Binance Square
事故による火傷からインサイダー取引の調査まで、私にとってミームコインはもう必要ありません。いいえ、ありがとう...私はBTCとトップ10にこだわります、ありがとう。 #Fintech #Bitcoin #BitcoinEducation #BTC #MemeCoins $BTC $BOME $SOL

#Fintech #Bitcoin #BitcoinEducation #BTC #MemeCoins

インサイダー取引?情報提供で Binance から 100,000 ドルの報酬がもらえます💹 #BOME $BOME あなたの考えは?
インサイダー取引?情報提供で Binance から 100,000 ドルの報酬がもらえます💹 #BOME $BOME あなたの考えは?
バイナンスは、取引所内のインサイダー取引や汚職の可能性に関する報告に対し、10万ドルから500万ドルの報奨金を提供している。これは、ソラナを拠点とするミームコイン Book of Meme (BOME) の最近の上場がインサイダー取引の疑惑を引き起こしたことを受けて行われた。ある仮想通貨クジラは、上場前に 3 億 1,400 万個の BOME トークンを 230 万ドルで購入し、上場後にその価値は 800 万ドルに急騰しました。バイナンスはこの疑惑の調査を開始し、取引所に関連する不正行為があれば報告するようコミュニティに奨励している。このプラットフォームは、透明な取引環境を維持し、市場操作を防止することを目的としています。
Hodling 😎
Buying 👍
Selling 👎
0 投票 • 投票は終了しました
#CryptoVerse 6: 未来を見据えて ビットコインの導入はイノベーションの波を引き起こし、何千もの他の暗号通貨の誕生につながりました。各暗号通貨はビットコインよりも改善したり、異なる機能を提供したりしようとしています。金融取引以外にも、ブロックチェーン技術は安全な投票システム、サプライチェーン管理、さらには分散型インターネットサービスの作成にも利用されています。 魅力的な思考: スマートフォンから安全に投票したり、コーヒー豆からカップまでの行程全体を追跡したり、仮想世界でデジタルの土地を所有したりできる未来を想像してみてください。ビットコインの基盤となる技術により、これらのアイデアは日々実現可能になっています。 これまで見てきたように、@bitcoin とその基盤となるブロックチェーン技術は、デジタル取引、所有権、信頼の取り扱い方における潜在的な革命の舞台を整えました。暗号通貨の金融面に興味があるか、ブロックチェーンのより幅広い用途に興味があるかにかかわらず、これらのイノベーションが何を可能にするかを探り始めたばかりであることは否定できません。 #Fintech #Bitcoin #BitcoinEducation #BTC $BTC
#CryptoVerse 6: 未来を見据えて


魅力的な思考: スマートフォンから安全に投票したり、コーヒー豆からカップまでの行程全体を追跡したり、仮想世界でデジタルの土地を所有したりできる未来を想像してみてください。ビットコインの基盤となる技術により、これらのアイデアは日々実現可能になっています。

これまで見てきたように、@Bitcoin とその基盤となるブロックチェーン技術は、デジタル取引、所有権、信頼の取り扱い方における潜在的な革命の舞台を整えました。暗号通貨の金融面に興味があるか、ブロックチェーンのより幅広い用途に興味があるかにかかわらず、これらのイノベーションが何を可能にするかを探り始めたばかりであることは否定できません。

#Fintech #Bitcoin #BitcoinEducation #BTC $BTC
#CryptoVerse 5: The Challenge of Scalability As Bitcoin's popularity grew, so did the challenge of scaling the network to accommodate more transactions. The original design has its limits on how many transactions can be processed at a time, leading to potential delays and higher fees during busy periods. Innovative Solutions: Technologies like the Lightning Network are being developed as a layer on top of Bitcoin to enable faster and cheaper transactions. It's similar to building express lanes on a highway to allow for more traffic to flow smoothly. #Fintech #CryptoEducation #Bitcoin #EmergingMarkets $BTC
#CryptoVerse 5: The Challenge of Scalability

As Bitcoin's popularity grew, so did the challenge of scaling the network to accommodate more transactions. The original design has its limits on how many transactions can be processed at a time, leading to potential delays and higher fees during busy periods.

Innovative Solutions: Technologies like the Lightning Network are being developed as a layer on top of Bitcoin to enable faster and cheaper transactions. It's similar to building express lanes on a highway to allow for more traffic to flow smoothly.

#Fintech #CryptoEducation #Bitcoin #EmergingMarkets $BTC
#CryptoVerse 4: Bitcoin's Economic Model Bitcoin introduced an economic model where the total supply is capped at 21 million coins, mimicking scarce resources like gold. This scarcity could potentially make Bitcoin a hedge against inflation as traditional fiat currencies can be printed without limit. Curiosity Point: Think of Bitcoin as a digital form of gold mining. Instead of physically digging into the earth, miners solve complex mathematical puzzles to "mine" new bitcoins, adding them to the circulating supply until the cap is reached. #BTC #Fintech #CryptoEducation💡🚀 #Bitcoin $BTC
#CryptoVerse 4: Bitcoin's Economic Model

Bitcoin introduced an economic model where the total supply is capped at 21 million coins, mimicking scarce resources like gold. This scarcity could potentially make Bitcoin a hedge against inflation as traditional fiat currencies can be printed without limit.

Curiosity Point: Think of Bitcoin as a digital form of gold mining. Instead of physically digging into the earth, miners solve complex mathematical puzzles to "mine" new bitcoins, adding them to the circulating supply until the cap is reached.

#BTC #Fintech #CryptoEducation💡🚀 #Bitcoin $BTC
#CryptoVerse 3: デジタル所有権の概念 ビットコインのホワイトペーパーでは、暗号鍵を使用して、複製や詐欺なしにデジタル所有権を証明する方法が紹介されています。各ビットコインはデジタル署名に結び付けられ、デジタル指紋のように一意にあなたのものになります。 現実世界の例: ブロックチェーンを通じてあなたと紛れもなくリンクされたデジタル絵画を所有していると想像してください。これは、リビングルームに掛けられた物理的な絵画と同じように一意にあなたのものになります。 #Fintech #Bitcoin #BitcoinEducation #BTC $BTC
#CryptoVerse 3: デジタル所有権の概念


現実世界の例: ブロックチェーンを通じてあなたと紛れもなくリンクされたデジタル絵画を所有していると想像してください。これは、リビングルームに掛けられた物理的な絵画と同じように一意にあなたのものになります。

#Fintech #Bitcoin #BitcoinEducation #BTC $BTC
#CryptoVerse 2: 暗号化によるトランザクションのセキュリティ保護 ビットコインは、プルーフ オブ ワークと呼ばれるものを使用してトランザクションのセキュリティを確保します。各トランザクションは、解決に多大な計算労力を要する複雑な数学パズルでロックされます。この作業により、トランザクションが正当であることが確認され、ブロックチェーンに追加されます。 興味深い点: このメカニズムは、お金を守る非常に複雑な数独パズルを解くことに似ています。解く努力をした人だけが資金にアクセスして送金できます。 #Fintech #CryptoEducation💡🚀  #Bitcoin #EmergingMarkets
#CryptoVerse 2: 暗号化によるトランザクションのセキュリティ保護

ビットコインは、プルーフ オブ ワークと呼ばれるものを使用してトランザクションのセキュリティを確保します。各トランザクションは、解決に多大な計算労力を要する複雑な数学パズルでロックされます。この作業により、トランザクションが正当であることが確認され、ブロックチェーンに追加されます。

興味深い点: このメカニズムは、お金を守る非常に複雑な数独パズルを解くことに似ています。解く努力をした人だけが資金にアクセスして送金できます。

#Fintech #CryptoEducation💡🚀  #Bitcoin #EmergingMarkets
#CryptoVerse 1: The Power of Decentralization At the heart of Bitcoin is a revolutionary idea: transactions can occur directly between two parties without the need for a trusted third party, like a bank. This is made possible through a technology called blockchain, which acts like a public ledger. Imagine a global spreadsheet that records every transaction in such a secure way that once something is added, it cannot be changed or removed. This creates trust not from a central institution, but from the system itself, which is maintained by a network of computers around the world. Real-World Example: It's like sending an email directly to a friend without having to go through a post office that checks and approves each message. This level of direct control could redefine how we think about sending and receiving money. #Fintech #CryptoEducation💡🚀  #Bitcoin #EmergingMarkets
#CryptoVerse 1: The Power of Decentralization

At the heart of Bitcoin is a revolutionary idea: transactions can occur directly between two parties without the need for a trusted third party, like a bank. This is made possible through a technology called blockchain, which acts like a public ledger. Imagine a global spreadsheet that records every transaction in such a secure way that once something is added, it cannot be changed or removed. This creates trust not from a central institution, but from the system itself, which is maintained by a network of computers around the world.

Real-World Example: It's like sending an email directly to a friend without having to go through a post office that checks and approves each message. This level of direct control could redefine how we think about sending and receiving money.

#Fintech #CryptoEducation💡🚀  #Bitcoin #EmergingMarkets
Let's explore the groundbreaking ideas introduced by the Bitcoin Whitepaper in a way that's accessible to everyone, especially if you're just beginning your journey into the world of cryptocurrency. This exploration is not just about Bitcoin itself but about the ripple effect it has had on technology, finance, and how we perceive value in the digital age. I'll be sharing a few posts exploring this labelled #CryptoVerse #DigitalMarketer pioneering the #CryptoVerse community to explore the crypto frontiers together.  #Fintech #CryptoEducation💡🚀  #Bitcoin #EmergingMarkets $BTC
Let's explore the groundbreaking ideas introduced by the Bitcoin Whitepaper in a way that's accessible to everyone, especially if you're just beginning your journey into the world of cryptocurrency. This exploration is not just about Bitcoin itself but about the ripple effect it has had on technology, finance, and how we perceive value in the digital age.

I'll be sharing a few posts exploring this labelled #CryptoVerse

#DigitalMarketer pioneering the #CryptoVerse community to explore the crypto frontiers together. 

#Fintech #CryptoEducation💡🚀  #Bitcoin #EmergingMarkets $BTC
#BOME 分析: 次は何ですか?
#BOME 分析: 次は何ですか?
Solana-Themed Meme Coin BOME Produces $30.2 Million for Biggest Buyer
The pre-sale participant took $3.66 million in gains out of a possible $30.2 million.

Bulls took advantage of sellers’ fatigue, and are attempting to drive the price to $0.030.

While the market cap dropped to $1.01 billion, volatility remained extreme.

Three days after turning $72,000 to $30.2 million, sundayfunday.sol, the largest presale participant of Solana-based meme coin BOOK OF MEMES (BOME) took some profits. According to Lookonchain, the participants spent 421 SOL to buy 1.43 billion BOME.

After the price pumped and the market cap surpassed $1 billion, he sold 190 million BOME for $3.66 million. As of this writing, the trader still had 1.24 billion BOME, valued at $26.57 million left.

sundayfunday.sol turned $72K into $30.2M in just 3 days on $BOME!😱sundayfunday.sol is the largest $BOME pre-sale participant, spending 421 $SOL($72K) to participate in the pre-sale of $BOME and received 1.43B $BOME($30.6M currently).He sold 190M $BOME for 19,646 $SOL($3.66M)…

— Lookonchain (@lookonchain) March 17, 2024

On March 16, Coin Edition reported how the meme coin caught the attention of Binance as the exchange announced the listing of its perpetual contract. Moments later, the price of BOME rallied to $0.0264.

However, a ton of the early investors seemed to have taken profit off the pump. As a result, the meme coin’s price dropped. At press time, CoinMarketCap data showed that BOME changed hands at $0.0198.

BOME Price Prediction

On the 1-hour BOME/USDT chart using TradingView, bulls seemed ready to help the price retest $0.0264. At press time, sellers seem to have been exhausted at $0.0178. Consequently, bulls took advantage of the fatigue and revered the trend upwards.

However, in the build up to $0.0264, BOME might encounter an overhead resistance at $0.0226. A successful breach of this resistance might send the token to $0.030. But if the token experiences rejection at this level, the price might reverse below $0.020.

Furthermore, the Bollinger Bands (BB) showed that volatility around the cryptocurrency remained extreme. A bullish scenario with this kind of volatility might produce another 5x for the meme coin.

In a highly bearish condition, the price of BOME might plunge back to $0.0178. Meanwhile, the Relative Strength Index (RSI) remained above the neutral zone. This indicates that the token still had some bullish momentum left despite the selling pressure it recently experienced. 

BOME/USDT 1-Hour Chart (Source: TradingView)

Despite the recent drawdown, BOOK OF MEMES has remained a top 100 cryptocurrency. At press time, it was ranked number 97 with a market cap  of $1.01 billion. The meme coin  is the third Solana-based token to rise into the top 100 after Bonk (BONK) and dogwifhat (WIF).

However, both WIF and BONK have experienced major nosedives lately as it seems liquidity from there moved to BOME. In the last 24 hours, WIF’s price decreased by 12.92%. BONK, on the other hand, lost 19.72% of its value. 

The post Solana-Themed Meme Coin BOME Produces $30.2 Million for Biggest Buyer appeared first on Coin Edition.
Nhico Trading tips
$BOME buy now the support resistance is hit please buy only 30% of your money trade dont put all it once ang do your own research
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