Binance Square


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5 адам талқылап жатыр
Sujal khedekar
#Day63 : Binance Launchpad? How to Participate in an IEO Binance Launchpad is a platform that helps new crypto projects raise funds through Initial Exchange Offerings (IEOs). Unlike ICOs, where tokens are sold directly to the public, an IEO is conducted on a trusted exchange like Binance, ensuring security and transparency. How to Participate in an IEO on Binance? 1. Hold BNB – Most IEOs require users to hold Binance Coin (BNB) in their wallets for a specific period. 2. Complete KYC – Users must verify their identity to comply with Binance’s regulations. 3. Check the Project – Binance announces upcoming IEOs with details on token supply, price, and lottery rules. 4. Commit BNB – Participants commit their BNB during the subscription period. 5. Token Allocation – Tokens are distributed based on the amount of BNB committed. Binance Launchpad is a gateway to investing in promising crypto projects early. Stay informed and trade wisely! $BTC $ETH $BNB #BinanceLaunchpad #IEO #BNB #LearningAndEarning
#Day63 : Binance Launchpad? How to Participate in an IEO

Binance Launchpad is a platform that helps new crypto projects raise funds through Initial Exchange Offerings (IEOs). Unlike ICOs, where tokens are sold directly to the public, an IEO is conducted on a trusted exchange like Binance, ensuring security and transparency.

How to Participate in an IEO on Binance?

1. Hold BNB – Most IEOs require users to hold Binance Coin (BNB) in their wallets for a specific period.

2. Complete KYC – Users must verify their identity to comply with Binance’s regulations.

3. Check the Project – Binance announces upcoming IEOs with details on token supply, price, and lottery rules.

4. Commit BNB – Participants commit their BNB during the subscription period.

5. Token Allocation – Tokens are distributed based on the amount of BNB committed.

Binance Launchpad is a gateway to investing in promising crypto projects early. Stay informed and trade wisely!


#BinanceLaunchpad #IEO #BNB #LearningAndEarning
What is an ICO? ICO stands for Initial Coin Offering and refers to a method of raising capital for cryptocurrency and blockchain-related projects. Typically, a project will create a token and present their idea in a whitepaper. The project will then offer the tokens for sale to raise the capital necessary for funding development. Even though there have been many successful ICOs to date, investors need to be very careful if they are interested in purchasing tokens in an ICO. ICOs are largely unregulated, and very risky. How is an IEO or STO different from an ICO? STOs and IEOs are alternative token sale models that emerged after ICOs started to fade in popularity. IEO stands for Initial Exchange Offering. IEOs share a lot of similarities with ICOs. They are both largely unregulated token sales, with the main difference being that ICOs are conducted by the projects that are selling the tokens, while IEOs are conducted through cryptocurrency exchanges. Cryptocurrency exchanges have an incentive to screen projects before they conduct a token sale for them, so the quality of IEOs tends to be better on average than the quality of ICOs. #ICO #IEO $BTC $ETH $XRP {future}(XRPUSDT) {future}(ETHUSDT) {future}(BTCUSDT)
What is an ICO?
ICO stands for Initial Coin Offering and refers to a method of raising capital for cryptocurrency and blockchain-related projects. Typically, a project will create a token and present their idea in a whitepaper. The project will then offer the tokens for sale to raise the capital necessary for funding development. Even though there have been many successful ICOs to date, investors need to be very careful if they are interested in purchasing tokens in an ICO. ICOs are largely unregulated, and very risky.

How is an IEO or STO different from an ICO?
STOs and IEOs are alternative token sale models that emerged after ICOs started to fade in popularity.

IEO stands for Initial Exchange Offering. IEOs share a lot of similarities with ICOs. They are both largely unregulated token sales, with the main difference being that ICOs are conducted by the projects that are selling the tokens, while IEOs are conducted through cryptocurrency exchanges. Cryptocurrency exchanges have an incentive to screen projects before they conduct a token sale for them, so the quality of IEOs tends to be better on average than the quality of ICOs.

$ETHFI 價格分析 本期 $ETHFI 的總量為 10 億,空投 11% 幣安 IEO 2% ,大部分籌碼都是 0 成本獲得的。 $ETHFI 的場外價格已經來到了 5 USDT,作為 Restaking 第一個上線幣安的項目,我認為不考慮市場 FOMO 的情況下,價格落在 5.3~6 USDT 是一個比較合理的區間。 如果加上牛市的情緒,高開一點 6~8,甚至盤整後超過 10 都是也可能的。 #ethfi #ieo #热门话题
$ETHFI 價格分析
本期 $ETHFI 的總量為 10 億,空投 11% 幣安 IEO 2% ,大部分籌碼都是 0 成本獲得的。

$ETHFI 的場外價格已經來到了 5 USDT,作為 Restaking 第一個上線幣安的項目,我認為不考慮市場 FOMO 的情況下,價格落在 5.3~6 USDT 是一個比較合理的區間。

如果加上牛市的情緒,高開一點 6~8,甚至盤整後超過 10 都是也可能的。

#ethfi #ieo #热门话题
新项目如何打分? #ido #ieo #Launchpad Sober之前一直是做二级市场卖方研究员的,不过很多同学是做一级市场PE和VC的。大家一起交流的时候都会聊到,一级市场那么暴力,是否有比较好的投资机会。 得出的结论是: 1️⃣高瓴、经纬等好的项目不对外释放额度,释放也是1000W起; 2️⃣释放到市场的很多一级项目很多也是关系户,同学他们作为评委打分就应付一下。 所以,你想赚APR,人家看重的是你什么呢?

#ido #ieo #Launchpad





Төмен (кемімелі)
听说@Jucoinex 跑路了?! 维权群都拉了好多个‼️ 本来周四看到这个IEO想着去参与一下 一看老诈骗犯红神发了广子就没去,幸好没去,不然又是几千U没了,建议大家没事关注一下诈骗犯,诈骗犯推广的都别去 牛市保住本金,来路不明的以及有黑历史的项目及平台的ido ,ico,ieo等都别参与,你图他的利润,他图你本金🤪 同时给大家普及一下ido、ico、ieo的概念和特点如下图,希望大家能遇到好项目 #ieo #聚币
听说@Jucoinex 跑路了?!



#ieo #聚币
Жоғары (өспелі)
今日必做系列之 币安钱包 联合 myshell_ai 的钱包IEO 熟悉的配方、熟悉的味道,只不过从CEX换到了钱包。 今天早上10点开始的,目前已超募1000% 每个钱包参与上限 3 $BNB (明显的散户福利 操作流程:打开币安App -> 资产 -> 钱包 -> 接收(从交易所转入3BNB) -> 点击参与活动(钱包首页广告) -> Deposit(最大存入3BNB)-> 完成 DEX 交易日期:2 月 13 日 10点之后立即在 Binance Wallet DEX 或 PancakeSwap 上 ⏰时间: 开始日期: 2 月 13 日 10点 结束日期: 2 月 13 日 22点 切记此次IEO必须使用币安钱包参与,外部导入钱包可能失败~ #Pancake #IEO #BNB金铲子挖矿
今日必做系列之 币安钱包 联合 myshell_ai 的钱包IEO


每个钱包参与上限 3 $BNB (明显的散户福利

操作流程:打开币安App -> 资产 -> 钱包 -> 接收(从交易所转入3BNB) -> 点击参与活动(钱包首页广告) -> Deposit(最大存入3BNB)-> 完成

DEX 交易日期:2 月 13 日 10点之后立即在 Binance Wallet DEX 或 PancakeSwap 上

开始日期: 2 月 13 日 10点
结束日期: 2 月 13 日 22点

#Pancake #IEO #BNB金铲子挖矿
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