Binance Square
X mucaN


🌴エアドロップ: エアドロップや暗号通貨マイニング プロジェクトが数多くあり、常にフォローしています。それらに高い期待を寄せています。最近 Avive を逃しましたが、参加して Avive で継続していれば、Avive でトップの稼ぎ手となり、420~5000ドルを稼いでいたでしょう。

Solana($SOL ) チェーンには多くのエアドロップ プロジェクトがあり、大きな可能性を秘めています。

ただし、そのほとんどは一定量の $SOL を投入する必要があります。そのため、お金がない場合は、無料のマイニング プロジェクトに参加するのが最善の選択肢です。マイニング プロジェクトから人生を変えるほどのお金を稼ぐことができます。


@X mucaN は、暗号通貨マイニング プロジェクトのビデオ シリーズをアップロードしました。今日から始めることができます。また、始める場合は、一貫性を保つ必要があります。今日始めて明日終わらせないでください。そうしないと、お金は稼げません。ほとんどのプロジェクトでは、24 時間に 1 回か 2 回アプリにチェックインするだけで済みます。

🌴Crypto MeMe プロジェクト: 数週間前、私は 1 つのミーム プロジェクトから 1 日で 7 倍の投資収益を得ることができました。来年は、$BONK のような低時価総額のミーム プロジェクトを、それらが急騰したり、大手取引所に上場される前に探し出して発見する予定です。これにより、100 ドルを簡単に 1000 ドルにすることができます。これはミーム コインでは非常に可能です。私が得た利益はすべて、SOLANA、ETHEREUM、BINANCE BNB、BITCOIN などのプロジェクトに投資されます。

🌴YouTube: YouTube でチャンネルを収益化するために一生懸命取り組んでいます。今年は、まだチャンネルを収益化していないにもかかわらず、YouTube から 344 ドルを稼ぎました。

🌴Binance Square: これまでのところ、@X mucaN はチップから 40 ドルを稼いでおり、これはコンテンツの作成に大いに役立っています。現時点では、稼いだ金額よりもはるかに多くのお金を費やしていますが、これは構築段階であり、将来的には @X mucaN は毎月 100 ドルを稼ぎ始めると考えています。


BitEagle News
2024 年の強気相場で大儲けする準備はできていますか?

ポートフォリオにこれらのうち 5 つがなければ、チャンスを逃してしまいます! 🤑

5倍 🚀

• $BTC
• $SOL

10倍 🚀

• $ETH
• $QNT

20倍 🚀


50倍 🚀

• $JTO
• $INJ
• $ARC
• $TAO
• $VRA
• $FET
• #0x0

100倍 🚀

• $KAS
• $RIO
• $XNA




過去 24 時間で、Near Protocol、Stacks、Solana の価格はそれぞれ 18%、17%、12% 上昇しました。
NEAR、STX、SOL のトピックは引き続き人気があり、Santiment のデータではソーシャル ボリュームが増加していることが示されています。

Binance Launchpool の NFPrompt (NFP) をまた見逃さないでください! まもなく上場します
#NFPrompt #BinancePoolLaunch #NEWListing Binance は、Binance Launchpool の 41 番目のプロジェクトである NFPrompt (NFP) を発表できることを嬉しく思います。これは、Web3 クリエイター向けの AI 駆動型ユーザー生成コンテンツ (UGC) プラットフォームです。NPF ファーミング Binance Launch プールはすでに開始されています。BNB、FDUSD、TUSD を個別のプールにステークして、7 日間にわたって NFP トークンをファームします。ファーミングは 2023 年 12 月 20 日 00:00 (UTC) に開始されます。リストNFPは2023年12月27日10:00(UTC)にBinanceに上場されます。NFP/BTC、NFP/USDT、NFP/BNB、NFP/FDUSD、NFP/TUSD、NFP/TRYの取引ペアで取引を開始します。NFPにはシードタグが適用されます。
Crypto Daily Show
Solana $BLZE トークンのエアドロップ ガイド

Orca、Raydium、Meteora AG、Kamino Finance、HawksightCo などの複数のプラットフォームにわたって bSOL を活用するためのステップバイステップのガイドを詳しく見てみましょう。

ステップ 1: で $Sol を $bSol にステーキングするメリットを活用する
この戦略を開始するには、 にアクセスしてください。$Sol を $bSol にステーキングすると、実質 15% 以上の APY が得られます。これにはリキッドステーキング報酬が含まれるだけでなく、定期的な $BLZE エアドロップへの扉も開かれ、この多面的な戦略における今後のステップの基礎が築かれます。

ステップ 2: $bSol を担保として Marginfi に預けることで利益を増幅する
発生した $bSol を担保として Marginfi に預けると、今後の Marginfi エアドロップに有利な立場に立つことができます。現在のキャパシティーは 50.69% であるため、迅速に行動してください。これは、限界に達する前にこの機会を活用することが急務であることを示唆しています。

ステップ 3: Marginfi 経由で Jupiter Exchange で借りた $JitoSol を活用する
Marginfi を利用して、低い借入コストで $JitoSol を借りましょう。その後、これらの借りたトークンを Jupiter Exchange で $bSol に変換します。この戦略的な動きは、$bSol を所有しているため Solblaze からの追加のエアドロップへの扉を開くだけでなく、コストとリスクを軽減しながら、借入に対して Marginfi からより多くのポイントを獲得します。

ステップ 4: HawksightCo で $bSol - $BLZE を LP 化し、600% 以上の APY の機会を活用する
この包括的な戦略の集大成として、$BLZE エアドロップの受け取りを開始し、その後 HawksightCo の $bSol - $BLZE プールで流動性提供 (LP) に取り組みます。

Trading Heights
🚨🚧Here's my 2023 airdrop recap:🚧🚨

👉I got $240,000 $ARB
👉I got $20,000 $OP
👉I got $15,000 $JTO
👉I got $10,000 #TIA
👉I got $2,500 #SUI I got $2,000 $ZF
👉I got $1,500 #APT
👉I got $1,000 $NEXT

Missed them? No worries, fam. In 2024, we'll print much more. Here are some predictions from the future:

✍️We got $ZRO
✍️We got $ZKS
✍️We got $STRK
✍️We got $ALEO
✍️We got $LINEA
✍️We got $HOLE
✍️We got $AEVO
✍️We got $ZORA
✍️We got $EIGEN
✍️We got $SCROLL
✍️We got $TAHO
✍️We got $OS
✍️We got $PRTY
✍️We got $ORB
✍️We got $FUEL
✍️We got $ZETA
✍️We got $TKO
✍️We got $VENOM
✍️We got $ZKB
✍️We got $SHRDM
✍️We got $LENS
✍️We got $GRVT
✍️We got $MASK
✍️We got $TABI
✍️We got $APT

Make sure to follow me @TradingHeights , like & Share, because 2024 is set to be the airdrop year, and I'll give you a ton more of juicy airdrops.

🚀 10倍の暗号通貨ポートフォリオに最適なビットコインBRC-20トークントップ5!

1. OXBT(OXBT) - BRC-20の波に乗る 🌊


2. RATS(RATS) - SATSの成功に続く 📈

SATSの爆発的な上場を受けて、RATSは投資家の注目を集めています。SATSの時価総額はすでに10億ドルを超えており、時価総額が3億ドル未満のRATSは、大幅な成長が期待できます。 BTC-20トークンのトップ5に位置するRATSは、進行中のBRC-20トレンドにおける魅力的な銘柄です。

3. PEPE(PEPEBRC) - 2つのトレンドに同時に乗る 🚀


4. Multibit(MUBI) - BRCの盛り上がりに乗る 🚂

Multibit(MUBI)は、より大きなBRC-20トークンの1つですが、時価総額は約1億ドルでSATSを下回っています。BRCの盛り上がりに続く取引量に支えられ、MUBIは勢いを維持すると予想されます。現在の取引価格は約 0.15 ドルで、1 ドルに到達することは可能とみなされており、時価総額が 10 億ドルに達する可能性があります。

5. DOVI (DOVI) - 注目されていない宝石 💎

DOVI は投資家のレーダーにひそかにその名を刻みつつあります。時価総額がまだ 1,000 万ドル未満の DOVI は、トークンを取得する絶好の機会を提供します。すでに Kucoin 取引所に上場されていますが、さらに上場すると価格が上昇する可能性があり、投資家にとって魅力的な見通しとなります。

📈 暗号通貨で先を行く: Defidraft のおすすめで未来を探ろう! 🚀
次の 3 ~ 7 日でどのコインがこのように変化するでしょうか?

スレッドを読んでください 🧵

🔶 誰もがムーンコールを望んでいます 🌕 ですが、ホールドするのが好きな人はいません。最近、いくつかの通話結果を共有します。

INJ ドル 600%
$FET 300%
$オークション 300%



売買範囲;誰かが知りたいなら、私を見つけてください。 💭
Trading Heights
2023 年には 8,000 ドルを 30 万ドルに – 2024 年には 100 万ドルを目指しています! 🚀💰 最初の 100 万人が待っています
2024 年にエアドロップで $1,000,000 以上を目指す私の旅 🚀暗号通貨愛好家の皆さん!🌐💸私はエアドロップで 8,000 ドルを 300,000 ドル以上に変え、今年だけでも数えられる私の素晴らしい旅を共有したいと思いました。 🚀✨ 内訳は次のとおりです。- 24万ドル $ARB 💎- 20,000 ドル $OP 🌈- 15,000 ドル 国連 🚀- 10,000 ドル $TIA 💰信じられないかもしれませんが、これはほんの始まりにすぎません。 💼 2024 年にはエアドロップでなんと 1,000,000 ドル以上の利益が得られると予想しています。 🚀📈皆さんが同様の成功を達成できるよう、メガエアドロップ スレッドを立ち上げます。 🧵🚀 フォローして、仮想通貨数百万人へのチケットになる可能性のある独占的な洞察、ヒント、今後のエアドロップの機会を入手してください! 🎉💸
"$1 = $10,000" 🤔 Don't worry let's see 💖🌄💫
😲 Don't waste time stake 😲
#BNB🔥 #fusionist


Binance, the world’s leading cryptocurrency exchange, has announced Fusionist (ACE) as its 40th Launchpool project. Fusionist, a rapidly growing community with 800,000 members in just five months, has successfully launched its three NFT series and existing Beta testing on the video game distribution platform, Steam.

The Binance Launchpool, which has launched 15 successful crypto projects since its inception in September 2020, has recorded $4.64 billion in total value locked (TVL) and distributed $529 million in tokens to 408,783 crypto holders. The Launchpool aims to help quality projects distribute their tokens to a wider audience while allowing crypto users and investors to generate attractive returns in the form of new tokens.
Fusionist’s inclusion in the Launchpool is expected to accelerate token adoption and increase asset liquidity. It also provides Fusionist with access to Binance’s marketing resources, listing support, and passionate community members. This collaboration aligns with Binance’s focus on providing added value to users and communities, driving the growth of projects in DeFi protocols, and empowering the industry and markets.

The Fusionist (ACE) token is the latest addition to the cryptocurrency market. With a total supply of 147,000,000 ACE, it offers a substantial amount for trading and investment. The Launchpool rewards for this token are set at 10,290,000 ACE, which is 7% of the total token supply. The initial circulating supply is 21,969,520 ACE, accounting for 14.95% of the total supply.
There are two supported pools for staking: BNB and FDUSD. The BNB pool, which will be available in about 4 hours, offers 8,232,000 ACE in rewards, accounting for 80% of the total rewards.

#BinanceTournament #BTC #cryptocurreny #ETH
Thanks for this 🙏
Thanks for this 🙏
Technical Jafar
Top Solana Projects That Will Give You Big Airdrops in Future 🔮

You Missed $PYTH Airdrop
You also Missed $JITO Airdrop

Make sure You don't Miss the current $JUP Opportunity Now

Mastering Crypto have Researched and brought you Top #Solana projects that haven't issued Tokens, Ranked by total capital raised until.

We've compiled a list for you to explore following upcoming Airdrops.

1. Wormhole $225.0M
2. Magic Eden $159.5M
3. Phantom $118.0M
4. Credix $73.5M
5. Fractal $35.0M
6. Pearpop $34.0M
7. BetDEX $21.0M
8. Ultimate $17.3M
9. Eclipse $15.0M
10. Vybe Network $13.0M
11. Gameplay Galaxy $12.8M
12. Parcl $11.6M
13. Space Runners $10.0M
14. HEIR $10.0M
15. Cega $9.3M
16. Teleport $9.0M
17. DSCVR $9.0M
18. Zeta Markets $8.5M
19. VAULT $4.0M
20. Drift $3.8M
21. Ellipsis labs $3.3M
22. Arcade $3.2M
23. Marginfi $3.0M
24. Tensor $3.0M

🫂Remember: A lot of Hardwork goes into for providing you Best Investment Articles.

Your Generous Tips would Empower our Mission and help us to work even Harder for you to give Best Investment Advice.
#BinanceTournament #CryptmasEmojiChallenge #BinanceWish
🚀 **2024 Bull Run Predictions: Top 10 Cryptocurrencies to Watch!

1. Bitcoin (BTC) - DigitalGold** 🌟 Often hailed as digital gold, Bitcoin stands strong as the flagship cryptocurrency. With a limited supply and growing institutional adoption, BTC is poised to play a pivotal role in the 2024 crypto surge.

2. Ethereum (ETH) - SmartContracts** 💡 Leading the smart contract revolution, Ethereum gears up for significant upgrades, including Ethereum 2.0. Enhanced scalability and efficiency make ETH a formidable contender in the upcoming bull run.

3. Cardano (ADA) - Sustainability ** 🌱 Cardano's commitment to sustainability, scalability, and decentralized governance has caught the eye.

4. **Solana (SOL) - FastTransactions** ⚡ Solana shines with lightning-fast transaction speeds and low fees. Its expanding DeFi and NFT ecosystems position SOL as a top performer in the anticipated bull run.

5. **Polkadot (DOT) - Interoperability** 🌐 Polkadot's interoperability and parachain technology make it a key player.

6. **Chainlink (LINK) - Oracle Provider** 🔗 As a leading oracle provider, Chainlink bridges smart contracts and real-world data. Its integral role in DeFi and NFT sectors may contribute to a strong performance in 2024.

7. **Binance Coin (BNB) - Binance Ecosystem** 🔄 Deeply integrated with the Binance ecosystem, BNB offers reduced fees and user incentives. Its utility and adoption could drive demand in the 2024 bull run.

8. **Tezos (XTZ) - SmartContractSafety** 🛡️ Focused on smart contract safety and upgradability, Tezos boasts a growing DeFi presence and institutional interest.

9. **Algorand (ALGO) - EcoFri** 🌿 Algorand's fast transaction speeds and low energy consumption make it an eco-friendly option.

10. **Avalanche (AVAX) - Scalability** 🚀 Avalanche's consensus mechanism and subnets enable high scalability and customization.

💛Remember: A lot of Hardwork goes into for providing you Best Investment Articles. Your Generous Tips would Empower our Mission.

#cryptocurrency #Write2Earn #TradeNTell
New Batch of FLR Token Airdrops Released, Here’s How to Get It
New Ripple-backed Flare (FLR) airdrops available to claim.

Here is how you can claim yours.

The EVM layer-1 blockchain Flare network has announced that a new batch of FLR token airdrops is now available to claim. 

The FlareDrop.10 Release is now available for users who have held Wrapped FLR (WFLR) for the past 23 days. 

Stakers of FLR are also eligible for this airdrop. In October, public staking on Flare went live.

The move allows users to transfer their FLR from the C-Chain, where smart contracts run, to the P-Chain, where staking happens. 

FlareDrop.10 Release

If you’ve held Wrapped FLR (WFLR) for the past 23 days, you’re eligible to claim.

Stakers of FLR also qualify

Claim now at Flare’s Portal:

— Flare (@FlareNetworks) December 12, 2023

After an initial token airdrop allocation in January this year that saw 4.28 billion FLR tokens distributed to XRP holders who held at least one token during a snapshot in December 2020, Flare committed to distributing the rest of the airdrop allocation over 36 months. 

See Also: Coinbase Lists SEAM Token as Airdrop and Liquidity Mining Program Begin

The initial airdrop in January represented 15% of the allocated supply. 

Subsequently, a series of 36 monthly FlareDrops totaling 24.2 billion FLR will be made available to be claimed by active Flare community members who have wrapped their Flare tokens. 

A total of 24,246,183,166 FLR will be split into the 36 FlareDrops. Tokens will be claimable at noon UTC every 30 days, and this process started on March 17, 2023. 

There will be 35 distributions of 676,040,637 FLR and one final distribution of 584,760,871 FLR in the final, 36th month. 

These FlareDrops can be claimed using the Flare Portal by connecting a wallet that held WFLR during the holdings calculation period. 

Now, the FLR airdrop distribution is in its 10th batch, with 26 more to go. According to the Flare team, the ratio for FlareDrop.10 was 5.45558 for every 100 eligible WFLRs held. 

See Also: Did You Miss Out On The Jito Airdrop? Don’t Miss This LayerZero Airdrop Token

The three blocks used to calculate the average WFLR holdings were: 15,881,442; 16,111,972 and  16,482,724

The post New Batch Of FLR Token Airdrops Released, Here’s How To Get It appeared first on BitcoinWorld.
Mastering Crypto
Grab Your Free $1000 ACE on Binance Launchpad 🚀

🌐 The BNB & FDUSD Staking Opportunity

Binance Launchpad, the dynamic launch platform within the Binance ecosystem, is offering a golden opportunity for crypto enthusiasts. You now have the chance to claim up to $1000 worth of ACE tokens by participating in a strategic staking program involving BNB (Binance Coin) and Fdusd. This unique approach adds a dynamic layer to the token acquisition process, making it more inclusive and engaging for users.

The ACE Token Launch:

ACE, a decentralized finance (DeFi) token, is set to reshape the landscape of financial innovation. The upcoming token launch on Binance Launchpad introduces an innovative staking model where users can claim a significant share of $1000 worth of ACE tokens. By involving both BNB and Fdusd in the staking process, Binance Launchpad aims to create a more accessible and diverse participation experience.

🤔 How to Participate:

1. Prepare Your Binance Account:
- Ensure your Binance account is verified and meets all security requirements.

2. Access Binance Launchpad:
- Navigate to the Binance Launchpad section on the platform to explore upcoming token launches, with a focus on ACE.

3. Stake BNB and FDUSD:
- Participate in the token sale by strategically staking both BNB and Fdusd. This unique staking approach provides users with a seamless way to engage with the launch and claim ACE tokens.

4. Stay Informed:
- Stay updated on official announcements and project details to understand the utility of ACE and any specific staking requirements.

🫂Remember: A lot of Hardwork goes into for providing you Best Investment Articles.Your Generous Tips would Empower our Mission and help us to work even Harder for you to give Best Investment Advice.
#BinanceTournament #CryptmasEmojiChallenge #BinanceWish
Crypto Bisons - Marketing and News
Jito's $165 Million JTO Airdrop: A Deep Dive into Solana's Liquid Staking Revolution
Introduction:Jito, a prominent Solana-based liquid staking protocol, recently made waves in the crypto space by initiating a generous airdrop of its JTO governance tokens. This airdrop, valued at approximately $165 million, aimed to distribute 90 million JTO tokens to eligible users, providing a significant boost to the protocol's decentralized governance and treasury.Liquid Staking on Solana:Jito stands out in the Solana ecosystem for its innovative approach to liquid staking. Users can stake their Solana (SOL) to receive JitoSOL tokens in return. Similar to Lido's staked ether (stETH) product, JitoSOL tokens can be traded or used as collateral. As of now, Jito and Marinade lead the pack as Solana's largest liquid staking providers, each boasting around $425 million in total value locked (TVL), as reported by DeFiLlama.The Airdrop Mechanics:Jito's airdrop was strategically designed, considering factors such as users' holdings of JitoSOL tokens and their participation in lending to decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols. The protocol also rewarded validators and Miner Extractable Value (MEV) searchers. According to Jito's developers, the distributed JTO tokens will play a crucial role in governing the decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) and managing the protocol's treasury.Comparisons with Uniswap and Stimulus Effect:The airdrop strategy employed by Jito draws parallels with established protocols like Uniswap, which famously airdropped 150 million UNI governance tokens in September 2020. While UNI recipients mostly sold their tokens, the wealth effect contributed to Uniswap's development. The JTO drop is seen as potential fuel for a resurgence in Solana's activity, akin to a stimulus check, as observed in Uniswap's case.Solana's Performance and the Airdrop's Impact:Solana's NFT market has shown positive signs, and its decentralized exchanges experienced a record-breaking $7.3 billion in volume in November 2023. The JTO token, despite its past association with FTX, has quadrupled in price over the past year. This airdrop is anticipated to further stimulate Solana's ecosystem.Claim Window and Token Distribution:Jito's airdrop offered a generous 18-month window for users to claim their JTO tokens, allowing them to defer claims and associated tax implications into 2024. Despite this extended timeframe, an impressive 60% of the newly available tokens were claimed within the first four hours of the airdrop. Notably, only three of the 20 largest JTO holders sold their tokens, as reported by a Flipside Crypto dashboard.Conclusion:Jito's $165 million JTO airdrop marks a significant milestone in Solana's evolving ecosystem. As the protocol strengthens its governance through token distribution, the broader impact on Solana's decentralized finance landscape remains to be seen. With a vibrant NFT market and record-breaking trading volumes, Solana continues to position itself as a formidable player in the blockchain space, fueled in part by strategic moves like Jito's airdrop.$JTO #JTO #Airdrop🪂
You make good points but it's important to spread risk
You make good points but it's important to spread risk
Bitcoin Gurukul
If you are investing less than $20,000:

You shouldn’t be holding more than 5 #Altcoins.

They should be a mix of Micro Caps & Low Caps.

Micro/Low Cap examples: $RIO $TRIAS $CHNG $SPACE $VRA

If you are investing $20,000-$50,000:

You shouldn’t be holding more than 10 #Altcoins:

They should be a mix of Low & Mid Caps.

Mid Cap examples: $QUBIC $DAG $AZERO $ROSE $NAKA

If you are investing above $50,000:

You shouldn’t be holding more than 20 #Altcoins:

They should be a mix of Low/Mid/High Caps.

High Cap examples: $QNT $KAS $TAO $INJ $RNDR

Diversification is great.

But only when you have a large amount of capital already.

Micro/Low Cap Altcoins are how you create generational wealth.

Mid/High Cap Altcoins are how you keep it and expand upon that wealth.

For reference:

Micro Caps = 0-10M Market Cap
Low Caps = 10-100M Market Cap
Mid Caps = 100M-1B Market Cap
High Cap = 1B+ Market Cap
Another opportunity to get more money in your wallet is here


Introducing Fusionist (ACE) on Binance Launchpool! Farm ACE by Staking BNB and FDUSD

Binance is excited to announce the 40th project on Binance Launchpool - Fusionist (ACE). ACE is the native token of Endurance, a decentralized game/social blockchain that will be housing Fusionist, a web3 AAA game. The webpage is estimated to be available in 4 hours, before the Launchpool starts. 

Users will be able to stake their BNB and FDUSD into separate pools to farm ACE tokens over 5 days, with farming starting from 2023-12-13 00:00 (UTC).

Binance tentatively set to list ACE at 2023-12-18 06:00 (UTC) and open trading with ACE/BTC, ACE/USDT, ACE/BNB, ACE/FDUSD, and ACE/TRY trading pairs. The Seed Tag will be applied to ACE.

Details Read full article here

Participate in the $PHNTM airdrop, valued at $1 billion, with a 5-minute time commitment and a $2 cost. Follow the strategy outlined below:

1. Download the Tier-1 Solana wallet at
2. Deposit $SOL into the wallet.
3. Download Phantom on your phone and access the 'browser' in the wallet.
4. Complete mobile-only tasks, including connecting the wallet, maintaining a balance of 0.1 SOL or more, and signing a login message.
5. Confirm a free transaction to complete sign up
6. Mint your NFT by adding an image, name, and description.
7. Conduct swaps in the wallet's SWAP tab.
8. Perform a couple of transactions as an ordinary user to maximize gains.

Don't miss out on the opportunity for significant gains with minimal effort from a wallet that has raised $120 million from Tier-1 investors. #phantom #crypto #airdrop
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