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ビットコインは40,000ドルを超えて取引されており、投資家はすでに設定されているスポーツETFレベルに手をこまねいている さらに、証券委員会が2024年5月のイーサリアムETFの決定に影響を与えるという公式市場の情報もあります。 \news 2,000ドル付近でのレートの反転。これを上昇傾向に当てはめると、イーサリアム上に個別にユニットが存在することや、このチェーンの2番目にある他の仮想通貨戦争にとっては良いことになるかもしれない #ETH #ETF #Bitcoin…
\news 2,000ドル付近でのレートの反転。これを上昇傾向に当てはめると、イーサリアム上に個別にユニットが存在することや、このチェーンの2番目にある他の仮想通貨戦争にとっては良いことになるかもしれない #ETH #ETF #Bitcoin…
暗号通貨と不動産不動産取引に暗号通貨を利用する前に、この形式の取引に関連する潜在的な課題を認識しておくことが重要です。考慮すべき点をいくつか挙げます。 暗号通貨の価格変動: ほとんどの暗号通貨は市場の変動の影響を受けやすく、短期間で大幅な価格変動を引き起こします。暗号通貨で価格設定された資産の価値は、契約締結後すぐに大幅に変化するリスクがあります。法定通貨の価値にリンクされたテザー (USDT) などのステーブルコインは、このリスクを軽減できます。


暗号通貨の価格変動: ほとんどの暗号通貨は市場の変動の影響を受けやすく、短期間で大幅な価格変動を引き起こします。暗号通貨で価格設定された資産の価値は、契約締結後すぐに大幅に変化するリスクがあります。法定通貨の価値にリンクされたテザー (USDT) などのステーブルコインは、このリスクを軽減できます。
ステーブルコイン市場に早くから参入した欧州の大手銀行の一つであるソシエテ・ジェネラルは、ユーロに連動したネイティブのステーブルコインを発売した。 Financial Timesの報道によると、ルクセンブルクに本拠を置く仮想通貨取引所Bitstampは、EUR CoinVertible (EURCV)ステーブルコインの立ち上げを主催する予定です。 銀行の顧客は、ユーロでの EURCV の完全なサポートにより、デジタル資産市場に参加する機会が得られます。これらの資産は取引可能であり、幅広い消費者がアクセスできるようになります。 Société Générale Forgeの最高経営責任者(CEO)であるJean-Marc Stenger氏は、ユーロに裏付けされたステーブルコインの必要性を強調し、新しいステーブルコインは進化する暗号通貨分野における同銀行の役割を強調すると述べた。 サークル社のテザー(USDT)やUSDコイン(USDC)など、米ドルに関連付けられたステーブルコインが民間の仮想通貨ステーブルコイン市場を支配しているが、ステンガー氏は同銀行の動きは単なる目新しいもの以上のものであると述べた。同氏は、新しいステーブルコインはデジタルファンド、債券、その他の資産を含む取引の決済に使用することを目的として作成されたと説明した。さらに同氏は、ステーブルコインの多用途な応用により、ソシエテ・ジェネラルのプラットフォームを超えてさまざまな金融サービスプロバイダーによる採用が可能になると述べた。 #stablecoin
ステーブルコイン市場に早くから参入した欧州の大手銀行の一つであるソシエテ・ジェネラルは、ユーロに連動したネイティブのステーブルコインを発売した。 Financial Timesの報道によると、ルクセンブルクに本拠を置く仮想通貨取引所Bitstampは、EUR CoinVertible (EURCV)ステーブルコインの立ち上げを主催する予定です。
銀行の顧客は、ユーロでの EURCV の完全なサポートにより、デジタル資産市場に参加する機会が得られます。これらの資産は取引可能であり、幅広い消費者がアクセスできるようになります。
Société Générale Forgeの最高経営責任者(CEO)であるJean-Marc Stenger氏は、ユーロに裏付けされたステーブルコインの必要性を強調し、新しいステーブルコインは進化する暗号通貨分野における同銀行の役割を強調すると述べた。
サークル社のテザー(USDT)やUSDコイン(USDC)など、米ドルに関連付けられたステーブルコインが民間の仮想通貨ステーブルコイン市場を支配しているが、ステンガー氏は同銀行の動きは単なる目新しいもの以上のものであると述べた。同氏は、新しいステーブルコインはデジタルファンド、債券、その他の資産を含む取引の決済に使用することを目的として作成されたと説明した。さらに同氏は、ステーブルコインの多用途な応用により、ソシエテ・ジェネラルのプラットフォームを超えてさまざまな金融サービスプロバイダーによる採用が可能になると述べた。 #stablecoin
ビットコインと暗号通貨市場の最近の急騰の中で、イーサリアムは休眠中の巨人として特徴づけられ、より確立された同等の資産と同じレベルの利益を経験していない。アナリストと支持者は、これらの資産は現在過小評価されていると主張している。 10月中旬に始まった最近の市場ラリーで、イーサリアムは約30%の増加を記録した。対照的に、ビットコインは同時期に55%というより大きな上昇を記録したが、これは主に潜在的なスポットETFをめぐる興奮によるものだ。 12月4日、Banklessのライアン・ショーン・アダムズ氏は次のように述べた。 「ETHの価格が2,200ドルという考えは、ほとんど滑稽だ」 彼はさらにこう述べた。「この市場サイクルの参加者は、イーサリアムの堅固な基礎を見落とし、“もしも”のシナリオで動いている」 アダムズ氏は、イーサリアムが現在年間27億ドルの利益を生み出しており、「唯一の収益を生み出すチェーン」であることを強調した。さらに、株価収益率は 98 で、アマゾンの株価収益率 75 をわずかに上回っています。 株価収益率は、企業の現在の株価と 1 株あたりの利益を比較する評価ツールとして機能します。この文脈では、イーサリアムは現在の資産価格に反映されているよりもかなり多くの収益を生み出しています。 アダムズ氏はまた、ブロックチェーン スペース、特に第 2 層ソリューションの購入者として機能するチェーン全体が存在することを指摘しました。 イーサリアムの可能性に貢献する主要なファンダメンタルズには、暗号通貨のデフレ放出が含まれます。 によると、2022 年 9 月の合併以来、供給量は 293,240 ETH 減少しています。#ETH
アダムズ氏は、イーサリアムが現在年間27億ドルの利益を生み出しており、「唯一の収益を生み出すチェーン」であることを強調した。さらに、株価収益率は 98 で、アマゾンの株価収益率 75 をわずかに上回っています。
株価収益率は、企業の現在の株価と 1 株あたりの利益を比較する評価ツールとして機能します。この文脈では、イーサリアムは現在の資産価格に反映されているよりもかなり多くの収益を生み出しています。
アダムズ氏はまた、ブロックチェーン スペース、特に第 2 層ソリューションの購入者として機能するチェーン全体が存在することを指摘しました。
イーサリアムの可能性に貢献する主要なファンダメンタルズには、暗号通貨のデフレ放出が含まれます。 によると、2022 年 9 月の合併以来、供給量は 293,240 ETH 減少しています。#ETH
2023 年 12 月 5 日、ビットコイン (BTC) は大幅な高騰を経験し、過去 24 時間で 42,000 ドルを超え、2% 以上上昇しました。デジタルゴールドの価値のこのダイナミックな上昇は、スポットビットコインETFの承認の可能性と、2024年に予定されているビットコイン半減期に関連する投資家の期待に部分的に起因しています。投資家は、利益の約束に惹かれて、これらのイベントに熱中しています。 IntoTheBlock のデータ分析により、全ビットコイン保有者の 88% が含み益を持っていることが明らかになりました。この指標は、現在の市場価値よりも低い価格で BTC を取得したウォレット アドレスに関連付けられています。このような高揚感にもかかわらず、「大口保有者」が保有しているのはBTC総供給量の11%のみであり、将来の市場動向に影響を与える可能性がある。 市場構造の興味深い側面は、ビットコイン保有者の分析です。ウォレットの 69% 以上がビットコインを 1 年以上保存しており、この資産に対する投資家の信頼が高いことを示しています。一方で、31% は 12 か月未満、7% は 1 か月未満で仮想通貨を保有しています。この投資戦略の多様性は、投資家のリスク許容度のレベルが異なることを示唆しています。 より広い視野で見ると、ビットコインの将来は依然として不確実です。最近の市場シグナルは中立性を示していますが、収益性の高い保有者の増加は潜在的な反転シグナルである可能性があります。 #BTC
2023 年 12 月 5 日、ビットコイン (BTC) は大幅な高騰を経験し、過去 24 時間で 42,000 ドルを超え、2% 以上上昇しました。デジタルゴールドの価値のこのダイナミックな上昇は、スポットビットコインETFの承認の可能性と、2024年に予定されているビットコイン半減期に関連する投資家の期待に部分的に起因しています。投資家は、利益の約束に惹かれて、これらのイベントに熱中しています。
IntoTheBlock のデータ分析により、全ビットコイン保有者の 88% が含み益を持っていることが明らかになりました。この指標は、現在の市場価値よりも低い価格で BTC を取得したウォレット アドレスに関連付けられています。このような高揚感にもかかわらず、「大口保有者」が保有しているのはBTC総供給量の11%のみであり、将来の市場動向に影響を与える可能性がある。
市場構造の興味深い側面は、ビットコイン保有者の分析です。ウォレットの 69% 以上がビットコインを 1 年以上保存しており、この資産に対する投資家の信頼が高いことを示しています。一方で、31% は 12 か月未満、7% は 1 か月未満で仮想通貨を保有しています。この投資戦略の多様性は、投資家のリスク許容度のレベルが異なることを示唆しています。

PayPalの新しいステーブルコインPayPal は、デジタル決済と Web3 用に設計された独自のステーブルコインを導入することで、暗号通貨の世界に足を踏み入れています。 PYUSD は、主要な暗号通貨取引所、コールド ウォレットとホット ウォレットの両方、および Web3 アプリケーションと互換性があるように設定されています。 PayPal によるこの動きは、米ドル預金に裏付けられたステーブルコインを導入することで、暗号通貨の世界への進出を示しています。この発表に伴い、市場には偽造トークンが大量に流入したことに注意することが重要です。 PayPal USD が利用可能になりました PayPal が USD にリンクされたステーブルコインをリリースする計画は、以前から知られていました。同社は、暗号通貨と Web3 の導入に向けてさらに大きな一歩を踏み出しました。 PayPal USD は米国の対象顧客にすでにアクセス可能であり、8 月 7 日以降、PYUSD トークンを外部ウォレットやユーザー間で転送できるようになりました。それだけではありません。PayPal USD トークンは、PayPal 対応の POS 端末での購入にも使用でき、他の暗号通貨と交換したり、その逆も可能です。


PayPal は、デジタル決済と Web3 用に設計された独自のステーブルコインを導入することで、暗号通貨の世界に足を踏み入れています。 PYUSD は、主要な暗号通貨取引所、コールド ウォレットとホット ウォレットの両方、および Web3 アプリケーションと互換性があるように設定されています。

PayPal によるこの動きは、米ドル預金に裏付けられたステーブルコインを導入することで、暗号通貨の世界への進出を示しています。この発表に伴い、市場には偽造トークンが大量に流入したことに注意することが重要です。

PayPal USD が利用可能になりました PayPal が USD にリンクされたステーブルコインをリリースする計画は、以前から知られていました。同社は、暗号通貨と Web3 の導入に向けてさらに大きな一歩を踏み出しました。 PayPal USD は米国の対象顧客にすでにアクセス可能であり、8 月 7 日以降、PYUSD トークンを外部ウォレットやユーザー間で転送できるようになりました。それだけではありません。PayPal USD トークンは、PayPal 対応の POS 端末での購入にも使用でき、他の暗号通貨と交換したり、その逆も可能です。
市民が文書にデジタル署名するために暗号トークンを使用する機会を持つインドの電子情報技術大臣は、国民が文書にデジタル署名するために暗号トークンを使用する機会を提供することを目指しています。このデジタル文書の承認プロセスを容易にするために、専用の Web ブラウザが用意されています。 インドにおける暗号通貨の法的地位は「複雑」であると言えることは注目に値する。政府の演説壇からの声は、暗号通貨の全面禁止を主張するものから、暗号通貨、ブロックチェーン技術、Web3の両方を促進するための措置を提案するものまで多岐にわたる。


インドの電子情報技術大臣は、国民が文書にデジタル署名するために暗号トークンを使用する機会を提供することを目指しています。このデジタル文書の承認プロセスを容易にするために、専用の Web ブラウザが用意されています。



暗号通貨億万長者暗号通貨億万長者とは、暗号通貨への投資を通じて資産が 100 万ドルを超えた個人のことです。彼らの多くは、デジタル資産を低価格で購入し、市場の急騰で大きな利益を得たアーリーアダプターです。暗号通貨業界で成功したベンチャー企業を設立して億万長者の地位を獲得した人もいます。 暗号通貨は分散化されており、匿名性が高いことが多いため、暗号通貨億万長者の正確な数を把握するのは困難です。ただし、入手可能なデータに基づいて推定することは可能です。


暗号通貨億万長者とは、暗号通貨への投資を通じて資産が 100 万ドルを超えた個人のことです。彼らの多くは、デジタル資産を低価格で購入し、市場の急騰で大きな利益を得たアーリーアダプターです。暗号通貨業界で成功したベンチャー企業を設立して億万長者の地位を獲得した人もいます。

Binance は、皆様の継続的なサポートと献身への感謝のしるしとして、ポーランドのすべての既存ユーザーと新規ユーザーを対象としたロイヤリティ ポイント プログラムを開始できることに興奮しています。 Binance で好きな単純なタスクを実行して報酬を獲得するチャンスを手に入れましょう。 何が勝てますか? ➡️ トークンクーポンと割引 ➡️ Binance Swag ➡️ AirPods 10 個 ➡️ Apple Watch 5 個 ➡️ The Weekend コンサートのチケット #binance #binancepoland #loyalityprogram
Binance は、皆様の継続的なサポートと献身への感謝のしるしとして、ポーランドのすべての既存ユーザーと新規ユーザーを対象としたロイヤリティ ポイント プログラムを開始できることに興奮しています。

Binance で好きな単純なタスクを実行して報酬を獲得するチャンスを手に入れましょう。

何が勝てますか? ➡️ トークンクーポンと割引 ➡️ Binance Swag ➡️ AirPods 10 個 ➡️ Apple Watch 5 個 ➡️ The Weekend コンサートのチケット #binance #binancepoland #loyalityprogram
Beginnings of dogecoinDogecoin came into existence on December 8, 2013, thanks to the collaborative efforts of Jackson Palmer and Billy Markus. At that time, Jackson Palmer was working as a software engineer at Adobe, while Billy Markus held a position at IBM. They both envisioned creating a peer-to-peer cryptocurrency that would be more user-friendly and accessible than Bitcoin. Additionally, they aimed to improve the public perception of cryptocurrencies, which faced skepticism during the early years of the previous decade. The launch of Dogecoin generated immense interest, attracting over a million visitors to its official website within just 30 days. Remarkably, its value surged sixfold a mere three days after its introduction. However, Dogecoin encountered some challenges in its subsequent journey. Issues such as a lack of clear direction for the project and other minor hurdles initially hindered the cryptocurrency's credibility. Nevertheless, everything changed when Elon Musk took an interest in the creation of Palmer and Markus, bringing renewed attention and interest to Dogecoin. #dogecoin #doge

Beginnings of dogecoin

Dogecoin came into existence on December 8, 2013, thanks to the collaborative efforts of Jackson Palmer and Billy Markus. At that time, Jackson Palmer was working as a software engineer at Adobe, while Billy Markus held a position at IBM. They both envisioned creating a peer-to-peer cryptocurrency that would be more user-friendly and accessible than Bitcoin. Additionally, they aimed to improve the public perception of cryptocurrencies, which faced skepticism during the early years of the previous decade.

The launch of Dogecoin generated immense interest, attracting over a million visitors to its official website within just 30 days. Remarkably, its value surged sixfold a mere three days after its introduction. However, Dogecoin encountered some challenges in its subsequent journey. Issues such as a lack of clear direction for the project and other minor hurdles initially hindered the cryptocurrency's credibility. Nevertheless, everything changed when Elon Musk took an interest in the creation of Palmer and Markus, bringing renewed attention and interest to Dogecoin. #dogecoin #doge
Microstrategy BTCMicroStrategy, led by Michael Saylor, continues to show strong interest in Bitcoin. In the second quarter, the company recorded a net income of over $22 million, a significant jump from the $1.1 billion loss it experienced in 2022. Furthermore, the company is currently planning to sell Class A common stock worth $750 million to purchase more Bitcoins. Despite amassing a fortune in BTC, their appetite for Satoshi Nakamoto's cryptocurrency remains unwavering. As of the second quarter's financial results, MicroStrategy holds 152,800 BTC, with an additional 476 BTC purchased in July for $14.4 million. Andrew Kang, the CFO of MicroStrategy, commented on their Bitcoin acquisitions: "We effectively raised capital through our primary stock offering program and used operational funds to continue increasing our Bitcoin holdings." MicroStrategy currently holds the title of the largest corporate Bitcoin holder, and it appears that their cryptocurrency reserves will continue to grow. This trend has encouraged other companies to consider investing in BTC as a means of protecting their capital against inflation. Even industry giants like BlackRock have shown interest in Bitcoin, affirming its status as "digital gold," in Larry Fink's words. As more companies seek to safeguard their wealth and explore the potential of Bitcoin, the number of enterprises investing in the cryptocurrency is likely to increase. Marathon Digital Holdings comes in second place in terms of corporate BTC holdings, with nearly 13,000 Bitcoins. Tesla ranks fifth with 10,500 BTC in its cryptocurrency portfolio. The trend of companies investing in Bitcoin is expected to grow steadily, leading to more firms choosing to allocate their capital to the world's leading cryptocurrency. #bitcoin #cryptocurrency

Microstrategy BTC

MicroStrategy, led by Michael Saylor, continues to show strong interest in Bitcoin. In the second quarter, the company recorded a net income of over $22 million, a significant jump from the $1.1 billion loss it experienced in 2022.

Furthermore, the company is currently planning to sell Class A common stock worth $750 million to purchase more Bitcoins. Despite amassing a fortune in BTC, their appetite for Satoshi Nakamoto's cryptocurrency remains unwavering. As of the second quarter's financial results, MicroStrategy holds 152,800 BTC, with an additional 476 BTC purchased in July for $14.4 million.

Andrew Kang, the CFO of MicroStrategy, commented on their Bitcoin acquisitions:

"We effectively raised capital through our primary stock offering program and used operational funds to continue increasing our Bitcoin holdings."

MicroStrategy currently holds the title of the largest corporate Bitcoin holder, and it appears that their cryptocurrency reserves will continue to grow. This trend has encouraged other companies to consider investing in BTC as a means of protecting their capital against inflation. Even industry giants like BlackRock have shown interest in Bitcoin, affirming its status as "digital gold," in Larry Fink's words.

As more companies seek to safeguard their wealth and explore the potential of Bitcoin, the number of enterprises investing in the cryptocurrency is likely to increase. Marathon Digital Holdings comes in second place in terms of corporate BTC holdings, with nearly 13,000 Bitcoins. Tesla ranks fifth with 10,500 BTC in its cryptocurrency portfolio.

The trend of companies investing in Bitcoin is expected to grow steadily, leading to more firms choosing to allocate their capital to the world's leading cryptocurrency. #bitcoin #cryptocurrency
DOGECOINDogecoin is a cryptocurrency based on blockchain technology, designed for quick and low-cost transactions. It started as a joke and was meant to carry a positive message, countering the negative media attention surrounding Bitcoin after the Silk Road incident, where illegal products were sold for Bitcoin. Dogecoin aimed to appeal to a larger audience, particularly younger users, with its positive and fun image. The name and logo of Dogecoin are inspired by the popular internet meme "Doge," featuring a Shiba Inu dog with funny captions in broken English. The concept of Dogecoin was created by Billy Markus, who used the codebase of a defunct cryptocurrency called Luckycoin, which itself was based on Litecoin's code, a modified version of Bitcoin's code. Soon after, Jackson Palmer, an employee at Adobe Systems in Australia, joined the project and helped promote Dogecoin, which was initially intended as an online joke. Dogecoin's network launched on December 6, 2013, and a few days later, its price skyrocketed more than three times in a day to $0.00095. The cryptocurrency quickly gained popularity within the digital currency community. Even the first crash, which occurred on December 21, 2013, and caused the price to drop over 80%, didn't hinder its growing popularity. This crash was caused by a massive sell-off of mined Dogecoins by large mining pools and the theft of over 30 million DOGE from the official wallet. Despite not having unique technical features, Dogecoin's strength has always been its community. It became a recognizable payment method, accepted by users on social media platforms like Reddit and Twitter. At one point, in January 2014, Dogecoin had higher trading volume than Bitcoin and all other cryptocurrencies combined, ranking 9th in terms of market capitalization. #doge #dogecoin


Dogecoin is a cryptocurrency based on blockchain technology, designed for quick and low-cost transactions. It started as a joke and was meant to carry a positive message, countering the negative media attention surrounding Bitcoin after the Silk Road incident, where illegal products were sold for Bitcoin. Dogecoin aimed to appeal to a larger audience, particularly younger users, with its positive and fun image.

The name and logo of Dogecoin are inspired by the popular internet meme "Doge," featuring a Shiba Inu dog with funny captions in broken English. The concept of Dogecoin was created by Billy Markus, who used the codebase of a defunct cryptocurrency called Luckycoin, which itself was based on Litecoin's code, a modified version of Bitcoin's code. Soon after, Jackson Palmer, an employee at Adobe Systems in Australia, joined the project and helped promote Dogecoin, which was initially intended as an online joke.

Dogecoin's network launched on December 6, 2013, and a few days later, its price skyrocketed more than three times in a day to $0.00095. The cryptocurrency quickly gained popularity within the digital currency community. Even the first crash, which occurred on December 21, 2013, and caused the price to drop over 80%, didn't hinder its growing popularity. This crash was caused by a massive sell-off of mined Dogecoins by large mining pools and the theft of over 30 million DOGE from the official wallet.

Despite not having unique technical features, Dogecoin's strength has always been its community. It became a recognizable payment method, accepted by users on social media platforms like Reddit and Twitter. At one point, in January 2014, Dogecoin had higher trading volume than Bitcoin and all other cryptocurrencies combined, ranking 9th in terms of market capitalization. #doge #dogecoin
Kevin O'Leary predictsKevin O'Leary, the host of a popular TV show and the president of O'Shares Investments and O'Leary Ventures, predicts a prolonged banking crisis in the USA due to the Federal Reserve's actions. He believes that more regional banks, which support 60% of the economy, will fail because of the ongoing cycle of interest rate hikes by the Fed. In a conversation with CNBC, O'Leary vividly described the central bank's policy as continuously squeezing a toothpaste tube, raising interest rates, and knowing that everything will eventually break, but not knowing when and where. He points out that these regional banks are struggling with higher interest rates, which discourage people from taking out loans, ultimately reducing the banks' profits. O'Leary warns that the Federal Reserve might raise interest rates to a level above 6%. He cautions that we need to consider the long-term and short-term effects of such a move. Currently, interest rates in the USA are in the range of 5.25% to 5.5%. While market participants don't expect the Fed to raise rates in the next meeting, there are concerns about the impact of further rate hikes on smaller banks. As for the impact on cryptocurrencies, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell has indicated that the monetary policy will remain restrictive for some time due to current economic conditions. This situation may lead to challenges for smaller banks, as seen with recent bank failures like Heartland Tri-State Bank. The cryptocurrency market is also waiting for potential rate cuts, which could occur in the spring and possibly coincide with Bitcoin halving. This could potentially provide digital assets with a double boost for growth. In summary, Kevin O'Leary's warning about the banking crisis and potential interest rate hikes by the Federal Reserve has implications not only for traditional banks but also for the cryptocurrency market. Market participants are closely monitoring the central bank's actions and its potential impact on various sectors, including digital assets.

Kevin O'Leary predicts

Kevin O'Leary, the host of a popular TV show and the president of O'Shares Investments and O'Leary Ventures, predicts a prolonged banking crisis in the USA due to the Federal Reserve's actions. He believes that more regional banks, which support 60% of the economy, will fail because of the ongoing cycle of interest rate hikes by the Fed.

In a conversation with CNBC, O'Leary vividly described the central bank's policy as continuously squeezing a toothpaste tube, raising interest rates, and knowing that everything will eventually break, but not knowing when and where. He points out that these regional banks are struggling with higher interest rates, which discourage people from taking out loans, ultimately reducing the banks' profits.

O'Leary warns that the Federal Reserve might raise interest rates to a level above 6%. He cautions that we need to consider the long-term and short-term effects of such a move. Currently, interest rates in the USA are in the range of 5.25% to 5.5%. While market participants don't expect the Fed to raise rates in the next meeting, there are concerns about the impact of further rate hikes on smaller banks.

As for the impact on cryptocurrencies, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell has indicated that the monetary policy will remain restrictive for some time due to current economic conditions. This situation may lead to challenges for smaller banks, as seen with recent bank failures like Heartland Tri-State Bank.

The cryptocurrency market is also waiting for potential rate cuts, which could occur in the spring and possibly coincide with Bitcoin halving. This could potentially provide digital assets with a double boost for growth.

In summary, Kevin O'Leary's warning about the banking crisis and potential interest rate hikes by the Federal Reserve has implications not only for traditional banks but also for the cryptocurrency market. Market participants are closely monitoring the central bank's actions and its potential impact on various sectors, including digital assets.
HEX の次の展開は何ですか?米国証券取引委員会(SEC)は、人気の仮想通貨HexやPulseChainやPulseXなどの他のプロジェクトの創設者であるリチャード・ハート氏に対する調査を開始した。この疑惑は、暗号資産に基づく未登録証券の募集を通じて投資家からの資金を横領したことを中心に展開しており、これにより10億ドル以上の資本が集まった。 SEC によると、ハートは当時約 6 億 7,800 万ドルに相当する 230 万以上のイーサを受け取り、それらを Hex ウォレットのパブリック アドレスにリダイレクトしたとされています。さらに、同氏は、555カラットのダイヤモンド、高級車、時計などの高級品の購入を含む、パルスチェーン投資家の資金から少なくとも1,210万ドルを私的流用した疑いが持たれている。この容疑には、投資家の資金から個人ウォレットへの2億1700万ドルの送金も含まれている。

HEX の次の展開は何ですか?


SEC によると、ハートは当時約 6 億 7,800 万ドルに相当する 230 万以上のイーサを受け取り、それらを Hex ウォレットのパブリック アドレスにリダイレクトしたとされています。さらに、同氏は、555カラットのダイヤモンド、高級車、時計などの高級品の購入を含む、パルスチェーン投資家の資金から少なくとも1,210万ドルを私的流用した疑いが持たれている。この容疑には、投資家の資金から個人ウォレットへの2億1700万ドルの送金も含まれている。
The future internet based on web3 EthereumThe future internet, based on Web3 and Ethereum technology, is revolutionizing the way we use applications and online services. This new decentralized model offers numerous advantages, such as resistance to censorship, transparency, and security. The cornerstone of this ecosystem is smart contracts, which automate agreements between users. Thanks to Web3 and Ethereum, several areas of the Ethereum ecosystem are evolving: Scalability: To meet the growing demand for transactions, second-layer scaling solutions are being implemented, processing more operations than the Ethereum mainnet. Interoperability: Different networks can communicate and conduct transactions across chains, enhancing the overall interoperability of the ecosystem. DeFi: Decentralized finance is rapidly expanding, enabling loans, currency exchange, and other financial applications without traditional intermediaries. NFTs: Web3 enables the creation and trading of non-fungible tokens, contributing to the growth of the digital art market and other NFT use cases. Governance: Web3 promotes decentralized governance models, empowering token holders to influence the functioning of the Ethereum network. Privacy: Web3 fosters advanced security solutions, safeguarding sensitive information in smart contracts. Identity: Decentralized identity technology is advancing, allowing users to maintain control over their personal data. Gaming: Web3 brings transparency and fairness to the gaming industry, enabling players to own and trade digital assets. Social Media: Web3 gives rise to decentralized social media platforms, granting users greater control over their data and protection against censorship. Sustainable Development: With the development of Web3, a focus on creating sustainable blockchain solutions grows, aiming to reduce energy consumption and make blockchain technology more environmentally friendly. All these changes form the foundation for the future internet, emphasizing decentralization, security, and user trust. As a result, Web3 and Ethereum have the potential to transform our internet experience, leading us towards more innovative, equitable, and decentralized solutions.

The future internet based on web3 Ethereum

The future internet, based on Web3 and Ethereum technology, is revolutionizing the way we use applications and online services. This new decentralized model offers numerous advantages, such as resistance to censorship, transparency, and security. The cornerstone of this ecosystem is smart contracts, which automate agreements between users.

Thanks to Web3 and Ethereum, several areas of the Ethereum ecosystem are evolving:

Scalability: To meet the growing demand for transactions, second-layer scaling solutions are being implemented, processing more operations than the Ethereum mainnet.

Interoperability: Different networks can communicate and conduct transactions across chains, enhancing the overall interoperability of the ecosystem.

DeFi: Decentralized finance is rapidly expanding, enabling loans, currency exchange, and other financial applications without traditional intermediaries.

NFTs: Web3 enables the creation and trading of non-fungible tokens, contributing to the growth of the digital art market and other NFT use cases.

Governance: Web3 promotes decentralized governance models, empowering token holders to influence the functioning of the Ethereum network.

Privacy: Web3 fosters advanced security solutions, safeguarding sensitive information in smart contracts.

Identity: Decentralized identity technology is advancing, allowing users to maintain control over their personal data.

Gaming: Web3 brings transparency and fairness to the gaming industry, enabling players to own and trade digital assets.

Social Media: Web3 gives rise to decentralized social media platforms, granting users greater control over their data and protection against censorship.

Sustainable Development: With the development of Web3, a focus on creating sustainable blockchain solutions grows, aiming to reduce energy consumption and make blockchain technology more environmentally friendly.

All these changes form the foundation for the future internet, emphasizing decentralization, security, and user trust. As a result, Web3 and Ethereum have the potential to transform our internet experience, leading us towards more innovative, equitable, and decentralized solutions.
XRP In a recent statement, Shannon Thorpe, a financial management specialist at Wells Fargo, presented an extraordinary forecast for the price of XRP. With a forward-looking perspective, Thorpe predicts a potential price surge for XRP in the short term, specifically within the next 4 to 7 months. According to her forecast, the price is expected to range from $100 to $500 USD. Such a significant increase could result in returns for investors ranging from 14,200% to 71,400% of the current value of Ripple's token. Thorpe's prediction takes into account various factors, including the liquidity strength (LS) in the price range of $1 to $5 USD, assuming that one entity holds all 100 billion XRP tokens. However, it's important to note that these calculations do not consider the potential growth of the economy or the continuous benefits derived from using XRP. In simpler terms, Shannon Thorpe, a financial expert at Wells Fargo, has forecasted an impressive price increase for XRP within the next 4 to 7 months, with the price ranging between $100 to $500 USD. This could result in significant returns for investors, but the forecast doesn't factor in potential economic growth or the ongoing advantages of using XRP.


In a recent statement, Shannon Thorpe, a financial management specialist at Wells Fargo, presented an extraordinary forecast for the price of XRP.

With a forward-looking perspective, Thorpe predicts a potential price surge for XRP in the short term, specifically within the next 4 to 7 months. According to her forecast, the price is expected to range from $100 to $500 USD. Such a significant increase could result in returns for investors ranging from 14,200% to 71,400% of the current value of Ripple's token.

Thorpe's prediction takes into account various factors, including the liquidity strength (LS) in the price range of $1 to $5 USD, assuming that one entity holds all 100 billion XRP tokens. However, it's important to note that these calculations do not consider the potential growth of the economy or the continuous benefits derived from using XRP.

In simpler terms, Shannon Thorpe, a financial expert at Wells Fargo, has forecasted an impressive price increase for XRP within the next 4 to 7 months, with the price ranging between $100 to $500 USD. This could result in significant returns for investors, but the forecast doesn't factor in potential economic growth or the ongoing advantages of using XRP.
SHIBA INUAs the third anniversary of the Shiba Inu project approaches, on-chain data reveals the strong engagement of the global SHIB Army community. According to the Santiment report, the social volume of SHIB significantly increased at the end of July. Between July 21 and August 1, the Social Volume indicator for Shiba Inu rose from 88 to 164, indicating an 86% surge in media interest. The Social Volume metric allows for an assessment of the current level of media buzz and interest surrounding a particular blockchain project. In essence, it aggregates the total number of mentions of the project across relevant cryptocurrency media channels. The increase in Social Volume signals heightened interest and awareness among investors. Interestingly, the SHIB team is capitalizing on this wave of media attention around their third anniversary by introducing new products and services.


As the third anniversary of the Shiba Inu project approaches, on-chain data reveals the strong engagement of the global SHIB Army community. According to the Santiment report, the social volume of SHIB significantly increased at the end of July.

Between July 21 and August 1, the Social Volume indicator for Shiba Inu rose from 88 to 164, indicating an 86% surge in media interest. The Social Volume metric allows for an assessment of the current level of media buzz and interest surrounding a particular blockchain project. In essence, it aggregates the total number of mentions of the project across relevant cryptocurrency media channels.

The increase in Social Volume signals heightened interest and awareness among investors. Interestingly, the SHIB team is capitalizing on this wave of media attention around their third anniversary by introducing new products and services.
New regulations in USAThe U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) released a statement on July 31, introducing new regulations concerning the taxation of the cryptocurrency industry. According to these regulations, individuals participating in the process of validating cryptocurrency networks through staking will be obligated to pay taxes. This means that the profits earned from this process will be treated as gross income and must be reported and taxed in their annual tax returns. These regulations apply to both those directly involved in securing Proof-of-Stake networks and those staking their cryptocurrencies through cryptocurrency exchanges. This new ruling comes as a surprise to the cryptocurrency industry, as the previous IRS guidelines did not specifically address such activities related to cryptocurrencies. According to Ryan Selkis, the founder of Messari, the IRS views cryptocurrency staking as akin to receiving dividends from stocks, which is why they have introduced these new tax rules.

New regulations in USA

The U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) released a statement on July 31, introducing new regulations concerning the taxation of the cryptocurrency industry. According to these regulations, individuals participating in the process of validating cryptocurrency networks through staking will be obligated to pay taxes. This means that the profits earned from this process will be treated as gross income and must be reported and taxed in their annual tax returns.

These regulations apply to both those directly involved in securing Proof-of-Stake networks and those staking their cryptocurrencies through cryptocurrency exchanges. This new ruling comes as a surprise to the cryptocurrency industry, as the previous IRS guidelines did not specifically address such activities related to cryptocurrencies. According to Ryan Selkis, the founder of Messari, the IRS views cryptocurrency staking as akin to receiving dividends from stocks, which is why they have introduced these new tax rules.
Mike NovogratzMike Novogratz, the CEO of Galaxy Digital, highlighted a pivotal event in 2023 that enriched the ranks of the leading cryptocurrency with an important new member. Novogratz couldn't contain his satisfaction that this time Larry Fink swallowed the so-called "orange pill." In the virtual currency community, this term refers to individuals who were not previously supporters of the major cryptocurrency but have since changed their minds. Bitcoin gained favor from BlackRock The popular American entrepreneur discussed what he believed was the hottest event in the cryptocurrency space this year during an interview with Bloomberg. He pointed out that Bitcoin gained a supporter in the form of the world's largest asset manager. Larry Fink, the renowned billionaire and CEO of BlackRock, was not initially a BTC enthusiast. However, he and his company recently publicly embraced this virtual currency. At first, Fink held a skeptical view of Bitcoin, failing to recognize its potential or advantages. However, his recent decision now indicates openness to innovation in the rapidly changing financial landscape. Novogratz particularly emphasized Larry Fink's change in stance regarding BTC. Fink now believes that Bitcoin will become a global currency as more people from around the world place their hope in it. Deepening institutional adoption According to Galaxy Digital's CEO, BlackRock's efforts to obtain approval for a Bitcoin ETF for the spot market could propel Bitcoin to new heights. Other institutional investors might also become more interested in this virtual currency. Besides discussing BlackRock and Fink, Mike Novogratz offered several valuable tips on building a diversified investment portfolio. He recommended that risk-averse young investors include the two largest cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH), as well as gold, silver, and Alibaba stocks in their portfolios. For investors with lower risk tolerance, Novogratz advised allocating only 30% of their funds to high-potential growth assets while cautiously distributing the remaining 70% into bonds and index funds.

Mike Novogratz

Mike Novogratz, the CEO of Galaxy Digital, highlighted a pivotal event in 2023 that enriched the ranks of the leading cryptocurrency with an important new member.

Novogratz couldn't contain his satisfaction that this time Larry Fink swallowed the so-called "orange pill." In the virtual currency community, this term refers to individuals who were not previously supporters of the major cryptocurrency but have since changed their minds.

Bitcoin gained favor from BlackRock The popular American entrepreneur discussed what he believed was the hottest event in the cryptocurrency space this year during an interview with Bloomberg. He pointed out that Bitcoin gained a supporter in the form of the world's largest asset manager.

Larry Fink, the renowned billionaire and CEO of BlackRock, was not initially a BTC enthusiast. However, he and his company recently publicly embraced this virtual currency.

At first, Fink held a skeptical view of Bitcoin, failing to recognize its potential or advantages. However, his recent decision now indicates openness to innovation in the rapidly changing financial landscape.

Novogratz particularly emphasized Larry Fink's change in stance regarding BTC. Fink now believes that Bitcoin will become a global currency as more people from around the world place their hope in it.

Deepening institutional adoption According to Galaxy Digital's CEO, BlackRock's efforts to obtain approval for a Bitcoin ETF for the spot market could propel Bitcoin to new heights. Other institutional investors might also become more interested in this virtual currency.

Besides discussing BlackRock and Fink, Mike Novogratz offered several valuable tips on building a diversified investment portfolio. He recommended that risk-averse young investors include the two largest cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH), as well as gold, silver, and Alibaba stocks in their portfolios.

For investors with lower risk tolerance, Novogratz advised allocating only 30% of their funds to high-potential growth assets while cautiously distributing the remaining 70% into bonds and index funds.


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