Binance Square
Delmer Cousin rlSo
ドーン紙によると、イスラマバード高等裁判所は、自宅軟禁中の自宅から夫が現在収監されているアディアラ刑務所への移送を求めるパキスタンの元大統領夫人ブシュラ・ビビ氏の申し立てを承認した。 アディアラ刑務所の管理者は、過密状態が彼女の安全を脅かす可能性があるとして、以前、元大統領夫人の刑務所への移送に反対していた。

EU外交政策担当報道官ピーター・スタノ氏は、ロシア大統領選挙の結果の承認についてEU内で共通の立場はないと述べた。 「ロシアに関しては、27カ国が合意したEU全体の立場には、プーチン大統領をロシアの正当な代表者とは見なさないということはない」

スロバキアのロベルト・フィツォ首相は、EUがウクライナ紛争の平和的解決への「意味のある」道筋を提案できなかったことに失望を表明した。 「EUは平和プロジェクトとして登場したが、現在ウクライナで起こっている紛争に対して意味のある和平計画を提示できないことに失望している。」

Apple は、技術性能が向上した iPad Air と最薄の iPad Pro の新バージョンを発表しました。 iPad Pro は Apple の新しい M4 チップと OLED スクリーンを搭載し、厚さはわずか 5 mm 強です。リリースによると、どちらのガジェットも 11 インチと 13 インチのモデルが発売されます。 リリースでは、新モデルは 5 月 15 日から店頭で販売されると付け加えています。 #apple #iphone
Apple は、技術性能が向上した iPad Air と最薄の iPad Pro の新バージョンを発表しました。

iPad Pro は Apple の新しい M4 チップと OLED スクリーンを搭載し、厚さはわずか 5 mm 強です。リリースによると、どちらのガジェットも 11 インチと 13 インチのモデルが発売されます。

リリースでは、新モデルは 5 月 15 日から店頭で販売されると付け加えています。

#apple #iphone
⚡️ ロシアのウラジーミル・プーチン大統領がロシアの大統領として5度目の就任を果たした。
⚡️ ロシアのウラジーミル・プーチン大統領がロシアの大統領として5度目の就任を果たした。
❗Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pahinyan says that if the process of delimiting the border with Azerbaijan is suspended, a war will begin.
❗Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pahinyan says that if the process of delimiting the border with Azerbaijan is suspended, a war will begin.
⚡ The ceremony of the inauguration of Russian President Vladimir Putin has started in the Kremlin.
⚡ The ceremony of the inauguration of Russian President Vladimir Putin has started in the Kremlin.
The US Ambassador to Russia has left the country for a certain period and will not attend Russian President Vladimir Putin’s inauguration, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov has said.
The US Ambassador to Russia has left the country for a certain period and will not attend Russian President Vladimir Putin’s inauguration, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov has said.
Russia’s moratorium on deployment of medium- and shorter-range missiles is in question due to Washington’s destructive line, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov has said.
Russia’s moratorium on deployment of medium- and shorter-range missiles is in question due to Washington’s destructive line, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov has said.
Chinese hackers allegedly carried out a cyberattack on the servers of the UK Defense Ministry, as a result of which the names and bank details of current military personnel and some veterans were exposed, Sky News reports.
Chinese hackers allegedly carried out a cyberattack on the servers of the UK Defense Ministry, as a result of which the names and bank details of current military personnel and some veterans were exposed, Sky News reports.
At least 492 Palestinian health workers have been killed in the Gaza Strip since the start of hostilities on October 7, with 80% of primary health care centers no longer operating, UN Special Rapporteur on the right to health Tlaleng Mofokeng says.
At least 492 Palestinian health workers have been killed in the Gaza Strip since the start of hostilities on October 7, with 80% of primary health care centers no longer operating, UN Special Rapporteur on the right to health Tlaleng Mofokeng says.
Chinese scientists have created a mutated Ebola virus in the laboratory by adding the virus' protein to an infectious disease of livestock and are studying its spread and treatment options on hamsters, according to a study by researches of the Hebei Medical University published in the Chinese journal Virologica Sinica.
Chinese scientists have created a mutated Ebola virus in the laboratory by adding the virus' protein to an infectious disease of livestock and are studying its spread and treatment options on hamsters, according to a study by researches of the Hebei Medical University published in the Chinese journal Virologica Sinica.
An American solider was detained in Russia's Vladivostok on May 2 on charges of criminal misconduct Russia notified the Department of State of the detention, the Army said. The US is providing consular support to the soldier. "Given the sensitivity of this matter, we are unable to provide additional details at this time," the Army said.
An American solider was detained in Russia's Vladivostok on May 2 on charges of criminal misconduct

Russia notified the Department of State of the detention, the Army said. The US is providing consular support to the soldier.

"Given the sensitivity of this matter, we are unable to provide additional details at this time," the Army said.
An American solider was detained in Russia's Vladivostok on May 2 on charges of criminal misconduct Russia notified the Department of State of the detention, the Army said. The US is providing consular support to the soldier. "Given the sensitivity of this matter, we are unable to provide additional details at this time," the Army said.
An American solider was detained in Russia's Vladivostok on May 2 on charges of criminal misconduct

Russia notified the Department of State of the detention, the Army said. The US is providing consular support to the soldier.

"Given the sensitivity of this matter, we are unable to provide additional details at this time," the Army said.
The US House of Representatives has passed a bill that requires TikTok to cut ties with its parent company ByteDance within 180 days or face a ban in the US amid concerns about user privacy and foreign influence. The platform said it hoped that the US Senate, which is to vote on the bill, “will consider the facts” and “realize the impact on the economy.” 📌 Elon Musk has spoken out against banning the social media platform TikTok in the US, arguing that such a move would be contrary to freedom of speech and expression, even though the move may benefit the X platform.
The US House of Representatives has passed a bill that requires TikTok to cut ties with its parent company ByteDance within 180 days or face a ban in the US amid concerns about user privacy and foreign influence.

The platform said it hoped that the US Senate, which is to vote on the bill, “will consider the facts” and “realize the impact on the economy.”

📌 Elon Musk has spoken out against banning the social media platform TikTok in the US, arguing that such a move would be contrary to freedom of speech and expression, even though the move may benefit the X platform.
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