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Түпнұсқаны қараңыз
Digital currency is an economic bubble. The first time I heard about digital currency was in February 2017. At that time, I was still a wool puller. I came into contact with the first digital currency I played, GEC. At that time, I didn’t know anything and I didn’t understand the concept of digital currency, let alone blockchain, so I sold out GEC coins very quickly. In November 2017, this month, I came into contact with many digital currencies, but these digital currencies were not of much value, but I had the urge to understand what digital currency and blockchain are. In December 2017, this month can be said to be my real action to understand blockchain and digital currency. Before, I equated digital currency with blockchain, but after understanding it, I realized that digital currency is just a product of blockchain. The concept covered by blockchain is much larger, while the concept of digital currency is small. As a coin rookie, I actually entered the currency circle with the idea of ​​getting rich overnight. But after entering the cryptocurrency circle, I lost this idea, because I think digital currency itself has no value, it is just hyped up, and too many people equate the concept of blockchain and digital currency, so digital currency is hyped up, making it extremely valuable. But I personally think that digital currency is an economic bubble. $BTC $ETH $USDC #币安用户数突破2亿 #bnb历史新高 #CCG合约机器人四周年 #CCR自动炒币机器人
Digital currency is an economic bubble. The first time I heard about digital currency was in February 2017. At that time, I was still a wool puller. I came into contact with the first digital currency I played, GEC. At that time, I didn’t know anything and I didn’t understand the concept of digital currency, let alone blockchain, so I sold out GEC coins very quickly. In November 2017, this month, I came into contact with many digital currencies, but these digital currencies were not of much value, but I had the urge to understand what digital currency and blockchain are. In December 2017, this month can be said to be my real action to understand blockchain and digital currency. Before, I equated digital currency with blockchain, but after understanding it, I realized that digital currency is just a product of blockchain. The concept covered by blockchain is much larger, while the concept of digital currency is small. As a coin rookie, I actually entered the currency circle with the idea of ​​getting rich overnight. But after entering the cryptocurrency circle, I lost this idea, because I think digital currency itself has no value, it is just hyped up, and too many people equate the concept of blockchain and digital currency, so digital currency is hyped up, making it extremely valuable. But I personally think that digital currency is an economic bubble. $BTC $ETH $USDC #币安用户数突破2亿 #bnb历史新高 #CCG合约机器人四周年 #CCR自动炒币机器人
Түпнұсқаны қараңыз
Take the dream as your horse and live up to the youth I still remember that period in August and September last year, a similar phenomenon occurred in every virtual currency jiaoliuqun I touched: people in the qun began to share their own ten-fold and hundred-fold coins; qun friends began to divide themselves into schools, including basic flow, trend flow and technical school, etc.; they began to refute and ridicule each other, and the key to determining the winner was not to argue but to see who had the greater asset appreciation in the currency market. Those who lost money in that wave feast were called fools, and there were even comments that those who could not ride a 10-fold coin in the bull market should not stay in the currency circle. In that feast, it seemed that no matter who it was, they could jump out and talk about the future of Bitcoin blockchain as a "real boss" in the currency circle. $BTC $ETH $BNB #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准 #币安用户数突破2亿 #CCG合约量化机器人 #CCR现货机器人
Take the dream as your horse and live up to the youth
I still remember that period in August and September last year, a similar phenomenon occurred in every virtual currency jiaoliuqun I touched: people in the qun began to share their own ten-fold and hundred-fold coins; qun friends began to divide themselves into schools, including basic flow, trend flow and technical school, etc.; they began to refute and ridicule each other, and the key to determining the winner was not to argue but to see who had the greater asset appreciation in the currency market. Those who lost money in that wave feast were called fools, and there were even comments that those who could not ride a 10-fold coin in the bull market should not stay in the currency circle. In that feast, it seemed that no matter who it was, they could jump out and talk about the future of Bitcoin blockchain as a "real boss" in the currency circle.
$BTC $ETH $BNB #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准 #币安用户数突破2亿 #CCG合约量化机器人 #CCR现货机器人
Түпнұсқаны қараңыз
"Dogecoin's Counterattack" As a "joke coin", Dogecoin did not receive much attention when it was first launched. However, there was a young man named Billy who invested a lot of money in Dogecoin when it was first launched. The price was very low at the time, but Billy believed that Dogecoin had unlimited potential. After several years of development, the price of Dogecoin soared, and Billy became a rich man. His story tells us that sometimes, for some neglected assets, there may be unexpected gains. Brother Zheng has been engaged in quantitative research for five years and understands U45654U $BTC $ETH $DOGE #比特币符文总市值创新高 #泰国批准首个比特币现货ETF #CCG合约量化机器人 #CCR现货机器人
"Dogecoin's Counterattack"
As a "joke coin", Dogecoin did not receive much attention when it was first launched. However, there was a young man named Billy who invested a lot of money in Dogecoin when it was first launched. The price was very low at the time, but Billy believed that Dogecoin had unlimited potential. After several years of development, the price of Dogecoin soared, and Billy became a rich man. His story tells us that sometimes, for some neglected assets, there may be unexpected gains. Brother Zheng has been engaged in quantitative research for five years and understands U45654U
$BTC $ETH $DOGE #比特币符文总市值创新高 #泰国批准首个比特币现货ETF #CCG合约量化机器人 #CCR现货机器人
Түпнұсқаны қараңыз
"The Miracle of Bitcoin" As the originator of cryptocurrency, Bitcoin has attracted much attention since its birth. There was a young man named Eric Finman who bought some Bitcoin in 2010 when the price was only a few dollars. However, he did not lose confidence because of the price at that time, but firmly believed in the potential of Bitcoin. After a few years of waiting, the price of Bitcoin soared, and Eric Finman became a billionaire. His story tells us that investment in cryptocurrency requires a long-term vision and firm belief Zheng Ge has been engaged in quantitative investment for five years. Learn about U45654U$ETH #比特币符文总市值创新高 #泰国批准首个比特币现货ETF #CCG合约量化机器人 #CCR现货机器人 $BTC
"The Miracle of Bitcoin"
As the originator of cryptocurrency, Bitcoin has attracted much attention since its birth. There was a young man named Eric Finman who bought some Bitcoin in 2010 when the price was only a few dollars. However, he did not lose confidence because of the price at that time, but firmly believed in the potential of Bitcoin. After a few years of waiting, the price of Bitcoin soared, and Eric Finman became a billionaire. His story tells us that investment in cryptocurrency requires a long-term vision and firm belief
Zheng Ge has been engaged in quantitative investment for five years. Learn about U45654U$ETH #比特币符文总市值创新高 #泰国批准首个比特币现货ETF #CCG合约量化机器人 #CCR现货机器人 $BTC
Түпнұсқаны қараңыз
Once upon a time, there was a wealthy businessman who heard a rumor: On a distant island, there was a mysterious virtual currency that could bring great wealth. The businessman decided to go to the island to find this mysterious currency called "Lucky Coin". The businessman prepared a large sum of money and hired a guide to lead the way. They embarked on a long and arduous journey, crossing dense jungles, steep mountains and turbulent rivers. Finally, they came to this legendary island. The businessman couldn't wait to find clues to the lucky coin, but he found that things on the island were not as simple as he imagined. There are many residents on this island, and everyone is chasing this mysterious virtual currency, and everyone is scrambling to buy and sell. The businessman began to study the market and observe the daily price fluctuations and trading trends. He learned the methods of technical analysis and fundamental analysis, and constantly improved his trading skills. Although he sometimes encountered risks and losses, the businessman did not give up, and he insisted on learning and exploring. After a period of hard work, the businessman finally found a trading strategy that could make stable profits. He began to invest carefully and soon got a good return. His wealth continued to increase, his life became more prosperous, and his reputation spread throughout the currency circle. However, the lucky coin market is also constantly changing, with new projects and currencies constantly emerging. A businessman understands that risks and opportunities coexist, and he needs to remain vigilant and flexible at all times. $BTC $ETH $BNB #比特币符文总市值创新高 #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准 #CCG合约量化机器人 #CCR现货机器人
Once upon a time, there was a wealthy businessman who heard a rumor: On a distant island, there was a mysterious virtual currency that could bring great wealth. The businessman decided to go to the island to find this mysterious currency called "Lucky Coin".
The businessman prepared a large sum of money and hired a guide to lead the way. They embarked on a long and arduous journey, crossing dense jungles, steep mountains and turbulent rivers. Finally, they came to this legendary island.
The businessman couldn't wait to find clues to the lucky coin, but he found that things on the island were not as simple as he imagined. There are many residents on this island, and everyone is chasing this mysterious virtual currency, and everyone is scrambling to buy and sell.
The businessman began to study the market and observe the daily price fluctuations and trading trends. He learned the methods of technical analysis and fundamental analysis, and constantly improved his trading skills. Although he sometimes encountered risks and losses, the businessman did not give up, and he insisted on learning and exploring.
After a period of hard work, the businessman finally found a trading strategy that could make stable profits. He began to invest carefully and soon got a good return. His wealth continued to increase, his life became more prosperous, and his reputation spread throughout the currency circle.
However, the lucky coin market is also constantly changing, with new projects and currencies constantly emerging. A businessman understands that risks and opportunities coexist, and he needs to remain vigilant and flexible at all times. $BTC $ETH $BNB #比特币符文总市值创新高 #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准 #CCG合约量化机器人 #CCR现货机器人
Түпнұсқаны қараңыз
Түпнұсқаны қараңыз
"The Intelligent Investor" There was a young investor who always made a lot of money in the stock market. Once, someone asked him curiously, "How do you do it?" He smiled and replied, "It's actually very simple. I just follow a principle, buy low and sell high." Although this sentence is simple, it contains a profound investment philosophy. In investment, buying stocks at a price lower than the value and waiting for the stock value to be fully recognized before selling is indeed a smart investment strategy$BTC $ETH $BNB #bnb历史新高 #比特币符文总市值创新高 #泰国批准首个比特币现货ETF #量化
"The Intelligent Investor"
There was a young investor who always made a lot of money in the stock market. Once, someone asked him curiously, "How do you do it?" He smiled and replied, "It's actually very simple. I just follow a principle, buy low and sell high." Although this sentence is simple, it contains a profound investment philosophy. In investment, buying stocks at a price lower than the value and waiting for the stock value to be fully recognized before selling is indeed a smart investment strategy$BTC $ETH $BNB #bnb历史新高 #比特币符文总市值创新高 #泰国批准首个比特币现货ETF #量化
Түпнұсқаны қараңыз
"Risk and Return" A farmer buried some treasure in his field. He told the villagers that whoever found the treasure would get a large bonus. Soon, the villagers began to come to the farmer's field to dig for treasure. Some people dug for days and nights, but found nothing; some people found the treasure after digging for a few hours. This story tells us that the same is true for investment. High returns are often accompanied by high risks, while low risks often mean low returns. Investors need to strike a balance between risk and return and find an investment method that suits them. $BTC $ETH #泰国批准首个比特币现货ETF #比特币符文总市值创新高 #CCG合约量化机器人 #CCR自动炒币机器人
"Risk and Return"
A farmer buried some treasure in his field. He told the villagers that whoever found the treasure would get a large bonus. Soon, the villagers began to come to the farmer's field to dig for treasure. Some people dug for days and nights, but found nothing; some people found the treasure after digging for a few hours. This story tells us that the same is true for investment. High returns are often accompanied by high risks, while low risks often mean low returns. Investors need to strike a balance between risk and return and find an investment method that suits them. $BTC $ETH #泰国批准首个比特币现货ETF #比特币符文总市值创新高 #CCG合约量化机器人 #CCR自动炒币机器人
Түпнұсқаны қараңыз
A teacher held up a hundred-dollar bill in class and asked the students how much it was worth. The students answered in unison, "One hundred yuan!" The teacher took out a worn-out hundred-dollar bill and asked the same question. The students still answered, "One hundred yuan!" The teacher smiled and said, "Do you know? This is the time value. Whether the bill is new or old, its value is the same. But in the financial field, time value is a very important concept.$BTC $ETH #第55期新币挖矿IO #BTC翻倍之路 #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准 #CCG合约量化机器人
A teacher held up a hundred-dollar bill in class and asked the students how much it was worth. The students answered in unison, "One hundred yuan!" The teacher took out a worn-out hundred-dollar bill and asked the same question. The students still answered, "One hundred yuan!" The teacher smiled and said, "Do you know? This is the time value. Whether the bill is new or old, its value is the same. But in the financial field, time value is a very important concept.$BTC $ETH #第55期新币挖矿IO #BTC翻倍之路 #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准 #CCG合约量化机器人
6月6日消息,《富爸爸穷爸爸》作者罗伯特·清崎(Robert Kiyosaki)在社交媒体发文表示,到 2024 年 8 月 25 日,比特币将达到 35 万美元,这不是谎言。这是一个预测。这是猜测,是观点,但不是谎言。这是骗人的诱饵,但这不是谎言,因为任何关于未来的预测都不是谎言。 我希望 35 万美元的比特币成为事实,我希望这是真的.... 但这只是一个预测。我相信比特币将在 2024 年的某个时候达到 35 万美元,但这只是一个目标、一个梦想和一个愿望。 我一直在购买更多的比特币、以太坊和 Solana,因为它们的价格肯定会继续上涨。为什么我如此自信? 是因为我对比特币、以太坊和 Solana 很确定吗? 我的回答是不。我确信的是我们的lingdao人拜登总统、财政部长耶林和美联储主席鲍威尔的无能。 这三个人就是现实生活中的3-Stooges,我很确定,我对他们的无能很有信心。当心。购买更多的黄金,白银,比特币,索拉纳和以太坊。保护你自己不受 3-Stooges 的伤害。$BTC #BTC走势分析 #比特币符文总市值创新高 #CCG合约量化机器人 #CCR现货机器人 $ETH $BNB
6月6日消息,《富爸爸穷爸爸》作者罗伯特·清崎(Robert Kiyosaki)在社交媒体发文表示,到 2024 年 8 月 25 日,比特币将达到 35 万美元,这不是谎言。这是一个预测。这是猜测,是观点,但不是谎言。这是骗人的诱饵,但这不是谎言,因为任何关于未来的预测都不是谎言。 我希望 35 万美元的比特币成为事实,我希望这是真的.... 但这只是一个预测。我相信比特币将在 2024 年的某个时候达到 35 万美元,但这只是一个目标、一个梦想和一个愿望。 我一直在购买更多的比特币、以太坊和 Solana,因为它们的价格肯定会继续上涨。为什么我如此自信? 是因为我对比特币、以太坊和 Solana 很确定吗? 我的回答是不。我确信的是我们的lingdao人拜登总统、财政部长耶林和美联储主席鲍威尔的无能。 这三个人就是现实生活中的3-Stooges,我很确定,我对他们的无能很有信心。当心。购买更多的黄金,白银,比特币,索拉纳和以太坊。保护你自己不受 3-Stooges 的伤害。$BTC #BTC走势分析 #比特币符文总市值创新高 #CCG合约量化机器人 #CCR现货机器人 $ETH $BNB
Түпнұсқаны қараңыз
"The Watchers of the Financial Market" In the financial market, there is a group of institutions and individuals called "Watchers" who are committed to supervising and maintaining the healthy order of the market. Once, a company was suspected of manipulating stock prices in an attempt to obtain improper benefits, but was discovered in time by the "Watchers" and severely sanctioned. This story tells us that the financial market needs supervision and order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of investors and fair competition in the market. I am Zheng Ge, a professional quant, and I need to know U45654U$ETH #BTC走势分析 #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准 #CCG合约量化机器人 #CCR现货机器人 $BTC
"The Watchers of the Financial Market"
In the financial market, there is a group of institutions and individuals called "Watchers" who are committed to supervising and maintaining the healthy order of the market. Once, a company was suspected of manipulating stock prices in an attempt to obtain improper benefits, but was discovered in time by the "Watchers" and severely sanctioned. This story tells us that the financial market needs supervision and order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of investors and fair competition in the market. I am Zheng Ge, a professional quant, and I need to know U45654U$ETH #BTC走势分析 #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准 #CCG合约量化机器人 #CCR现货机器人 $BTC
Түпнұсқаны қараңыз
In the investment world, there are many legendary figures who have become industry leaders with their unique investment concepts and methods. There was a legendary investor who, during a large-scale financial crisis, successfully avoided huge risks and even made huge profits with his keen insight into the market and decisive actions. This story tells us that investment is not just about luck, but also requires a deep understanding of the market and a firm belief in investment.
In the investment world, there are many legendary figures who have become industry leaders with their unique investment concepts and methods. There was a legendary investor who, during a large-scale financial crisis, successfully avoided huge risks and even made huge profits with his keen insight into the market and decisive actions. This story tells us that investment is not just about luck, but also requires a deep understanding of the market and a firm belief in investment.
Түпнұсқаны қараңыз
The "watchmen" of the financial market. In the financial market, there is a group of institutions and individuals called "watchmen" who are committed to supervising and maintaining the healthy order of the market. Once, a company was suspected of manipulating stock prices in an attempt to obtain improper benefits, but was discovered in time by the "watchmen" and severely sanctioned. This story tells us that the financial market needs supervision and order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of investors and fair competition in the market. I am Zheng Ge, a professional quant at Bosen Technology, and I need to know U45654U$ETH #BTC走势分析 #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准 #CCR自动炒币机器人 #CCG合约量化机器人 $BTC
The "watchmen" of the financial market.
In the financial market, there is a group of institutions and individuals called "watchmen" who are committed to supervising and maintaining the healthy order of the market. Once, a company was suspected of manipulating stock prices in an attempt to obtain improper benefits, but was discovered in time by the "watchmen" and severely sanctioned. This story tells us that the financial market needs supervision and order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of investors and fair competition in the market. I am Zheng Ge, a professional quant at Bosen Technology, and I need to know U45654U$ETH #BTC走势分析 #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准 #CCR自动炒币机器人 #CCG合约量化机器人 $BTC
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