📚Why Bitcoin Isn't Climbing Past $65,000: A Tale of Market Manipulation📚

Bitcoin's been stuck at $65,000 for over a day, leaving many wondering what's going on. It seems like big players in the crypto world are pulling strings behind the scenes.

If you look at the numbers on Binance, there's not much trading happening. Only 22,000 Bitcoins were traded in the last day, which is really low. This shows that people aren't too excited about the market right now.

The big crypto players are waiting for newbies to come in and pump money into the market. They're like predators waiting for their prey.

Lots of folks bought Bitcoin when it hit $70,000, but now they're losing money because the price dropped. They're hoping it goes back up so they can sell and break even, but that might not happen anytime soon.

While these folks are waiting, the big players are making the market look good again to attract new investors. But be careful, because once lots of people jump in and invest, the prices might drop again, and you could lose money while they profit. Stay safe out there!
