Binance Square
Crypto Ahmet
ポートフォリオに $DOGA #Dogita を入れて、次のアルトシーズンに備えましょう。ミームコインコミュニティで最も望まれている雌犬が、もうすぐやってくる強気市場で歴史を作るためにやって来ました。

#memecoins #BTC #altcoins

Crypto With Azam
BTTC は、これまで到達できなかった月への道です。BTTC、つまりビットコイン トラスト証明書は、確立された伝統的な金融の世界と、急成長中の分散型金融 (DeFi) の領域の間のギャップを埋める魅力的なイノベーションです。
BTTC!!! 💥💥💥
BTTC!!! 💥💥💥
BTTC ロード・トゥ・ザ・ムーン、これまでに到達できなかった場所へ。
BTTC (ビットコイン信託証明書) は、確立された伝統的な金融の世界と、急成長を遂げている分散型金融 (DeFi) の領域の間のギャップを埋める魅力的なイノベーションです。仮想通貨エコシステムにおけるその可能性、利点、役割を理解するには、両方の世界を深く掘り下げる必要があります。BTTC の可能性: アクセシビリティ: BTTC により、ETF や ETN などの規制対象の金融商品を通じて、世界をリードする仮想通貨であるビットコインをより多くの人々がアクセスできるようになります。これにより、暗号通貨取引所やウォレットと直接やり取りすることに抵抗がある従来の投資家にもビットコインへの投資が開かれます。流動性の向上:BTTCは、従来の市場から新しい投資家を呼び込むことでビットコインの流動性を高める可能性があり、これにより価格発見がよりスムーズになり、ボラティリティが低下する可能性があります。機関投資家による導入: BTTC は、機関投資家にとって馴染みのある規制された投資手段を提供し、金融機関によるビットコインやその他の暗号通貨の幅広い採用への道を開きます。BTTC の良い面: リスクの軽減: BTTC は規制された商品であるため、多くの場合、より強力な投資家保護が提供されます。取引所でビットコインを直接保有する場合と比較して、透明性が向上します。これにより、リスク回避的な投資家がビットコイン市場に引き寄せられる可能性があります。利便性: BTTC は、使い慣れた証券プラットフォームを通じて従来の株式や ETF と同様に取引でき、そのようなシステムにすでに慣れている人にとっては投資が簡素化されます。分散化: BTTC は、投資ポートフォリオを多様化する方法を提供します。暗号エコシステムにおける重要性: 正当化: BTTC は、従来の金融世界と分散型金融の世界の間の架け橋として機能し、確立された金融システム内でビットコインおよびその他の暗号通貨に正当性と認識を提供します。インフラストラクチャ開発: BTTC の成長は、暗号資産の主流の採用に必要な保管、決済、その他のサービスのための堅牢なインフラストラクチャの開発を促進する可能性があります。金融包摂: BTTC は、これまで金融システムから排除されてきた幅広い個人や機関に、検閲への耐性や国境のない取引などのビットコインの利点をもたらす可能性があります。ただし、BTTC には特定の欠点もあることを覚えておくことが重要です。 : BTTC はその性質上、保管と発行を集中管理機関に依存する必要があり、これは DeFi の中核原則に反します。 取引相手のリスク: BTTC への投資家は、証明書を発行または管理する機関が義務を履行できないリスクにさらされています。手数料: BTTC には通常、ビットコインを直接保有する場合に比べて追加手数料がかかり、潜在的な収益が損なわれる可能性があります。結論として、BTTC は、アクセシビリティ、流動性、機関導入の増加などの利点により、従来の金融と分散型金融の間のギャップを埋める大きな可能性を秘めています。暗号通貨エコシステムにおける彼らの役割は、デジタル資産の世界への幅広い参加を正当化し、促進することにあります。ただし、BTTC に投資する前に、集中化やカウンターパーティのリスクなどの潜在的な欠点を認識することが重要です。#Write2Earn 💡覚えておいてください: 最高の投資記事を提供するには多大な労力がかかります。皆様の寛大なヒントは私たちの使命を強化し、最良の投資アドバイスを提供することをサポートします。
カルダノ(ADA)は過去24時間で注目すべき4%の急騰を経験し、その値は0.4728ドルに達しました。しかし、この上昇は、ADA が被った広範な損失を部分的に軽減するに過ぎず、過去 1 週間で 10% 減少し、過去 30 日間ではさらに大幅に 21% 減少しました。
Crypto PM

Binance は第 26 回 BNB 四半期バーニングを完了しました!
2,139,945 BNB (~$667,406,084) が燃えました!


#bnbburn #TradeNTell #TrendingTopic #Binance
$BNB BNB 四半期バーニング: 2,000,000 個以上のトークンが消失、価値は 6 億 3,600 万ドルに相当

バイナンスからの最近のリリースで、BNB財団は、BNBチェーン上での第26回四半期ごとのバイナンスコイントークンバーンが正常に完了したと発表しました。取引所のネイティブ トークンの大部分は、自動バーンとパイオニア バーン プログラムを含むバーン中に流通から削除されました。

最新のバーンイベントにより、自動バーン手順により、流通から 2,141,487.27 BNB (6 億 3,600 万ドル以上) が削除されました。


さらに、1542.15 トークンがパイオニア バーン プログラムの一環として流通から削除されました。ユーザーが資格を持っている場合、このサービスは証明された損失額に相当するBNBを永久に削除します。

BEP95 が導入されて以来、この方法では約 210,000 個のトークンが永久に焼かれてきました。前述したように、パイオニア バーン プログラムは生態系の保護に役立ち、置き忘れられた資金が流通供給に影響を与えるのを防ぎます。

トークンの供給も、BNB チェーンのリアルタイム書き込みメカニズムを通じて継続的に減少します。供給を削減する継続的な試みの一環として、このメカニズムにより、BNB チェーンのガスコストの一部をリアルタイムで燃焼することが可能になります。
#TrendingTopic #TradeNTell #BNB
Crypto Ahmet
😱🚀XRP 価格は 8 週間で大幅上昇の見込み – その理由はここにあります

Ripple Labs が支援する XRP は、活気のあるエコシステムを備えた立派なユーティリティベースのデジタル資産に成長しました。ほぼすべてのトップクラスの暗号通貨取引所と分散型金融プラットフォームに上場されている XRP は、時価総額でトップ 10 の最も価値のある暗号資産の 1 つであり続けています。

最新の市場データによると、XRP の完全希薄化後の評価額は約 580 億ドル、1 日あたりの平均取引量は約 9 億ドルで、取引量対時価総額比率は 2.81% であり、健全な流動性を示しています。

XRP の価格動向の今後
いくつかのソーシャル メディア プラットフォームで人気のデジタル資産アナリスト、別名 Crypto Rover によると、XRP 価格はマクロの頂点に急速に近づいており、差し迫った強気のブレイクアウトをもたらすでしょう。この暗号アナリストは、XRP 強気派が今後 2 か月で支配権を握ると予想しています。さらに、約54セントのサポートレベルは、XRP購入者に確固たる心理的後押しを与えています。



XRPの強気の物語は、特に先週ビットコイン価格が約49,000ドルの主要なレジスタンスに達した後、今後のアルトコインシーズンの憶測の高まりによって強化されています。すでに、イーサリアム(ETH)、ソラナ(SOL)、BNB などのトップクラスのアルトコインは、今後数か月以内に強気トレンドが差し迫っているという初期兆候を示しています。
#xrp #binance #BTC
Boom baby!
Boom baby!
💰 Ripple Valuation Hits $11.3 Billion, Holding $25B in Crypto Like XRP🚀🔒

Exciting news in the crypto realm! Ripple, the prominent payment firm, has made strategic moves to repossess sold shares, propelling its valuation to a staggering $11.3 billion. 🌐 Notably, Ripple's crypto portfolio stands robust at an impressive $25 billion, with XRP taking the lead.

1. Ripple Valuation Touches $11.3 Billion Through Share Buyback

Anonymous sources have confirmed that Ripple is set to acquire $285 million worth of shares from early investors and employees in a targeted buyback initiative. This "tender offer" not only values Ripple at $11.3 billion but showcases a controlled approach, allowing investors to sell up to a maximum of 6% of their stake.

💡 Insights: Ripple's commitment to regular share buybacks aims to provide liquidity for investors, offering a glimpse into the company's financial strategy.

2. No Immediate IPO Plans: Regulatory Caution Prevails

Despite market expectations, Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse clarified that there are no immediate plans for an initial public offering (IPO) in the U.S. Regulatory uncertainties, especially amid an ongoing legal battle with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), drive this cautious approach.

🛡️ Regulatory Challenges: Garlinghouse highlights the need for regulatory clarity before pursuing an IPO, citing ongoing legal battles with the SEC as a key hurdle.

3. Ripple's Robust Financial Standing Revealed

In a confirmation statement, Garlinghouse disclosed Ripple's financial prowess, boasting a cash reserve exceeding $1 billion. Additionally, Ripple holds a crypto portfolio valued at $25 billion, with XRP dominating the portfolio.

🔐 Crypto Portfolio Strength: Ripple's $25 billion crypto portfolio, including a substantial stash of XRP, showcases resilience and strategic financial planning.

🚀 Stay Informed, Stay Invested! Follow The Defidraft for Crypto Insights! 🌐💡

#RippleSECSettlement #RippleUpdate #trendingtoday #cryptocurrency #crypto2024
🔮#XRP価格予測: アナリストによる 5 ドルの予測は現実的な目標か?

リップルの価格予測は楽観的。現在の変動と高まる市場の楽観論の中、専門家は XRP が 90 日以内に 5 ドルに急騰すると予測。

#BTC #etf #ARB #ARB #OP
Yes please!!!
Yes please!!!
The Blockopedia
🚀 XRP Targets $11, $33 and $220 With Gamma-Ray Burst🌌💹

Hold onto your seats, crypto enthusiasts! EGRAG, a seasoned market analyst, has unleashed a bullish forecast for XRP that could send shockwaves through the crypto sphere. 📈✨ Let's unravel the cosmic analysis and potential targets for XRP's stratospheric journey.

📊 Gamma-Ray Burst and XRP's Galactic Surge!

EGRAG, the chartist extraordinaire, unveils an astronomical prediction for XRP's price trajectory. Drawing a parallel to the energy unleashed in a gamma-ray burst (GRB), EGRAG suggests that XRP's impending price explosion might match the intensity of this celestial phenomenon. Buckle up for a ride through the cosmos as XRP gears up for a seismic shift!

💥 Gamma-Ray Burst Explained: A highly energetic explosion releasing a colossal amount of gamma-ray radiation. EGRAG likens this to the potential unleashed in XRP's future surge.

🚀 2017 Redux: XRP Aims to Recreate History!

Drawing inspiration from the 2017 rally, EGRAG believes XRP could stage a comeback reminiscent of its historical performance. Despite underperforming in the early stages of the current market phase, XRP is gearing up for a spectacular rally, mirroring the 110,466% surge from $0.0030 to an all-time high of $3.31 in January 2018.

🌐 Potential XRP Price Targets: A Cosmic Odyssey!

EGRAG doesn't hold back in setting ambitious Fibonacci targets for XRP, foreseeing a trajectory that includes:
$1.20: Reclaiming the $1 territory.$2.2 and $5.8: Paving the way for new milestones.$11, $33, and $220: Sky-high goals that could redefine XRP's all-time high.

🔮 EGRAG's Insight: While concerns about XRP's underperformance loom, the analyst sees parallels with 2017, hinting at an imminent cosmic rally.

💡 Don't Miss the Crypto Odyssey: Strap in for XRP's Galactic Journey! 🚀🌌

🌐 For more astronomical crypto insights, follow The Blockopedia!

#XRPBurn #XRPEscrow #XRPPricePrediction #cryptocurrency #crypto2024
With a Gamma-Ray Burst, the Price of XRP Could Reach $200, According to a Crypto Analyst
A technical analysis that was published by a crypto analyst on X implies that there is a possibility that the price of XRP might skyrocket to as high as $220. The analyst draws a striking similarity between this possible spike with the astronomical occurrence that is known as a Gamma-Ray Burst (GRB). The GRB comparison is used in financial charting to describe a rise in price that is associated with a substantial size and quickness. This surge is comparable to the strong energy release that occurs during a cosmic GRB.
For his prediction, he used the Fibonacci Channel, often known as the Fib Channel. This is a technical analysis technique that traders use to determine probable levels of support and resistance based on the Fibonacci sequence. First, a trendline is drawn between two extreme points, which are normally a high and a low. Next, the vertical distance between the two points is divided by the important Fibonacci ratios. This is how a Fibonacci Channel is built. These levels are lines that run parallel to one another across the chart and have the potential to serve as markers for price objectives or the beginning of reversals.
Goals for the Price of Cosmic XRP
These Fibonacci levels are seen on the one-month chart of XRP/USD that was provided by Egrag on X. In his analysis of the present price levels, Egrag makes the following observation: "Reflecting on XRP's potential to mirror its trajectory in 2017, the analysis reveals crucial figures within The Fib Channel." On the basis of this, the important future price points are as follows: $2.2 (0.236 Fib), $5.8 (0.382 Fib), $11 (0.5 Fib), $33 (0.702 Fib), and eventually, the zenith at $220 (1.0 Fib).

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In addition, the study finds the two "Bull Market Lines" on the chart, which have had a significant role in the price movements of XRP in the past. Based on Egrag's study, it is anticipated that these lines will appear for a third time, which might be an indication of a new upward trend.
The first time we came into contact with it was in March of 2017, when the price of XRP surpassed the preliminary "bull market line." From a low of $0.005 to its current all-time high of $3.30, the price of XRP saw a staggering increase of 60,000%. In addition, this now serves as the beginning point for the second "bull market line," with the second connection point of this line being determined from the high point that it reached in April 2021, which was $1.97.
According to Egrag, in order for the price of XRP to cross the "Bull Market Line – 2," it is now necessary for the price to surpass the $1.20 level. The Simple Moving Average (SMA) and the 24 SMA on the one-month chart might cross each other, which would be an indication of this possible impulse.
According to Egrag, "Once the bullish cross happens, almost one month later, the XRP bull run starts," which is in line with the historical price movements that are highlighted on the chart as "Cross 1" and "Cross 2." A similar crossing is anticipated to occur in the near future, according to the expert, who forecasts a transition from a negative market to a bullish market. The crossover took place between the end of December 2023 and the beginning of January 2024, which is an important fact to note.
A rallying cry is added to the XRP community via Egrag's comments on the social network X, which is as follows: The transition from red to blue, and then finally to green, is on the horizon, thus the XRP Army asks that you be calm and get ready. There is going to be a GRB Event."
There is still a need for the momentum to become bullish.
In conclusion, Egrag's study provides a positive case for the alternative cryptocurrency. It does so by providing specific price predictions and technical indicators that may serve as a guide for probable future moves. However, investors are encouraged to approach the market analysis with care and to undertake their own research, just as they would with any other market analysis.

In recent months, the price of XRP has not performed very well. The price has completely erased all of its gains, despite the fact that Ripple was victorious in the XRP litigation. Additionally, at the time of this publication, the price of XRP was trading below the 200-day exponential moving average (EMA), which is referred to as the "bull line" in technical analysis.
#XRP #RippleUpdate #crypto2024 $XRP
Ripple (XRP) Achieves a Major Milestone: Details

Ripple’s XRP has seen a notable increase in the number of its wallets, surpassing a specific milestone.

This achievement aligns with a rise in the overall number of executed XRP transactions since the beginning of the current year.

Ripple faces significant legal challenges in the upcoming months, with major trials scheduled and partial court victories already secured last year.

Ripple (XRP) Surpasses an Important Milestone

Ripple’s XRP has recently reached a major achievement in terms of address count. According to rich-list, the number of XRP wallets exceeded the 5 million mark after a significant uptrend throughout 2023. Recall that the figure stood at approximately 4 million at the start of last year.

The development signals a growing user base and wider adoption of the asset, which might fuel additional investor confidence.

Surpassing the aforementioned milestone coincides with an overall rise in executed XRP transactions as of late. The figure has stood at well above 5 million since the start of the new year.

2024 Could be a Pivotal Year for Ripple

The aforementioned milestone is just the beginning of a series of upcoming developments for Ripple this year. The company’s most important event in the following months is arguably associated with the lawsuit against the United Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

The lengthy legal battle has its grand trial scheduled for April 23. Currently, Ripple seemingly has the upper hand, securing three vital (yet partial) court victories last year.

The firm is also involved in another lawsuit, known as Zakinov v Ripple Labs. Its trial has been postponed numerous times in the past several years and is expected to start on April 15, 2024. A motion hearing that aims to approve the form and manner of class notice is set for January 11.

The Zakinov v Ripple Labs case shares similarities with the SEC lawsuit since both plaintiffs accused Ripple of selling XRP as an unregistered security. 

The post Ripple (XRP) Achieves a Major Milestone: Details appeared first on CryptoPotato.
Great project!
Great project!
Keith Love CZ

Xai是Arbitrum生态系统中的首个Layer3平台,旨在帮助传统游戏玩家过渡到web3游戏。它通过一个开放且去中心化的网络,使传统玩家能够参与到游戏内物品的公开交易中,无需直接与加密钱包交互。Xai解决了多个关键问题:通过Layer3技术解决可扩展性问题,使得能够服务数亿用户而不牺牲互操作性、组合性和安全性;通过创新的Gas补贴合约,解决区块链游戏中的Gas费用问题,消除了游戏中的Gas费用,降低了玩家的操作阻力,促进了区块链游戏生态系统的发展;通过将加密货币钱包无缝集成到游戏体验的后端,并代表玩家管理钱包,解决了传统游戏玩家在交互方面的障碍;通过实施强大的AnyTrust技术和优化的智能合约执行,确保了其区块链网络的稳定性。XAI是Xai的原生Gas代币,用户可以将XAI兑换为esXAI,然后进行质押,以获得以下效益:增加节点运营商esXAI的收益,获取访问Xai区块链上游戏相关的特殊活动和NFT的权利,以及通过质押esXAI获得治理权,参与DAO/基金会财政提案的投票。Xai的主要组成部分包括:作为Arbitrum Orbit链运行,利用Anytrust技术实现最大速度和最小成本,与大多数自我管理的Orbit链不同,Xai得到了Offchain Labs的直接技术支持;哨兵节点是一个观察节点,监控Xai Rollup协议,如果提出了错误的区块,它会发出警报,以便其他人可以干预。哨兵节点的目的是解决验证者的困境。Xai通过三轮融资共筹集了约1000万美元,每轮的XAI价格分别为0.01美元、0.032美元和0.035美元。




哨兵节点(Sentry Node)是一种观察节点,用于监控Xai Rollup协议。如果有错误的区块被提出,哨兵节点将通过其操作者选择的任何方式发出警报,以便其他人可以干预。哨兵节点的目的是解决验证者的困境(具体参阅:Xai游戏公链Sentry(哨兵)节点详细解读)。
Offchain Labs:以部署Arbitrum而闻名,一种Layer 2区块链解决方案。与Xai的合作有三个关键方面:1) 部署Xai,一个建立在Arbitrum上的Layer 3链;2) 设计Xai哨兵节点来解决验证者的困境;3) 构建Arbitrum One与Xai之间的双向规范桥接。Team Secret:电子竞技和游戏社区中的著名名称。这次合作的主要目标是利用区块链技术革新游戏分发。Media Indie Exchange (MIX):在独立游戏界中享有盛誉的平台。这次合作旨在从丰富的独立游戏中筛选并通过区块链技术增强其分发。MIX为合作带来了超过100款游戏的强大资源库,准备在Xai平台上部署。Rug Radio:在数字媒体和区块链领域的活跃玩家。这一伙伴关系旨在利用Rug Radio在媒体领域的独特地位,推广并分发Xai平台上的游戏。Camelot:将在Xai上部署的DEX(去中心化交易所)。Rarible:将在Xai上部署的NFT市场。Thirdweb:一个web3开发工具包,允许开发者通过钱包吸引用户,构建和部署智能合约,接受法币支付,以及在任何EVM链上扩展应用。LayerZero:一种将在Xai上部署的互操作性协议。
Final Form游戏

《Final Form》是Ex Populus开发的第一款游戏,将部署到Xai区块链并由Xai基金会发布。在《Final Form》中,玩家将参与高频率的卡组构建和自动战斗,融合了Rogue-Lite机制。该游戏计划于2024年4月发布。

《LAMOverse》是Ex Populus开发的第二款游戏,将部署到Xai区块链并由Xai基金会发布。在《LAMOverse》中,混沌是游戏的核心特点。游戏中的一切,包括世界本身,都是可摧毁的。玩家需要驾驶定制化的悬浮汽车,在对手中存活下来,并对他们造成破坏。该游戏计划于2024年第四季度发布。

Web3 Warriors游戏

《Web3 Warriors》是一款史诗级的链上生存游戏。玩家需要通过与元素领主、无尽的亡灵敌人和恐怖的Boss战斗来逃离地牢。通过赚取$BATTLE代币,玩家可以在游戏内商店购买NFT来升级角色。

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Check this!
ORIONPLAY official
Game On! Earn Free $XAI with the Xai Binance Airdrop

Yo Binance fam, brace yourselves for some epic loot! Get ready to level up your crypto game with the hottest airdrop in town: Xai (XAI) on Binance Launchpool!
But before we move forward, hit that follow button like a boss! You wouldn't wanna miss out on all the juicy crypto scoop, right?
So, what's the deal with Xai? Imagine a blockchain built just for gamers, where in-game item trading is smoother than silk and gas fees are so low, they're practically invisible. That's Xai for you, a layer 3 magic carpet ride on top of Arbitrum, taking you straight to gaming nirvana. ✨
Here's the lowdown:

75 million $XAI tokens up for grabs! That's 3% of the total stash, enough to make Scrooge McDuck jealous.

Stake your $BNB, $FDUSD, or $TUSD to farm those sweet, sweet $XAI tokens. Think of it like planting magic beans that sprout crypto gold.

Farming starts January 5th, 2024, at 00:00 UTC, so mark your calendars and set those alarms! ⏰

Binance lists $XAI on January 9th, 2024, at 10:00 UTC. Time to unleash your inner trader and turn those tokens into real-world goodies.

Why should you care?

Say goodbye to gas fee madness! Xai's built for gamers, so expect smooth transactions that won't drain your wallet faster than a Sonic the Hedgehog speed run.

In-game item trading made easy! Buy, sell, and trade your loot like a pro, all within the secure Xai ecosystem. ⚔️

Ex Populus, a US-based gaming giant, is joining the party! Get ready for epic titles like "Final Form" and "LAMOverse" to rock the Xai blockchain.

So, what are you waiting for? Dive into the Xai airdrop and score some free crypto riches! Remember, generous contributions fuel our mission to bring you the hottest crypto insights. So, like, share, and drop your thoughts in the comments!
Disclaimer: This is just for fun and education, not financial advice. Do your own research before yeeting your hard-earned cash into anything.
Stay tuned for more crypto adventures!
Check this out!
Check this out!
XRP Price Could Surge 4,720% Next Cycle, Popular Crypto Analyst Suggests
The price of the native token of the XRP Ledger, XRP, went up over 48% to $0.56 over the past year amid a wider cryptocurrency market recovery, but a cryptocurrency analyst has now suggested it could keep climbing to potentially reach $27 per token, an increase of 4,720%.
According to popular cryptocurrency analyst Egrag Crypto, XRP’s “unparalleled legal regulatory clarity” means it “seems promising” to look at the potential for XRP’s price to surge by 40x or even 50x, surpassing its growth of the last market cycle.
In a post shared on the microblogging platform X (formerly known as Twitter) with their over 40,000 followers, Egrag Crypto noted that Ripple’s legal victories over the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
In 2020, Ripple faced a lawsuit from the SEC for supposedly breaching U.S. securities regulations by selling XRP without first registering with the agency.
Judge Analise Torres determined that XRP was indeed a security when Ripple initially sold it to institutional investors, but not when it was sold to the general public.
Judge Torres’ primary reasoning was that institutional investors who purchased XRP from Ripple likely understood that it possessed certain characteristics of a security. However, this information was not necessarily available to those who acquired XRP through cryptocurrency exchanges.
To Egrag Crypto, XRP can now parallel the previous gains of Bitcoin and Ethereum, to potentially hit a high of $27. Nevertheless, the analyst pointed to a number of possibilities that also include a 40x to 50x leap, which would bring XRP to $11 or $14.

Last cycle, despite the pesky #SEC lawsuit, XRP almost 20X. This time, with its unparalleled legal regulatory clarity, the potential for a 40X or even 50X boom seems promising!

Let's crunch some numbers from the cycle low to visualize the possibilities:…— EGRAG CRYPTO (@egragcrypto) January 3, 2024
As CryptoGlobe reported, last month a popular cryptocurrency analyst suggested XRP could soon outperform the flagship cryptocurrency Bitcoin (BTC) and surge as much as 1,500% against it if it breaks through a key level.
Per his words, it appears to be a “matter of time for XRP to make a 88%+ move” against the flagship cryptocurrency, which would see the cryptocurrency greatly outperform Bitcoin. The analyst added that a break and hold above the major resistance at around 0.000027 BTC, then XRP could surge as much as 1,500% against Bitcoin.
Earlier, another popular analyst recently suggested that a “parabolic move is imminent” for the native token of the XRP Ledger, over a rare bullish pattern that was formed on the cryptocurrency’s price charts.
Great post
Great post
BitEagle News
Whenever any project is launched at the time of launchpool of Binance

The BNB price definitely increases

Hence definitely focus on BNB

And equally focus on your profit.

Buy $BNB 🤝

#Launchpad #BNB
🏧Let’s Exchange The World 🌎

Gift 🎁 Gift 🎁 Free XRP in Comments. Share and Follow me in 2024.

Happy New Year, fellow Binance users! Here's to a year filled with prosperous trades, innovative opportunities, and financial growth.

Let's make 2024 our best year yet in the world of crypto! 🎉🚀

#newyearnewgains #etf #ai #BTC
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