According to Odaily, Ark Labs announced on Tuesday the establishment of a company dedicated to developing a new Bitcoin Layer2 payment network based on the Ark protocol. The Ark protocol was initially proposed in 2023, representing a Bitcoin Layer2 expansion solution that works in conjunction with the Lightning Network. The aim is to provide a more simplified self-hosted Bitcoin Layer2 solution, eliminating the need to manage nodes, payment channels, and liquidity.

The new company under Ark Labs is a significant step towards enhancing the efficiency and simplicity of Bitcoin transactions. By leveraging the Ark protocol, the company aims to streamline the process of Bitcoin transactions, making it more accessible and user-friendly. This development is a part of the broader trend of continuous innovation in the field of cryptocurrency, with companies constantly seeking ways to improve transaction speed, security, and user experience.

The establishment of this new company is expected to contribute significantly to the evolution of the Bitcoin Layer2 payment network. It is anticipated that the company's efforts will lead to a more streamlined and efficient Bitcoin transaction process, ultimately benefiting the users and the broader cryptocurrency market.