Binance Square
now IT's the time for an investment . A friend of Mine bought as IT was high in February and March, but He didn't ask me before! So sometimes the strategy IS the flow, when IT flows through New strategies ON the Market! whenever has someone spend or donated you COINS Really for free ? it's New !!!
now IT's the time for an investment .

A friend of Mine bought as IT was high in February and March, but He didn't ask me before!

So sometimes the strategy IS the flow, when IT flows through New strategies ON the Market!

whenever has someone spend or donated you COINS Really for free ?

it's New !!!
**ワールドコイン投資戦略: 弱気相場で買い、強気相場で売る**

ワールドコインへの投資は、戦略的なアプローチで大きな利益を得ることができます。弱気相場の局面では、価格が低く感情がネガティブなときがワールドコインを購入する絶好のタイミングです。コインを低価格で購入することで、潜在的な利益を最大化できます。逆に、強気相場では、価格が急上昇し楽観的な見方がピークに達し、ワールドコインを売却することで大きな利益を確保できます。この「安く買って高く売る」戦略を採用することで、市場サイクルを効果的に活用し、投資収益を高めることができます。お見逃しなく。ワールドコインで下降局面を捉え、上昇局面から利益を得ましょう! #wld #AI #btc
それはゲーム内の名前とたくさんの無とドットの中にあります!これはキング・ケインではありません!または #NOTCOIN
それはゲーム内の名前とたくさんの無とドットの中にあります!これはキング・ケインではありません!または #NOTCOIN
4 月 24 日の終わりには 85,000 件以上の移動が行われます。 VENOMは8ドル、WLDは15ドルを飛び越えました!#btc#ヴェノム #wld
4 月 24 日の終わりには 85,000 件以上の移動が行われます。 VENOMは8ドル、WLDは15ドルを飛び越えました!#btc#ヴェノム #wld
Mia Cavaliere OfAI
$BTC 70k に戻ります 🤯🤯🤯
JPモルガンはアナリストに現実のチェックをすべきだ 🍵





3 週間後には、CHZ がこのコインに大きな変化をもたらすでしょう。現在の価格からの価格パフォーマンスをフォローし続けてください。

週足チャートには何が見えますか? 📈📊😂👊🏾
週足チャート 📈 KSM 強気サインが先行 ✍️


KSM が現在の価格 45 ドルを 2024 年には 600 ドル以上の価格に引き上げれば、巨額の資金を発行することになるでしょう。

このコインにはお金が多すぎます 💰 注目して目を離さないでください 😅😋
15 分のイーサリアムエントリーレベル 😇😋


みなさん、私は「トンコイン」を買うように言いましたが、あなたは長期ではなく短期間に基づいたスキャルピングシグナルが好きなので、私の投稿を無視しました。しかし、このコインについては、1 か月前に 2.7 ドルの価格で販売されていたときにお話しましたが、現在の価格を見てください。4.7 ドルはかなりの利益であり、価格は 10 ドルまで上昇し続けることがわかります。


There Can (Probably) Be Only One Bitcoin
One of my key questions about the next era in crypto and blockchain is this: How will all the capital likely be deployed into digital assets and cryptocurrencies as they become better regulated?

More than 90% of the world’s financial and business assets are considered “on-shore” – that is, they are owned and managed by entities and people residing in the countries where they are bought and sold.

Today, most crypto-assets are bought and sold off-shore (I estimate about 80% based on data from CoinGecko). However, as more regulated opportunities open up, new capital will flow into these digital asset environments. I don’t, however, think there will be a huge new range of cryptocurrency growth opportunities.

If you read my columns regularly, you know that I strongly believe that Ethereum will follow the path of many other technology ecosystems towards dominance. Ethereum is, first and foremost, a technology platform. Yes, ETH is a cryptocurrency, but its main demand driver is for use, as a payment for transaction processing. I think over time, ETH will largely be subject to the laws of supply and demand for processing power on this “world computer.”

The technology industry needs and thrives upon standards that provide economies of scale and network effects. Ethereum has won the standards war for programming and has largely fixed its scalability issues, making it the default choice. Digital assets will, by and large, exist in the Ethereum ecosystem.

Digital assets can be much bigger than just a digital version of gold

Bitcoin isn’t subject to the same rules. Though people tend to lump them together, Bitcoin is a true crypto-asset and very much like gold; people don’t buy it with plans to use it. They buy it for its scarcity value and to see it appreciate as an asset. Like gold, people do not expect Bitcoin to generate a cash flow, just to appreciate through its scarcity.

Nor do I think that recent efforts to add a Layer 2 ecosystem to Bitcoin, similar to what exists in Ethereum, is likely to change this outcome. The Ethereum ecosystem has an enormous lead and Bitcoin users that want to make their asset programmable have already been migrating it into “wrapped” Bitcoins on Ethereum for some time.

So, can there be only one Bitcoin?

Theoretically, there can be infinite Bitcoins. It feels like there practically already are. Litecoin, Dogecoin, and countless other meme coins and cryptocurrencies are nearly identical copies of Bitcoin. And while there is no BrodyCoin as of yet, I do offer complimentary NFTs (get yours here!).

Despite the effectively infinite supply of Bitcoin copies, I suspect that there really can and only ever will be one Bitcoin, and it’s the one we already have. Let’s stick with the gold analogy. While there isn’t an infinite supply of gold, there are quite a few other precious metals out there. We could just as easily trade in silver or diamonds as gold.

Despite there being multiple options available, however, gold absolutely dominates the market for precious metals. The total market cap of global gold stores is estimated at $13.7 trillion. Silver comes in at just $1.3 trillion and the market cap. An order of magnitude separates gold from the next alternative and so I believe we will see Bitcoin retain a position in the order of a magnitude higher than any other alternative crypto asset.

I think this has a couple of important implications for people as they prepare for the next wave of growth in these markets that will come from a regulated era. The first is that inventing a new cryptocurrency isn’t necessarily going to be a path to success. Bitcoin has that role and, as people want digital gold, that is what they are going to buy.

Second, the world of digital assets should, and can be much bigger than just a digital version of gold. Oil is essential (for the moment) to the global economy and it’s 10 times larger than gold – doing $1.7 trillion in revenue (not to be confused with market cap) annually. Net new growth opportunities are likely to be much bigger by creating something that is used by consumers or needed by enterprises. That space is much larger than holding reserve assets. It’s where I’ll be looking for the next opportunities for real growth.
#wld and the Future of Freedom and Movement! wenn ich könnte , würde ich den Preis Mal in zwei Tagen, auf 10000USDT HOCHTREIBEN! wer weiß was passiert, in den nächsten Tagen? jemand der unter meinen Namen handelt, dürfte ja dann auch durch mich steuerbar sein! oder liege ich da falsch? Datenklau, kommt demnächst richtig teuer zu stehen! #optimism #pepe #op-eth #ape
#wld and the Future of Freedom and Movement!
wenn ich könnte , würde ich den Preis Mal in zwei Tagen, auf 10000USDT HOCHTREIBEN!
wer weiß was passiert, in den nächsten Tagen? jemand der unter meinen Namen handelt, dürfte ja dann auch durch mich steuerbar sein! oder liege ich da falsch?
Datenklau, kommt demnächst richtig teuer zu stehen! #optimism #pepe #op-eth #ape
Worldcoin Makes Orb Software Open-source, Implements ‘personal Custody’
The Worldcoin Foundation announced in a blog post that it has open-sourced components of the software running its iris-scanning Orbs, making it publicly available. 

According to the announcement the core components of the Orb software can be accessed on GitHub under an MIT/Apache 2.0 dual license. The new open-source components “complement” hardware it previously released.

The release includes code on the Orb which is crucial for capturing images and securely transferring them to the product's app.

Worldcoin said that its publicly available software and iris recognition repositories mark “significant progress” in creating transparency for the Orb’s image processing, along with verifiable privacy claims.

In addition to open-sourcing more of the software behind the infamous metallic, eye-scanning Orb, Worldcoin revealed another privacy feature called “Personal Custody.” 

This new feature allows individual users to self-custody their data given over to Worldcoin through a data package signed with the Orb’s private key and then encrypted with a user-provided public key before it is transferred to the user's mobile phone.

The developer said this means that users will “always remain in control of their data,” and only the individual can decrypt this biometric data. Worldcoin said:

“Once the encrypted data is sent from the Orb to the individual’s World App, no unencrypted copies of this data exist anywhere.”

According to the developer, the feature could potentially reduce the number of times users would need to return to an Orb to verify their World ID.

Related: Data privacy and security concerns worry nearly half of tech industry consumers: Report

This update to Worldcoin comes as the company faces scrutiny from global regulators over privacy concerns. On March 21, the Kenyan government denied a request from the United States government to revoke its suspensions of the Worldcoin project.

The government said it would ban Worldcoin activities in the country until it can be assured of its safety for the Kenyan people and integrity of financial details are provided.

On March 18, Worldcoin posted on its blog that it operates “lawfully in all of the locations in which it is available” and is fully compliant with all laws and regulations governing data collection and data transfer.

However, earlier in March, it received more pushback. This time, the Spanish Agency for the Protection of Data demanded that Worldcoin stop collecting and processing data locally and issued a temporary ban on its operations.

Worldcoin was co-founded by Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI, the firm behind artificial intelligence (AI)-based chatbot ChatGPT. OpenAI is also currently facing scrutiny for its decision not to open-source its code for its AI models.

Magazine: How to protect your crypto in a volatile market — Bitcoin OGs and experts weigh in
the uprising raising time can come now! Push #wld Up over all limits , I AM with all WLDler!
the uprising raising time can come now!
Push #wld Up over all limits , I AM with all WLDler!
Nam analyst
Bullish Flag Pattern Sets Worldcoin Price Rally To $12

The formation of a bullish flag pattern hints the buyers take a minor pullback before an aggressive up rally.

The correction trend above 50% FIB reflects the buyers remain an active force in influencing this asset.

The intraday trading volume in Worldcoin is $1.09 Billion, indicating a 13% loss.
Amid the current mark correction trend, the Worldcoin price witnessed an immediate reversal from the high of $11.97. Within two weeks, the WLD value tumbled 31% to currently trade at $8.25, and the market cap plunged to $1.28 Billion. As Bitcoin price is yet to show a sustainable rebound, the altcoins are at risk of further downfall.

$8.265Trade Now

Analyzing the daily chart shows, that the Worldcoin price resonates within two parallel trendlines resembling the formation of a channel or flag. While the prevailing trend was strong and bullish this pattern provides a minor correction for buyers to recuperate strength.
Adding to the bullish note, Worldcoin has announced the implementation of a new feature known as Personal Custody, marking a significant step in its user data security protocols. 

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every single Life IS risk !
every single Life IS risk !
#$¿Qué es la lectura de iris? Qué riesgos tiene
Crece la preocupación en Argentina por la propuesta de Worldcoin de escanear el iris a cambio de criptomonedas.
Continúan las dudas sobre los cientos de jóvenes que forman largas colas en los centros comerciales de Argentina, atrapados por una oferta tentadora: escanear su iris a cambio de recibir criptomonedas periódicamente a través de una aplicación. Esta propuesta, impulsada por Worldcoin, ganó popularidad rápidamente, pero también generó crecientes preocupaciones, especialmente en lo que respecta a la privacidad y protección de datos personales.

El escaneo del iris es uno de los ejes que más preocupa, ya que los datos son tan importantes como las huellas digitales y cualquier otra documentación que demuestre la identidad. A continuación, toda la información sobre las últimas investigaciones sobre los peligros que existen.
Las preocupaciones
La preocupación principal radica en la posibilidad de que la recopilación y el procesamiento de datos biométricos, como el escaneo de iris, puedan comprometer la privacidad y seguridad de los ciudadanos argentinos. Además, existe el riesgo de que esta información pueda ser utilizada de manera indebida o vendida a terceros sin el consentimiento adecuado de los afectados.
#eth Up to 7k #wld Up to 25USDT #OP 12,5USDT #perp 1,5USDT BE optimistic and reallize that everything Starts with a thought or fought!!!
#eth Up to 7k #wld Up to 25USDT #OP 12,5USDT #perp 1,5USDT BE optimistic and reallize that everything Starts with a thought or fought!!!
Voice Of Crypto
Insight: Analyst Forecasts Bitcoin to Reach $90K Before Next Halving – Here's Why
- TradingShot highlights Bitcoin's rebound from the Ichimoku Cloud and the formation of a higher low, indicating a potential upward trend.
- Continued uptrend could lead to a breakout towards the 3.0 Fibonacci extension level, potentially propelling Bitcoin to $90,000 by March's end.
- Similarities in the current market pattern to December 2023's price action, which initiated Bitcoin's surge to $73,000, are observed.
- Nonetheless, there's a significant risk of a decline to as low as $50,000.

BTC grabbed headlines last week as it surged to a remarkable all-time high of approximately $73,000. However, the cryptocurrency has once again dipped below the $70,000 threshold amidst calls for a sell-off. Despite this turbulence, many analysts remain optimistic about BTC's potential to achieve another higher high before the impending halving event.
Among these analysts is TradingShot, who has outlined compelling reasons why BTC could soar to $90,000 by the end of March. The sudden retracement of Bitcoin from its peak to around $65,000 left the crypto community stunned. Discussions ensued regarding a historical "pre-halving correction," a phenomenon where BTC experiences a significant decline of approximately 40% before halving events.
Amidst the uncertainty, TradingShot, a renowned crypto trader, has provided insights based on technical indicators. In a recent post on TradingView dated March 15th, the analyst highlighted BTC's decline below $65,000, noting its descent below the four-hour MA50 and into the green Ichimoku Cloud.
The Ichimoku Cloud, a potent indicator, is instrumental in predicting future price movements and identifying crucial support and resistance levels. Despite the recent downturn, TradingShot observed that Bitcoin has formed its second higher bottom within the pattern, indicating a potential continuation of the bullish trend.
TradingShot anticipates that as long as Bitcoin's candles close within the channel-up pattern, the positive trend will persist. This could potentially lead to a significant breakout towards the 3.0 Fibonacci extension level at an impressive $90,000. Drawing parallels between the current market pattern and that of December 2023, TradingShot further reinforces the bullish outlook, citing similarities in price action, moving averages, and RSI sequences.
However, TradingShot also offers a word of caution. Should Bitcoin breach below the channel-up pattern, a decline to test the $60,000 mark, approximately around the four-hour MA200, could be imminent. Investors are advised to closely monitor key price levels, with the $64,750–$66,700 range considered a significant support zone.
Furthermore, recent observations suggest the presence of a fresh $30 billion liquidity pool around the $50,000 mark, potentially signaling strategic maneuvers by whales. It's essential for investors to exercise caution and conduct thorough research due to the high volatility of cryptocurrencies.
Disclaimer: While Voice of Crypto endeavors to provide accurate and timely information, it disclaims responsibility for any omissions or inaccuracies. Cryptocurrencies are inherently volatile assets, and individuals should conduct their own research and make informed financial decisions.

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