Binance Square
🇺🇸 ドナルド・トランプのビットコイン2024に関する見解: 1️⃣ トランプはビットコインがいつか金の時価総額を上回ると信じている。 2️⃣ トランプは米国を暗号通貨ビジネスにとってより有利な管轄区域にするという以前の意図を再確認した。もし我々がこれを行わなければ(ビットコインと米国に関して)、中国が行うだろう。 3️⃣ 米国は世界の暗号通貨の中心地となり、世界的なビットコイン超大国になる。 ​​4️⃣ トランプはSECのゲイリー・ゲンスラー委員長を解任すると約束した。 5️⃣ カマラ・ハリスが大統領になれば、彼女はビットコインを粉砕するだろう。彼女はビットコインについて何も理解していない。 6️⃣ デジタルドル(CBDC)は悪だ。私が大統領である間はCBDCは存在しない。 7️⃣ 戦争が終われば、暗号通貨は前例のない高みにまで急騰するだろう。 8️⃣ トランプ大統領は米国のバランスシートに保有されているBTCを売却しないと約束した。
🇺🇸 ドナルド・トランプのビットコイン2024に関する見解:

1️⃣ トランプはビットコインがいつか金の時価総額を上回ると信じている。

2️⃣ トランプは米国を暗号通貨ビジネスにとってより有利な管轄区域にするという以前の意図を再確認した。もし我々がこれを行わなければ(ビットコインと米国に関して)、中国が行うだろう。

3️⃣ 米国は世界の暗号通貨の中心地となり、世界的なビットコイン超大国になる。

​​4️⃣ トランプはSECのゲイリー・ゲンスラー委員長を解任すると約束した。

5️⃣ カマラ・ハリスが大統領になれば、彼女はビットコインを粉砕するだろう。彼女はビットコインについて何も理解していない。

6️⃣ デジタルドル(CBDC)は悪だ。私が大統領である間はCBDCは存在しない。

7️⃣ 戦争が終われば、暗号通貨は前例のない高みにまで急騰するだろう。

8️⃣ トランプ大統領は米国のバランスシートに保有されているBTCを売却しないと約束した。
⛔️ Huobi取引所の従業員4人がユーザーの暗号通貨を盗んだ罪で懲役刑を宣告される 2023年、中国のHuobi取引所(現在はHTXとして知られている)の従業員4人が社内リソースを使用してHuobiウォレットにマルウェアをアップロードし、約4万のユーザーキーとシードフレーズを入手した。 ‼️ 被害額は公表されていないが、少なくとも19,000のウォレットにアクセスできたことはわかっている。 警察の捜査の結果、取引所の従業員は逮捕され、懲役3年と罰金を宣告された。 この事件は、取引所が起業家のジャスティン・サンに買収され、その後HTXに改名される前に発生した。
⛔️ Huobi取引所の従業員4人がユーザーの暗号通貨を盗んだ罪で懲役刑を宣告される


‼️ 被害額は公表されていないが、少なくとも19,000のウォレットにアクセスできたことはわかっている。


👻 ビットコイン 2024 カンファレンスにおけるブラックロック、要点: 1️⃣ ブラックロックはビットコインを単なる「リスクの高い」資産ではなく、独自の基本的な原動力と安全な資金保管の可能性を備えた資産と見なしています。 2️⃣ ブラックロックの顧客は主に BTC に興味があり、程度は低いものの ETH にも興味があります。この 2 つの資産以外にはほとんど関心がありません。 3️⃣ ETF​​ 保有者は長期保有の傾向が顕著です。 4️⃣ ブラックロックの IBIT は、1 月の発売以来 6.5 か月の間にマイナスのフローが 1 日しかありませんでした。時間が経つにつれて、マイナスのフローの日が増える可能性があります。 5️⃣ ビットコイン ETF は非常に成功した製品ですが、機関投資家やアドバイザーの間ではまだ需要が高くありません。この状況は今年後半に変わる可能性があります。 6️⃣ 独立アドバイザーは通常、資本の 2~3% をビットコインに割り当てます。
👻 ビットコイン 2024 カンファレンスにおけるブラックロック、要点:

1️⃣ ブラックロックはビットコインを単なる「リスクの高い」資産ではなく、独自の基本的な原動力と安全な資金保管の可能性を備えた資産と見なしています。

2️⃣ ブラックロックの顧客は主に BTC に興味があり、程度は低いものの ETH にも興味があります。この 2 つの資産以外にはほとんど関心がありません。

3️⃣ ETF​​ 保有者は長期保有の傾向が顕著です。

4️⃣ ブラックロックの IBIT は、1 月の発売以来 6.5 か月の間にマイナスのフローが 1 日しかありませんでした。時間が経つにつれて、マイナスのフローの日が増える可能性があります。

5️⃣ ビットコイン ETF は非常に成功した製品ですが、機関投資家やアドバイザーの間ではまだ需要が高くありません。この状況は今年後半に変わる可能性があります。

6️⃣ 独立アドバイザーは通常、資本の 2~3% をビットコインに割り当てます。
📉 Mt. Gox の準備金が 66% 減少 CryptoQuant のアナリストは、債権者への返済の一環として、Mt. Gox の準備金が 141,686 BTC から 47,228 BTC (-66%) に減少したと報告しました。同じ期間に、BTC の価格は 55,000 ドルから 67,000 ドルに上昇しました。 FUD が常に機能するわけではないことを示しています。
📉 Mt. Gox の準備金が 66% 減少

CryptoQuant のアナリストは、債権者への返済の一環として、Mt. Gox の準備金が 141,686 BTC から 47,228 BTC (-66%) に減少したと報告しました。同じ期間に、BTC の価格は 55,000 ドルから 67,000 ドルに上昇しました。

FUD が常に機能するわけではないことを示しています。
📈 英国規制当局が Coinbase に 450 万ドルの罰金を科す 主な理由は「取引所がハイリスクの顧客を引き付けている」ことです。 これには、総額約 2 億 2,600 万ドルの取引を行った 13,416 人のいわゆる「ハイリスクの顧客」が関係しています。
📈 英国規制当局が Coinbase に 450 万ドルの罰金を科す


これには、総額約 2 億 2,600 万ドルの取引を行った 13,416 人のいわゆる「ハイリスクの顧客」が関係しています。
‼️ Another solo miner with a hashrate of 3 TH/s has mined a block and earned $211,972 With such a low hashrate, the probability of mining a block alone is one in 1.2 million. This can happen once every 3,500 years.
‼️ Another solo miner with a hashrate of 3 TH/s has mined a block and earned $211,972

With such a low hashrate, the probability of mining a block alone is one in 1.2 million.

This can happen once every 3,500 years.
🇪🇺 European Citizenship for Bitcoin Funds are being created in the European Union that offer clients the opportunity to obtain Portuguese citizenship (and thus EU citizenship) for Bitcoin investments of at least €500,000 under the Golden Visa program. Typically, direct participation in this program requires a similar investment of €500,000 in fiat currencies.
🇪🇺 European Citizenship for Bitcoin

Funds are being created in the European Union that offer clients the opportunity to obtain Portuguese citizenship (and thus EU citizenship) for Bitcoin investments of at least €500,000 under the Golden Visa program.

Typically, direct participation in this program requires a similar investment of €500,000 in fiat currencies.
👀 The organizer of the Bitcoin 2024 conference in Nashville (USA), David Bailey, announced that he is in talks with Kamala Harris's campaign team about her potential appearance at the event. A decision is reportedly expected today, as Bitcoin 2024 starts tomorrow. It is known that Donald Trump will be speaking at the conference. 🔼 Meanwhile, the KAMA token has risen another 55% in the past 24 hours, once again reaching a new all-time high.
👀 The organizer of the Bitcoin 2024 conference in Nashville (USA), David Bailey, announced that he is in talks with Kamala Harris's campaign team about her potential appearance at the event.

A decision is reportedly expected today, as Bitcoin 2024 starts tomorrow. It is known that Donald Trump will be speaking at the conference.

🔼 Meanwhile, the KAMA token has risen another 55% in the past 24 hours, once again reaching a new all-time high.
🔒 Proton to Launch Bitcoin Wallet Swiss company Proton, founded in 2014 by scientists from CERN, is set to launch a Bitcoin wallet. Proton's key product is the encrypted email service ProtonMail, which has 100 million accounts. 💸 The company also offers the VPN service ProtonVPN, both of which allow for paid subscriptions to be settled with Bitcoin. ✉️ The Proton Wallet will be open-source, and ProtonMail users will be able to send cryptocurrency to each other directly from the email interface. Reportedly, this will be a non-custodial wallet, with the keys being stored by the users themselves.
🔒 Proton to Launch Bitcoin Wallet

Swiss company Proton, founded in 2014 by scientists from CERN, is set to launch a Bitcoin wallet. Proton's key product is the encrypted email service ProtonMail, which has 100 million accounts.

💸 The company also offers the VPN service ProtonVPN, both of which allow for paid subscriptions to be settled with Bitcoin.

✉️ The Proton Wallet will be open-source, and ProtonMail users will be able to send cryptocurrency to each other directly from the email interface.

Reportedly, this will be a non-custodial wallet, with the keys being stored by the users themselves.
💵 The first day of trading for spot Ethereum ETFs in the U.S. ended with a total volume of $1.08 billion. As noted by Bloomberg analyst Eric Balchunas, this is 23 percent of the corresponding result for the debut day of Bitcoin ETFs on January 11, 2024. ✔️ The leader in this category among the new exchange-traded funds was BlackRock's ETHA product. It is worth noting that Grayscale's instrument had already existed previously in the form of a trust.
💵 The first day of trading for spot Ethereum ETFs in the U.S. ended with a total volume of $1.08 billion. As noted by Bloomberg analyst Eric Balchunas, this is 23 percent of the corresponding result for the debut day of Bitcoin ETFs on January 11, 2024.

✔️ The leader in this category among the new exchange-traded funds was BlackRock's ETHA product. It is worth noting that Grayscale's instrument had already existed previously in the form of a trust.
👀Market recovery — a temporary phenomenon? According to data from The Block, JPMorgan analysts believe that any market recovery in the near future is unlikely to mark the beginning of a prolonged upward trend. ✔️Analysts noted that a cryptocurrency market recovery is expected starting in August. They also expressed the opinion that Bitcoin and gold would benefit from a potential second term for Donald Trump.
👀Market recovery — a temporary phenomenon?

According to data from The Block, JPMorgan analysts believe that any market recovery in the near future is unlikely to mark the beginning of a prolonged upward trend.

✔️Analysts noted that a cryptocurrency market recovery is expected starting in August.

They also expressed the opinion that Bitcoin and gold would benefit from a potential second term for Donald Trump.
🪙 The SEC has officially approved the listing of an Ethereum ETF — trading of the new instruments starts today, July 23.
🪙 The SEC has officially approved the listing of an Ethereum ETF — trading of the new instruments starts today, July 23.
⛔️ Founder of Bitzlato Sentenced The Brooklyn District Court has sentenced Anatoly Legkodymov, co-founder of the Russian cryptocurrency exchange Bitzlato, to 18 months in prison. He had previously pleaded guilty to money laundering. ☄️ The platform processed more than $700 million in illicit funds and was the largest counterparty of the darknet marketplace Hydra. ❌ According to the court's ruling, Legkodymov has already served 18 months in the Brooklyn Metropolitan Detention Center. The judge deemed this punishment sufficient for the crimes committed by the man.
⛔️ Founder of Bitzlato Sentenced

The Brooklyn District Court has sentenced Anatoly Legkodymov, co-founder of the Russian cryptocurrency exchange Bitzlato, to 18 months in prison. He had previously pleaded guilty to money laundering.

☄️ The platform processed more than $700 million in illicit funds and was the largest counterparty of the darknet marketplace Hydra.

❌ According to the court's ruling, Legkodymov has already served 18 months in the Brooklyn Metropolitan Detention Center. The judge deemed this punishment sufficient for the crimes committed by the man.
🇨🇳 About the Chinese Government's Bitcoins Journalist Colin Wu reported that in November 2020, the Chinese government confiscated 194,770 bitcoins from PlusToken. Key Points: 🔵Confiscation: 194,770 BTC, 9.17 million ETH, 51 million EOS. 🔵Sale: part of the assets were sold, and the funds were returned to the treasury. 🔵Remaining: about 15,000 BTC remain unsold. 🤔 The question about the current assets of the Chinese government remains open.
🇨🇳 About the Chinese Government's Bitcoins

Journalist Colin Wu reported that in November 2020, the Chinese government confiscated 194,770 bitcoins from PlusToken.

Key Points:

🔵Confiscation: 194,770 BTC, 9.17 million ETH, 51 million EOS.

🔵Sale: part of the assets were sold, and the funds were returned to the treasury.

🔵Remaining: about 15,000 BTC remain unsold.

🤔 The question about the current assets of the Chinese government remains open.
💸 The UK may sell $4 billion worth of Bitcoin Bloomberg published an article stating that the UK Treasury might sell the previously confiscated 61,000 BTC. ✔️ The publication believes that liquidating the portfolio could provide the new Chancellor with several significant wins. Previously, the German authorities did the same, which led to a drop in the price.
💸 The UK may sell $4 billion worth of Bitcoin

Bloomberg published an article stating that the UK Treasury might sell the previously confiscated 61,000 BTC.

✔️ The publication believes that liquidating the portfolio could provide the new Chancellor with several significant wins.

Previously, the German authorities did the same, which led to a drop in the price.
📊 Crypto Trading Volumes In June, the total trading volume on centralized exchanges (CEX) fell by 21.8% to $4.2 trillion. This marks the third consecutive month of decline after a peak of $9 trillion in March. Key Points: 🔵Trading activity on CEX continues to decrease. 🔵Over-the-counter (OTC) trading volume grew by 95% over the same period.
📊 Crypto Trading Volumes

In June, the total trading volume on centralized exchanges (CEX) fell by 21.8% to $4.2 trillion. This marks the third consecutive month of decline after a peak of $9 trillion in March.

Key Points:

🔵Trading activity on CEX continues to decrease.

🔵Over-the-counter (OTC) trading volume grew by 95% over the same period.
👀 Windows crash has spawned new meme coins According to CoinDesk, dozens of new meme coins dedicated to the Windows and CrowdStrike crash have already been released. The market capitalization of these meme coins reaches millions of dollars in just minutes 🔼 For those unaware, millions of Windows users worldwide are facing the "Blue Screen of Death" (BSOD) error, which causes sudden shutdowns or reboots due to a CrowdStrike update.
👀 Windows crash has spawned new meme coins

According to CoinDesk, dozens of new meme coins dedicated to the Windows and CrowdStrike crash have already been released.

The market capitalization of these meme coins reaches millions of dollars in just minutes 🔼

For those unaware, millions of Windows users worldwide are facing the "Blue Screen of Death" (BSOD) error, which causes sudden shutdowns or reboots due to a CrowdStrike update.
🌐 A law protecting the rights of crypto users has come into full effect in South Korea: 📌 Local crypto exchanges are now required to store at least 80% of user deposits in cold wallets, separate from their own funds. 📌 The law also mandates exchanges to implement real-time monitoring systems to report suspicious trading activities. 📌 Companies that fail to comply with the new regulations may face fines or suspension of operations by the Financial Services Commission.
🌐 A law protecting the rights of crypto users has come into full effect in South Korea:

📌 Local crypto exchanges are now required to store at least 80% of user deposits in cold wallets, separate from their own funds.

📌 The law also mandates exchanges to implement real-time monitoring systems to report suspicious trading activities.

📌 Companies that fail to comply with the new regulations may face fines or suspension of operations by the Financial Services Commission.
⚠️ The Greek government will introduce taxes on cryptocurrencies in 2025, with profits from cryptocurrency trading likely to be taxed at 15%. Local officials state that the country's budget is losing a lot of money, and crypto investors are "mostly unemployed individuals or taxpayers with no income but significant assets in real estate."
⚠️ The Greek government will introduce taxes on cryptocurrencies in 2025, with profits from cryptocurrency trading likely to be taxed at 15%.

Local officials state that the country's budget is losing a lot of money, and crypto investors are "mostly unemployed individuals or taxpayers with no income but significant assets in real estate."
State Street Will Launch Its Own Stablecoin Financial giant State Street, managing assets worth $3.5 trillion, plans to launch its own stablecoin. The company is also considering launching a deposit token representing client deposits on the blockchain. 😊 They should handle it quite well given their size.
State Street Will Launch Its Own Stablecoin

Financial giant State Street, managing assets worth $3.5 trillion, plans to launch its own stablecoin.

The company is also considering launching a deposit token representing client deposits on the blockchain.

😊 They should handle it quite well given their size.
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