📉 Bitcoin Daily 📈

#Bitcoin didn't move anywhere during Wednesday, so target zone for potential pullback remains same and valid - 69300-69700. But that move doesn't have to happen first as nearest liquidity pools above are very close. That makes them probably more attractive and easy to reach.

Nearest $BTC liquidity pools:

above - 71885 / 72362 / 72990 / 74136

below - 70241 / 68520 / 66566 / 65640

Lines on the chart:

🔸73881 - ATH

🔸71363 - March close

🔸70393 - last W VAH

🔸68540 - week close

🔸67577 - May close

🔸66239 - last week open

🔸64025 - last April week close

#BTC Trend: D 🔼 W 🔼 M 🔼

🤑 F&G: 78 < 75 < 73 < 73 < 73