Binance Square
Brandie Reulet Xhcu
今日、私が買ったのは: $200k $ARB $200k $CELO $200k $MATIC $200k $ATOM $200k $DOT $200k $NEAR $200k $HBAR $150k $ALGO $150k $MANTA $100k $ADA $100k $RNDR $100k $INJ 私をフォローしてお金持ちになりましょう🤝#BinanceLaunchpool
$200k $ARB
$200k $CELO
$200k $MATIC
$200k $ATOM
$200k $DOT
$200k $NEAR
$200k $HBAR
$150k $ALGO
$150k $MANTA
$100k $ADA
$100k $RNDR
$100k $INJ
過去 3 回の半減期の歴史: 1 回目 2012 年の強気相場は半減期の 48 日後に始まりました。 2 回目 2016 年の強気相場は半減期の 259 日後に始まりました。 3 回目 2020 年の強気相場は半減期の 149 日後に始まりました。 2024 年の半減期は近づいています。2024 年の半減期の予想日は 4 月 19 日です。 自分で準備し、自分で調査してから投資してください。
過去 3 回の半減期の歴史:
1 回目 2012 年の強気相場は半減期の 48 日後に始まりました。
2 回目 2016 年の強気相場は半減期の 259 日後に始まりました。
3 回目 2020 年の強気相場は半減期の 149 日後に始まりました。
2024 年の半減期は近づいています。2024 年の半減期の予想日は 4 月 19 日です。
4年間懸命に努力した結果、純資産が1000万ドルに達しました。 決して楽な道のりではありませんでしたし、多くの困難に直面しました。 この道のりで私を支えてくれた皆さんに感謝します。 厳しい道のりでしたが、皆さんがいなければ成し遂げられなかったでしょう。 先週1000万ドルを送ってくれた父に特に感謝の意を表します。🤑
今後 3 か月に向けて準備しましょう! 🔥🚀 今後の見通しは次のとおりです: - $TAO は 1500 ドルまで上昇すると予想されます。 - $SAGA は 350 ドルまで急上昇する見込みです。 - $TNSR は 150 ドルを目指しています。 - $W は 5 ドルに達すると予想されます。 - $ENA は 120 ドルに達すると予想されます。 - $ETHFI は 450 ドルまで上昇すると予想されます。 - $BOME は 1 ドルまで上昇すると予想されます。 - $AEVO は 150 ドルまで急上昇すると予想されます。 - $METIS は 800 ドルを目標としています。 - $WIF は 25 ドルまで上昇します。 今後の更新にご期待ください。最新の洞察についてはフォローしてください! 🤝#BinanceLaunchpool#cpi#bitcoinhalving#BullorBear#Memecoins🚀
今後 3 か月に向けて準備しましょう! 🔥🚀
- $TAO は 1500 ドルまで上昇すると予想されます。
- $SAGA は 350 ドルまで急上昇する見込みです。
- $TNSR は 150 ドルを目指しています。
- $W は 5 ドルに達すると予想されます。
- $ENA は 120 ドルに達すると予想されます。
- $ETHFI は 450 ドルまで上昇すると予想されます。
- $BOME は 1 ドルまで上昇すると予想されます。
- $AEVO は 150 ドルまで急上昇すると予想されます。
- $METIS は 800 ドルを目標としています。
- $WIF は 25 ドルまで上昇します。
今後の更新にご期待ください。最新の洞察についてはフォローしてください! 🤝#BinanceLaunchpool#cpi#bitcoinhalving#BullorBear#Memecoins🚀
$TAO に 10% ではなく 920 ドルで全財産を投資したのは大きな間違いでした。すでに 650 ドルで上場されていることを知らなかったため、2300 ドルを失いました。何ヶ月もかけて 1000 ドルの利益を上げたにもかかわらず、たった 60 秒ですべて失いました。投資するときは慎重になるべきだという教訓です。今、私は子供たちに手紙を書いています。皆さんの幸運を祈ります。$SAGA は、お金に対して慎重かつ賢明であるべきだということを教えてくれることを忘れないでください。#BinanceLaunchpool #cpi #Memecoins
$TAO に 10% ではなく 920 ドルで全財産を投資したのは大きな間違いでした。すでに 650 ドルで上場されていることを知らなかったため、2300 ドルを失いました。何ヶ月もかけて 1000 ドルの利益を上げたにもかかわらず、たった 60 秒ですべて失いました。投資するときは慎重になるべきだという教訓です。今、私は子供たちに手紙を書いています。皆さんの幸運を祈ります。$SAGA は、お金に対して慎重かつ賢明であるべきだということを教えてくれることを忘れないでください。#BinanceLaunchpool #cpi #Memecoins
一部の人たちは、このコインが 4 ドルを下回ると予測していますが、その意味を理解していないようです。このプロジェクトを見てください。他のより複雑なプロジェクトは、はるかに高い価格設定になっています。パニックに陥って、何を言っているのかわからない人の言うことに耳を傾ける前に、リサーチをしてください。このコインは確実に 100 ドルに達するでしょう。
一部の人たちは、このコインが 4 ドルを下回ると予測していますが、その意味を理解していないようです。このプロジェクトを見てください。他のより複雑なプロジェクトは、はるかに高い価格設定になっています。パニックに陥って、何を言っているのかわからない人の言うことに耳を傾ける前に、リサーチをしてください。このコインは確実に 100 ドルに達するでしょう。
メッセージを簡潔に言い換えましょう: [clim free USDT 💵💵💵💵💵]( - 誇張された予測には注意してください。アナリストの中には、半減期後に#PEPEのゼロが急速に減少すると約束する人もいますが、欲に惑わされて判断を誤らないでください。 - 現実的な目標を設定してください。ゼロが急速に減少することを期待して#PEPEに投資した場合は、今すぐ投資を保護するのが賢明です。 - 私の分析: 4 月と 5 月には#PEPEはゼロを 2 つ失う見込みですが、その後わずかに上昇してゼロを 1 つ取り戻す可能性があります。 - 年末までに#PEPEは最後のゼロを失い、半減期後にゼロが 2 つ純減する可能性があるため、忍耐が報われる可能性があります。 - 賢明に戦略を立ててください。これは短いレースではなく、長い旅であることを忘れないでください。期待を調整し#BinanceLaunchpool#BitcoinHalvingDrama に合わせて計画を立ててください。
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- 誇張された予測には注意してください。アナリストの中には、半減期後に#PEPEのゼロが急速に減少すると約束する人もいますが、欲に惑わされて判断を誤らないでください。
- 現実的な目標を設定してください。ゼロが急速に減少することを期待して#PEPEに投資した場合は、今すぐ投資を保護するのが賢明です。
- 私の分析: 4 月と 5 月には#PEPEはゼロを 2 つ失う見込みですが、その後わずかに上昇してゼロを 1 つ取り戻す可能性があります。
- 年末までに#PEPEは最後のゼロを失い、半減期後にゼロが 2 つ純減する可能性があるため、忍耐が報われる可能性があります。
- 賢明に戦略を立ててください。これは短いレースではなく、長い旅であることを忘れないでください。期待を調整し#BinanceLaunchpool#BitcoinHalvingDrama に合わせて計画を立ててください。
Certainly! Here are three coins that some people believe could see potential profitability after a Bitcoin halving: [clim free USDT 💵💵💵💵💵💵]( 1. **Ethereum (ETH)**: Ethereum is the second-largest cryptocurrency and is known for its smart contract capabilities, allowing for automated contracts. With an upcoming upgrade to make the network more efficient, there's anticipation for increased demand for ETH. 2. **Binance Coin (BNB)**: Binance Coin is the native token of Binance, one of the biggest crypto exchanges globally. BNB can be used for various purposes, including trading fees and travel bookings. As trading activity often rises after a Bitcoin halving, BNB might benefit from this increased activity. 3. **Solana (SOL)**: Solana is a blockchain platform known for its scalability and efficiency. It has been gaining popularity and is now among the top 10 cryptocurrencies. The growth of the Solana ecosystem could drive up the value of SOL. Remember, investing in cryptocurrencies carries risks, and it's essential to do thorough research before making any investment decisions.$BTC
Certainly! Here are three coins that some people believe could see potential profitability after a Bitcoin halving:
clim free USDT 💵💵💵💵💵💵

1. **Ethereum (ETH)**: Ethereum is the second-largest cryptocurrency and is known for its smart contract capabilities, allowing for automated contracts. With an upcoming upgrade to make the network more efficient, there's anticipation for increased demand for ETH.

2. **Binance Coin (BNB)**: Binance Coin is the native token of Binance, one of the biggest crypto exchanges globally. BNB can be used for various purposes, including trading fees and travel bookings. As trading activity often rises after a Bitcoin halving, BNB might benefit from this increased activity.

3. **Solana (SOL)**: Solana is a blockchain platform known for its scalability and efficiency. It has been gaining popularity and is now among the top 10 cryptocurrencies. The growth of the Solana ecosystem could drive up the value of SOL.

Remember, investing in cryptocurrencies carries risks, and it's essential to do thorough research before making any investment decisions.$BTC
Sure, here's a simplified version of your list: [clim free USDT 💵💵💵💵💵💵]( 1. Don't chase after sudden price spikes. It's risky and you could end up losing money. 2. Always have a plan before buying or selling. Know when to get in and when to get out. 3. Do some research before investing. Check out the coins with strong potential and look into their basics. 4. Avoid constantly shifting your investments. Stick to your plan instead of trying to jump from one coin to another. 5. Don't let greed cloud your judgment. Take profits when the market is doing well to secure your gains. 6. Recognize the strength of the market during a bull run and go with the flow. 7. Keep it simple. Don't overthink your moves. 8. Stay committed to your investment journey even when things get tough. 9. Use your time wisely. Don't waste it on unproductive activities. 10. Avoid splurging on unnecessary luxuries just because you're making money. If you find this helpful, feel free to follow me for more insights.
Sure, here's a simplified version of your list:
clim free USDT 💵💵💵💵💵💵
1. Don't chase after sudden price spikes. It's risky and you could end up losing money.
2. Always have a plan before buying or selling. Know when to get in and when to get out.
3. Do some research before investing. Check out the coins with strong potential and look into their basics.
4. Avoid constantly shifting your investments. Stick to your plan instead of trying to jump from one coin to another.
5. Don't let greed cloud your judgment. Take profits when the market is doing well to secure your gains.
6. Recognize the strength of the market during a bull run and go with the flow.
7. Keep it simple. Don't overthink your moves.
8. Stay committed to your investment journey even when things get tough.
9. Use your time wisely. Don't waste it on unproductive activities.
10. Avoid splurging on unnecessary luxuries just because you're making money.

If you find this helpful, feel free to follow me for more insights.
Certainly, here's a simplified version of your message: [clim free USDT 💵🤑🤑💵🤑🤑💵💵💵]( "Hey everyone, I've been looking into the upcoming Bitcoin halving, and historically, there's been a dip in the market for about three days afterwards. It might be a good idea to sell now while Bitcoin's at a decent price and buy back in after the dip. Just a heads up, when Bitcoin drops, altcoins tend to drop even more. So, if you're into altcoins, be cautious. It's kinda like a domino effect. I suggest keeping an eye on things and maybe waiting it out for about ten days before making any moves. That way, you can buy back in when things settle. Remember, this is just my take on it. Do your own research and make your own choices. Not investment advice! Have a great day!"
Certainly, here's a simplified version of your message:
clim free USDT 💵🤑🤑💵🤑🤑💵💵💵
"Hey everyone,
I've been looking into the upcoming Bitcoin halving, and historically, there's been a dip in the market for about three days afterwards. It might be a good idea to sell now while Bitcoin's at a decent price and buy back in after the dip.
Just a heads up, when Bitcoin drops, altcoins tend to drop even more. So, if you're into altcoins, be cautious. It's kinda like a domino effect.
I suggest keeping an eye on things and maybe waiting it out for about ten days before making any moves. That way, you can buy back in when things settle.
Remember, this is just my take on it. Do your own research and make your own choices. Not investment advice!
Have a great day!"
It sounds like you've invested all your money in #[clim free USDT 💵🤑🤑💵💵💵💵]( at $870 per unit and have already lost $500. That's tough, especially if you're new to crypto. Here's some advice: Don't panic. Cryptocurrency prices can be volatile, and they often go up and down. It's hard to predict the future, but historically, cryptocurrencies have had periods of growth after drops. Consider diversifying your investments to spread out risk, and maybe consider consulting with a financial advisor for personalized guidance.
It sounds like you've invested all your money in #clim free USDT 💵🤑🤑💵💵💵💵 at $870 per unit and have already lost $500. That's tough, especially if you're new to crypto. Here's some advice: Don't panic. Cryptocurrency prices can be volatile, and they often go up and down. It's hard to predict the future, but historically, cryptocurrencies have had periods of growth after drops. Consider diversifying your investments to spread out risk, and maybe consider consulting with a financial advisor for personalized guidance.
🚨 New Listing Alert: TAO Coin Coming to Binance Soon! 🕒 In less than 2 hours, Binance will list TAO Coin, a significant addition to the crypto market. Here's what to consider: 💡 Insight: If TAO Coin lists under $3, it might be a good time to buy. Usually, coins below $3 can jump to $6 to $9 within the first hour before possibly dropping again. 🔄 Strategy: Keep some USDT ready and think about buying if the starting price looks good. But only invest what you're okay with potentially losing due to price changes. 🔍 About TAO Coin: 1. TAO, also known as Bittensor, is a leading AI coin not yet listed on big exchanges like Binance or Coinbase. 2. Ranking: 32 3. Market Cap: $4.17 billion 4. Focus: AI 5. Listing Time: Less than 3 hours from now 💼 My Take: TAO could become a top 20 coin later on. Buying below $650 or even $600 might be smart. But be ready for a possible drop after listing and consider adjusting your investment accordingly. ⚠️ Reminder: Be careful when buying right after listing. Prices can swing a lot, so waiting at least an hour to see how things go is a good idea. Stay informed and good luck with your trading decisions! 🚀🤓 #TAO #BinanceListing #CryptoTrading 📈💰
🚨 New Listing Alert: TAO Coin Coming to Binance Soon! 🕒

In less than 2 hours, Binance will list TAO Coin, a significant addition to the crypto market. Here's what to consider:

💡 Insight: If TAO Coin lists under $3, it might be a good time to buy. Usually, coins below $3 can jump to $6 to $9 within the first hour before possibly dropping again.

🔄 Strategy: Keep some USDT ready and think about buying if the starting price looks good. But only invest what you're okay with potentially losing due to price changes.

🔍 About TAO Coin:
1. TAO, also known as Bittensor, is a leading AI coin not yet listed on big exchanges like Binance or Coinbase.
2. Ranking: 32
3. Market Cap: $4.17 billion
4. Focus: AI
5. Listing Time: Less than 3 hours from now

💼 My Take: TAO could become a top 20 coin later on. Buying below $650 or even $600 might be smart. But be ready for a possible drop after listing and consider adjusting your investment accordingly.

⚠️ Reminder: Be careful when buying right after listing. Prices can swing a lot, so waiting at least an hour to see how things go is a good idea.

Stay informed and good luck with your trading decisions! 🚀🤓 #TAO #BinanceListing #CryptoTrading 📈💰
In 2024, there are predictions circulating on[clim free USDT 💵💵💵]( social media about the values of various cryptocurrencies: - Shib: $50 - Pepe: $390 - XRP: $20000 - LUNC: $7320 - DOGE: $250200 These predictions seem overly optimistic and are likely made by people with limited knowledge about cryptocurrencies. It's important for investors, especially those new to the market, to be cautious about such forecasts. It's unlikely that these cryptocurrencies will reach such high values by 2024. Before investing, it's essential to research thoroughly. Many beginners in the crypto market invest in less popular coins and rely on community feedback because they lack knowledge. It's crucial to learn and research extensively before entering the crypto world. My own experience has taught me these lessons, and I share this advice to help new investors avoid making similar mistakes. If you've encountered these speculative predictions, I'd like to hear your thoughts. #TrendingTopic #CryptoInvesting2024
In 2024, there are predictions circulating onclim free USDT 💵💵💵 social media about the values of various cryptocurrencies:
- Shib: $50
- Pepe: $390
- XRP: $20000
- LUNC: $7320
- DOGE: $250200

These predictions seem overly optimistic and are likely made by people with limited knowledge about cryptocurrencies. It's important for investors, especially those new to the market, to be cautious about such forecasts. It's unlikely that these cryptocurrencies will reach such high values by 2024. Before investing, it's essential to research thoroughly.

Many beginners in the crypto market invest in less popular coins and rely on community feedback because they lack knowledge. It's crucial to learn and research extensively before entering the crypto world. My own experience has taught me these lessons, and I share this advice to help new investors avoid making similar mistakes.

If you've encountered these speculative predictions, I'd like to hear your thoughts. #TrendingTopic #CryptoInvesting2024


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