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Жоғары (өспелі)
【Airdrop Interaction】 🁢 @zetablockchain Interactions I've recently, and quite accidentally, become a VIP contributor to #ZetaChain. Many friends from English-speaking regions are also interested in participating in ZetaChain. Therefore, I've prepared a special English version. Welcome everyone to enjoy! ⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥ The first thing to do is to add the spreadsheet! Bottom-left click on ZetaChain → Copy to a New Spreadsheet ✦ Google Sheet ⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥ 🚨Worth doing second (Good relationship with the official or high integrity) ✦ Owlto / @Owlto_Finance High-quality cross-chain protocol, easy to use through personal testing, and handling fees refunded, I almost use this to convert Layer2. ✦ Eddy Finance / @eddy_protocol One of the teams that works most closely with the official. It should be the leader of ZetaChain DEX that everyone expects. ✦ ZNS / @ZNSConnect Super dedicated team has been carrying forward Zeta. The domain name service is easy to use and you can participate in many activities and interact with each other. ✦ LENX / @LENX_Finance High degree of completion, high-quality and easy-to-use lending and stablecoins. It also have cooperation with OKX. I suggest you check it out. ✦ zkME/ @zkme_ An emerging player on the DID track, Circle Ventures participates in this investment project. I think it works well and other chains will adopt it in the future. ✦ Olive / @0xOlive The loan agreement has a high degree of completion and is somewhat similar to Radiant UI/UX friendly. Audit has been completed. More interactions are recommended. ✦ ZetaChain Galxe / @Galxe The official Galxe. I recommends that you get the OAT NFT you can get as soon as possible! ⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥ Today's airdrop tutorial comes to a close here. Great job, everyone! If you have any questions or doubts about airdrop interactions, please feel free to leave a comment. If you enjoyed the article, you can help me by bookmarking, liking, and sharing it.👍 ⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥ #ZetaChain #Zeta $ZETA #Airdrop #Layer1 #OmniChain
【Airdrop Interaction】

🁢 @zetablockchain Interactions

I've recently, and quite accidentally, become a VIP contributor to #ZetaChain.
Many friends from English-speaking regions are also interested in participating in ZetaChain.
Therefore, I've prepared a special English version.
Welcome everyone to enjoy!


The first thing to do is to add the spreadsheet!
Bottom-left click on ZetaChain → Copy to a New Spreadsheet

✦ Google Sheet


🚨Worth doing second
(Good relationship with the official or high integrity)

✦ Owlto / @Owlto_Finance
High-quality cross-chain protocol, easy to use through personal testing, and handling fees refunded, I almost use this to convert Layer2.

✦ Eddy Finance / @eddy_protocol
One of the teams that works most closely with the official. It should be the leader of ZetaChain DEX that everyone expects.

✦ ZNS / @ZNSConnect
Super dedicated team has been carrying forward Zeta. The domain name service is easy to use and you can participate in many activities and interact with each other.

✦ LENX / @LENX_Finance
High degree of completion, high-quality and easy-to-use lending and stablecoins. It also have cooperation with OKX. I suggest you check it out.

✦ zkME/ @zkme_
An emerging player on the DID track, Circle Ventures participates in this investment project. I think it works well and other chains will adopt it in the future.

✦ Olive / @0xOlive
The loan agreement has a high degree of completion and is somewhat similar to Radiant UI/UX friendly. Audit has been completed. More interactions are recommended.

✦ ZetaChain Galxe / @Galxe
The official Galxe. I recommends that you get the OAT NFT you can get as soon as possible!


Today's airdrop tutorial comes to a close here.
Great job, everyone!
If you have any questions or doubts about airdrop interactions, please feel free to leave a comment.
If you enjoyed the article, you can help me by bookmarking, liking, and sharing it.👍


#ZetaChain #Zeta $ZETA #Airdrop #Layer1 #OmniChain
Жоғары (өспелі)
【工具分享】 在進行區塊鏈項目和團隊的調研時 除了研究機制、研究數據、審計狀況 項目的融資情況也是絕對不能忽略的一大關鍵 以下統整了五大最好用的融資查詢網站 建議書籤先收藏以後拿出來用! 「完全免費!」 ⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥ ICO Analytics / @ICO_Analytics - 每個項目都有基本簡介讓你了解 - 附上正確的官網、DC、TG 以及官方文檔 - 為項目清楚分門別類 - 融資金額、參投方一清二楚 - 每筆融資除了時間也附上可靠消息來源新聞 - 顧名思義 整合了各種 ICO 數據以及代幣分配情況 - 還會附上類似項目 方便你做對比 ⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥ Crypto Fundraising / @Crypto_Dealflow - 首頁更新近期融資新項目 - 統整過去 30 天內最大融資 - 可以觀看各家 VC Portfolio 投資組合以及融資金額 - 每週產出週報更新最新市場融資情況 - 其餘資料與 ICO Analytics 差不多 ⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥ Chain Broker / @chain_broker - 除了融資外儀表板清楚呈現市場現況全貌 - 分類方式眾多 輕鬆滿足各種找資料的用戶習慣 - 聚合幣價、社交得分、代幣排放與解鎖、消息新聞 - 可以觀看各家 VC Portfolio 投資組合以及融資金額 - 把資料視覺化玩得非常活 比較需要花時間習慣 ⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥ Crunchase / @crunchbase - 主要是以「公司實體」為主的查詢 範圍更大 - 搜索範圍也包含傳統企業、員工、學校 - 能清楚查到註冊員工、人數、地點、新聞等等 - 財務數據、財報、甚至網頁流量都有統整 ⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥ ROOTDATA / @RootDataLabs - 清楚統整最新融資、大熱項目以及近期上線項目 - 每個項目都有清晰的基礎簡介 - 附上揭露的團隊信息以及領英、推特連結等等 - 時間線呈現融資、上線等重要資訊 - 主鏈項目可以清楚看到生態系集合 - 細分類 VC 並擁有非常好用的 Filter ⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥ 以上就是五大必備的融資查詢網站 全部先都書籤存起來 除了能包容更大範圍的項目外 之後交叉比對排除有問題的資料確認真實性! 以後會不定期更新關注這類的工具分享 個人書籤中有至少 400+ 種常用的冷門工具 追蹤我開啟鈴鐺讓你不錯過任何好東西 對你有用 歡迎把資訊分享出去 人人得利 #融資 #融资



ICO Analytics / @ICO_Analytics

- 每個項目都有基本簡介讓你了解
- 附上正確的官網、DC、TG 以及官方文檔
- 為項目清楚分門別類
- 融資金額、參投方一清二楚
- 每筆融資除了時間也附上可靠消息來源新聞
- 顧名思義 整合了各種 ICO 數據以及代幣分配情況
- 還會附上類似項目 方便你做對比


Crypto Fundraising / @Crypto_Dealflow

- 首頁更新近期融資新項目
- 統整過去 30 天內最大融資
- 可以觀看各家 VC Portfolio 投資組合以及融資金額
- 每週產出週報更新最新市場融資情況
- 其餘資料與 ICO Analytics 差不多


Chain Broker / @chain_broker

- 除了融資外儀表板清楚呈現市場現況全貌
- 分類方式眾多 輕鬆滿足各種找資料的用戶習慣
- 聚合幣價、社交得分、代幣排放與解鎖、消息新聞
- 可以觀看各家 VC Portfolio 投資組合以及融資金額
- 把資料視覺化玩得非常活 比較需要花時間習慣


Crunchase / @crunchbase

- 主要是以「公司實體」為主的查詢 範圍更大
- 搜索範圍也包含傳統企業、員工、學校
- 能清楚查到註冊員工、人數、地點、新聞等等
- 財務數據、財報、甚至網頁流量都有統整


ROOTDATA / @RootDataLabs

- 清楚統整最新融資、大熱項目以及近期上線項目
- 每個項目都有清晰的基礎簡介
- 附上揭露的團隊信息以及領英、推特連結等等
- 時間線呈現融資、上線等重要資訊
- 主鏈項目可以清楚看到生態系集合
- 細分類 VC 並擁有非常好用的 Filter



個人書籤中有至少 400+ 種常用的冷門工具
對你有用 歡迎把資訊分享出去 人人得利

#融資 #融资
Жоғары (өспелі)
【工具分享】 🁢 倉位控管槓桿計算機 在這圈子也好幾年了 沒爆個幾次倉永遠學不乖 直到近幾個月才意識到倉位控管的必要性 自從開始做倉位控管、嚴守紀律、控制好虧損後 心情好很多 績效也好很多 是非常重要的課題 剛好有群友需要 就簡單寫了一個計算機 下面稍微講下怎麼使用 ✦ 倉位控管計算機 ✦ ⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥ 這套倉位控管的邏輯是 利用止損價距離和倉位大小來推算槓桿倍數 可以很有效的限制住最大虧損空間 舉例來說: 🚨 先不要設槓桿倍數 想一下以下場景 • 我每單倉位最多接受虧 30u • 我這單倉位想開 200u 保證金 • 我這單開倉價格在 0.5 • 我這單預設停損在 0.45 • (0.5-0.45 / 0.5) = 大概距離開倉價 -10% • 則 30 / 10 / 200 * 100 = 1.5 代表我這單要控制虧損的話 最高只能開 1.5 倍槓桿 以此作為參考 想必各位如果都要手算或是大概抓覺得麻煩 以後有計算機就舒服啦! ⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥⏥ 手機電腦都能夠使用 畫面應該都調整的挺舒服 有任何使用疑問或者建議和 BUG 都非常歡迎各位的指教 直接 DM 我!感謝 #Binance中文 #Binance #Perp #合約 #交易技术

🁢 倉位控管槓桿計算機

在這圈子也好幾年了 沒爆個幾次倉永遠學不乖
心情好很多 績效也好很多 是非常重要的課題
剛好有群友需要 就簡單寫了一個計算機

✦ 倉位控管計算機 ✦



先不要設槓桿倍數 想一下以下場景
• 我每單倉位最多接受虧 30u
• 我這單倉位想開 200u 保證金
• 我這單開倉價格在 0.5
• 我這單預設停損在 0.45
• (0.5-0.45 / 0.5) = 大概距離開倉價 -10%
• 則 30 / 10 / 200 * 100 = 1.5

最高只能開 1.5 倍槓桿 以此作為參考


手機電腦都能夠使用 畫面應該都調整的挺舒服
有任何使用疑問或者建議和 BUG
都非常歡迎各位的指教 直接 DM 我!感謝

#Binance中文 #Binance #Perp #合約 #交易技术
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