In a recent report by BlockBeats, Bitcoin miners have experienced a notable decline in their earnings from rune trades over the past six days. The total income generated was less than two Bitcoins, a significant decrease from the record high of 884 Bitcoins recorded on April 24.

Data from Dune Analytics highlights a sharp reduction in the daily average of rune trades. From June 22 to June 28, the average number of rune trades was 37,820, representing nearly a 90% decrease compared to the 331,040 average daily trades recorded between June 9 and June 15. Notably, June 24 saw only 23,238 trades, marking the lowest level since the fourth Bitcoin halving event on April 20.

Over the past week, rune trades have accounted for only 4.9-11.1% of all Bitcoin trades. This drastic reduction in trading volume has directly impacted the earnings of Bitcoin miners, reflecting the volatility and dynamic nature of the cryptocurrency market.
