Binance Square
Aamir Shahzad
Meta-Force Leader
アサラム・アレイコム、お元気でいらっしゃることを願っています。アルハムドゥリラー。私は過去 15 か月間 Metaforce に取り組んでおり、毎日数十万ルピーを稼いでいます 🔥🔥 NFT からの毎日の収入だけで言えば 🥈🥈 850 ドルです。私に言えば、20 万 5 千ルピーです 🥳🥳 これが Metaforce で、これが Metaforce の NFT です。あなたもお金を稼ぎたいのであれば、Metaforce を始めてここから数百万ルピーを稼いでください 💸💸
アサラム・アレイコム、お元気でいらっしゃることを願っています。アルハムドゥリラー。私は過去 15 か月間 Metaforce に取り組んでおり、毎日数十万ルピーを稼いでいます 🔥🔥 NFT からの毎日の収入だけで言えば 🥈🥈 850 ドルです。私に言えば、20 万 5 千ルピーです 🥳🥳 これが Metaforce で、これが Metaforce の NFT です。あなたもお金を稼ぎたいのであれば、Metaforce を始めてここから数百万ルピーを稼いでください 💸💸
*How To change my life* Changing your life is a big goal, and it's great that you're motivated to make positive changes! Here are a few suggestions to get started: 1. Set Clear Goals: Define what you want to achieve and create specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals. This will help you stay focused and track your progress. 2. Take Small Steps: Break down your goals into smaller, manageable tasks. By taking small steps consistently, you can build momentum and make progress towards your desired changes. 3. Embrace Growth Mindset: Believe in your ability to learn and grow. Embrace challenges as opportunities for personal development and be open to trying new things. 4. Surround Yourself with Positive Influences: Surround yourself with supportive and positive people who inspire and motivate you. Their encouragement can make a big difference in your journey. 5. Take Care of Yourself: Prioritize self-care, including physical exercise, healthy eating, quality sleep, and finding time for activities that bring you joy and relaxation. Remember, changing your life is a process that takes time and effort. Be patient with yourself and celebrate each milestone along the way. You've got this! If you need more specific advice or have any questions, feel free to ask. 😊
*How To change my life*

Changing your life is a big goal, and it's great that you're motivated to make positive changes! Here are a few suggestions to get started:

1. Set Clear Goals: Define what you want to achieve and create specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals. This will help you stay focused and track your progress.

2. Take Small Steps: Break down your goals into smaller, manageable tasks. By taking small steps consistently, you can build momentum and make progress towards your desired changes.

3. Embrace Growth Mindset: Believe in your ability to learn and grow. Embrace challenges as opportunities for personal development and be open to trying new things.

4. Surround Yourself with Positive Influences: Surround yourself with supportive and positive people who inspire and motivate you. Their encouragement can make a big difference in your journey.

5. Take Care of Yourself: Prioritize self-care, including physical exercise, healthy eating, quality sleep, and finding time for activities that bring you joy and relaxation.

Remember, changing your life is a process that takes time and effort. Be patient with yourself and celebrate each milestone along the way. You've got this! If you need more specific advice or have any questions, feel free to ask. 😊
📍ビットコインの最初の価格📍 🎀今日フォースコインを受け取った人はビットコインの最初の所有者のようになります。この地位を獲得した皆さんにお祝いを申し上げます。🌹 💸💸誰もが成功するわけではありません。誰もが賢くなれるわけではないからです。成功する人はチャンスを逃しません✨✨ #BTC


なぜメタフォースは安全なのでしょうか? メタフォースは安全です。その動作はブロックチェーン技術によって完全に保護されています。参加者は個人データを提供せず、WEB 3.0経由で接続された仮想通貨ウォレットのアドレスのみをログインとして使用します。これにより匿名性が可能になります。 Meta Force インフラストラクチャ全体は外部干渉を防ぐ安全なスマート コントラクトに基づいており、Web サイトはブロックチェーンからのデータを表示するだけです。

メタフォースは安全です。その動作はブロックチェーン技術によって完全に保護されています。参加者は個人データを提供せず、WEB 3.0経由で接続された仮想通貨ウォレットのアドレスのみをログインとして使用します。これにより匿名性が可能になります。 Meta Force インフラストラクチャ全体は外部干渉を防ぐ安全なスマート コントラクトに基づいており、Web サイトはブロックチェーンからのデータを表示するだけです。
Meta Force introduced the basic functionality of a Metaverse, focusing on the implementation of business projects. Meta Force Metaverse is a development of the decentralized Meta Force platform released about a year ago. The functionality of the platform is designed for the work of project teams organized on the principle of network marketing. leaderboard Lado Okhotnikov, Meta Force’s CEO: "We understood that network marketing as a scheme of business process organization has excellent prospects. At the same time, it was difficult to digitize and transfer it to an online format. Difficulties were not in programming; the algorithms were clear. The problem was business-specific, it is necessary to provide absolute guarantee of fulfillment of obligations, especially on accurate and timely payment. And now imagine: users from different countries can work in one team. How do we deal with them? How to make international payments? All this could not be combined within the framework of one application. The solution was to use a blockchain..." From platform to Metaverse Lado Okhotnikov’s Meta Force is the first real step to blockchain application for network marketing. The project proved to be successful even at the initial stage, it confirmed the perspective of the approach and showed the direction of development. Meta Force is supposed to be the consistent platform improvement up to the creation of a full-fledged Metaverse. Here, Metaverse performs the function of an interface allowing users to work comfortably and interact with each other and with the system. Obligations are guaranteed by smart contracts based on the Polygon blockchain. All agreements are fixed in smart contracts and cannot be changed, even Meta Force managers have no access to them. Native Forcecoin token is used for financial settlement. Almost since the first release, the Meta Force platform was fully operational, everything was there for the full work of project teams. About one and a half million users joined the platform during the year.
Meta Force introduced the basic functionality of a Metaverse, focusing on the implementation of business projects.

Meta Force Metaverse is a development of the decentralized Meta Force platform released about a year ago. The functionality of the platform is designed for the work of project teams organized on the principle of network marketing.

Lado Okhotnikov, Meta Force’s CEO: "We understood that network marketing as a scheme of business process organization has excellent prospects. At the same time, it was difficult to digitize and transfer it to an online format. Difficulties were not in programming; the algorithms were clear. The problem was business-specific, it is necessary to provide absolute guarantee of fulfillment of obligations, especially on accurate and timely payment. And now imagine: users from different countries can work in one team. How do we deal with them? How to make international payments? All this could not be combined within the framework of one application. The solution was to use a blockchain..."
From platform to Metaverse

Lado Okhotnikov’s Meta Force is the first real step to blockchain application for network marketing. The project proved to be successful even at the initial stage, it confirmed the perspective of the approach and showed the direction of development.

Meta Force is supposed to be the consistent platform improvement up to the creation of a full-fledged Metaverse.

Here, Metaverse performs the function of an interface allowing users to work comfortably and interact with each other and with the system. Obligations are guaranteed by smart contracts based on the Polygon blockchain. All agreements are fixed in smart contracts and cannot be changed, even Meta Force managers have no access to them. Native Forcecoin token is used for financial settlement.

Almost since the first release, the Meta Force platform was fully operational, everything was there for the full work of project teams. About one and a half million users joined the platform during the year.
*What is Meta Force?* *Metaforce is a Decentralized and Crowdfunding platform in which you get 300% of your investment repeatedly from non-working income means without any work..* *For example if you bought slot1 for five dollars, you will get 300% of investment meaning 15 dollars in non-working case repeatedly* *The more slots you buy, the faster the non-working income will come.* *If you can make a team, you will get extra income, you will get 100% commission of each member, as much as he invests, you will get 100% of the same in buying slots.* *For example, if you refer a member and he buys the first slot for five dollars, then you will get five dollars 100% when the member joins, the non-working income will also be received from the team. .* *If you can't build a team, you'll only get 300% of the investment over and over again from non-working...*
*What is Meta Force?*

*Metaforce is a Decentralized and Crowdfunding platform in which you get 300% of your investment repeatedly from non-working income means without any work..*

*For example if you bought slot1 for five dollars, you will get 300% of investment meaning 15 dollars in non-working case repeatedly*

*The more slots you buy, the faster the non-working income will come.*

*If you can make a team, you will get extra income, you will get 100% commission of each member, as much as he invests, you will get 100% of the same in buying slots.*

*For example, if you refer a member and he buys the first slot for five dollars, then you will get five dollars 100% when the member joins, the non-working income will also be received from the team. .*

*If you can't build a team, you'll only get 300% of the investment over and over again from non-working...*
メタフォースとは何ですか? メタフォースとは単に、ブロックチェーン上に構築された分散型スマートコントラクトを意味し、フォースコイン、マトリックス、Nft、メタバースとステーキング、トレーダーズクラブとステーキングなどのデジタル製品を通じて夢を実現するために使用できます。ビジネスピアツーピアモデル どのようなメリットがあるのか 製品、プログラム、機能 ✅Classic、Boost、UniteVerse などのマーケティング プログラム ✅メタバース ✅NFT と NFT プログラム ✅アカデミー ✅トレーダーズクラブ *FORCE Coin*を中心に展開するエコシステム内で利用可能なすべての製品 なぜ私たちがこのビジネスに自信を持っているのか? 分散型スマートコントラクトです。 CEOはおらず、誰もあなたの資金を管理していません。ある日目が覚めて、ビジネスがなくなったと言うことはできません。なぜなら、ビジネスはブロックチェーンにコード化されており、ブロックチェーンにコード化されているビジネスは延長されず、削除したりハッキングしたり変更したりすることはできません。 、あなたの資金は確保されています。 この機会のもう 1 つのユニークな点は、少しの努力と参加費としての少額の資金で、優れた結果が得られる複合的な要素があることです。 Meta Force には 12 を超える収入源があり、このビジネスで同時に収入を得ることができます。 受動的収入の機会もいくつかあります。しかし、紹介プログラムに参加すれば、より早く、より多くの収入を得ることができます。 メタフォースの特徴 *新機能* *~自動再アクティブ化* *~自動アップグレード* FORCE は現時点で考えられる最大の投資であり、世界中で何千もの人生を変えています。 プレローンチに参加すると、50% 割引を大幅に節約できます。 *収入の可能性は膨大です* #metaforce




✅Classic、Boost、UniteVerse などのマーケティング プログラム


✅NFT と NFT プログラム



*FORCE Coin*を中心に展開するエコシステム内で利用可能なすべての製品


分散型スマートコントラクトです。 CEOはおらず、誰もあなたの資金を管理していません。ある日目が覚めて、ビジネスがなくなったと言うことはできません。なぜなら、ビジネスはブロックチェーンにコード化されており、ブロックチェーンにコード化されているビジネスは延長されず、削除したりハッキングしたり変更したりすることはできません。 、あなたの資金は確保されています。

この機会のもう 1 つのユニークな点は、少しの努力と参加費としての少額の資金で、優れた結果が得られる複合的な要素があることです。

Meta Force には 12 を超える収入源があり、このビジネスで同時に収入を得ることができます。




FORCE は現時点で考えられる最大の投資であり、世界中で何千もの人生を変えています。

プレローンチに参加すると、50% 割引を大幅に節約できます。

This is awesome NFT royalty program Royalty bonus 30% product funds 7 NFT status 30% of product funds = 100% for royalty bonus Level 0 - Zero NFT - 0% Level 1 - Activator - 10% Level 2 - Supervisor - 11% Level 3 - Pro manager - 12% Level 4 - Manager Pro - 13% Level 5 - Pacesetters - 14% Level 6 - Ambassador - 15% Level 7 - Millionaire's club member - 25% Meta force will give you so much passive income Royalty NFT Program More explain video are soon We Are With You - FORCE TOP TEAM LONGLIFE Level 5 in Classic Program is the eligibility for enter in NFT royalty program.I cannot wait for this project to launch passive income no recruiting earn Royalties and we can finally use our SFC coins! 1- This NFT program will be launched in the very near future. And as soon as it is launched, it will be possible to activate these NFTs. What will be the conditions to activate these NFT ? When the NFT program is launched, you will need to buy or activate at least 5 levels in the CLASSIC program. I repeat, only when the NFT program is released. This will be the only condition, to have at least 5 or more active levels of the CLASSIC program. So it is advisable to activate these levels ! 2- These NFTs can be pumped with the stable SFC tokens that we receive when we activate the levels or slots or baskets of the CLASSIC, but only in this first stage, then the only way to pump the NFTs will be with the help of another token called "Energy Token". Each pumped NFT will allow us to get passive income from royalties based on global turnover. 3- Each NFT represents one share. This means that if you have several NFTs, then you have several shares which will allow you to receive more profit. 4- Likewise each NFT will be able to move up in status and that means that you will be able to get a higher and higher percentage % to the previous status based on the royalties generated by the global turnover. To upgrade status you will need to merge 3 NFTs.
This is awesome NFT royalty program
Royalty bonus 30% product funds
7 NFT status 30% of product funds = 100% for royalty bonus
Level 0 - Zero NFT - 0%
Level 1 - Activator - 10%
Level 2 - Supervisor - 11%
Level 3 - Pro manager - 12%
Level 4 - Manager Pro - 13%
Level 5 - Pacesetters - 14%
Level 6 - Ambassador - 15%
Level 7 - Millionaire's club member - 25%

Meta force will give you so much passive income

Royalty NFT Program More explain video are soon

Level 5 in Classic Program is the eligibility for enter in NFT royalty program.I cannot wait for this project to launch passive income no recruiting earn Royalties and we can finally use our SFC coins!

1- This NFT program will be launched in the very near future. And as soon as it is launched, it will be possible to activate these NFTs.
What will be the conditions to activate these NFT ?
When the NFT program is launched, you will need to buy or activate at least 5 levels in the CLASSIC program.
I repeat, only when the NFT program is released.
This will be the only condition, to have at least 5 or more active levels of the CLASSIC program.
So it is advisable to activate these levels !

2- These NFTs can be pumped with the stable SFC tokens that we receive when we activate the levels or slots or baskets of the CLASSIC, but only in this first stage, then the only way to pump the NFTs will be with the help of another token called "Energy Token".
Each pumped NFT will allow us to get passive income from royalties based on global turnover.

3- Each NFT represents one share.
This means that if you have several NFTs, then you have several shares which will allow you to receive more profit.

4- Likewise each NFT will be able to move up in status and that means that you will be able to get a higher and higher percentage % to the previous status based on the royalties generated by the global turnover.
To upgrade status you will need to merge 3 NFTs.
As soon as Forcecoin enters the open market, we will no longer need DAI although marketing itself will generally remain the same. There will no longer be coinsets, and accordingly such a concept as a “full package” will disappear, there will only be Tiers that give different levels of access to the Metaverse. The Uniteverse and Forcecoin will continue to develop along with the entire Meta Force universe
As soon as Forcecoin enters the open market, we will no longer need DAI although marketing itself will generally remain the same.

There will no longer be coinsets, and accordingly such a concept as a “full package” will disappear, there will only be Tiers that give different levels of access to the Metaverse.

The Uniteverse and Forcecoin will continue to develop along with the entire Meta Force universe
*MashaAllah* 😍😊 *جو چلتے رہتے ہیں وہ منزل* *تک پہنچ ہی جاتے ہیں اور جو چھوڑ دیتے ہیں ناکامی ان کا مقدر بن جاتی ہے*🔥🔥 *Most welcome new business partner in our family and in life changing opportunity* 👌🏻😍👌🏻 *Right⌚ Time And Right decisions😊  🔥Warm Wellcome To Dear Leader😍🙂
*MashaAllah* 😍😊
*جو چلتے رہتے ہیں وہ منزل* *تک پہنچ ہی جاتے ہیں اور جو چھوڑ دیتے ہیں ناکامی ان کا مقدر بن جاتی ہے*🔥🔥

*Most welcome new business partner in our family and in life changing opportunity* 👌🏻😍👌🏻

*Right⌚ Time And Right decisions😊  🔥Warm Wellcome To Dear Leader😍🙂
Decentralize System
Decentralize System
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