Binance Square
$NOT 確かに
$NOT 確かに
2M #StakeStone 紹介コード
2M #StakeStone
こんにちは、良い一日を!$BNB #MegadropLista から稼ぐもう一つのチャンス
こんにちは、良い一日を!$BNB #MegadropLista から稼ぐもう一つのチャンス
Binance Announcement
Binance Megadrop で Lista (LISTA) が登場! BNB をロックして Web3 クエストを完了し、エアドロップを獲得しましょう
重要: Binance は、ここで言及されているトークンをリストする最初のプラットフォームになります。取引開始時間は、別途発表されます。指定されたタイムラインより前にこのトークンを販売するという主張は、虚偽の広告です。資金の安全を確保するために、独自の調査を行ってください。
Binance は、エアドロップと Web3 クエストを備えた新しいトークン ローンチ プラットフォームである Binance Megadrop を開始します。ユーザーは、BNB をロックされた製品にサブスクライブしたり、Web3 ウォレットでタスクを完了したりして、トークンが Binance Exchange にリストされる前に、選択した Web3 プロジェクトからの報酬に早期にアクセスできるようになります。
結論として、デジタル遺物を掘り起こして失われた暗号通貨を見つけるというアイデアは非現実的に思えるかもしれませんが、これはテクノロジー、金融、冒険のユニークな交差点を表しています。関係者にとって、潜在的な報酬は莫大であり、暗号通貨考古学は、進化し続けるデジタル資産の世界における刺激的なフロンティアとなっています。 $BTC $ETH $BNB

暗号考古学の未来 暗号通貨が主流になるにつれ、暗号考古学の分野も成長する可能性があります。データ復旧技術の向上と一般の認知度の向上により、復旧の成功率が向上し、このデジタルゴールドラッシュ特有の課題に対処するための新しい規制枠組みが生まれる可能性もあります。 $DOT


成功事例と高まる関心 注目すべき成功事例もあります。たとえば、2020 年には、Unchained Capital という会社が、高度な暗号化技術を使用して、古い wallet.dat ファイルから 4 BTC 以上を復元することに成功しました。これらの事例は、暗号考古学への関心の高まりを後押しし、失われた富のデジタル金庫のロックを解除したいと熱望する愛好家や専門家を魅了しています。 $USDC

注目すべき成功事例もあります。たとえば、2020 年には、Unchained Capital という会社が、高度な暗号化技術を使用して、古い wallet.dat ファイルから 4 BTC 以上を復元することに成功しました。これらの事例は、暗号考古学への関心の高まりを後押しし、失われた富のデジタル金庫のロックを解除したいと熱望する愛好家や専門家を魅了しています。

法的および倫理的考慮事項 失われた暗号通貨の回収には、技術的な能力だけでなく、法的および倫理的問題の迷路を進むことも必要です。所有権は、特に元の所有者が亡くなっていたり、ハードウェアが廃棄された財産である場合、曖昧になることがあります。暗号通貨考古学者は、盗難やハッキングの疑いを避けるために慎重に行動する必要があります。 $SOL


仕事の道具 暗号考古学者は、データ復旧や法医学的分析から、霊能者との相談やクラウドソーシングによる宝探しなどの型破りな方法まで、さまざまな技術を駆使します。主な目的は、失われたウォレットを見つけて復活させることですが、これには、古いソフトウェアやハードウェア システムに関する詳細な知識や、複雑な暗号パズルを解く能力が必要になる場合があります。 $BNB

暗号考古学者は、データ復旧や法医学的分析から、霊能者との相談やクラウドソーシングによる宝探しなどの型破りな方法まで、さまざまな技術を駆使します。主な目的は、失われたウォレットを見つけて復活させることですが、これには、古いソフトウェアやハードウェア システムに関する詳細な知識や、複雑な暗号パズルを解く能力が必要になる場合があります。

デジタルゴミに隠された富 古代の遺物や廃棄された技術ではなく、ビットコインで忘れ去られた財産が埋立地に埋まっているところを想像してみてください。ウェールズのニューポートのような場所では、ジェームズ・ハウエルズが2013年に7,500 BTC(現在では数億ドル相当)のハードドライブを捨てたことで有名です。回収の試みは今のところ成功していませんが、彼の話は暗号通貨コミュニティ内で関心を呼び、教訓となっています。 $ETH

古代の遺物や廃棄された技術ではなく、ビットコインで忘れ去られた財産が埋立地に埋まっているところを想像してみてください。ウェールズのニューポートのような場所では、ジェームズ・ハウエルズが2013年に7,500 BTC(現在では数億ドル相当)のハードドライブを捨てたことで有名です。回収の試みは今のところ成功していませんが、彼の話は暗号通貨コミュニティ内で関心を呼び、教訓となっています。

The Rise of Crypto Archaeology: Unearthing Lost Bitcoins In the world of cryptocurrency, there’s a lesser-known yet fascinating niche emerging: crypto archaeology. This field involves the recovery of lost bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies, often from old hard drives, defunct wallets, and forgotten accounts. With estimates suggesting that up to 20% of all bitcoins are lost forever, this digital treasure hunting is gaining momentum and intrigue. $BTC
The Rise of Crypto Archaeology: Unearthing Lost Bitcoins

In the world of cryptocurrency, there’s a lesser-known yet fascinating niche emerging: crypto archaeology. This field involves the recovery of lost bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies, often from old hard drives, defunct wallets, and forgotten accounts. With estimates suggesting that up to 20% of all bitcoins are lost forever, this digital treasure hunting is gaining momentum and intrigue.
$NOT seems like this coin goes Bullish to 1$ #notcoin
$NOT seems like this coin goes Bullish to 1$
seems this is the Last lowest price to get $BNB . my personal idea is like this. convert all $FDUSD to #BNB DYOR.
seems this is the Last lowest price to get $BNB . my personal idea is like this.
convert all $FDUSD to #BNB DYOR.
Binance Announcement
Binance Launchpool で Notcoin (NOT) を導入! BNB と FDUSD をステーキングして NOT をファームしましょう
重要: Binance は、ここで言及されているトークンをリストする最初のプラットフォームであり、取引は 2024-05-16 12:00 (UTC) に開始されます。指定されたタイムラインより前にこのトークンを販売するという主張は虚偽の広告です。資金の安全を確保するために、独自の調査を行ってください。
Binanceは、Binance Launchpoolの54番目のプロジェクトであるNotcoin(NOT)を発表できることを嬉しく思います。これは、タップして獲得するマイニングメカニズムを通じてユーザーをWeb3にオンボードするコミュニティトークンです。Webページは、Launchpoolの開始前の24時間以内に利用可能になると予想されています。
$ETH Hi My Friends Dump is over. Be ready to real Pump
$ETH Hi My Friends Dump is over. Be ready to real Pump
#ScamRiskWarning Fake Investment Scheme Targeting New Crypto Users Recently, I encountered a cryptocurrency scam that preys on beginners. It started with a seemingly friendly social media message promoting a "high-yield investment opportunity." After initial skepticism, they lured me in with small, early "rebates" on a minimal investment. This built trust, prompting them to suggest a larger investment with a guaranteed, even higher return. Here's the red flag: when I hesitated, they pressured me to provide a "security deposit" to "hold my spot." Thankfully, alarm bells went off, and I stopped communication. To prevent similar scams, Binance could consider: Educational resources: Highlight common scam tactics and red flags for new users. Community moderation: Proactively monitor platforms for suspicious activity and educate users. Verification badges: Implement a system to verify legitimate investment opportunities. By working together, we can create a safer crypto environment. Let's hold scammers accountable!
#ScamRiskWarning Fake Investment Scheme Targeting New Crypto Users

Recently, I encountered a cryptocurrency scam that preys on beginners. It started with a seemingly friendly social media message promoting a "high-yield investment opportunity." After initial skepticism, they lured me in with small, early "rebates" on a minimal investment. This built trust, prompting them to suggest a larger investment with a guaranteed, even higher return. Here's the red flag: when I hesitated, they pressured me to provide a "security deposit" to "hold my spot." Thankfully, alarm bells went off, and I stopped communication.

To prevent similar scams, Binance could consider:

Educational resources: Highlight common scam tactics and red flags for new users.

Community moderation: Proactively monitor platforms for suspicious activity and educate users.

Verification badges: Implement a system to verify legitimate investment opportunities.

By working together, we can create a safer crypto environment. Let's hold scammers accountable!
$BNB Save your BNB. Ready to Farm Renzo on Binance Launchpool
$BNB Save your BNB. Ready to Farm Renzo on Binance Launchpool
Binance Announcement
Introducing Renzo (REZ) on Binance Launchpool! Farm REZ by Staking BNB and FDUSD
IMPORTANT: Binance will be the first platform to list the token mentioned herein, with trading starting at 2024-04-30 12:00 (UTC). Any claims to offer this token for sale before the stated timeline are false advertising. Please do your own research to ensure safety of your funds.
Fellow Binancians,
Binance is excited to announce the 53rd project on Binance Launchpool - Renzo (REZ), a liquid restaking protocol. The webpage is estimated to be available in 5 hours, before the Launchpool starts.
Users will be able to stake their BNB and FDUSD into separate pools to farm REZ tokens over six days, with farming starting from 2024-04-24 00:00 (UTC).
Binance will then list REZ at 2024-04-30 12:00 (UTC) and open trading with REZ/BTC, REZ/USDT, REZ/BNB, REZ/FDUSD and REZ/TRY trading pairs. The Seed Tag will be applied to REZ.
REZ Launchpool Details:
Token Name: Renzo (REZ)Max Token Supply: 10,000,000,000 REZ Launchpool Token Rewards: 250,000,000 REZ (2.5% of max token supply)Initial Circulating Supply: 1,150,000,000 REZ (11.50% of max token supply)Smart Contract Details: EthereumStaking Terms: KYC required Hourly Hard Cap per User: 147,569.44 REZ in BNB pool26,041.67 REZ in FDUSD pool
Supported Pools:
Stake BNB (webpage will be available in around 5 hours): 212,500,000 REZ in rewards (85%) Stake FDUSD (webpage will be available in around 5 hours): 37,500,000 REZ in rewards (15%)Farming Period: 2024-04-24 00:00 (UTC) to 2024-04-29 23:59 (UTC).
REZ Farming Accumulation
Dates (00:00:00 - 23:59:59 UTC each day)Total Daily Rewards (REZ)BNB Pool Daily Rewards (REZ)FDUSD Pool Daily Rewards (REZ)2024-04-24 - 2024-04-2941,666,666.6735,416,666.676,250,000
Read about Renzo (REZ) in our research report here, which will be available within 1 hour of publishing this announcement.
Project Links
Renzo WebsiteWhitepaperX
Please note:
Snapshots of user balances and total pool balances will be taken multiple times at any point of time each hour to get users’ hourly average balances and calculate user rewards. User rewards will be updated each hour. Users will be able to accumulate their rewards (calculated each hour) and claim these rewards directly to their spot accounts at any time.Each pool’s annual percentage yield (APY) and total pool balance will be updated in real time.Tokens can only be staked in one pool at a time. For example, User A cannot stake the same BNB into two different pools at the same time, but can allocate 50% of their BNB into pool A and 50% into pool B.Users will be able to unstake their funds at any time with no delay and participate in any other available pools immediately.Tokens staked in each pool and any unclaimed rewards will be automatically transferred to each user’s spot accounts at the end of each farming period.Binance BNB Vault and Locked Products will support the Launchpool. Users who have staked their BNB in BNB Vault and Locked Products will automatically participate in the Launchpool, and receive new token rewards.If there are more than one Launchpool projects running concurrently, users' BNB assets in BNB Vault and Locked Products will be split and allocated into each project equally unless otherwise specified.BNB Vault assets collateralizing against Binance Loans (Flexible Rate) are not entitled to Launchpool rewards.BNB staked into Launchpool will still provide users with the standard benefits for holding BNB, such as airdrops, Launchpad eligibility and VIP benefits.
Participation in Launchpool is subject to eligibility based on the user's country or region of residence. Please refer to the instructions on the Launchpool page.
Please note that the list of excluded countries provided below is not exhaustive and may be subject to changes due to evolving local rules, regulations, or other considerations. Users need to complete their account verification and also be from an eligible jurisdiction to participate in farming REZ.
Currently, users residing in the following countries or regions will not be able to participate in farming REZ: Australia, Canada, Cuba, Crimea Region, Iran, Japan, New Zealand, Netherlands, North Korea, Syria, United States of America and its territories (American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, the Northern Mariana Islands, the U.S. Virgin Islands), and any non-government controlled areas of Ukraine
This list may be updated periodically to accommodate changes in legal, regulatory, or other factors.
Note: There may be discrepancies in the translated version of this original article in English. Please reference this original version for the latest or most accurate information where any discrepancies may arise.
Thank you for your support!
Binance Team
Note: This announcement was last updated on 2024-04-30 to update Renzo (REZ)'s initial circulating supply from 1,050,000,000 REZ to 1,150,000,000 REZ, and on 2024-04-23 to update the ticker of Renzo from EZ to REZ and amend the corresponding smart contract address.
Bullish Monday $BTC $ETH $BNB
Bullish Monday $BTC $ETH $BNB
$BCH Don't panic and sell your #BCH It will reach 1000$ soon
$BCH Don't panic and sell your #BCH It will reach 1000$ soon
Binance Announcement
Introducing Saga (SAGA) on Binance Launchpool! Farm SAGA by Staking BNB and FDUSD
IMPORTANT: Binance will be the first platform to list the token mentioned herein, with trade starting at 2024-04-09 08:00 (UTC). Any claims to offer this token for sale before the stated timeline are false advertising. Please do your own research to ensure safety of your funds!
Fellow Binancians,
Binance is excited to announce the 51st project on Binance Launchpool - Saga (SAGA), an L1 to launch L1s. The webpage is estimated to be available in 5 hours, before the Launchpool starts.
Users will be able to stake their BNB and FDUSD into separate pools to farm SAGA tokens over four days, with farming starting from 2024-04-05 00:00 (UTC).
Binance will then list SAGA at 2024-04-09 08:00 (UTC) and open trading with SAGA/BTC, SAGA/USDT, SAGA/BNB, SAGA/FDUSD and SAGA/TRY trading pairs. The Seed Tag will be applied to SAGA.
SAGA Launchpool Details:
Token Name: Saga (SAGA)Max Token Supply: 1,000,000,000 SAGA Launchpool Token Rewards: 45,000,000 SAGA (4.5% of max token supply)Initial Circulating Supply: 90,000,000 SAGA (9% of max token supply)Smart Contract Details: Saga Security ChainStaking Terms: KYC required Hourly Hard Cap per User: 37,500 SAGA in BNB pool9,375 SAGA in FDUSD pool
Supported Pools:
Stake BNB (webpage will be available in around 5 hours): 36,000,000 SAGA in rewards (80%) Stake FDUSD (webpage will be available in around 5 hours): 9,000,000 SAGA in rewards (20%)Farming Period: 2024-04-05 00:00 (UTC) to 2024-04-08 23:59 (UTC).
SAGA Farming Distribution*
Dates (00:00:00 - 23:59:59 UTC each day)Total Daily Rewards (SAGA)BNB Pool Daily Rewards (SAGA)FDUSD Pool Daily Rewards (SAGA)2024-04-05 - 2024-04-0811,250,0009,000,0002,250,000
*During the farming period, amounts accumulated represent users’ entitlement to an equal number of SAGA tokens at Token Generation Event, which is scheduled to take place on 2024-04-09.
Read about Saga (SAGA) in our research report here, which will be available within 1 hour of publishing this announcement.
Project Links
Please note:
Snapshots of user balances and total pool balances will be taken multiple times at any point of time each hour to get users’ hourly average balances and calculate users’ entitlement. Users’ entitlement will be updated each hour. Users will be able to accumulate their rewards (calculated each hour) and claim these rewards directly to their spot accounts at any time.Each pool’s annual percentage yield (APY) and total pool balance will be updated in real time.Tokens can only be staked in one pool at a time. For example, User A cannot stake the same BNB into two different pools at the same time, but can allocate 50% of their BNB into pool A and 50% into pool B.Users will be able to unstake their funds at any time with no delay and participate in any other available pools immediately.Tokens staked in each pool and any unclaimed rewards will be automatically transferred to each user’s spot accounts at the end of each farming period.Binance BNB Vault and Locked Products will support the Launchpool. Users who have staked their BNB in BNB Vault and Locked Products will automatically participate in the Launchpool, and receive new token rewards.If there are more than one Launchpool projects running concurrently, users' BNB assets in BNB Vault and Locked Products will be split and allocated into each project equally unless otherwise specified.BNB Vault assets collateralizing against Binance Loans (Flexible Rate) are not entitled to Launchpool rewards.BNB staked into Launchpool will still provide users with the standard benefits for holding BNB, such as airdrops, Launchpad eligibility and VIP benefits.
Participation in Launchpool is subject to eligibility based on the user's country or region of residence. Please refer to the instructions on the Launchpool page.
Please note that the list of excluded countries provided below is not exhaustive and may be subject to changes due to evolving local rules, regulations, or other considerations.
Users need to complete their account verification and also be from an eligible jurisdiction to participate in farming SAGA.
Currently, users residing in the following countries or regions will not be able to participate in farming SAGA: Australia, Canada, Cuba, Crimea Region, Iran, Japan, New Zealand, Netherlands, North Korea, Syria, United States of America and its territories (American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, the Northern Mariana Islands, the U.S. Virgin Islands), and any non-government controlled areas of Ukraine
This list may be updated periodically to accommodate changes in legal, regulatory, or other factors.
Note: There may be discrepancies in the translated version of this original article in English. Please reference this original version for the latest or most accurate information where any discrepancies may arise.
Thank you for your support!
Binance Team
Note: This announcement was updated on 2024-04-08 to update the trading start time for Saga (SAGA) from 2024-04-09 14:00 (UTC) to 2024-04-09 08:00 (UTC), and on 2024-04-04 to add clarifications.
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