Binance Square
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これらのことを理解するのに、私は暗号通貨市場で何年も過ごしてきましたが、読むのに必要なのはたった 2 分です: 🤏 1. 市場の状況に関係なく、変わらないことが 1 つあります。8% の人が 2,100 万ビットコインを所有するということです。 2. 金融、資本、リスク管理のスキルは、テクニカル分析や暗号通貨の調査よりも 100 倍重要です。 3. 寝ている間に稼ぐ: 暗号通貨市場では、積極的に取引しなくてもお金を稼ぐ方法がたくさんあります。 平均して#Bitcoinは過去 15 年間で年間 100% 以上増加しています。それでも、なぜお金を稼ぐ人が少ないのでしょうか? それは、すぐに金持ちになることが一般的な考え方だからです。暗号通貨に 1 日 4 時間以上を割くことができない場合は、ビットコインと ETH に固執してください。BTC が 70%、ETH が 30% です。 誰も信用しない: 信用は希望、失望、間違いにつながります。自主的に学び、自分の行動に責任を持ちましょう。これが自動鋳造の経験を積む方法です! 投資の究極の目標: 人生をより有意義にすること。暗号通貨への投資でそれが実現できるなら、そうしてください。そうでない場合は、考え直してください。 暗号通貨は今や金融市場です。もともとテクノロジーから生まれた暗号通貨は、今ではマクロ経済学の影響を受け、主流の金融市場とつながっています。 ビットコインの購入を思いとどまらせる人もいるかもしれませんが、何かが広く受け入れられると、チャンスは失われる可能性があることを覚えておいてください。今すぐチャンスをつかみましょう! 賢明に投資し、意味のある選択を行い、暗号通貨でより良い未来への道を切り開きましょう。 #CryptoInvestingTips #MarketDownturn #Write2Earn! ! #BTCMarketPanic #BinanceTurns7 BinanceTurns7 $BTC $ETH $SOL {spot}(SOLUSDT) {spot}(BTCUSDT)
これらのことを理解するのに、私は暗号通貨市場で何年も過ごしてきましたが、読むのに必要なのはたった 2 分です: 🤏
1. 市場の状況に関係なく、変わらないことが 1 つあります。8% の人が 2,100 万ビットコインを所有するということです。
2. 金融、資本、リスク管理のスキルは、テクニカル分析や暗号通貨の調査よりも 100 倍重要です。
3. 寝ている間に稼ぐ: 暗号通貨市場では、積極的に取引しなくてもお金を稼ぐ方法がたくさんあります。
平均して#Bitcoinは過去 15 年間で年間 100% 以上増加しています。それでも、なぜお金を稼ぐ人が少ないのでしょうか? それは、すぐに金持ちになることが一般的な考え方だからです。暗号通貨に 1 日 4 時間以上を割くことができない場合は、ビットコインと ETH に固執してください。BTC が 70%、ETH が 30% です。
誰も信用しない: 信用は希望、失望、間違いにつながります。自主的に学び、自分の行動に責任を持ちましょう。これが自動鋳造の経験を積む方法です!
投資の究極の目標: 人生をより有意義にすること。暗号通貨への投資でそれが実現できるなら、そうしてください。そうでない場合は、考え直してください。
#CryptoInvestingTips #MarketDownturn #Write2Earn! ! #BTCMarketPanic #BinanceTurns7 BinanceTurns7 $BTC $ETH $SOL
Fetch AI (FET) 暗号市場におけるAI革命Fetch.AI (FET) は、暗号通貨市場のエコシステム内での AI 統合に革命を起こすことを目指すブロックチェーン ベースのプロジェクトです。分散型テクノロジーを活用することで、Fetch.AI は自律エージェントがタスクを実行できるようにし、効率的でインテリジェントな相互接続されたデジタル経済を構築します。$FET Fetch.AI の主な特徴 1. 分散型AI: Fetch.AI は、AI エージェントが集中管理なしで対話および連携できる分散型フレームワークを提供します。これにより、データがピアツーピアベースで管理および処理されるため、プライバシー、セキュリティ、および運用の効率性が確保されます。

Fetch AI (FET) 暗号市場におけるAI革命

Fetch.AI (FET) は、暗号通貨市場のエコシステム内での AI 統合に革命を起こすことを目指すブロックチェーン ベースのプロジェクトです。分散型テクノロジーを活用することで、Fetch.AI は自律エージェントがタスクを実行できるようにし、効率的でインテリジェントな相互接続されたデジタル経済を構築します。$FET
Fetch.AI の主な特徴
1. 分散型AI:
Fetch.AI は、AI エージェントが集中管理なしで対話および連携できる分散型フレームワークを提供します。これにより、データがピアツーピアベースで管理および処理されるため、プライバシー、セキュリティ、および運用の効率性が確保されます。
進行中の市場暴落に関するこの記事をお読みください! 最近の暗号通貨と株式価格の急落は、マクロ経済要因の影響を受けています。私たちは、これが長期的なマイナス傾向を示しているとは考えていません。 FRBの利下げの可能性と地政学的変動により、市場が変動する可能性は依然として大きく残っています。 常にDYORを行い、情報を入手してください。構築を続けましょう!💪 #CryptoCrash #BinanceHODLerBANANA



#CryptoCrash #BinanceHODLerBANANA
$ETHFI — ビットコインが前回 53,000 ドルのレベルまで下落したとき、ETHFI は 1.71 ドルまで下落しましたが、その後ビットコインが 69,000 ドルまで上昇すると 2.7 ドルまで回復しました。昨日、ビットコインは 69,000 ドルから 60,000 ドルまで下落し、ETHFI は 2.7 ドルから 1.55 ドルまで急落しました。今重要な問題は、ビットコインがさらに 53,000 ドルまで下落する前に、ETHFI が 2.7 ドルまで回復できるかどうかです。#ETH_ETFs_Approval_Predictions#MtGoxJulyRepayments#SOFR_Spike {spot}(ETHFIUSDT)
$ETHFI — ビットコインが前回 53,000 ドルのレベルまで下落したとき、ETHFI は 1.71 ドルまで下落しましたが、その後ビットコインが 69,000 ドルまで上昇すると 2.7 ドルまで回復しました。昨日、ビットコインは 69,000 ドルから 60,000 ドルまで下落し、ETHFI は 2.7 ドルから 1.55 ドルまで急落しました。今重要な問題は、ビットコインがさらに 53,000 ドルまで下落する前に、ETHFI が 2.7 ドルまで回復できるかどうかです。#ETH_ETFs_Approval_Predictions#MtGoxJulyRepayments#SOFR_Spike
🔥 Render Token Faces Increased Selling Pressure:- The recently rebranded Render (RENDER) token has been oscillating within a defined price range since early July. Although the broader market has seen an upward trend, Render has faced diminished demand, potentially threatening its support levels. The token’s price has been confined within a horizontal channel, defined by resistance at $7.20 and support at $5.70. This price movement reflects a balance between buying and selling pressures. However, recent data indicates an upsurge in selling pressure, which may push the price below these established support levels. 🔸 Why Is Render Token Struggling? Market data from IntoTheBlock shows a significant decline in the number of daily active and new addresses for Render last week. Specifically, there has been an 84% drop in unique addresses transacting with the token and a 77% decrease in new addresses created for altcoin transactions. This trend indicates a broader decline in market interest and may contribute to negative sentiment surrounding the token’s price. Additionally, whale investors, who hold more than 0.1% of the asset, have also shown caution. The net flow of tokens among these large investors has plummeted by 99%, suggesting that they are offloading their holdings. This increased selling activity among major holders further compounds the downward pressure on RENDER’s price. 🔸 What’s Next for Render Token? Should the current selling pressure persist, RENDER’s price is likely to test its support level and may even fall below it. According to chart analyses, the price could drop to around $5.66 if the selling continues without a counterbalancing increase in buying activity. Conversely, if the token sees a resurgence in demand and accumulation, it could rebound and aim for $7.45, surpassing its current resistance. Follow for more updates and info. Always DYOR. $RENDER #RENDER {spot}(RENDERUSDT)
🔥 Render Token Faces Increased Selling Pressure:-
The recently rebranded Render (RENDER) token has been oscillating within a defined price range since early July. Although the broader market has seen an upward trend, Render has faced diminished demand, potentially threatening its support levels. The token’s price has been confined within a horizontal channel, defined by resistance at $7.20 and support at $5.70. This price movement reflects a balance between buying and selling pressures. However, recent data indicates an upsurge in selling pressure, which may push the price below these established support levels.

🔸 Why Is Render Token Struggling?
Market data from IntoTheBlock shows a significant decline in the number of daily active and new addresses for Render last week. Specifically, there has been an 84% drop in unique addresses transacting with the token and a 77% decrease in new addresses created for altcoin transactions. This trend indicates a broader decline in market interest and may contribute to negative sentiment surrounding the token’s price.
Additionally, whale investors, who hold more than 0.1% of the asset, have also shown caution. The net flow of tokens among these large investors has plummeted by 99%, suggesting that they are offloading their holdings. This increased selling activity among major holders further compounds the downward pressure on RENDER’s price.

🔸 What’s Next for Render Token?
Should the current selling pressure persist, RENDER’s price is likely to test its support level and may even fall below it. According to chart analyses, the price could drop to around $5.66 if the selling continues without a counterbalancing increase in buying activity. Conversely, if the token sees a resurgence in demand and accumulation, it could rebound and aim for $7.45, surpassing its current resistance.
Follow for more updates and info. Always DYOR.
レンダートークン (RENDER): レンダートークンは、分散型 GPU レンダリングソリューションを提供することで、デジタルコンテンツ作成の世界に革命を起こすために設計されたユニークな暗号通貨です。その魅力は次のとおりです。 1. 分散型レンダリングパワー 🌐💻 - レンダーネットワークは、世界中のユーザーのアイドル状態の GPU パワーを活用して、レンダリングタスク用の分散型ネットワークを作成します。これにより、従来の集中型サービスと比較して、レンダリングが高速でコスト効率が高くなります。 2. 報酬の獲得 💸🏆 - GPU パワーをネットワークに提供するユーザーは、報酬として RNDR トークンを獲得します。これにより、ユーザーが参加するインセンティブが生まれ、レンダリングパワーの需要と供給のバランスが取れます。 3. クリエイティブ産業のサポート 🎨🎥 - レンダーネットワークは、映画、アニメーション、ゲーム、バーチャルリアリティなど、幅広い産業をサポートしています。手頃な価格でスケーラブルなレンダリングソリューションを提供することで、クリエイターは高品質のレンダリングに通常伴う高額なコストをかけずにプロジェクトを実現できます。 4. 革新的なユースケース 🚀🔍 - 従来のレンダリングを超えて、RNDR は NFT 作成、バーチャル プロダクション、リアルタイム シミュレーションなどの新しい領域を模索しています。これにより、デジタル コンテンツ作成とインタラクティブ エクスペリエンスの将来に多くの可能性が開かれます。 5. コミュニティとエコシステムの成長 🌱🌐 - Render Network は、開発者、アーティスト、貢献者からなる活気あるコミュニティを育んでいます。この共同作業環境により、継続的なイノベーションと改善が促進され、ネットワークが最先端のテクノロジーを維持できるようになります。 6. 強力な支援とパートナーシップ 🤝🔧 - RNDR は著名な業界関係者や投資家からのサポートを獲得し、その信頼性と幅広い採用の可能性を高めています。これらのパートナーシップにより、RNDR はさまざまなプラットフォームやアプリケーションに統合され、その範囲と有用性が拡大します。 レンダリングはこちらからご購入ください 👇👇👇 $RENDER {spot}(RENDERUSDT) #RENDER #RenderUpgrade #Bitcoin_Coneference_2024 2024 #SOFR_Spike solonapumping
レンダートークン (RENDER):
レンダートークンは、分散型 GPU レンダリングソリューションを提供することで、デジタルコンテンツ作成の世界に革命を起こすために設計されたユニークな暗号通貨です。その魅力は次のとおりです。
1. 分散型レンダリングパワー 🌐💻
- レンダーネットワークは、世界中のユーザーのアイドル状態の GPU パワーを活用して、レンダリングタスク用の分散型ネットワークを作成します。これにより、従来の集中型サービスと比較して、レンダリングが高速でコスト効率が高くなります。
2. 報酬の獲得 💸🏆
- GPU パワーをネットワークに提供するユーザーは、報酬として RNDR トークンを獲得します。これにより、ユーザーが参加するインセンティブが生まれ、レンダリングパワーの需要と供給のバランスが取れます。
3. クリエイティブ産業のサポート 🎨🎥
- レンダーネットワークは、映画、アニメーション、ゲーム、バーチャルリアリティなど、幅広い産業をサポートしています。手頃な価格でスケーラブルなレンダリングソリューションを提供することで、クリエイターは高品質のレンダリングに通常伴う高額なコストをかけずにプロジェクトを実現できます。
4. 革新的なユースケース 🚀🔍
- 従来のレンダリングを超えて、RNDR は NFT 作成、バーチャル プロダクション、リアルタイム シミュレーションなどの新しい領域を模索しています。これにより、デジタル コンテンツ作成とインタラクティブ エクスペリエンスの将来に多くの可能性が開かれます。
5. コミュニティとエコシステムの成長 🌱🌐
- Render Network は、開発者、アーティスト、貢献者からなる活気あるコミュニティを育んでいます。この共同作業環境により、継続的なイノベーションと改善が促進され、ネットワークが最先端のテクノロジーを維持できるようになります。
6. 強力な支援とパートナーシップ 🤝🔧
- RNDR は著名な業界関係者や投資家からのサポートを獲得し、その信頼性と幅広い採用の可能性を高めています。これらのパートナーシップにより、RNDR はさまざまなプラットフォームやアプリケーションに統合され、その範囲と有用性が拡大します。
#RENDER #RenderUpgrade #Bitcoin_Coneference_2024 2024 #SOFR_Spike solonapumping
Binance は Render (RNDR) トークンのスワップと Render (RENDER) へのブランド変更を完了しました Binancian の皆さん、 Binance は Render (RNDR) トークンのスワップと Render (RENDER) へのブランド変更を完了しました。新しい RENDER トークンの入金と出金ができるようになりました。 RENDER/BTC、RENDER/USDT、RENDER/FDUSD、RENDER/USDC、RENDER/TRY、RENDER/EUR、および RENDER/BRL スポット取引ペアのスポット取引が 2024-07-26 08:00 (UTC) に開始されました。スポット コピー取引ポートフォリオを実行しているユーザーの場合、スポット コピー取引設定の [個人ペア設定] セクションでペアを有効にすることで、ペアを含めることができます。 注意: Render は Binance のティッカー RENDER を想定しています。 配布は 1 RNDR = 1 RENDER の比率で実施されました。ユーザーは、ここでトークン配布履歴を確認できます。 ユーザーは、ここで割り当てられた RENDER トークン入金アドレスを取得できます。 古い RNDR トークンの入金と出金はサポートされなくなります。 この元の記事の英語版の翻訳版には矛盾がある可能性があります。矛盾が発生する可能性がある場合は、最新または最も正確な情報についてはこの元のバージョンを参照してください。 詳細については、以下を参照してください。 Binance は、Render (RNDR) トークンのスワップと Render (RENDER) へのブランド変更をサポートします ご支援ありがとうございます! #render $RENDER {spot}(RENDERUSDT) {spot}(BTCUSDT)
Binance は Render (RNDR) トークンのスワップと Render (RENDER) へのブランド変更を完了しました
Binancian の皆さん、
Binance は Render (RNDR) トークンのスワップと Render (RENDER) へのブランド変更を完了しました。新しい RENDER トークンの入金と出金ができるようになりました。
RENDER/BTC、RENDER/USDT、RENDER/FDUSD、RENDER/USDC、RENDER/TRY、RENDER/EUR、および RENDER/BRL スポット取引ペアのスポット取引が 2024-07-26 08:00 (UTC) に開始されました。スポット コピー取引ポートフォリオを実行しているユーザーの場合、スポット コピー取引設定の [個人ペア設定] セクションでペアを有効にすることで、ペアを含めることができます。
Render は Binance のティッカー RENDER を想定しています。
配布は 1 RNDR = 1 RENDER の比率で実施されました。ユーザーは、ここでトークン配布履歴を確認できます。
ユーザーは、ここで割り当てられた RENDER トークン入金アドレスを取得できます。
古い RNDR トークンの入金と出金はサポートされなくなります。
Binance は、Render (RNDR) トークンのスワップと Render (RENDER) へのブランド変更をサポートします
#render $RENDER
India Keeps Controversial Crypto Tax Rules Unchanged, Finance Minister's Budget Speech India's Finance Minister introduced an interim budget on Feb. 1, 2024, before the nation's elections between April and June. On Tuesday she revealed a full budget for 2024-2025. India's Finance Minister kept crypto tax rules unchanged in her address announcing the nation's budget for 2024-2025 on Tuesday. The primary demand from India's crypto industry was to reduce the controversial tax-deducted-at-source (TDS) policy on crypto transactions from 1% to 0.01%. It made its representations to government officials with evidence from several sources, including a think tank study that provided evidence to support a reduction in the TDS. The industry also asked the government to establish progressive taxes on gains instead of the flat 30% rate, and allowing losses to offset gains. They have also pushed for multi-agency regulation. #UnionBudget2024 #cryptotax
India Keeps Controversial Crypto Tax Rules Unchanged, Finance Minister's Budget Speech
India's Finance Minister introduced an interim budget on Feb. 1, 2024, before the nation's elections between April and June.
On Tuesday she revealed a full budget for 2024-2025.
India's Finance Minister kept crypto tax rules unchanged in her address announcing the nation's budget for 2024-2025 on Tuesday.
The primary demand from India's crypto industry was to reduce the controversial tax-deducted-at-source (TDS) policy on crypto transactions from 1% to 0.01%. It made its representations to government officials with evidence from several sources, including a think tank study that provided evidence to support a reduction in the TDS.
The industry also asked the government to establish progressive taxes on gains instead of the flat 30% rate, and allowing losses to offset gains. They have also pushed for multi-agency regulation.
#UnionBudget2024 #cryptotax
🚨 ASI の合併が正式に完了しました🚀 最近の AMA からの ASI Alliance に関する最新の洞察: ▫️ ASI Alliance は、新しいティッカーの導入で発生する可能性のある混乱を最小限に抑えるために、当面の間 $FET ティッカーを維持します。これについては、以下で詳しく説明します ▫️ $OCEAN と $AGIX の 50% はすでに $FET に移行されています。$OCEAN と $AGIX の移行に急いだりパニックになったりする必要はありません。移行の期限は決まっていません。 ▫️ 技術スタックをさらに最大化するために新しいメンバーがアライアンスに加わり、ASI Alliance で構築されている紛れもないパワーハウスである $INJ がさらに強化されるでしょう。 ▫️ Grayscale は、合併が明確になるまで#AIファンドへの $FET の追加を遅らせる可能性が高いと言及されました。 $FET が公式ティッカーになったことで、新たな関心が期待されます ▫️ 同盟と協力する可能性のある企業からの関心と提案が大幅に増加し、主要なパートナーシップがすでに近づいています ▫️ ネットワーク上で積極的に構築する開発者が急増しています ▫️ SingularityNET がインセンティブに取り組んでいます ▫️ $FET マーケティング キャンペーンが進行中です。これにより、ASI Alliance 同盟の宣伝に役立ち、投資家に $FET ティッカーが今後も存続することを明確にすることができます ▫️ 技術開発、マーケティングなど、新しいロードマップが進行中 聞くところによると、今後数週間から数か月の間に強気のニュースが次々と発表される予定です。 #asi
🚨 ASI の合併が正式に完了しました🚀
最近の AMA からの ASI Alliance に関する最新の洞察:
▫️ ASI Alliance は、新しいティッカーの導入で発生する可能性のある混乱を最小限に抑えるために、当面の間 $FET ティッカーを維持します。これについては、以下で詳しく説明します
▫️ $OCEAN と $AGIX の 50% はすでに $FET に移行されています。$OCEAN と $AGIX の移行に急いだりパニックになったりする必要はありません。移行の期限は決まっていません。
▫️ 技術スタックをさらに最大化するために新しいメンバーがアライアンスに加わり、ASI Alliance で構築されている紛れもないパワーハウスである $INJ がさらに強化されるでしょう。
▫️ Grayscale は、合併が明確になるまで#AIファンドへの $FET の追加を遅らせる可能性が高いと言及されました。 $FET が公式ティッカーになったことで、新たな関心が期待されます
▫️ 同盟と協力する可能性のある企業からの関心と提案が大幅に増加し、主要なパートナーシップがすでに近づいています
▫️ ネットワーク上で積極的に構築する開発者が急増しています
▫️ SingularityNET がインセンティブに取り組んでいます
▫️ $FET マーケティング キャンペーンが進行中です。これにより、ASI Alliance 同盟の宣伝に役立ち、投資家に $FET ティッカーが今後も存続することを明確にすることができます
▫️ 技術開発、マーケティングなど、新しいロードマップが進行中
WazirX Exchange Offers Bounty to Recover $235M Stolen in Massive CyberattackWazirX Exchange Offers Bounty to Recover $235M Stolen — In response to a recent cyberattack, WazirX, one of India’s top cryptocurrency exchanges, launched a bounty program to recover stolen assets. Following the breach, WazirX filed a police complaint. The company reported the incident to the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) and CERT-In. Image Title: “WazirX Cyberattack Response Update. Source: WazirXonx WazirX’s co-founder, Nischal Shetty, shared that the exchange is reaching out to over 500 other exchanges to block the identified addresses associated with the stolen funds. Furthermore, cooperation from these exchanges is crucial as the stolen assets move through various platforms. WazirX Next Steps After Cyberattack. Source: Nischal Shetty WazirX Launches Bounty Program to Recover Stolen Assets The company introduced a bounty program to incentivize individuals and entities to help freeze or recover the stolen assets. Shetty stated, “The WazirX team is working tirelessly to trace the stolen funds and bring those responsible to justice.” The exchange is in discussions with expert groups specializing in tracking cryptocurrency transactions. Moreover, these experts will provide continuous monitoring and support throughout the recovery process. Additionally, WazirX expressed gratitude for the support from the broader Web3 ecosystem and emphasized the need for a collective effort to resolve the issue. Efforts Underway to Recover $235M Stolen in Cyberattack WazirX is collaborating with forensic experts and law enforcement agencies to identify and apprehend the perpetrators. This collaboration aims to ensure that the culprits are brought to justice and that as much of the stolen assets are recovered as possible. The breach resulted in a significant loss of approximately $235 million, making it the second-largest hack of a centralized exchange in recent times. Suspicious Transactions Alert on WazirX. Source: Cyvers Alerts Crypto investigator ZachXBT revealed on Telegram that the alleged main attacker’s wallet still holds over $104 million in funds. These funds have yet to be offloaded. This information is crucial for tracking and recovering the stolen assets. WazirX Hack Details and Stolen Funds. Source: Investigations by ZachXBT on DeBank The comany is currently analyzing data to understand the extent of the damage caused by the cyberattack. This analysis is critical for formulating an effective recovery plan and addressing the impact on customer funds. The post WazirX Exchange Offers Bounty to Recover $235M Stolen in Massive Cyberattack appeared first on CoinChapter. #wazirX #HackerAlert $SOL $WRX

WazirX Exchange Offers Bounty to Recover $235M Stolen in Massive Cyberattack

WazirX Exchange Offers Bounty to Recover $235M Stolen
— In response to a recent cyberattack, WazirX, one of India’s top cryptocurrency exchanges, launched a bounty program to recover stolen assets. Following the breach, WazirX filed a police complaint. The company reported the incident to the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) and CERT-In.
Image Title: “WazirX Cyberattack Response Update. Source: WazirXonx
WazirX’s co-founder, Nischal Shetty, shared that the exchange is reaching out to over 500 other exchanges to block the identified addresses associated with the stolen funds. Furthermore, cooperation from these exchanges is crucial as the stolen assets move through various platforms.
WazirX Next Steps After Cyberattack. Source: Nischal Shetty WazirX Launches Bounty Program to Recover Stolen Assets
The company introduced a bounty program to incentivize individuals and entities to help freeze or recover the stolen assets. Shetty stated,
“The WazirX team is working tirelessly to trace the stolen funds and bring those responsible to justice.”
The exchange is in discussions with expert groups specializing in tracking cryptocurrency transactions. Moreover, these experts will provide continuous monitoring and support throughout the recovery process. Additionally, WazirX expressed gratitude for the support from the broader Web3 ecosystem and emphasized the need for a collective effort to resolve the issue.
Efforts Underway to Recover $235M Stolen in Cyberattack
WazirX is collaborating with forensic experts and law enforcement agencies to identify and apprehend the perpetrators. This collaboration aims to ensure that the culprits are brought to justice and that as much of the stolen assets are recovered as possible. The breach resulted in a significant loss of approximately $235 million, making it the second-largest hack of a centralized exchange in recent times.
Suspicious Transactions Alert on WazirX. Source: Cyvers Alerts
Crypto investigator ZachXBT revealed on Telegram that the alleged main attacker’s wallet still holds over $104 million in funds. These funds have yet to be offloaded. This information is crucial for tracking and recovering the stolen assets.
WazirX Hack Details and Stolen Funds. Source: Investigations by ZachXBT on DeBank
The comany is currently analyzing data to understand the extent of the damage caused by the cyberattack. This analysis is critical for formulating an effective recovery plan and addressing the impact on customer funds.
The post WazirX Exchange Offers Bounty to Recover $235M Stolen in Massive Cyberattack appeared first on CoinChapter.
#wazirX #HackerAlert $SOL $WRX
🚨 コイン保有者への重要な警告:Binance モニタリング タグの説明 🚨 コイン保有者であれば、Binance の最新の発表について知っておく必要があります。🚨 Balancer (BAL)、Cortex (CTXC)、PowerPool (CVP) など、いくつかのトークンにモニタリング タグが追加されています。しかし、これは何を意味するのでしょうか? 🤔 モニタリング タグは、これらのトークンが他のトークンと比較してより不安定でリスクが高いと見なされていることを意味します。Binance はこれらのトークンを綿密に監視し、定期的にレビューを行って、上場基準を満たしていることを確認します。ただし、これらのトークンが将来基準を満たさなくなり、プラットフォームから上場廃止されるリスクがあります。📉 一方、Binance は Enzyme ($MLN) と Horizo​​n ($ZEN) からモニタリング タグを削除したため、大幅な価格上昇につながっています。📈 モニタリング タグが付いたトークンを扱うときは、常に情報を入手し、注意してください。覚えておいてください、Binance は暗号エコシステムの透明性と安全性を最優先しています。💸#ETH_ETF_Approval_23July#BinanceHODLerBANANA #scammers.
🚨 コイン保有者への重要な警告:Binance モニタリング タグの説明 🚨
コイン保有者であれば、Binance の最新の発表について知っておく必要があります。🚨 Balancer (BAL)、Cortex (CTXC)、PowerPool (CVP) など、いくつかのトークンにモニタリング タグが追加されています。しかし、これは何を意味するのでしょうか? 🤔
モニタリング タグは、これらのトークンが他のトークンと比較してより不安定でリスクが高いと見なされていることを意味します。Binance はこれらのトークンを綿密に監視し、定期的にレビューを行って、上場基準を満たしていることを確認します。ただし、これらのトークンが将来基準を満たさなくなり、プラットフォームから上場廃止されるリスクがあります。📉
一方、Binance は Enzyme ($MLN) と Horizo​​n ($ZEN) からモニタリング タグを削除したため、大幅な価格上昇につながっています。📈
モニタリング タグが付いたトークンを扱うときは、常に情報を入手し、注意してください。覚えておいてください、Binance は暗号エコシステムの透明性と安全性を最優先しています。💸#ETH_ETF_Approval_23July#BinanceHODLerBANANA #scammers.
🚨 **Crypto Catastrophe! WazirX Takes a Breather After $230M Vanishes** 🚨 In a plot twist that could rival any thriller, WazirX, one of India's largest crypto exchanges, has hit the pause button on trading. Why? A jaw-dropping $230 million security breach, nearly half its reserves, has left everyone gasping for air. 😱 🔍 **The Great Device Debacle** The breach? Traced back to compromised devices feeding legit-looking but malicious transaction details to Liminal’s network. The attacker, channeling their inner hacker, accessed three admin accounts to pull off this digital heist. Talk about a plot twist! 🎭 🛑 **WazirX’s Rapid Response** WazirX didn’t just sit there; they suspended withdrawals and launched a bounty program to recover the stolen assets. But halting trading to maintain a 1:1 collateral ratio? That’s a move straight out of a drama series! 📉 🔐 **Security and Future Fumbles** Despite having multi-signature wallets and whitelisting addresses, the breach still happened. This just screams, "We need better security!" The financial hit and trust issues are real, folks. 😬 🔮 **What’s Next?** The future of WazirX is hanging by a thread. Restoring operations and trust is crucial. This incident is a glaring reminder of the vulnerabilities in digital currencies and the need for top-notch security. The crypto world watches with bated breath. 🌐 Stay tuned, because this saga is far from over! #wazirx
🚨 **Crypto Catastrophe! WazirX Takes a Breather After $230M Vanishes** 🚨
In a plot twist that could rival any thriller, WazirX, one of India's largest crypto exchanges, has hit the pause button on trading. Why? A jaw-dropping $230 million security breach, nearly half its reserves, has left everyone gasping for air. 😱
🔍 **The Great Device Debacle**
The breach? Traced back to compromised devices feeding legit-looking but malicious transaction details to Liminal’s network. The attacker, channeling their inner hacker, accessed three admin accounts to pull off this digital heist. Talk about a plot twist! 🎭
🛑 **WazirX’s Rapid Response**
WazirX didn’t just sit there; they suspended withdrawals and launched a bounty program to recover the stolen assets. But halting trading to maintain a 1:1 collateral ratio? That’s a move straight out of a drama series! 📉
🔐 **Security and Future Fumbles**
Despite having multi-signature wallets and whitelisting addresses, the breach still happened. This just screams, "We need better security!" The financial hit and trust issues are real, folks. 😬
🔮 **What’s Next?**
The future of WazirX is hanging by a thread. Restoring operations and trust is crucial. This incident is a glaring reminder of the vulnerabilities in digital currencies and the need for top-notch security. The crypto world watches with bated breath. 🌐
Stay tuned, because this saga is far from over!
🛑 STOP SCROLLING! WHY KYC CAN BE DANGEROUS!!! 🛑 ⛔ Read the full post, as this is an important one: "KYC is the act of throwing 99 innocent people under the bus in order to make law enforcement's job catching 1 bad guy a little easier. The 99 shouldn't tolerate it." The picture shows what I recently found on Twitter. Why should you care and what should/shouldn't you do? Leaked KYC data makes you vulnerable to attacks like sim-swaps, which allow attackers to bypass your 2FA security, but also comes with even bigger danger. Leaked documents can lead to scammers opening online bank accounts in your name, taking loans & putting you into a horrible financial situation. Deepfakes and simple Epson printers with ID card printing features make it possible to even fake real-time online verification processes. Conclusion: Be EXTREMELY cautious where you submit your KYC information. If small, not properly secured projects require KYC for crypto allocations and similar, remember that you're making yourself vulnerable the moment you submit your data. You can never be sure that your data is encrypted and saved in a secure spot. You just can NEVER be sure.... so IF you submit KYC data, make sure that you don't do it left, right, center wherever you go, but only provide big, trustworthy and well established companies with these kind of details. You will thank me later. Follow me for more such content and always do your own research and analysis. #BTC☀ {spot}(BTCUSDT)
⛔ Read the full post, as this is an important one:
"KYC is the act of throwing 99 innocent people under the bus in order to make law enforcement's job catching 1 bad guy a little easier. The 99 shouldn't tolerate it."
The picture shows what I recently found on Twitter.
Why should you care and what should/shouldn't you do?
Leaked KYC data makes you vulnerable to attacks like sim-swaps, which allow attackers to bypass your 2FA security, but also comes with even bigger danger.
Leaked documents can lead to scammers opening online bank accounts in your name, taking loans & putting you into a horrible financial situation.
Deepfakes and simple Epson printers with ID card printing features make it possible to even fake real-time online verification processes.
Be EXTREMELY cautious where you submit your KYC information. If small, not properly secured projects require KYC for crypto allocations and similar, remember that you're making yourself vulnerable the moment you submit your data.
You can never be sure that your data is encrypted and saved in a secure spot. You just can NEVER be sure.... so IF you submit KYC data, make sure that you don't do it left, right, center wherever you go, but only provide big, trustworthy and well established companies with these kind of details.
You will thank me later.
Follow me for more such content and always do your own research and analysis.
$ENA At this rate, when ETH is $10000 and BTC is $100000, it will only be $1. ENA, which fell from $ 1.08 to $ 0.34 in the one-month period between June 4 and July 5, has increased only $ 0.15 in the last 14 days. In the last 14-day period, BTC increased by $ 14000 and ETH increased by $ 7000. What I'm saying is that the future of this coin looks uncertain and so do your own research and analysis. #ENAUSDT🚨
$ENA At this rate, when ETH is $10000 and BTC is $100000, it will only be $1. ENA, which fell from $ 1.08 to $ 0.34 in the one-month period between June 4 and July 5, has increased only $ 0.15 in the last 14 days. In the last 14-day period, BTC increased by $ 14000 and ETH increased by $ 7000. What I'm saying is that the future of this coin looks uncertain and so do your own research and analysis.
Introducing Banana Gun (BANANA) on Binance HODLer Airdrops! Subscribe your BNB to Simple Earn Note: Please do your own research before making any trades for the aforementioned token outside Binance to avoid any scams and ensure the safety of your funds. This is a general announcement. Products and services referred to here may not be available in your region. Fellow Binancians, Binance is excited to announce the 1st project on Binance Airdrops Portal - Banana Gun (BANANA), the ecosystem token of Banana Gun bot, offering trading tools for on-chain tokens. Eligible users who subscribed their BNB to Simple Earn products from 2024-06-23 00:00 (UTC) to 2024-07-05 23:59 (UTC) will get the airdrop distribution. The BANANA HODLer Airdrops page is estimated to be available in five hours, and the new token will be distributed to users’ Spot Wallet 1 hour before trading starts. Binance will then list BANANA at 2024-07-20 09:00 (UTC) and open trading with BANANA/BTC, BANANA/USDT, BANANA/BNB, BANANA/FDUSD and BANANA/TRY trading pairs. The seed tag will be applied to BANANA. Please note: BANANA is a circulating token. The HODLer airdrop rewards will rapidly increase the circulation in the secondary market, which may cause huge fluctuations in the price compared to the current price after Binance opens. Please be cautious when trading! BANANA HODLer Airdrops Details Token Name: Banana Gun (BANANA) Total Token Supply: 8,900,000 BANANA Max Token Supply: 10,000,000 BANANA HODLer Airdrops Token Rewards: 800,000 BANANA Current Circulating Supply: 2,420,000 (27% of total supply) Circulating Supply upon Listing on Binance : 3,220,000 BANANA (36% of total token supply) Smart Contract Details: Ethereum Research Report: Banana Gun (BANANA) (will be available within 1 hour of publishing this announcement) BNB holding hard cap: User’s average BNB holding/ total average BNB holding * 100% ≤ 4% (If the holding ratio is greater than 4%, the BNB holding ratio will be calculated as 4%) #BANANA
Introducing Banana Gun (BANANA) on Binance HODLer Airdrops! Subscribe your BNB to Simple Earn
Note: Please do your own research before making any trades for the aforementioned token outside Binance to avoid any scams and ensure the safety of your funds.
This is a general announcement. Products and services referred to here may not be available in your region.
Fellow Binancians,
Binance is excited to announce the 1st project on Binance Airdrops Portal - Banana Gun (BANANA), the ecosystem token of Banana Gun bot, offering trading tools for on-chain tokens. Eligible users who subscribed their BNB to Simple Earn products from 2024-06-23 00:00 (UTC) to 2024-07-05 23:59 (UTC) will get the airdrop distribution. The BANANA HODLer Airdrops page is estimated to be available in five hours, and the new token will be distributed to users’ Spot Wallet 1 hour before trading starts.
Binance will then list BANANA at 2024-07-20 09:00 (UTC) and open trading with BANANA/BTC, BANANA/USDT, BANANA/BNB, BANANA/FDUSD and BANANA/TRY trading pairs. The seed tag will be applied to BANANA.
Please note: BANANA is a circulating token. The HODLer airdrop rewards will rapidly increase the circulation in the secondary market, which may cause huge fluctuations in the price compared to the current price after Binance opens. Please be cautious when trading!
BANANA HODLer Airdrops Details
Token Name: Banana Gun (BANANA)
Total Token Supply: 8,900,000 BANANA
Max Token Supply: 10,000,000 BANANA
HODLer Airdrops Token Rewards: 800,000 BANANA
Current Circulating Supply: 2,420,000 (27% of total supply)
Circulating Supply upon Listing on Binance : 3,220,000 BANANA (36% of total token supply)
Smart Contract Details: Ethereum
Research Report: Banana Gun (BANANA) (will be available within 1 hour of publishing this announcement)
BNB holding hard cap: User’s average BNB holding/ total average BNB holding * 100% ≤ 4% (If the holding ratio is greater than 4%, the BNB holding ratio will be calculated as 4%)
$ENA is getting stronger after taking the $0.36 support. A bullish trend could take it to the $0.74 mark. Although there might be some volatility, it has solid support at $0.3. Hope $BTC stays bullish too. We've seen 140% gains in the previous rally. $ENA #ENAUSDT🚨
$ENA is getting stronger after taking the $0.36 support. A bullish trend could take it to the $0.74 mark. Although there might be some volatility, it has solid support at $0.3. Hope $BTC stays bullish too.
We've seen 140% gains in the previous rally.

$ENA ENA mining, 164M Sats, about 33043 ENA rewards. Still 690 more than yesterday. About 700 per day, by September 2, about 60,000 in total, I guess this is my final income. Participation methods and tutorials are linked to the top of my homepage. You can use ENA to mine or stablecoins to mine. If you think ENA will fall, you can buy USDe to mine, but the efficiency is not as high as ENA. If you think that buying ENA at this position will rise by September, then you can buy EAN, and you can take advantage of the price increase and airdrop rewards. If the ENA you bought before is trapped, you can either cut it or throw it to the official website to mine. Anyway, don't be stupid and put it in your wallet. It's a waste to put it in your wallet. The income from mining is much higher than financial management. Go to the ENA official website event address, log in to the wallet and lock EAN or USDe. Please go to the tutorial for details. Goodbye, DYOR! #ENA智能策略库🥇🥇 $ENA {spot}(ENAUSDT)
$ENA ENA mining, 164M Sats, about 33043 ENA rewards. Still 690 more than yesterday. About 700 per day, by September 2, about 60,000 in total, I guess this is my final income. Participation methods and tutorials are linked to the top of my homepage. You can use ENA to mine or stablecoins to mine. If you think ENA will fall, you can buy USDe to mine, but the efficiency is not as high as ENA. If you think that buying ENA at this position will rise by September, then you can buy EAN, and you can take advantage of the price increase and airdrop rewards. If the ENA you bought before is trapped, you can either cut it or throw it to the official website to mine. Anyway, don't be stupid and put it in your wallet. It's a waste to put it in your wallet. The income from mining is much higher than financial management.
Go to the ENA official website event address, log in to the wallet and lock EAN or USDe. Please go to the tutorial for details. Goodbye, DYOR!
#ENA智能策略库🥇🥇 $ENA
Basic of cryptocurrency trading Hello crypto I had a chat with a big man in the circle. It was really classic and every word was a pearl! I quickly summarized a few points for us. You must read them. It will definitely help you! today I had a chat with a big man in the circle. It was really classic and every word was a pearl! I quickly summarized a few points for us. You must read them. It will definitely help you! 1. Leave when you make a lot of money, calm down and rest, or travel around the world to relax! Brothers, remember this sentence! Don't be greedy when you make a lot of money, leave quickly, enjoy life, travel, and relax! 2. If the continuous loss exceeds 10%, be sure to find out the cause of the loss to avoid falling into the quagmire. This is the top priority! Brothers, if you lose money continuously, stop quickly and find the reason, don't let yourself get deeper and deeper! 3. If you are doing short-term trading, don't trade if there is ambiguity. Such opportunities are the easiest to lose money. For short-term trading, you must see clearly before you act! When it is unclear, don't mess around, otherwise you will lose your own money! 4. Don't follow up if the increase exceeds 50%. Often such opportunities are traps. It is easy to be trapped when buying. Remember, brothers! If you see an increase of more than 50%, don't follow the trend! It is often a trap, and you will be trapped once you enter! 5. After a continuous surge, don't be jealous of the high volume, which is usually a lure to buy more. Control your emotions and don't buy in. After a surge, the high volume looks tempting, but it is often a lure to buy more! Brothers, you must control your emotions at this time and don't buy in! 6. Buy low when weak, and buy after a pullback when strong. This sentence is the essence! When weak, we buy low; when strong, wait for a pullback before buying. This operation is stable! 7. If you don't understand the situation, don't add positions without 90% confidence. It is stable to build positions in batches at low positions. Adding positions is not a casual addition, brothers! If you don't understand the situation and are not 90% sure, don't mess around! Build positions in batches at low positions, so that it is stable! Always do your own research and calculations #CPI_BTC_Watch $BTC

Basic of cryptocurrency trading

Hello crypto I had a chat with a big man in the circle. It was really classic and every word was a pearl! I quickly summarized a few points for us. You must read them. It will definitely help you!
today I had a chat with a big man in the circle. It was really classic and every word was a pearl! I quickly summarized a few points for us. You must read them. It will definitely help you!
1. Leave when you make a lot of money, calm down and rest, or travel around the world to relax!
Brothers, remember this sentence! Don't be greedy when you make a lot of money, leave quickly, enjoy life, travel, and relax!
2. If the continuous loss exceeds 10%, be sure to find out the cause of the loss to avoid falling into the quagmire.
This is the top priority! Brothers, if you lose money continuously, stop quickly and find the reason, don't let yourself get deeper and deeper!
3. If you are doing short-term trading, don't trade if there is ambiguity. Such opportunities are the easiest to lose money.
For short-term trading, you must see clearly before you act! When it is unclear, don't mess around, otherwise you will lose your own money!
4. Don't follow up if the increase exceeds 50%. Often such opportunities are traps. It is easy to be trapped when buying.
Remember, brothers! If you see an increase of more than 50%, don't follow the trend! It is often a trap, and you will be trapped once you enter!
5. After a continuous surge, don't be jealous of the high volume, which is usually a lure to buy more. Control your emotions and don't buy in.
After a surge, the high volume looks tempting, but it is often a lure to buy more! Brothers, you must control your emotions at this time and don't buy in!
6. Buy low when weak, and buy after a pullback when strong.
This sentence is the essence! When weak, we buy low; when strong, wait for a pullback before buying. This operation is stable!
7. If you don't understand the situation, don't add positions without 90% confidence. It is stable to build positions in batches at low positions.
Adding positions is not a casual addition, brothers! If you don't understand the situation and are not 90% sure, don't mess around! Build positions in batches at low positions, so that it is stable!
Always do your own research and calculations #CPI_BTC_Watch $BTC
BINANCE NEWS ALERT: 🚨🚨🚨Potential Account Suspension 🚨🚨🚨 To protect your Binance account, please avoid these actions that could lead to suspension: 1. Violating Terms of Service: Any involvement in illegal activities, such as fraud or money laundering, will result in immediate suspension. 2. Providing False Information: Submitting inaccurate details during registration or verification processes may lead to account suspension. 3. Security Breaches: Failure to follow security guidelines, including sharing login credentials or falling victim to phishing, can compromise your account's security. 4. Suspicious Trading Behavior: Engaging in unusual trading patterns or market manipulation can trigger Binance's risk management protocols, resulting in suspension pending investigation. 5. Unauthorized Access: Detection of unauthorized account access or suspicion of compromise may prompt immediate suspension to prevent further risk. 6. Regulatory Non-compliance: Failure to adhere to local regulations or Binance’s KYC requirements may lead to suspension until compliance is verified. 7. Service Abuse: Misusing Binance’s services, such as exploiting referral programs or violating transaction policies, can result in account suspension. Follow for more updates and info. Like and Share. Thanks. #binanceaccount #BTC☀ {spot}(BNBUSDT)
🚨🚨🚨Potential Account Suspension 🚨🚨🚨
To protect your Binance account, please avoid these actions that could lead to suspension:
1. Violating Terms of Service: Any involvement in illegal activities, such as fraud or money laundering, will result in immediate suspension.
2. Providing False Information: Submitting inaccurate details during registration or verification processes may lead to account suspension.
3. Security Breaches: Failure to follow security guidelines, including sharing login credentials or falling victim to phishing, can compromise your account's security.
4. Suspicious Trading Behavior: Engaging in unusual trading patterns or market manipulation can trigger Binance's risk management protocols, resulting in suspension pending investigation.
5. Unauthorized Access: Detection of unauthorized account access or suspicion of compromise may prompt immediate suspension to prevent further risk.
6. Regulatory Non-compliance: Failure to adhere to local regulations or Binance’s KYC requirements may lead to suspension until compliance is verified.
7. Service Abuse: Misusing Binance’s services, such as exploiting referral programs or violating transaction policies, can result in account suspension.
Follow for more updates and info. Like and Share. Thanks.
#binanceaccount #BTC☀
Scam Alert: Please be wary of people you meet on dating apps who ask you to invest The photos of the opposite sex on dating websites are always full of temptation. If they can be gentle and considerate to you, you may even think that this is "true love". In reality, this is often full of dangers, especially those who ask you to participate in investment, which can almost be determined to be fake investment scam. We always educate users not to trust strangers easily, but some people are still deceived. I think as friends or family of the victims, perhaps you can really play a role in helping and supervising. Please help those around you to avoid losses. #scamriskwarning $BTC
Scam Alert:
Please be wary of people you meet on dating apps who ask you to invest
The photos of the opposite sex on dating websites are always full of temptation. If they can be gentle and considerate to you, you may even think that this is "true love". In reality, this is often full of dangers, especially those who ask you to participate in investment, which can almost be determined to be fake investment scam.
We always educate users not to trust strangers easily, but some people are still deceived. I think as friends or family of the victims, perhaps you can really play a role in helping and supervising. Please help those around you to avoid losses.

#scamriskwarning $BTC
⚡️ 暗号資産に関する最新のディスカッションに参加
💬 お気に入りのクリエイターと交流
👍 興味のあるコンテンツがきっと見つかります
メール / 電話番号


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