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A list of important economic data from today to August 2. Next week is the central bank's interest rate decision week, and all major central banks will announce their interest rate decisions! #比特币大会 #经济数据
A list of important economic data from today to August 2. Next week is the central bank's interest rate decision week, and all major central banks will announce their interest rate decisions! #比特币大会 #经济数据
2024/7/26日讯 #Bitcoin🚀 1. 美国总统独立候选人肯尼迪希望美国BTC持有量与美国黄金储备规模相匹配。 2. 特朗普已通过比特币等加密资产筹集超400万美元竞选资金。 3. 比特币与MSCI全球股票指数之间的30天相关系数已接近-0.2。 4. 分析:比特币当前下跌与季节性因素有关,以太坊现货ETF推出时机不佳。 5. 2050年比特币可能占据国际贸易的10%和本地贸易的5%,成为中央银行的储备资产。 6. 加密矿企MARA购买价值1亿美元的比特币,持有量超过2万枚。 7. 香港证监会将http://CoinUnited.io及其相关网站列入可疑虚拟资产交易平台警示名单。 8. Ark Invest出售其自有现货比特币ETF,价值776万美元。 9. 加密货币友好型银行Revolut获得英国银行牌照。 10. 印度将在与利益相关者磋商后于9月前公布其加密政策立场。 11. 汇丰银行澳大利亚分行以防止诈骗为由阻止加密货币交易。 12. Wintermute:稳定币市值突破1640亿美元,支撑市场看涨前景。 13. 贝莱德高管:比特币和以太坊不是竞争对手,而是互补关系。 14. 美国新泽西州泽西市养老基金将投资比特币ETF。 $BTC {future}(BTCUSDT) $ETH
2024/7/26日讯 #Bitcoin🚀
1. 美国总统独立候选人肯尼迪希望美国BTC持有量与美国黄金储备规模相匹配。
2. 特朗普已通过比特币等加密资产筹集超400万美元竞选资金。
3. 比特币与MSCI全球股票指数之间的30天相关系数已接近-0.2。
4. 分析:比特币当前下跌与季节性因素有关,以太坊现货ETF推出时机不佳。
5. 2050年比特币可能占据国际贸易的10%和本地贸易的5%,成为中央银行的储备资产。
6. 加密矿企MARA购买价值1亿美元的比特币,持有量超过2万枚。
7. 香港证监会将http://CoinUnited.io及其相关网站列入可疑虚拟资产交易平台警示名单。
8. Ark Invest出售其自有现货比特币ETF,价值776万美元。
9. 加密货币友好型银行Revolut获得英国银行牌照。
10. 印度将在与利益相关者磋商后于9月前公布其加密政策立场。
11. 汇丰银行澳大利亚分行以防止诈骗为由阻止加密货币交易。
12. Wintermute:稳定币市值突破1640亿美元,支撑市场看涨前景。
13. 贝莱德高管:比特币和以太坊不是竞争对手,而是互补关系。
14. 美国新泽西州泽西市养老基金将投资比特币ETF。 $BTC
Түпнұсқаны қараңыз
Simply share a long-term point of view. Pie failed to stand firm at 6W from March 2021 to October 2021 and produced a falling low, until it stood at 6W in February 2024. From the monthly chart, we can see that since February 2024, the actual K-line has been maintained above 6W. There have been periodic pins breaking 6W in the middle, but in the end they were all recovered above 6W, so I personally think that 6W can now be used as a long-short conversion point, that is to say, if the K-line cannot go down and maintain below 6W, I personally will not go short. Of course, this is based on the monthly line, which has a relatively large cycle and is not very friendly to small capital accounts, so everyone just needs to have a concept in mind, and there is no need to operate according to this point of view. How to operate still depends on your own position! $BTC #比特币大会
Simply share a long-term point of view. Pie failed to stand firm at 6W from March 2021 to October 2021 and produced a falling low, until it stood at 6W in February 2024. From the monthly chart, we can see that since February 2024, the actual K-line has been maintained above 6W. There have been periodic pins breaking 6W in the middle, but in the end they were all recovered above 6W, so I personally think that 6W can now be used as a long-short conversion point, that is to say, if the K-line cannot go down and maintain below 6W, I personally will not go short. Of course, this is based on the monthly line, which has a relatively large cycle and is not very friendly to small capital accounts, so everyone just needs to have a concept in mind, and there is no need to operate according to this point of view. How to operate still depends on your own position! $BTC #比特币大会
Түпнұсқаны қараңыз
This week, #比特币大会 is superimposed with the US #PCE物价指数 inflation data📊, and eth's #etf以太坊 landing. The secondary market is stimulated by the news as a whole. Trading should be based on the US trading time period. This week is a time node for market changes. In addition, the landing of Ethereum ETF does not mean an immediate benefit, because after the landing, funds need to slowly flow into ETFs, which takes time. Therefore, this week's order entry needs to be more cautious than before! #Bitcoin❗   #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥
This week, #比特币大会 is superimposed with the US #PCE物价指数 inflation data📊, and eth's #etf以太坊 landing. The secondary market is stimulated by the news as a whole. Trading should be based on the US trading time period. This week is a time node for market changes. In addition, the landing of Ethereum ETF does not mean an immediate benefit, because after the landing, funds need to slowly flow into ETFs, which takes time. Therefore, this week's order entry needs to be more cautious than before! #Bitcoin❗   #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥
Жоғары (өспелі)
Түпнұсқаны қараңыз
Not out yet, still holding it! $BEAMX
Not out yet, still holding it! $BEAMX
Good morning ☀️, still holding, not sold yet, come and report! $BEAMX
Жоғары (өспелі)
Түпнұсқаны қараңыз
I will give you a password for the weekend. Support is 3000/2930, target is 3750/3800, 18 points of growth space, spot is recommended! #BONKUSDT $BONK
I will give you a password for the weekend. Support is 3000/2930, target is 3750/3800, 18 points of growth space, spot is recommended! #BONKUSDT $BONK
Түпнұсқаны қараңыз
Good morning ☀️, still holding, not sold yet, come and report! $BEAMX
Good morning ☀️, still holding, not sold yet, come and report! $BEAMX
I forgot to give the target yesterday, the profit target is 0.0215! #BEAmx $BEAMX
Түпнұсқаны қараңыз
I forgot to give the target yesterday, the profit target is 0.0215! #BEAmx $BEAMX
I forgot to give the target yesterday, the profit target is 0.0215! #BEAmx $BEAMX
Жоғары (өспелі)
You can ambush some spot, #BEAMX $BEAMX
Жоғары (өспелі)
Түпнұсқаны қараңыз
You can ambush some spot, #BEAMX $BEAMX
You can ambush some spot, #BEAMX $BEAMX
Жоғары (өспелі)
Түпнұсқаны қараңыз
As of yesterday, there is already a 20% profit. You are sweating, brother! The target of 2.35 is about to be reached. 🤓#dym $DYM
As of yesterday, there is already a 20% profit. You are sweating, brother! The target of 2.35 is about to be reached. 🤓#dym $DYM
Жоғары (өспелі)
If it doesn't rise to the 2.35/2.5 range, it will be a shame to this trend! $DYM
Жоғары (өспелі)
Түпнұсқаны қараңыз
Brothers who followed me, I'm taking profits and leaving. I'm not greedy anymore. I'm sleepy and I'm going to take a nap! $HIGH
Brothers who followed me, I'm taking profits and leaving. I'm not greedy anymore. I'm sleepy and I'm going to take a nap! $HIGH
1.785, I bought some first positions on #high , and I will buy second positions if it falls back to 1.6. If it doesn’t fall back, forget it, just take one hand! $HIGH
Түпнұсқаны қараңыз
1.785, I bought some first positions on #high , and I will buy second positions if it falls back to 1.6. If it doesn’t fall back, forget it, just take one hand! $HIGH
1.785, I bought some first positions on #high , and I will buy second positions if it falls back to 1.6. If it doesn’t fall back, forget it, just take one hand! $HIGH
Жоғары (өспелі)
Түпнұсқаны қараңыз
If it doesn't rise to the 2.35/2.5 range, it will be a shame to this trend! $DYM
If it doesn't rise to the 2.35/2.5 range, it will be a shame to this trend! $DYM
Төмен (кемімелі)
Түпнұсқаны қараңыз
Түпнұсқаны қараңыз
Pick up money! $TRU
Pick up money! $TRU
Жоғары (өспелі)
Түпнұсқаны қараңыз
Those who followed have already made profits. I am still holding on. If you are afraid of profit withdrawal, you can consider reducing your position first or stop all profits! #TRUBO $TRU
Those who followed have already made profits. I am still holding on. If you are afraid of profit withdrawal, you can consider reducing your position first or stop all profits! #TRUBO $TRU
Yesterday, wif went crazy. I just bought some tru. I will never let go this time. Support is 0.122/0.118. Target is 0.158/0.175. If it falls, I will add the second position. My cost price is 0.13 #币安7周年 $TRU
Түпнұсқаны қараңыз
Yesterday, wif went crazy. I just bought some tru. I will never let go this time. Support is 0.122/0.118. Target is 0.158/0.175. If it falls, I will add the second position. My cost price is 0.13 #币安7周年 $TRU
Yesterday, wif went crazy. I just bought some tru. I will never let go this time. Support is 0.122/0.118. Target is 0.158/0.175. If it falls, I will add the second position. My cost price is 0.13 #币安7周年 $TRU
亲爱的币安团队,@CZ @heyi @binancezh @richardteng @BinanceSquareCN @BinanceCN 在这个特别的日子里,作为一名忠实的用户,向币安致以最诚挚的祝福。七年前,币安初露锋芒,凭借着对区块链技术的坚定信念和对用户体验的无比重视,迅速在全球范围内赢得了无数用户的青睐。作为其中的一名用户,我见证了币安从一个新兴平台成长为行业巨擘的辉煌历程。 币安不断的创新,推出了许多令人惊叹的产品和服务。从高效的交易平台到丰富的教育资源,到强大的安全保障,每一步都彰显了币安对用户的深切关怀和对行业的深远影响。每一次的技术升级,每一个新功能的推出,都让我们这些用户感受到了币安的用心和专业。 今天,站在七周年的节点上,我不仅为币安过去的成就感到骄傲,更对未来充满了期待。愿币安在未来的岁月里,继续秉持初心,为全球用户带来更加安全、便捷、高效的服务。继续引领行业发展,成为我们心中永远的灯塔,照亮每一位追梦者的前行之路。 祝愿币安七周年生日快乐!愿币安的未来更加辉煌灿烂,愿我们每一位用户都能在这个平台上实现自己的梦想,与币安一起,共同见证下一个七年!#币安7周年 $BNB
亲爱的币安团队,@CZ @Yi He @币安Binance华语 @Richard Teng @币安广场 @币安中文社区
祝愿币安七周年生日快乐!愿币安的未来更加辉煌灿烂,愿我们每一位用户都能在这个平台上实现自己的梦想,与币安一起,共同见证下一个七年!#币安7周年 $BNB
Түпнұсқаны қараңыз
No more waiting, it's out, take a rest♨️#ssv $SSV
No more waiting, it's out, take a rest♨️#ssv $SSV
Жоғары (өспелі)
I'm still waiting for 35...$SSV
Түпнұсқаны қараңыз
I don't want it anymore. I just checked it out and there are too many hungry people. 😂$WIF
I don't want it anymore. I just checked it out and there are too many hungry people. 😂$WIF
Жоғары (өспелі)
I opened #WIF/USDT for the first position, and I will cover it if it drops. I will cover 5% of my account funds for the first position and 5% for the second position. This is safer. The short-term target is 1.68/1.74, which is estimated to be next week. Don't follow if you are impatient. It's annoying! $WIF
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