Binance Square
Nadeem Crypto trader
#BTC は少し戻り、レジスタンスゾーンをほぼテストしました。明日は強力なニュースがあり、市場は大きく反応するでしょう。現在、価格は明確ではないようで、その前に流動性の低下が見られるかもしれません。実行する前に明確な PA を待ちます。$BTC#HKETF#Megadrop#BinanceLaunchpool#Fed #NFP
#BTC は少し戻り、レジスタンスゾーンをほぼテストしました。明日は強力なニュースがあり、市場は大きく反応するでしょう。現在、価格は明確ではないようで、その前に流動性の低下が見られるかもしれません。実行する前に明確な PA を待ちます。$BTC#HKETF#Megadrop#BinanceLaunchpool#Fed #NFP
私の目だけの問題でしょうか、それとも $eth が弱気になっているのでしょうか? 誰か私に説明を手伝ってほしいです。初めて $eth を見たときは混乱しました
私の目だけの問題でしょうか、それとも $eth が弱気になっているのでしょうか?
誰か私に説明を手伝ってほしいです。初めて $eth を見たときは混乱しました
私の固定投稿から報酬を受け取ってください...🎁🎯 過去 24 時間で Solana の未決済建玉と価格はともに減少しており、暗号通貨市場の全体的な低迷を反映しています。それにもかかわらず、投資家は楽観的な見方を維持しており、この下落を投資のチャンスと見ています。 過去 24 時間で Solana の未決済建玉と価格はともに減少しており、暗号通貨市場の全体的な低迷を反映しています。この後退にもかかわらず、投資家は楽観的な見方を維持しており、これを好ましい機会と見ています。4 月 14 日の CoinGlass データによると、Solana の未決済建玉は前日と比較して約 21% 減少し、16 億 2,000 万ドルになりました。 市場の低迷の中で Solana の価格が下落 未決済建玉は、取引所における未決済または未決済の Solana 先物契約の合計価値を測定します。 CoinMarketCapのデータによると、Solanaの価格は24時間で11%下落し、執筆時点では136.54ドルで取引されています。この突然の価格下落により、投資家の3,655万ドル相当のロングポジションが消滅し、4月20日のビットコイン半減期イベントを前に価格上昇を期待していた人々を失望させました。 この期間中、上位10の暗号通貨も同様の下落を経験しました。過去24時間で最も大きな下落を記録したのはXRPで、12.12%の下落を記録しました。これに続いて、Dogecoinが10.86%の下落、Cardanoが10.20%の下落を記録しました。この下落の期間は依然として不透明ですが、投資家はアルトコイン市場全体に対して前向きな見通しを維持しています。

過去 24 時間で Solana の未決済建玉と価格はともに減少しており、暗号通貨市場の全体的な低迷を反映しています。それにもかかわらず、投資家は楽観的な見方を維持しており、この下落を投資のチャンスと見ています。
過去 24 時間で Solana の未決済建玉と価格はともに減少しており、暗号通貨市場の全体的な低迷を反映しています。この後退にもかかわらず、投資家は楽観的な見方を維持しており、これを好ましい機会と見ています。4 月 14 日の CoinGlass データによると、Solana の未決済建玉は前日と比較して約 21% 減少し、16 億 2,000 万ドルになりました。
市場の低迷の中で Solana の価格が下落
未決済建玉は、取引所における未決済または未決済の Solana 先物契約の合計価値を測定します。 CoinMarketCapのデータによると、Solanaの価格は24時間で11%下落し、執筆時点では136.54ドルで取引されています。この突然の価格下落により、投資家の3,655万ドル相当のロングポジションが消滅し、4月20日のビットコイン半減期イベントを前に価格上昇を期待していた人々を失望させました。
私の固定投稿から報酬を受け取ってください...🎁🎯 複数の要因に刺激されて、BTCとETHの両方の価格が急落しました‼️その中で、ETHとBTCの交換レートは過去2年間で記録的な安値を記録しました‼️これが、私がETHを空売りすることをアドバイスしてきた理由です。‼️この空売りで大きな利益を上げることができてとても興奮しています。3月14日以来、私たちはETHが3,000の水準まで弱気であると公に呼びかけ、1か月間空売りをしてきました。ついに、この収益性の高い注文で大きな利益を上げることに成功しました。また、この急落の開始点と下降点が3596から3626の範囲である実行チャートを皆さんに公開しています。唯一の欠点は、資本量が100万ドルを超えているため、コピー取引システムのレバレッジが5倍に制限されているため、この空売りが開始できないことです🙏。 Binanceのプライベートドメイン部門と連絡を取っています

複数の要因に刺激されて、BTCとETHの両方の価格が急落しました‼️その中で、ETHとBTCの交換レートは過去2年間で記録的な安値を記録しました‼️これが、私がETHを空売りすることをアドバイスしてきた理由です。‼️この空売りで大きな利益を上げることができてとても興奮しています。3月14日以来、私たちはETHが3,000の水準まで弱気であると公に呼びかけ、1か月間空売りをしてきました。ついに、この収益性の高い注文で大きな利益を上げることに成功しました。また、この急落の開始点と下降点が3596から3626の範囲である実行チャートを皆さんに公開しています。唯一の欠点は、資本量が100万ドルを超えているため、コピー取引システムのレバレッジが5倍に制限されているため、この空売りが開始できないことです🙏。 Binanceのプライベートドメイン部門と連絡を取っています
私の固定投稿から報酬を受け取ってください...🎁🎯 市場の売り、批判、そして次に何をすべきか。 突然の売りではなく、半減期前に売り払わなければならず#btc半減期の 15 日前までに行わなければなりません。しかし、クジラはゲームをし、再び勝利しました。 すべてを失った人々には本当に同情しますが、私の投稿を読んでいる人は、先物取引をしないように何度も警告しているのがわかります。しかし、一部の人々、おそらく彼らはクジラの人々であり、読んで批判し、非常に暴言を吐きました。 とにかく、私の投稿を待っていて、いつ買うべきかと尋ねている人たち、先に進みましょう。今がその時です。 今、投資して保有できますが、100% 投資しないでください。損失を取り戻すには、50% のバックアップが必要です。スポット取引を行い、次のポンプまで保有してください。 これは私の意見ですが、暗号通貨に投資する前に、必ず自分でリサーチを行ってください。 気に入ったら、シェアしてフォローするのを忘れないでください


突然の売りではなく、半減期前に売り払わなければならず#btc半減期の 15 日前までに行わなければなりません。しかし、クジラはゲームをし、再び勝利しました。
今、投資して保有できますが、100% 投資しないでください。損失を取り戻すには、50% のバックアップが必要です。スポット取引を行い、次のポンプまで保有してください。
私の固定投稿から報酬を受け取ってください...🎁🎯 トークンであるShiba Inuは、トークンバーンキャピタルが64,201%急上昇して新記録を樹立し、さらに大きなプレーヤーになりました。前日には、合計6億5,700万のSHIBトークンがバーンされた8つの大規模なトランザクションが見られ、供給が完全に減少しました。このスワップが完了すると、アカウントは約13,878ドル相当のSHIBを永久に削除することができました。 市場価値を高めるためのShiba inuトークンバーン 今のところ、このような大量のトークンの引き出しは、デジタル通貨市場全体がいくつかの困難に直面しているときに行われており、Shibburn Xソーシャルメディアトークで示されているように、多くの損失が発生しています。 Shiba Inuコミュニティが暗号トークンの市場動向を制御することを約束したため、SHIBバーントークンはデジタル通貨ビジネスを補償する効果的な戦略と見なされています。
トークンであるShiba Inuは、トークンバーンキャピタルが64,201%急上昇して新記録を樹立し、さらに大きなプレーヤーになりました。前日には、合計6億5,700万のSHIBトークンがバーンされた8つの大規模なトランザクションが見られ、供給が完全に減少しました。このスワップが完了すると、アカウントは約13,878ドル相当のSHIBを永久に削除することができました。

市場価値を高めるためのShiba inuトークンバーン
今のところ、このような大量のトークンの引き出しは、デジタル通貨市場全体がいくつかの困難に直面しているときに行われており、Shibburn Xソーシャルメディアトークで示されているように、多くの損失が発生しています。

Shiba Inuコミュニティが暗号トークンの市場動向を制御することを約束したため、SHIBバーントークンはデジタル通貨ビジネスを補償する効果的な戦略と見なされています。
私の固定投稿から報酬を受け取ってください...🎁🎯 Dogecoin (DOGE) の価格は安定しており、重要なサポート レベルである 0.14 ドルを上回っています。ただし、PEPE や Dogewifhat (WIF) などの他の人気のミーム コインは大幅な下落を経験し、損失は 30% を超えています。 Dogecoin のオンチェーン データを詳細に調査すると、過去数週間にわたって、クジラ投資家と呼ばれる大口投資家による継続的な購入活動が DOGE の価格を支えてきたことがわかります。Dogecoin の強気派は、この機会を利用して 0.20 ドルを超えて迅速に回復を開始するのでしょうか。それとも、今後数日で価格は 0.14 ドルを下回るのでしょうか。 暗号通貨の低迷期における Dogecoin の回復力 4 月 12 日の暗号通貨市場の最近の低迷期には、メガキャップ ミームコインが大きな圧力に直面し、世界の時価総額が 1,700 億ドル以上減少しました。

Dogecoin (DOGE) の価格は安定しており、重要なサポート レベルである 0.14 ドルを上回っています。ただし、PEPE や Dogewifhat (WIF) などの他の人気のミーム コインは大幅な下落を経験し、損失は 30% を超えています。
Dogecoin のオンチェーン データを詳細に調査すると、過去数週間にわたって、クジラ投資家と呼ばれる大口投資家による継続的な購入活動が DOGE の価格を支えてきたことがわかります。Dogecoin の強気派は、この機会を利用して 0.20 ドルを超えて迅速に回復を開始するのでしょうか。それとも、今後数日で価格は 0.14 ドルを下回るのでしょうか。
暗号通貨の低迷期における Dogecoin の回復力
4 月 12 日の暗号通貨市場の最近の低迷期には、メガキャップ ミームコインが大きな圧力に直面し、世界の時価総額が 1,700 億ドル以上減少しました。
CLAIM YOUR REWARD FROM MY PINNED POSTS...🎁🎯 You are probally trading in wrong way! Why? Most of times a coin you have are in 30-40-100% up, instead of sell and take profit, you just take screenshot to show friends. But when the market drop 20-30-40% you panic sell! Try make things different, when you feel its time to take screenshot to show someone its means its time to sell and take profit! And when the market dump and you feel scared wanting to panic sell, its mean its time to buy more

You are probally trading in wrong way! Why? Most of times a coin you have are in 30-40-100% up, instead of sell and take profit, you just take screenshot to show friends. But when the market drop 20-30-40% you panic sell!
Try make things different, when you feel its time to take screenshot to show someone its means its time to sell and take profit! And when the market dump and you feel scared wanting to panic sell, its mean its time to buy more
CLAIM YOUR REWARD FROM MY PINNED POSTS...🎁🎯 The current currency circle is a bit anti-human. If we want to make money, we must understand the logic of the current market. But to be honest, no one can figure it out. I can only share it with you superficially. 1. Bitcoin has been completely taken over by Wall Street institutions. No big fluctuations will be allowed. Otherwise, the institutions can't stand it, so they may reach a consensus on a certain detail point and work together to develop Bitcoin. 2. At present, the new coins of the altcoins increase by billions of US dollars every month. The current market can't bear it at all. So there must be a reason for the decline of the altcoins this time. The new coins are cashed out at high prices. The leeks are harvested a little bit, and they are harvested a little bit. They will always be harvested. 3. It is recommended that you look at the market value when buying coins. It is said that the market value is useless, but for any coin worth billions of RMB, an empty office, circulation, and market value, it is recommended that everyone pay attention to it. 4. The most important point must be remembered not to buy contracts, not to play with leverage, and to realize the goods steadily

The current currency circle is a bit anti-human. If we want to make money, we must understand the logic of the current market. But to be honest, no one can figure it out. I can only share it with you superficially.
1. Bitcoin has been completely taken over by Wall Street institutions. No big fluctuations will be allowed. Otherwise, the institutions can't stand it, so they may reach a consensus on a certain detail point and work together to develop Bitcoin.
2. At present, the new coins of the altcoins increase by billions of US dollars every month. The current market can't bear it at all. So there must be a reason for the decline of the altcoins this time. The new coins are cashed out at high prices. The leeks are harvested a little bit, and they are harvested a little bit. They will always be harvested.
3. It is recommended that you look at the market value when buying coins. It is said that the market value is useless, but for any coin worth billions of RMB, an empty office, circulation, and market value, it is recommended that everyone pay attention to it.
4. The most important point must be remembered not to buy contracts, not to play with leverage, and to realize the goods steadily
CLAIM YOUR REWARD FROM MY PINNED POSTS...🎁🎯 Why Bitcoin's Dip Today Might Be a Temporary Pause Before a Skyrocketing Surge 🚀 Bitcoin's current price dip, despite the imminent halving, might seem alarming, but it's not unusual in the volatile world of cryptocurrencies. While it's trading around $64,000, a drop from over $71,000, it's essential to understand the factors at play. 1. Market Corrections: Price fluctuations are common in the crypto market. The recent surge leading up to the halving might have prompted some investors to take profits, causing a temporary dip. 2. Profit-taking: Many traders follow the "buy the rumor, sell the news" strategy. As the halving approaches, some may be cashing out to secure profits, causing a short-term decline. 3. Speculation and Volatility: The crypto market is highly speculative and volatile. Price movements are influenced by a multitude of factors, including investor sentiment, regulatory news, and macroeconomic trends. 4. Technical Factors: Bitcoin's price is also influenced by technical analysis, with traders closely monitoring key support and resistance levels. Temporary dips can occur as part of normal market cycles. 5. Long-term Outlook: Despite the current dip, the long-term outlook for Bitcoin remains bullish, especially with the halving event on the horizon. The reduction in mining rewards underscores Bitcoin's scarcity and can potentially drive up its value over time. Advice: - Stay Informed: Keep abreast of market developments and news to make informed decisions. - Long-term Perspective: Focus on Bitcoin's fundamentals and its potential for long-term growth rather than short-term fluctuations. - Diversification: Consider diversifying your investment portfolio to manage risk effectively. - Patience: Cryptocurrency markets can be unpredictable. Exercise patience and avoid making impulsive decisions based on short-term price movements

Why Bitcoin's Dip Today Might Be a Temporary Pause Before a Skyrocketing Surge 🚀
Bitcoin's current price dip, despite the imminent halving, might seem alarming, but it's not unusual in the volatile world of cryptocurrencies. While it's trading around $64,000, a drop from over $71,000, it's essential to understand the factors at play.
1. Market Corrections: Price fluctuations are common in the crypto market. The recent surge leading up to the halving might have prompted some investors to take profits, causing a temporary dip.
2. Profit-taking: Many traders follow the "buy the rumor, sell the news" strategy. As the halving approaches, some may be cashing out to secure profits, causing a short-term decline.
3. Speculation and Volatility: The crypto market is highly speculative and volatile. Price movements are influenced by a multitude of factors, including investor sentiment, regulatory news, and macroeconomic trends.
4. Technical Factors: Bitcoin's price is also influenced by technical analysis, with traders closely monitoring key support and resistance levels. Temporary dips can occur as part of normal market cycles.
5. Long-term Outlook: Despite the current dip, the long-term outlook for Bitcoin remains bullish, especially with the halving event on the horizon. The reduction in mining rewards underscores Bitcoin's scarcity and can potentially drive up its value over time.
- Stay Informed: Keep abreast of market developments and news to make informed decisions.
- Long-term Perspective: Focus on Bitcoin's fundamentals and its potential for long-term growth rather than short-term fluctuations.
- Diversification: Consider diversifying your investment portfolio to manage risk effectively.
- Patience: Cryptocurrency markets can be unpredictable. Exercise patience and avoid making impulsive decisions based on short-term price movements
CLAIM YOUR REWARD FROM MY PINNED POSTS...🎁🎯 The cryptocurrency market faced significant upheaval after Iran's airstrike on Israel, resulting in sharp declines across the board. #Bitcoin plunged to $60,660, while numerous altcoins saw substantial losses exceeding 30%. The derivative market bore the brunt, experiencing an astounding $870 million in losses. The news of Iran's airstrike worsened the ongoing market decline that commenced on Friday, triggering a rapid and considerable sell-off. #BTC's retreat to $60,660 was accompanied by double-digit drops in many altcoins, with losses ranging from 20% to 30% within minutes. Ethereum slipped below $3,000, and XRP, hitting $0.43, fell to levels not seen in a year. Among the top 100 cryptocurrencies, ORDI experienced the most significant loss of 30%, followed by EOS and AAVE, both down 24%. According to Coinglass data, over 230,000 leveraged positions were liquidated at a loss in the past 24 hours, totaling more than $870 million in losses. Conversely, PAXG, a token pegged to the price of one ounce of gold, surged dramatically, surpassing $3,000. This surge occurred as the price of an ounce of gold closed at $2,344 on Friday

The cryptocurrency market faced significant upheaval after Iran's airstrike on Israel, resulting in sharp declines across the board.
#Bitcoin plunged to $60,660, while numerous altcoins saw substantial losses exceeding 30%. The derivative market bore the brunt, experiencing an astounding $870 million in losses.
The news of Iran's airstrike worsened the ongoing market decline that commenced on Friday, triggering a rapid and considerable sell-off. #BTC's retreat to $60,660 was accompanied by double-digit drops in many altcoins, with losses ranging from 20% to 30% within minutes.
Ethereum slipped below $3,000, and XRP, hitting $0.43, fell to levels not seen in a year. Among the top 100 cryptocurrencies, ORDI experienced the most significant loss of 30%, followed by EOS and AAVE, both down 24%.
According to Coinglass data, over 230,000 leveraged positions were liquidated at a loss in the past 24 hours, totaling more than $870 million in losses.
Conversely, PAXG, a token pegged to the price of one ounce of gold, surged dramatically, surpassing $3,000. This surge occurred as the price of an ounce of gold closed at $2,344 on Friday
CLAIM YOUR REWARD FROM MY PINNED POSTS...🎁🎯 BTC while you slept... slipped down 60k📈 all hell was let lose... market goes red.... with some coins coins dipping by 25% 🔥... has the dip ended, or it's just beginning .... BTC at 64k is actually weak ...the sell pressure is higher than the buy pressure .... Do what you will with this information
BTC while you slept... slipped down 60k📈
all hell was let lose... market goes red....
with some coins coins dipping by 25% 🔥...
has the dip ended, or it's just beginning ....
BTC at 64k is actually weak ...the sell pressure
is higher than the buy pressure .... Do what you will with this information
CLAIM YOUR REWARD FROM MY PINNED POSTS...🎁🎯 finally returned back to the bottom of the range. No matter how often I've been repeating that scenario possibility, it caught me by surprise yesterday, as I was expecting it to happen on Monday. So now that the move is done, what is left for the next week open? As I wrote before, stock indices closed Friday with a dump, looking heavy on week timeframe, which led me to an idea, that chances for correction are very high now. Maybe Monday will open with a short term dead cat bounce. If happen, that may push #BTC up to the middle of the channel around same 67k. Although it can get there within Sunday to avoid the gap (CME Friday close at 67445). SMA20 on week timeframe is moving up and should be around 53-54k next week. That is the nearest target for deeper correction

finally returned back to the bottom of the range. No matter how often I've been repeating that scenario possibility, it caught me by surprise yesterday, as I was expecting it to happen on Monday.
So now that the move is done, what is left for the next week open? As I wrote before, stock indices closed Friday with a dump, looking heavy on week timeframe, which led me to an idea, that chances for correction are very high now. Maybe Monday will open with a short term dead cat bounce. If happen, that may push #BTC up to the middle of the channel around same 67k. Although it can get there within Sunday to avoid the gap (CME Friday close at 67445).
SMA20 on week timeframe is moving up and should be around 53-54k next week. That is the nearest target for deeper correction
CLAIM YOUR REWARD FROM MY PINNED POSTS...🎁🎯 READ THIS - IMPORTANT MARKET UPDATE 🔥 While most people are panicking and in doubt, I took this opportunity yesterday to accumulate more Alts and BTC. 2 Main Reasons behind the Crash: 1.) Yesterday, after the News seeing more than 300 Drones where Iran attacked Israel creating a war-like scenario, the price plunged almost 10% in minutes. 2.) Bitcoin is also undergoing a pre-halving correction. Historically, we saw this already in 2016 and 2020 which was strongly expected going to happen this time as well. There's only 5 Days left until the Halving Event. Don't forget that after the halving, Bitcoin tend to make a big move aka Moonshot. ⭐SUPPLY SHOCK INCOMING ⭐. 1.) A Bitcoin halving event occurs when the reward for mining Bitcoin transactions is cut in half. Think of that in this way: Miners getting half of the Bitcoin Block Rewards, BUT the Energy-Costs for mining Bitcoins stays the same = Price Adjustment 2.) While the Demand for Bitcoin is increasing, there's 1 thing that you need to be aware off: The Bitcoin Balance on Exchanges is DECREASING a lot! (I've attached you a screenshot of the current Bitcoin Balance on Exchanges). At this writing, only 1.73m BTCs left on Exchanges. - Don't forget only 21 million Bitcoins will ever exist. - While most people are panick selling, whales are accumulating as much as they can. - Jan Van Eck (CEO of VanEck) said on stage at Paris Blockchain Week, that 90% of all Bitcoin ETF inflows are still retail. - Hong Kong to approve Spot Bitcoin ETF's around April 15th, according to sources familiar with the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission (SFC). - Bitcoin Hashrate is increasing a lot and hitting new ATHs. While people panic, whales accumulate (Mr. 100 Screenshot). 💥 Panic Psychology in Markets: 1.) News hits generating uncertainty / fear 2.) Fear triggers impulsive panic selling. 3.) Smart money buys the discount. The Prices stabilize 4.) Time passes, the News becomes the "new normal". Uncertainty fades. Markets recover

While most people are panicking and in doubt, I took this opportunity yesterday to accumulate more Alts and BTC.
2 Main Reasons behind the Crash:
1.) Yesterday, after the News seeing more than 300 Drones where Iran attacked Israel creating a war-like scenario, the price plunged almost 10% in minutes.
2.) Bitcoin is also undergoing a pre-halving correction. Historically, we saw this already in 2016 and 2020 which was strongly expected going to happen this time as well.
There's only 5 Days left until the Halving Event.
Don't forget that after the halving, Bitcoin tend to make a big move aka Moonshot.
1.) A Bitcoin halving event occurs when the reward for mining Bitcoin transactions is cut in half.
Think of that in this way: Miners getting half of the Bitcoin Block Rewards, BUT the Energy-Costs for mining Bitcoins stays the same = Price Adjustment
2.) While the Demand for Bitcoin is increasing, there's 1 thing that you need to be aware off: The Bitcoin Balance on Exchanges is DECREASING a lot! (I've attached you a screenshot of the current Bitcoin Balance on Exchanges). At this writing, only 1.73m BTCs left on Exchanges.
- Don't forget only 21 million Bitcoins will ever exist.
- While most people are panick selling, whales are accumulating as much as they can.
- Jan Van Eck (CEO of VanEck) said on stage at Paris Blockchain Week, that 90% of all Bitcoin ETF inflows are still retail.
- Hong Kong to approve Spot Bitcoin ETF's around April 15th, according to sources familiar with the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission (SFC).
- Bitcoin Hashrate is increasing a lot and hitting new ATHs.
While people panic, whales accumulate (Mr. 100 Screenshot).
💥 Panic Psychology in Markets:
1.) News hits generating uncertainty / fear
2.) Fear triggers impulsive panic selling.
3.) Smart money buys the discount. The Prices stabilize
4.) Time passes, the News becomes the "new normal". Uncertainty fades. Markets recover
CLAIM YOUR REWARD FROM MY PINNED POSTS...🎁🎯 Bitcoin, along with other major cryptocurrencies, experienced a sharp decline, precipitated by escalating geopolitical tensions in the Middle East. The price of Bitcoin dramatically dropped over 8.4% to $61,625 after Iran launched an attack on Israel. This significant event intensified regional conflicts and incited a broad market sell-off, wiping out billions in market capitalization and heavily impacting investor sentiment across the globe. Bitcoin Price Tumbles as Markets React In response to these events, the overall crypto market also faced a downturn, with Ethereum and Solana seeing declines of 9.81% and 15.96% respectively. The global crypto market capitalization took an 8.19% hit. The market reaction was further fueled by a liquidation spree, where over $2 billion worth of crypto was liquidated, highlighting the fragility and volatility of digital currencies in times of political unrest. Bitcoin Halving Event Adds to Uncertainty

Bitcoin, along with other major cryptocurrencies, experienced a sharp decline, precipitated by escalating geopolitical tensions in the Middle East. The price of Bitcoin dramatically dropped over 8.4% to $61,625 after Iran launched an attack on Israel. This significant event intensified regional conflicts and incited a broad market sell-off, wiping out billions in market capitalization and heavily impacting investor sentiment across the globe.
Bitcoin Price Tumbles as Markets React
In response to these events, the overall crypto market also faced a downturn, with Ethereum and Solana seeing declines of 9.81% and 15.96% respectively. The global crypto market capitalization took an 8.19% hit. The market reaction was further fueled by a liquidation spree, where over $2 billion worth of crypto was liquidated, highlighting the fragility and volatility of digital currencies in times of political unrest.
Bitcoin Halving Event Adds to Uncertainty
CLAIM YOUR REWARD FROM MY PINNED POSTS...🎁🎯 What to do when everything is dumping Are you seeing the rate people are selling off their cryptos ? People who bought $SOL at $180 are selling at $143 People who bought $BTC at $68,000 are selling at $63,000 Here is a mindset that will help you See the Bear market as a support , friend and an opportunity, it is in times like this that you get to position for the next 100X coin , it is in times like this that you get to buy more of that coin you have always wanted to buy You can not get this opportunity/position in the Bull market The Bull Market is a rewarder of those who were able to survive the bear markets - x mucan At this point, our portfolio is bleeding and we do not feel bad , we see this as a life changing opportunity, all we need is more funds to deploy to the market We are not selling our bags for cheap loss , we will hold , be patient, survive and then we will reap the fruits of our labour If you found this educative, entertaining, please support us by giving Us a like and a survey

What to do when everything is dumping
Are you seeing the rate people are selling off their cryptos ?
People who bought $SOL at $180 are selling at $143
People who bought $BTC at $68,000 are selling at $63,000
Here is a mindset that will help you
See the Bear market as a support , friend and an opportunity, it is in times like this that you get to position for the next 100X coin , it is in times like this that you get to buy more of that coin you have always wanted to buy
You can not get this opportunity/position in the Bull market
The Bull Market is a rewarder of those who were able to survive the bear markets
- x mucan
At this point, our portfolio is bleeding and we do not feel bad , we see this as a life changing opportunity, all we need is more funds to deploy to the market
We are not selling our bags for cheap loss , we will hold , be patient, survive and then we will reap the fruits of our labour
If you found this educative, entertaining, please support us by giving Us a like and a survey
CLAIM YOUR REWARD FROM MY PINNED POSTS...🎁🎯 Here are the top three coins that will make money after Bitcoin's next halving: 1. Ethereum (ETH): Ethereum is the second most popular cryptocurrency after Bitcoin. It's not just a digital currency; it's also a platform for smart contracts, which are like digital agreements that automatically execute when certain conditions are met. Ethereum is planning an upgrade called Proof-of-Stake (PoS), which should make it faster and more efficient. This upgrade could make more people want to use Ethereum, which might make its price go up. 2. Binance Coin (BNB): Binance Coin is used on the Binance exchange, which is one of the biggest and most used cryptocurrency exchanges in the world. You can use BNB to pay for trading fees and other stuff like booking travel. When Bitcoin's halving happens, more people usually start trading cryptocurrencies, which could mean more people using Binance and buying BNB, which might raise its price. 3. Solana (SOL): Solana is a newer blockchain platform that's designed to be really fast and efficient. It's been getting more popular lately and is now one of the top ten cryptocurrencies. If more people start using Solana for different things, the demand for its coin, SOL, might go up, causing its price to rise. Remember, I'm not a financial advisor, so it's essential to do your research before investing. Cryptocurrency can be risky, and you might lose your money. Also, if you're interested in making $5-10 through free crypto mining with your phone, you can join these 10 free mining here: Just click the link in your browser, join, and start participating. You don't need to invest anything

Here are the top three coins that will make money after Bitcoin's next halving:
1. Ethereum (ETH): Ethereum is the second most popular cryptocurrency after Bitcoin. It's not just a digital currency; it's also a platform for smart contracts, which are like digital agreements that automatically execute when certain conditions are met. Ethereum is planning an upgrade called Proof-of-Stake (PoS), which should make it faster and more efficient. This upgrade could make more people want to use Ethereum, which might make its price go up.
2. Binance Coin (BNB): Binance Coin is used on the Binance exchange, which is one of the biggest and most used cryptocurrency exchanges in the world. You can use BNB to pay for trading fees and other stuff like booking travel. When Bitcoin's halving happens, more people usually start trading cryptocurrencies, which could mean more people using Binance and buying BNB, which might raise its price.
3. Solana (SOL): Solana is a newer blockchain platform that's designed to be really fast and efficient. It's been getting more popular lately and is now one of the top ten cryptocurrencies. If more people start using Solana for different things, the demand for its coin, SOL, might go up, causing its price to rise.
Remember, I'm not a financial advisor, so it's essential to do your research before investing. Cryptocurrency can be risky, and you might lose your money.
Also, if you're interested in making $5-10 through free crypto mining with your phone, you can join these 10 free mining here: Just click the link in your browser, join, and start participating. You don't need to invest anything
CLAIM YOUR REWARD FROM MY PINNED POSTS...🎁🎯 What to do when everything is dumping Are you seeing the rate people are selling off their cryptos ? People who bought $SOL at $180 are selling at $143 People who bought $BTC at $68,000 are selling at $63,000 Here is a mindset that will help you See the Bear market as a support , friend and an opportunity, it is in times like this that you get to position for the next 100X coin , it is in times like this that you get to buy more of that coin you have always wanted to buy You can not get this opportunity/position in the Bull market The Bull Market is a rewarder of those who were able to survive the bear markets - x mucan At this point, our portfolio is bleeding and we do not feel bad , we see this as a life changing opportunity, all we need is more funds to deploy to the market We are not selling our bags for cheap loss , we will hold , be patient, survive and then we will reap the fruits of our labour If you found this educative, entertaining, please support us by giving Us a like and a survey

What to do when everything is dumping
Are you seeing the rate people are selling off their cryptos ?
People who bought $SOL at $180 are selling at $143
People who bought $BTC at $68,000 are selling at $63,000
Here is a mindset that will help you
See the Bear market as a support , friend and an opportunity, it is in times like this that you get to position for the next 100X coin , it is in times like this that you get to buy more of that coin you have always wanted to buy
You can not get this opportunity/position in the Bull market
The Bull Market is a rewarder of those who were able to survive the bear markets
- x mucan
At this point, our portfolio is bleeding and we do not feel bad , we see this as a life changing opportunity, all we need is more funds to deploy to the market
We are not selling our bags for cheap loss , we will hold , be patient, survive and then we will reap the fruits of our labour
If you found this educative, entertaining, please support us by giving Us a like and a survey
CLAIM YOUR REWARD FROM MY PINNED POSTS...🎁🎯 Demystifying the Bitcoin Halving and Altcoins: Are you familiar with the Bitcoin halving? It's a significant event in the crypto realm, impacting the prices of various cryptocurrencies. Let's simplify it. Think of Bitcoin as a vast gold mine. Miners unearth new Bitcoin, akin to discovering gold nuggets, every ten minutes. But during the halving, it's like tapping into a smaller gold deposit! Every four years, the quantity of new Bitcoin awarded to miners is halved. Now, how does this affect altcoins, also known as other cryptocurrencies? It's somewhat uncertain. Here's why: Altcoin party post-halving? Following a halving, Bitcoin's value may surge. Investors could then diversify their profits from Bitcoin into alternative investments like altcoins, potentially driving up their prices. But hold your horses! Don't be too hasty! Investors might adopt a cautious stance pre-halving, flocking to Bitcoin for security. This could result in a temporary dip in altcoin prices. The takeaway? Altcoin price movements post-halving remain unpredictable. The crypto market is akin to a wilderness, rife with surprises. Here are some key points to remember: Conduct research: Before investing, thoroughly research any altcoin you're considering. Think long-term: Avoid being swayed by short-term price fluctuations. Invest in projects with long-term potential. Diversify your portfolio: Spread your investments across various cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin and altcoins, to mitigate risk. By grasping the concept of the Bitcoin halving and staying informed, you'll be better equipped to navigate the dynamic world of altcoins

Demystifying the Bitcoin Halving and Altcoins:
Are you familiar with the Bitcoin halving? It's a significant event in the crypto realm, impacting the prices of various cryptocurrencies. Let's simplify it.
Think of Bitcoin as a vast gold mine. Miners unearth new Bitcoin, akin to discovering gold nuggets, every ten minutes. But during the halving, it's like tapping into a smaller gold deposit! Every four years, the quantity of new Bitcoin awarded to miners is halved.
Now, how does this affect altcoins, also known as other cryptocurrencies? It's somewhat uncertain. Here's why:
Altcoin party post-halving? Following a halving, Bitcoin's value may surge. Investors could then diversify their profits from Bitcoin into alternative investments like altcoins, potentially driving up their prices.
But hold your horses! Don't be too hasty! Investors might adopt a cautious stance pre-halving, flocking to Bitcoin for security. This could result in a temporary dip in altcoin prices.
The takeaway? Altcoin price movements post-halving remain unpredictable. The crypto market is akin to a wilderness, rife with surprises.
Here are some key points to remember:
Conduct research: Before investing, thoroughly research any altcoin you're considering.
Think long-term: Avoid being swayed by short-term price fluctuations. Invest in projects with long-term potential.
Diversify your portfolio: Spread your investments across various cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin and altcoins, to mitigate risk.
By grasping the concept of the Bitcoin halving and staying informed, you'll be better equipped to navigate the dynamic world of altcoins
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