoin price to consolidate Bitfinex analysts point out that consumers and businesses are now — in contrast with previous cycles — more informed about the economic fundamentals that influence market trends.

This knowledge could lead to a one- or two-month consolidation phase in the price of Bitcoin. As a result, the price could fluctuate, potentially by as much as $10,000 in either direction. Speaking to BeInCrypto, Andrey Stoychev, Head of Prime Brokerage at Nexo, said:

“Bitcoin has historically retraced in the first weeks after previous halvings, with a few months required for the new supply issuance to be reflected in its price. In this case, it could be argued that the price of #Bitcoin and its consolidation depends on investors’ conviction in the asset and their unwillingness to sell.”

Further, the anticipated consolidation follows the peak of the Bitcoin Dominance Index (BTCD). It appears to be weakening as liquidity shifts toward altcoins. This shift is also attributed to the halving of new #BTC supply. Historically, it has increased investors’ risk appetite and shifted attention away from altcoins. Bitfinex analysts wrote:

“The 57% level on BTCD is a significant technical and psychological reference point based on historical data. When Bitcoin dominance reaches this level, it tends to experience a sharp rejection, indicating a change in market sentiment and capital flow from Bitcoin to altcoins. Following last week’s halving, we saw BTCD reach 57%, before experiencing a steep decline.”

Furthermore, market experts are keeping a close eye on Bitcoin derivatives. The recently observed decrease in implied volatility suggests that a calmer summer is approaching for BTC. Bitfinex’s Head of Derivatives, Jag Kooner, said:

“Summers are usually periods of lower volatility and investors start to position themselves accordingly based on their sentiment.”

As the market adjusts to the halving and economic cues, investors are advised to closely monitor these developments. They need to keep an eye on the shifting liquidity and market sentiment that could dictate the pace for the remainder of the year.
Odrodzenie wielorybów CardanoCzy #ada dozna eksplozji ceny Rynek kryptowalut odnotowuje większe wahania w ostatnim czasie, jednak platforma analityczna Santiment sygnalizuje zwiększoną aktywności wielorybów. Transakcje “dużych graczy” przekraczające 100 000 USD rosną, co może być dobrym prognostykiem na najbliższą przyszłość. Aktualna cena Cardano wynosi 0,433 USD, notując spadek o ponad 5% w ciągu ostatnich 24 godzin i 14,67% w ciągu ostatnich siedmiu dni. Mimo to, analitycy dostrzegają nadzieję dla tego altcoina. Pozytywne dane od analityków z Santiment Według danych Santiment, aktywność wielorybów w przeszłości wpływała na odwrócenie trendów cenowych. Pomimo ostatnich spadków wartości projektu, warto jednak odpowiedzieć na pytanie, gdzie znajduje się obecne dno Cardano. Transakcje wielorybów Cardano o wartości przekraczającej 100 tys. USD osiągnęły najwyższą wartość od 8 listopada, co często koreluje z potencjalnym odwróceniem cen. Wraz ze spadkiem kapitalizacji rynkowej ADA o 43% od 13 marca, obserwujemy dynamiczną zmienność na rynku kryptowalut, sugerującą możliwe zmiany w krótkoterminowych trendach cenowych.Należy jednak mieć na uwadze, że w świecie kryptowalut zmienność cen jest nieunikniona, a sytuacja na rynku może ulegać szybkim zmianom. W konsekwencji, inwestowanie w cyfrowe aktywa wymaga pełnego zrozumienia ryzyka i podejmowania decyzji opartych na solidnych analizach. Spadek wolumenu Spadek wolumenu obrotu na rynku jest nieunikniony, zbliżając się do najniższego poziomu w 2024 roku. Analitycy sugerują, że możliwe jest odwrócenie tej tendencji. Równolegle z tym wydarzeniem możemy spodziewać się zwiększonego zainteresowania rynkiem krypto przez inwestorów.. Obecny krajobraz kryptowalutowy nie jest jednoznaczny. Pomimo spadku wartości czołowych kryptowalut, wiele osób nadal wierzy w potencjał technologii blockchain i jej zastosowań. Wartość #BTC obecnie oscyluje w okolicach 58 900 USD, a na rynku widać pewne oznaki paniki. Czy to może być moment, w którym nastąpi zwrot ku nowemu rekordowi wszechczasów (ATH)? Przeglądając dostępne dane on-chain, inwestorzy muszą zachować czujność i podejmować decyzje zgodnie z własnymi strategiami inwestycyjnymi.Prognoza ceny ADA: Nieudane wybicie? Cena Cardano utknęła w kanale spadkowym przez ostatnie półtora miesiąca i nie udało jej się wybić w zeszłym tygodniu. W konsekwencji altcoin nie dał rady przetestować wsparcia na poziomie 0,47 USD. Z uwagi na te okoliczności istnieje ryzyko, że altcoin może spaść do poziomu 0,40 USD, co stanowiłoby kolejny istotny obszar wsparcia dla ADA, równoznaczny ze spadkiem o 14%.Jednocześnie, jeśli cena Cardano zdoła się odbić od wsparcia na poziomie 0,46 USD, istnieje szansa na odzyskanie poziomu 0,50 USD jako kolejnego kluczowego wsparcia. Przełamanie tego poziomu może odwrócić perspektywę niedźwiedzią, otwierając drzwi dla dalszego wzrostu ceny ADA.

Odrodzenie wielorybów Cardano

Czy #ada dozna eksplozji ceny Rynek kryptowalut odnotowuje większe wahania w ostatnim czasie, jednak platforma analityczna Santiment sygnalizuje zwiększoną aktywności wielorybów. Transakcje “dużych graczy” przekraczające 100 000 USD rosną, co może być dobrym prognostykiem na najbliższą przyszłość.

Aktualna cena Cardano wynosi 0,433 USD, notując spadek o ponad 5% w ciągu ostatnich 24 godzin i 14,67% w ciągu ostatnich siedmiu dni. Mimo to, analitycy dostrzegają nadzieję dla tego altcoina.

Pozytywne dane od analityków z Santiment
Według danych Santiment, aktywność wielorybów w przeszłości wpływała na odwrócenie trendów cenowych. Pomimo ostatnich spadków wartości projektu, warto jednak odpowiedzieć na pytanie, gdzie znajduje się obecne dno Cardano.

Transakcje wielorybów Cardano o wartości przekraczającej 100 tys. USD osiągnęły najwyższą wartość od 8 listopada, co często koreluje z potencjalnym odwróceniem cen. Wraz ze spadkiem kapitalizacji rynkowej ADA o 43% od 13 marca, obserwujemy dynamiczną zmienność na rynku kryptowalut, sugerującą możliwe zmiany w krótkoterminowych trendach cenowych.Należy jednak mieć na uwadze, że w świecie kryptowalut zmienność cen jest nieunikniona, a sytuacja na rynku może ulegać szybkim zmianom. W konsekwencji, inwestowanie w cyfrowe aktywa wymaga pełnego zrozumienia ryzyka i podejmowania decyzji opartych na solidnych analizach.

Spadek wolumenu
Spadek wolumenu obrotu na rynku jest nieunikniony, zbliżając się do najniższego poziomu w 2024 roku. Analitycy sugerują, że możliwe jest odwrócenie tej tendencji. Równolegle z tym wydarzeniem możemy spodziewać się zwiększonego zainteresowania rynkiem krypto przez inwestorów..

Obecny krajobraz kryptowalutowy nie jest jednoznaczny. Pomimo spadku wartości czołowych kryptowalut, wiele osób nadal wierzy w potencjał technologii blockchain i jej zastosowań. Wartość #BTC obecnie oscyluje w okolicach 58 900 USD, a na rynku widać pewne oznaki paniki. Czy to może być moment, w którym nastąpi zwrot ku nowemu rekordowi wszechczasów (ATH)?

Przeglądając dostępne dane on-chain, inwestorzy muszą zachować czujność i podejmować decyzje zgodnie z własnymi strategiami inwestycyjnymi.Prognoza ceny ADA: Nieudane wybicie?
Cena Cardano utknęła w kanale spadkowym przez ostatnie półtora miesiąca i nie udało jej się wybić w zeszłym tygodniu. W konsekwencji altcoin nie dał rady przetestować wsparcia na poziomie 0,47 USD.

Z uwagi na te okoliczności istnieje ryzyko, że altcoin może spaść do poziomu 0,40 USD, co stanowiłoby kolejny istotny obszar wsparcia dla ADA, równoznaczny ze spadkiem o 14%.Jednocześnie, jeśli cena Cardano zdoła się odbić od wsparcia na poziomie 0,46 USD, istnieje szansa na odzyskanie poziomu 0,50 USD jako kolejnego kluczowego wsparcia. Przełamanie tego poziomu może odwrócić perspektywę niedźwiedzią, otwierając drzwi dla dalszego wzrostu ceny ADA.
Whales Hint at Ripple (XRP) Breakout as Accumulation Surges.Ripple (XRP) has been holding above a critical psychological support level that has held strong for the past 11 months. Now, whales appear to be stepping in to ensure that this continues. This could be the push that XRP needs to spark a breakout and reverse the bearish trend it has been stuck in. Whales to the Rescue for Ripple Over the past week, XRP has dropped from a high of $0.54 to lows of $0.50. This move saw the altcoin lose the support of the $0.51 level, which coincides with the 23.6% Fibonacci retracement level. This level is drawn from the swing high of $0.82 to the swing low of $0.42. As a result, XRP is currently at risk of breaking below $0.50. However, whales seem to have taken notice and are likely doing everything they can to prevent this from happening. Over the past two days, addresses holding 1 million to 10 million XRP have added over 70 million XRP to their wallets. This represents an influx of over $35 million worth of the token and is the largest such accumulation seen in the past three months. Another reason for this accumulation could be that whales are looking to profit from a potential bounce. The chances of XRP dropping below $0.50 are slim. Instead, the altcoin is likely to rebound from this support level. Whales may be looking to capitalize on this move by buying low and potentially booking profits later on. However, this move could have a knock-on effect on the broader market, potentially forcing retail investors to buy into XRP. The native token of Ripple is currently one of the few altcoins to have less than 75% of its supply in profit. This marks only the second time in nearly a year that the supply in profit has dropped this low. Historically, market tops are formed when over 95% of the circulating supply is in profit. This means that there is still room for XRP to rally. In turn, this could provide a strong incentive for investors to add the token to their portfolios. XRP Price Prediction: Reclaim of Key Support Likely XRP is currently trading at $0.50, just below resistance at $0.51. This level coincides with the 23.6% Fibonacci retracement level. A reclaim of this support level is likely given the accumulation from whales. If successful, this could spark a further breakout to the upside. Ripple has been trading in a descending channel since mid-April. To invalidate this, a move above $0.57 is needed. This price level coincides with the 38.2% Fibonacci retracement level, and a reclaim of it would confirm a bullish reversal. However, if support at $0.47 gives way, #XRP could drop to test support at $0.42. This would likely invalidate the bullish thesis and leave the altcoin vulnerable to further losses.

Whales Hint at Ripple (XRP) Breakout as Accumulation Surges.

Ripple (XRP) has been holding above a critical psychological support level that has held strong for the past 11 months. Now, whales appear to be stepping in to ensure that this continues.

This could be the push that XRP needs to spark a breakout and reverse the bearish trend it has been stuck in.

Whales to the Rescue for Ripple

Over the past week, XRP has dropped from a high of $0.54 to lows of $0.50. This move saw the altcoin lose the support of the $0.51 level, which coincides with the 23.6% Fibonacci retracement level. This level is drawn from the swing high of $0.82 to the swing low of $0.42. As a result, XRP is currently at risk of breaking below $0.50.

However, whales seem to have taken notice and are likely doing everything they can to prevent this from happening. Over the past two days, addresses holding 1 million to 10 million XRP have added over 70 million XRP to their wallets. This represents an influx of over $35 million worth of the token and is the largest such accumulation seen in the past three months.

Another reason for this accumulation could be that whales are looking to profit from a potential bounce. The chances of XRP dropping below $0.50 are slim. Instead, the altcoin is likely to rebound from this support level. Whales may be looking to capitalize on this move by buying low and potentially booking profits later on.

However, this move could have a knock-on effect on the broader market, potentially forcing retail investors to buy into XRP. The native token of Ripple is currently one of the few altcoins to have less than 75% of its supply in profit. This marks only the second time in nearly a year that the supply in profit has dropped this low.

Historically, market tops are formed when over 95% of the circulating supply is in profit. This means that there is still room for XRP to rally. In turn, this could provide a strong incentive for investors to add the token to their portfolios.

XRP Price Prediction: Reclaim of Key Support Likely

XRP is currently trading at $0.50, just below resistance at $0.51. This level coincides with the 23.6% Fibonacci retracement level. A reclaim of this support level is likely given the accumulation from whales. If successful, this could spark a further breakout to the upside.

Ripple has been trading in a descending channel since mid-April. To invalidate this, a move above $0.57 is needed. This price level coincides with the 38.2% Fibonacci retracement level, and a reclaim of it would confirm a bullish reversal.

However, if support at $0.47 gives way, #XRP could drop to test support at $0.42. This would likely invalidate the bullish thesis and leave the altcoin vulnerable to further losses.
Co krypto wieloryby kupują, aby zarobić w maju 2024 roku?Cena Bitcoina (BTC) wykonuje łagodne ruchy pomimo halvingu, który nastąpił pod koniec kwietnia. W związku z tym inwestorzy instytucjonalni i krypto wieloryby przenieśli uwagę na akumulację altcoinów. Chcą wykorzystać potencjalną hossę, której rynek kryptowalut może doświadczyć, gdy BTC wzrośnie.Krypto wieloryby Cardano dodają więcej ADA do swoich portfeli Cardano wskazuje, że krypto wieloryby zwiększają swoją akumulację od listopada 2023 roku. Tego rodzaju zakupy odnotowują nagły wzrost w ciągu ostatnich kilku dni, gdy wystrzeliły w górę transakcje o wartości ponad 100 000 USD. Chociaż nie przełożyło się to na wynik akcji cenowej, cena Cardano z pewnością może skorzystać na zwiększonym zainteresowaniu ze strony dużych graczy. Chociaż krypto wieloryby stanowią mniej niż 10% podaży w obiegu, ich wkład w dzienny wolumen jest najważniejszy. Tak więc krypto wieloryby skłaniające się ku ADA mogą okazać się bardzo pozytywne dla tego altcoina.Toncoin (TON) dołącza do najlepszych altcoinów Toncoin niedawno wszedł do TOP 10 kapitalizacji rynkowej kryptowalut i wyprzedził takie kryptowaluty jak Shiba Inu i Cardano. Stał się dziewiątą co do wielkości kryptowalutą na świecie. Powodem tego trendu wzrostowego była wiadomość w marcu, że Telegram rozważa potencjalną pierwszą ofertę publiczną (IPO). W rezultacie, krypto wieloryby próbują wykorzystać każdy możliwy trend wzrostowy, gromadząc TON. Można to zauważyć w gwałtownym wzroście transakcji o wartości ponad 100 000 USD i transakcji o wartości ponad 1 mln USD. W ciągu ostatnich dwóch miesięcy cena Toncoina odnotowała wzrost o 238% z 2,14 USD do 7,24 USD w najwyższym punkcie. Jednak od tego czasu altcoin spadł do poziomu 5,35 USD, ponieważ rynek ochładza się od ostatniego ruchu w górę.Krypto wieloroby Arbitrum (ARB) dążą do zysków Pomimo tego, że cena Arbitrum doświadcza korekty od prawie dwóch miesięcy, posiadacze dużych portfeli kupują ARB. Chociaż może to być próba zapobieżenia dalszemu spadkowi ceny, krypto wieloryby wydają się szukać odpowiedniej okazji do sprzedaży. Oczekiwanie na trend wzrostowy po halvingu BTC było jednym z największych czynników napędzających akumulację dużych inwestorów. Jednak krypto wieloryby mogą również spodziewać się zaksięgowania zysków ze względu na nadchodzące odblokowanie tokenów #ARB w dniu 16 maja. Ponad 3,5% podaży w obiegu o wartości około 100 mln USD zostanie wpompowane na rynek. Wydarzenie to prawdopodobnie negatywnie wpłynie na rynek. W związku z tym krypto wieloryby mogą próbować sprzedać przed odblokowaniem tokena, aby zmaksymalizować swoje zyski.W ciągu ostatnich kilku tygodni transakcje o wartości ponad 100 000 USD i 1 mln USD były niezmiennie wysokie. Ta akumulacja może zapobiec spadkowi ceny Arbitrum poniżej 1,00 USD.#Bitcoin

Co krypto wieloryby kupują, aby zarobić w maju 2024 roku?

Cena Bitcoina (BTC) wykonuje łagodne ruchy pomimo halvingu, który nastąpił pod koniec kwietnia. W związku z tym inwestorzy instytucjonalni i krypto wieloryby przenieśli uwagę na akumulację altcoinów. Chcą wykorzystać potencjalną hossę, której rynek kryptowalut może doświadczyć, gdy BTC wzrośnie.Krypto wieloryby Cardano dodają więcej ADA do swoich portfeli
Cardano wskazuje, że krypto wieloryby zwiększają swoją akumulację od listopada 2023 roku. Tego rodzaju zakupy odnotowują nagły wzrost w ciągu ostatnich kilku dni, gdy wystrzeliły w górę transakcje o wartości ponad 100 000 USD.

Chociaż nie przełożyło się to na wynik akcji cenowej, cena Cardano z pewnością może skorzystać na zwiększonym zainteresowaniu ze strony dużych graczy. Chociaż krypto wieloryby stanowią mniej niż 10% podaży w obiegu, ich wkład w dzienny wolumen jest najważniejszy.

Tak więc krypto wieloryby skłaniające się ku ADA mogą okazać się bardzo pozytywne dla tego altcoina.Toncoin (TON) dołącza do najlepszych altcoinów
Toncoin niedawno wszedł do TOP 10 kapitalizacji rynkowej kryptowalut i wyprzedził takie kryptowaluty jak Shiba Inu i Cardano. Stał się dziewiątą co do wielkości kryptowalutą na świecie. Powodem tego trendu wzrostowego była wiadomość w marcu, że Telegram rozważa potencjalną pierwszą ofertę publiczną (IPO).

W rezultacie, krypto wieloryby próbują wykorzystać każdy możliwy trend wzrostowy, gromadząc TON. Można to zauważyć w gwałtownym wzroście transakcji o wartości ponad 100 000 USD i transakcji o wartości ponad 1 mln USD.

W ciągu ostatnich dwóch miesięcy cena Toncoina odnotowała wzrost o 238% z 2,14 USD do 7,24 USD w najwyższym punkcie. Jednak od tego czasu altcoin spadł do poziomu 5,35 USD, ponieważ rynek ochładza się od ostatniego ruchu w górę.Krypto wieloroby Arbitrum (ARB) dążą do zysków
Pomimo tego, że cena Arbitrum doświadcza korekty od prawie dwóch miesięcy, posiadacze dużych portfeli kupują ARB. Chociaż może to być próba zapobieżenia dalszemu spadkowi ceny, krypto wieloryby wydają się szukać odpowiedniej okazji do sprzedaży.

Oczekiwanie na trend wzrostowy po halvingu BTC było jednym z największych czynników napędzających akumulację dużych inwestorów. Jednak krypto wieloryby mogą również spodziewać się zaksięgowania zysków ze względu na nadchodzące odblokowanie tokenów #ARB w dniu 16 maja. Ponad 3,5% podaży w obiegu o wartości około 100 mln USD zostanie wpompowane na rynek.

Wydarzenie to prawdopodobnie negatywnie wpłynie na rynek. W związku z tym krypto wieloryby mogą próbować sprzedać przed odblokowaniem tokena, aby zmaksymalizować swoje zyski.W ciągu ostatnich kilku tygodni transakcje o wartości ponad 100 000 USD i 1 mln USD były niezmiennie wysokie. Ta akumulacja może zapobiec spadkowi ceny Arbitrum poniżej 1,00 USD.#Bitcoin
CZChangpeng “CZ” Zhao, the founder of Binance, was sentenced to 4 months in prison. The sentence comes after Zhao pleaded guilty to a single count of violating the Bank Secrecy Act, a crime that carries a maximum penalty of 10 years behind bars. Binance founder Changpeng “CZ” Zhao sentenced to prison Zhao’s cooperation with authorities, including pleading guilty in November last year, saw the potential maximum sentence slashed to around 36 months. However, departing from sentencing guidelines, the federal judge handed down the four-month term, citing the seriousness and impact of Changpeng Zhao’s actions on the regulation of finance. The judge said: “This court must endeavor to craft a sentence that is both sufficient and reasonable.” The US Department of Justice had recommended a three-year jail term, double the sentence agreed in Zhao’s plea deal. CZ’s defense attorneys, on the other hand, argued against any jail time, instead proposing home detention and probation, an idea supported by a security plan from a professional house arrest monitoring company. In addition to the prison sentence, Zhao has agreed to pay a $50 million fine, a relatively modest sum given his estimated $43 billion net worth. Binance, the cryptocurrency exchange founded by Zhao in 2017, and which became the world’s largest, has also faced financial repercussions. When Changpeng “CZ” Zhao entered his guilty plea, the company agreed to pay a whopping $4.3 billion fine. The sentencing marks a significant moment for the cryptocurrency industry, highlighting the growing regulatory scrutiny and enforcement actions that industry leaders now face.#Bitcoin #Binance


Changpeng “CZ” Zhao, the founder of Binance, was sentenced to 4 months in prison.

The sentence comes after Zhao pleaded guilty to a single count of violating the Bank Secrecy Act, a crime that carries a maximum penalty of 10 years behind bars.

Binance founder Changpeng “CZ” Zhao sentenced to prison Zhao’s cooperation with authorities, including pleading guilty in November last year, saw the potential maximum sentence slashed to around 36 months. However, departing from sentencing guidelines, the federal judge handed down the four-month term, citing the seriousness and impact of Changpeng Zhao’s actions on the regulation of finance. The judge said: “This court must endeavor to craft a sentence that is both sufficient and reasonable.”

The US Department of Justice had recommended a three-year jail term, double the sentence agreed in Zhao’s plea deal. CZ’s defense attorneys, on the other hand, argued against any jail time, instead proposing home detention and probation, an idea supported by a security plan from a professional house arrest monitoring company. In addition to the prison sentence, Zhao has agreed to pay a $50 million fine, a relatively modest sum given his estimated $43 billion net worth. Binance, the cryptocurrency exchange founded by Zhao in 2017, and which became the world’s largest, has also faced financial repercussions. When Changpeng “CZ” Zhao entered his guilty plea, the company agreed to pay a whopping $4.3 billion fine.

The sentencing marks a significant moment for the cryptocurrency industry, highlighting the growing regulatory scrutiny and enforcement actions that industry leaders now face.#Bitcoin #Binance
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