Binance Square
每日软件直播,公众号:加密乘风 推特:九八k @955752549108 交易技术分析博主
A real way to make money in contractsYou may be unfamiliar with the commission rebate, so let me explain it briefly. For example, when you make a 1000U transaction, if you use 100 times leverage, the transaction amount for each opening is about 100,000U. For such a transaction, the entry and exit fees are usually between 75-100U. Assuming we conduct three such transactions per day, the daily handling fee is 300U. In this way, the handling fee for a month is about 10,000U, and the total handling fee for a year is about 120,000U. But here is the good news, most platforms provide commission rebate services. Assuming the rebate rate is 85%, you can get about 100,000 U in rebates in a year. Although your account may be in the red, in fact, you still make a lot of money with this rebate.

A real way to make money in contracts

You may be unfamiliar with the commission rebate, so let me explain it briefly. For example, when you make a 1000U transaction, if you use 100 times leverage, the transaction amount for each opening is about 100,000U. For such a transaction, the entry and exit fees are usually between 75-100U.
Assuming we conduct three such transactions per day, the daily handling fee is 300U. In this way, the handling fee for a month is about 10,000U, and the total handling fee for a year is about 120,000U.
But here is the good news, most platforms provide commission rebate services. Assuming the rebate rate is 85%, you can get about 100,000 U in rebates in a year. Although your account may be in the red, in fact, you still make a lot of money with this rebate.
[Must-read for contract buyers] - Why do you lose more money as the bull market gets stronger?Hold on to the losing money, sell it when it goes up a little. Others have made a house and a car, but you almost lost your old hen. As a result, the more you lose, the less self-confidence you have, which directly affects your judgment and makes you miss the entire bull market. Most people's trading mentality and loss situations, see how many of them you have? 1. Lose as soon as you enter. You clearly see that others have made 5 times or 10 times the profit. As soon as you enter, it seems that the whole market is against you. The result of chasing the rise and killing the fall is that at this time, others have already taken a wave of profits. Who else should you cut? 2. Make money as soon as you enter, but end up losing money. Green orders, don't know to run at high points, and all of a sudden the profits are taken back, or even lose money. You could have traded a bicycle for a motorcycle, but you only made enough money for coffee. 3. The market is down, so you quickly buy at the bottom, but it goes down all the way when you enter. The market reaches a high point, so you quickly open a short position, but the market takes off. Then you keep holding on, being trapped all the way, and covering your position all the way. Your position is getting bigger and bigger, and your economic pressure is getting bigger and bigger. When you get out of the trap, the bull market has nothing to do with you. 4. Frequent trading, often changing positions. When others buy, the prices go up, but your own stocks don’t. Then you cut your losses and buy others’ stocks. As a result, when you sell, the stocks go up, and when you buy, the stocks stop. You will doubt whether the market is always targeting you. 5. Two major emotions in the trading market: greed for profit and fear of loss. You made 5% every day in the first three days, but every time you sell, the stocks will fly away. You always regret if you should hold on for a longer period of time. Then on the fourth day, you didn’t run even though you made money. As a result, you lost all the money you made in the past few days in a profit-taking. Several consecutive losses will hit you hard. 6. You don’t have your own judgment on the market. You enter and exit the market too casually and hastily without any basis. You occasionally see a strategy on the Internet and think it makes sense, so you follow it, or you see someone else post an order in a group and think you have made money and follow it quickly. You have no plan for this kind of trading. You don’t know what the trading logic behind others is, whether others have already laid out in advance, or even if they cooperate with the dealer, just to cut leeks. The time you enter the market is when others exit, and you just deliver it to the door.So how to solve the above problems? If you want to make money in the market, you can't do without several elements. See if you have them all? 1. Have a complete trading system and trading strategy. Every trader cannot guarantee that every transaction is correct, nor can he predict and determine the trend of the market. However, having a complete trading system can guarantee the winning rate and profit rate of the transaction after a certain number of transactions, and ensure the overall profitability of the transaction through strict risk control. We do not speculate on the market or judge the trend. We rely on this trading system to formulate and output a complete trading strategy to obtain positive returns.

[Must-read for contract buyers] - Why do you lose more money as the bull market gets stronger?

Hold on to the losing money, sell it when it goes up a little. Others have made a house and a car, but you almost lost your old hen. As a result, the more you lose, the less self-confidence you have, which directly affects your judgment and makes you miss the entire bull market. Most people's trading mentality and loss situations, see how many of them you have? 1. Lose as soon as you enter. You clearly see that others have made 5 times or 10 times the profit. As soon as you enter, it seems that the whole market is against you. The result of chasing the rise and killing the fall is that at this time, others have already taken a wave of profits. Who else should you cut? 2. Make money as soon as you enter, but end up losing money. Green orders, don't know to run at high points, and all of a sudden the profits are taken back, or even lose money. You could have traded a bicycle for a motorcycle, but you only made enough money for coffee. 3. The market is down, so you quickly buy at the bottom, but it goes down all the way when you enter. The market reaches a high point, so you quickly open a short position, but the market takes off. Then you keep holding on, being trapped all the way, and covering your position all the way. Your position is getting bigger and bigger, and your economic pressure is getting bigger and bigger. When you get out of the trap, the bull market has nothing to do with you. 4. Frequent trading, often changing positions. When others buy, the prices go up, but your own stocks don’t. Then you cut your losses and buy others’ stocks. As a result, when you sell, the stocks go up, and when you buy, the stocks stop. You will doubt whether the market is always targeting you. 5. Two major emotions in the trading market: greed for profit and fear of loss. You made 5% every day in the first three days, but every time you sell, the stocks will fly away. You always regret if you should hold on for a longer period of time. Then on the fourth day, you didn’t run even though you made money. As a result, you lost all the money you made in the past few days in a profit-taking. Several consecutive losses will hit you hard. 6. You don’t have your own judgment on the market. You enter and exit the market too casually and hastily without any basis. You occasionally see a strategy on the Internet and think it makes sense, so you follow it, or you see someone else post an order in a group and think you have made money and follow it quickly. You have no plan for this kind of trading. You don’t know what the trading logic behind others is, whether others have already laid out in advance, or even if they cooperate with the dealer, just to cut leeks. The time you enter the market is when others exit, and you just deliver it to the door.So how to solve the above problems? If you want to make money in the market, you can't do without several elements. See if you have them all? 1. Have a complete trading system and trading strategy. Every trader cannot guarantee that every transaction is correct, nor can he predict and determine the trend of the market. However, having a complete trading system can guarantee the winning rate and profit rate of the transaction after a certain number of transactions, and ensure the overall profitability of the transaction through strict risk control. We do not speculate on the market or judge the trend. We rely on this trading system to formulate and output a complete trading strategy to obtain positive returns.
#pyth $PYTH PYTH今日走势分析: 当前1-2-4小时级别均呈现多方态势,今日集中关注日线多空关键点位0.3614。一旦成功站上0.3614,有望启动上涨行情, 目标价位直指0.3987,0.4140,0.4294价位附近 。若未能突破此多空价,市场或将维持看空态势,支撑位分别位于0.3549,0.3470,0.3391附近 。投资者需密切关注市场动态,把握交易实机,谨慎操作。当下行情已起稳是不错的布局时机,我研究许久的标的即将开始布局,预计每个都有 30%以上涨幅。喜欢现货且有 1000u 以上资金可布局的,评论 扣1(或者点开我头像),无偿带你 关注我,每天实盘直播,一对一指导,小白也能掌握财富密码,找我看个人简介进交流𡝗送内幕币搜👉公~众/号👉加密乘风#PYTH合约 #Pyth趋势 #PYTH.智能策略库🥇🥇 #比特币大会
#pyth $PYTH PYTH今日走势分析:
目标价位直指0.3987,0.4140,0.4294价位附近 。若未能突破此多空价,市场或将维持看空态势,支撑位分别位于0.3549,0.3470,0.3391附近 。投资者需密切关注市场动态,把握交易实机,谨慎操作。当下行情已起稳是不错的布局时机,我研究许久的标的即将开始布局,预计每个都有 30%以上涨幅。喜欢现货且有 1000u 以上资金可布局的,评论 扣1(或者点开我头像),无偿带你
关注我,每天实盘直播,一对一指导,小白也能掌握财富密码,找我看个人简介进交流𡝗送内幕币搜👉公~众/号👉加密乘风#PYTH合约 #Pyth趋势 #PYTH.智能策略库🥇🥇 #比特币大会
#metis $METIS METIS market overview: Daily bullish confirmation, 1/2/4 hour bullish dominance. Core 46.61, callback support 45.84-45.05-44.07. Rebound target 50.15-50.58-51.31, market volatility intensified, trading needs to be cautious, risk control positions need to be reasonable. The current market has stabilized and it is a good time to layout. The targets I have studied for a long time are about to start layout, and each is expected to have an increase of more than 30%. If you like spot trading and have more than 1000u of funds to invest, comment and deduct 1 (or click on my avatar), I will guide you for free Follow me, live broadcast every day, one-on-one guidance, even novices can master the code of wealth, find me to see my profile and communicate 𡝗Send insider coins Search 👉 Public/Account 👉 Encrypted Riding the Wind #METIS.智能策略库🥇🥇 #METIS实盘布局~ #METIS.24小时交易策略 #比特币大会
#metis $METIS METIS market overview:

Daily bullish confirmation, 1/2/4 hour bullish dominance. Core 46.61, callback support 45.84-45.05-44.07.

Rebound target 50.15-50.58-51.31, market volatility intensified, trading needs to be cautious, risk control positions need to be reasonable. The current market has stabilized and it is a good time to layout. The targets I have studied for a long time are about to start layout, and each is expected to have an increase of more than 30%. If you like spot trading and have more than 1000u of funds to invest, comment and deduct 1 (or click on my avatar), I will guide you for free
Follow me, live broadcast every day, one-on-one guidance, even novices can master the code of wealth, find me to see my profile and communicate 𡝗Send insider coins Search 👉 Public/Account 👉 Encrypted Riding the Wind #METIS.智能策略库🥇🥇 #METIS实盘布局~ #METIS.24小时交易策略 #比特币大会
#AKRO $AKRO AKRO trend analysis: 1-2-4 hour chart is dominated by bulls, and the daily bull-bear watershed is 0.005345. If it stands above, the upward trend will start, and the target is 0.006001-0.006150-0.006447. If it is not broken, the bears will appear, and the support will be 0.005300-0.005245-0.005160. Follow the market, wait for opportunities, and operate cautiously. The current market has stabilized and it is a good time to layout. The targets I have studied for a long time are about to start layout, and it is expected that each will have an increase of more than 30%. If you like spot trading and have more than 1000u of funds to invest, comment and deduct 1 (or click on my avatar), I will guide you for free Follow me, live broadcast every day, one-on-one guidance, even novices can master the code of wealth, find me to see my personal profile and communicate 𡝗Send insider coins Search 👉 Public/Account 👉 Encrypted Riding the Wind #AKRO.每日智能策略 #AKRO/USDT #AKRO.24小时交易策略 #比特币大会
#AKRO $AKRO AKRO trend analysis:

1-2-4 hour chart is dominated by bulls, and the daily bull-bear watershed is 0.005345. If it stands above, the upward trend will start, and the target is 0.006001-0.006150-0.006447.

If it is not broken, the bears will appear, and the support will be 0.005300-0.005245-0.005160. Follow the market, wait for opportunities, and operate cautiously. The current market has stabilized and it is a good time to layout. The targets I have studied for a long time are about to start layout, and it is expected that each will have an increase of more than 30%. If you like spot trading and have more than 1000u of funds to invest, comment and deduct 1 (or click on my avatar), I will guide you for free
Follow me, live broadcast every day, one-on-one guidance, even novices can master the code of wealth, find me to see my personal profile and communicate 𡝗Send insider coins Search 👉 Public/Account 👉 Encrypted Riding the Wind #AKRO.每日智能策略 #AKRO/USDT #AKRO.24小时交易策略 #比特币大会
#HARD $HARD HARD market analysis: 1H bearish side appears, 2H purple dot pullback, 4H firm bullish side. Today's key points: 0.0968, break through and turn strong bullish. Upward resistance: 0.1078, 0.1109, 0.1152, step by step. Lower support: 0.0935, 0.0897, 0.0869, strictly defend the position. Operation iron rule: defense first, profit later, both long and short. The current market has stabilized and it is a good time to layout. The target I have studied for a long time is about to start layout, and it is expected that each will have an increase of more than 30%. If you like spot trading and have more than 1000u of funds to invest, comment and deduct 1 (or click on my avatar), I will guide you for free Follow me, live broadcast every day, one-on-one guidance, even novices can master the code of wealth, find me to see my profile and communicate 𡝗Send insider coins Search 👉 Public/Account 👉 Encrypted Riding the Wind #HARD.智能策略库🥇🥇 #HARD.24小时交易策略 #Hard赶紧上车。 #比特币大会
#HARD $HARD HARD market analysis:
1H bearish side appears, 2H purple dot pullback, 4H firm bullish side.
Today's key points: 0.0968, break through and turn strong bullish.
Upward resistance: 0.1078, 0.1109, 0.1152, step by step.
Lower support: 0.0935, 0.0897, 0.0869, strictly defend the position.
Operation iron rule: defense first, profit later, both long and short. The current market has stabilized and it is a good time to layout. The target I have studied for a long time is about to start layout, and it is expected that each will have an increase of more than 30%. If you like spot trading and have more than 1000u of funds to invest, comment and deduct 1 (or click on my avatar), I will guide you for free
Follow me, live broadcast every day, one-on-one guidance, even novices can master the code of wealth, find me to see my profile and communicate 𡝗Send insider coins Search 👉 Public/Account 👉 Encrypted Riding the Wind #HARD.智能策略库🥇🥇 #HARD.24小时交易策略 #Hard赶紧上车。 #比特币大会
#CTXC $CTXC CTXC market analysis: 1 hour long, 2/4 hour short. Daily long and short 0.1426, up to 0.1446, 0.1465 and 0.1517, if not broken, then short. Down to 0.1336, 0.1271 and 0.1217, keep risk, break to see more. Be cautious in trading, and protect your capital first. The current market has stabilized, it is a good time to layout. The targets I have studied for a long time are about to start layout, and each is expected to have an increase of more than 30%. If you like spot trading and have more than 1000u of funds to invest, comment and deduct 1 (or click on my avatar), I will guide you for free Follow me, live broadcast every day, one-on-one guidance, even novices can master the code of wealth, find me to see my profile and communicate 𡝗Get insider coins Search 👉 Public/Account 👉 Encrypted Riding the Wind #CTXC.智能策略库🏆🏆 #CTXC.每日智能策略 #比特币大会 #美国以太坊现货ETF开始交易
#CTXC $CTXC CTXC market analysis: 1 hour long, 2/4 hour short. Daily long and short 0.1426, up to 0.1446, 0.1465 and 0.1517, if not broken, then short. Down to 0.1336, 0.1271 and 0.1217, keep risk, break to see more. Be cautious in trading, and protect your capital first. The current market has stabilized, it is a good time to layout. The targets I have studied for a long time are about to start layout, and each is expected to have an increase of more than 30%. If you like spot trading and have more than 1000u of funds to invest, comment and deduct 1 (or click on my avatar), I will guide you for free
Follow me, live broadcast every day, one-on-one guidance, even novices can master the code of wealth, find me to see my profile and communicate 𡝗Get insider coins Search 👉 Public/Account 👉 Encrypted Riding the Wind #CTXC.智能策略库🏆🏆 #CTXC.每日智能策略 #比特币大会 #美国以太坊现货ETF开始交易
#EPX $EPX EPX market analysis: 1 hour long, 2/4 hour short. The antenna is long and short at 0.0001188. If it stands firm, the long side will be obvious. Pressure 0.0001204, 0.0001217 and 0.0001232, and the profit is wide. Support 0.0001154, 0.0001131 and 0.0001100, pay attention to the callback. Contract defense, avoid frequent transactions. The current market has stabilized and it is a good time to layout. The target I have studied for a long time will start to layout, and it is expected that each will have an increase of more than 30%. If you like spot trading and have more than 1000u of funds to invest, comment and deduct 1 (or click on my avatar), I will guide you for free Follow me, live broadcast every day, one-on-one guidance, even novices can master the code of wealth, find me to see my profile and communicate 𡝗Send insider coins Search 👉 Public/Account 👉 Encrypted Riding the Wind #EPX.智能策略库🥇🥇 #EPX.每日智能策略 #EPX.24小时交易策略 #比特币大会
#EPX $EPX EPX market analysis: 1 hour long, 2/4 hour short. The antenna is long and short at 0.0001188. If it stands firm, the long side will be obvious. Pressure 0.0001204, 0.0001217 and 0.0001232, and the profit is wide. Support 0.0001154, 0.0001131 and 0.0001100, pay attention to the callback. Contract defense, avoid frequent transactions. The current market has stabilized and it is a good time to layout. The target I have studied for a long time will start to layout, and it is expected that each will have an increase of more than 30%. If you like spot trading and have more than 1000u of funds to invest, comment and deduct 1 (or click on my avatar), I will guide you for free
Follow me, live broadcast every day, one-on-one guidance, even novices can master the code of wealth, find me to see my profile and communicate 𡝗Send insider coins Search 👉 Public/Account 👉 Encrypted Riding the Wind #EPX.智能策略库🥇🥇 #EPX.每日智能策略 #EPX.24小时交易策略 #比特币大会
#NULS $NULS NULS trading strategy: 1/2 hour long, 4 hour short. Daily long and short 0.3249, looking up to 0.3273, 0.3304 and 0.3364, if not broken, then short. Support 0.3161, 0.3067 and 0.3013, if broken, then long. Spot strategy, catch the callback, step by step, harvest! The current market has stabilized and it is a good time to layout. The targets I have studied for a long time are about to start layout, and each is expected to have an increase of more than 30%. If you like spot trading and have more than 1000u of funds to invest, comment and deduct 1 (or click on my avatar), I will guide you for free Follow me, live broadcast every day, one-on-one guidance, even novices can master the code of wealth, find me to see my personal profile and communicate 𡝗Send insider coins Search 👉 Public/Account 👉 Encrypted Riding the Wind #NULS.智能策略库🥇🥇 #NULS、每日智能策略 #NULS—24小时交易策略 #比特币大会
#NULS $NULS NULS trading strategy: 1/2 hour long, 4 hour short. Daily long and short 0.3249, looking up to 0.3273, 0.3304 and 0.3364, if not broken, then short. Support 0.3161, 0.3067 and 0.3013, if broken, then long. Spot strategy, catch the callback, step by step, harvest! The current market has stabilized and it is a good time to layout. The targets I have studied for a long time are about to start layout, and each is expected to have an increase of more than 30%. If you like spot trading and have more than 1000u of funds to invest, comment and deduct 1 (or click on my avatar), I will guide you for free
Follow me, live broadcast every day, one-on-one guidance, even novices can master the code of wealth, find me to see my personal profile and communicate 𡝗Send insider coins Search 👉 Public/Account 👉 Encrypted Riding the Wind #NULS.智能策略库🥇🥇 #NULS、每日智能策略 #NULS—24小时交易策略 #比特币大会
#Pond $POND POND market interpretation: 1/2/4 hour bearish side is strong, and the downward trend is clear. The long-short boundary is 0.016940, and the upward trend is 0.017551, 0.018066 and 0.018261. If it breaks, the downward trend is 0.015976, 0.015728 and 0.015304. Bullish market, steady operation. The current market has stabilized and it is a good time to layout. The targets I have studied for a long time are about to start layout, and it is expected that each will have an increase of more than 30%. If you like spot trading and have more than 1000u of funds to invest, comment and deduct 1 (or click on my avatar), I will guide you for free Follow me, live broadcast every day, one-on-one guidance, even novices can master the code of wealth, find me to see my profile and join the exchange𡝗Send insider coinsSearch👉Public~Official/Account👉Encrypted Riding the Wind#POND #POND.每日智能策略 #POND.智能策略库🥇🥇 #比特币大会
#Pond $POND POND market interpretation: 1/2/4 hour bearish side is strong, and the downward trend is clear. The long-short boundary is 0.016940, and the upward trend is 0.017551, 0.018066 and 0.018261. If it breaks, the downward trend is 0.015976, 0.015728 and 0.015304. Bullish market, steady operation. The current market has stabilized and it is a good time to layout. The targets I have studied for a long time are about to start layout, and it is expected that each will have an increase of more than 30%. If you like spot trading and have more than 1000u of funds to invest, comment and deduct 1 (or click on my avatar), I will guide you for free
Follow me, live broadcast every day, one-on-one guidance, even novices can master the code of wealth, find me to see my profile and join the exchange𡝗Send insider coinsSearch👉Public~Official/Account👉Encrypted Riding the Wind#POND #POND.每日智能策略 #POND.智能策略库🥇🥇 #比特币大会
#GMT $GMT GMT Market analysis: 1/2/4 hour short side, watershed 0.1463. Buy if it stands above, target 0.1499, 0.1516 and 0.1533. Pullback support 0.1390, 0.1374 and 0.1339, enter if it does not break. Contract trading risk, profit with principal protection. Be cautious when entering the market. The current market has stabilized and it is a good time to layout. The targets I have studied for a long time are about to start layout, and each is expected to increase by more than 30%. If you like spot trading and have more than 1000u of funds to invest, comment and deduct 1 (or click on my avatar), I will guide you for free Follow me, live broadcast every day, one-on-one guidance, even novices can master the code of wealth, find me to see my profile and communicate 𡝗Get insider coins Search 👉 Public/Account 👉 Encrypted Riding the Wind #GMT—24小时交易策略 #GMT.智能策略库🥇🥇 #GMT、每日智能策略 #比特币大会
#GMT $GMT GMT Market analysis: 1/2/4 hour short side, watershed 0.1463. Buy if it stands above, target 0.1499, 0.1516 and 0.1533. Pullback support 0.1390, 0.1374 and 0.1339, enter if it does not break. Contract trading risk, profit with principal protection. Be cautious when entering the market. The current market has stabilized and it is a good time to layout. The targets I have studied for a long time are about to start layout, and each is expected to increase by more than 30%. If you like spot trading and have more than 1000u of funds to invest, comment and deduct 1 (or click on my avatar), I will guide you for free
Follow me, live broadcast every day, one-on-one guidance, even novices can master the code of wealth, find me to see my profile and communicate 𡝗Get insider coins Search 👉 Public/Account 👉 Encrypted Riding the Wind #GMT—24小时交易策略 #GMT.智能策略库🥇🥇 #GMT、每日智能策略 #比特币大会
#DEXE $DEXE DEXE trading strategy: 1/2 hour long, 4 hour purple callback. Daily long and short point 9.547, looking up to 9.783, 10.035 and 10.159, if not broken, then short. Support 9.349, 9.126 and 8.922, if broken, then long. Spot strategy, catch the callback, step by step, harvest! The current market has stabilized and it is a good time to layout. The target I have studied for a long time is about to start layout, and it is expected that each will have an increase of more than 30%. If you like spot trading and have more than 1000u of funds to invest, comment and deduct 1 (or click on my avatar), I will guide you for free Follow me, live broadcast every day, one-on-one guidance, even novices can master the code of wealth, find me to see my profile and communicate 𡝗Send insider coins Search 👉 Public/Account 👉 Encrypted Riding the Wind #dexe #DEXE.每日智能策略 #DEXE.智能策略库🥇🥇 #比特币大会
#DEXE $DEXE DEXE trading strategy: 1/2 hour long, 4 hour purple callback. Daily long and short point 9.547, looking up to 9.783, 10.035 and 10.159, if not broken, then short. Support 9.349, 9.126 and 8.922, if broken, then long. Spot strategy, catch the callback, step by step, harvest! The current market has stabilized and it is a good time to layout. The target I have studied for a long time is about to start layout, and it is expected that each will have an increase of more than 30%. If you like spot trading and have more than 1000u of funds to invest, comment and deduct 1 (or click on my avatar), I will guide you for free
Follow me, live broadcast every day, one-on-one guidance, even novices can master the code of wealth, find me to see my profile and communicate 𡝗Send insider coins Search 👉 Public/Account 👉 Encrypted Riding the Wind #dexe #DEXE.每日智能策略 #DEXE.智能策略库🥇🥇 #比特币大会
#TAO $TAO TAO market analysis: 1/2/4 hour short side, 4 hour watershed 328.24. Buy if it stands above, target 332.25, 337.87 and 350.11. Pullback support 301.91, 298.59 and 287.62, enter if it does not break. Contract trading risk, profit to protect the principal. Be cautious when entering the market. The current market has stabilized and it is a good time to layout. The targets I have studied for a long time are about to start layout, and each is expected to increase by more than 30%. If you like spot trading and have more than 1000u of funds to invest, comment and deduct 1 (or click on my avatar), I will guide you for free Follow me, live broadcast every day, one-on-one guidance, even novices can master the code of wealth, find me to see my profile and communicate 𡝗Get insider coins Search 👉 Public/Account 👉 Encrypted Riding the Wind #TAO是人工智能的比特币🚀 #TAO💰智能多空策略 #tao #比特币大会
#TAO $TAO TAO market analysis: 1/2/4 hour short side, 4 hour watershed 328.24. Buy if it stands above, target 332.25, 337.87 and 350.11. Pullback support 301.91, 298.59 and 287.62, enter if it does not break. Contract trading risk, profit to protect the principal. Be cautious when entering the market. The current market has stabilized and it is a good time to layout. The targets I have studied for a long time are about to start layout, and each is expected to increase by more than 30%. If you like spot trading and have more than 1000u of funds to invest, comment and deduct 1 (or click on my avatar), I will guide you for free
Follow me, live broadcast every day, one-on-one guidance, even novices can master the code of wealth, find me to see my profile and communicate 𡝗Get insider coins Search 👉 Public/Account 👉 Encrypted Riding the Wind #TAO是人工智能的比特币🚀 #TAO💰智能多空策略 #tao #比特币大会
#IO $IO IO market analysis: 1/2/4 hour short side, 4 hour watershed 2.687. Buy if it stands above, target 2.727, 2.835 and 2.917. Support callback 2.560, 2.504 and 2.459, enter if it does not break. Enter the market cautiously, contract risk, and protect the principal and profit. The current market has stabilized and it is a good time to layout. The targets I have studied for a long time are about to start layout, and each is expected to increase by more than 30%. If you like spot trading and have more than 1000u of funds to invest, comment and deduct 1 (or click on my avatar), I will guide you for free Follow me, live broadcast every day, one-on-one guidance, even novices can master the code of wealth, find me to see my profile and communicate 𡝗Send insider coins Search 👉 Public/Account 👉 Encrypted Riding the Wind #Iota币 #io项目 #io #比特币大会
#IO $IO IO market analysis: 1/2/4 hour short side, 4 hour watershed 2.687. Buy if it stands above, target 2.727, 2.835 and 2.917. Support callback 2.560, 2.504 and 2.459, enter if it does not break. Enter the market cautiously, contract risk, and protect the principal and profit.
The current market has stabilized and it is a good time to layout. The targets I have studied for a long time are about to start layout, and each is expected to increase by more than 30%. If you like spot trading and have more than 1000u of funds to invest, comment and deduct 1 (or click on my avatar), I will guide you for free
Follow me, live broadcast every day, one-on-one guidance, even novices can master the code of wealth, find me to see my profile and communicate 𡝗Send insider coins Search 👉 Public/Account 👉 Encrypted Riding the Wind #Iota币 #io项目 #io #比特币大会
#TWT $TWT TWT market analysis: 1 hour long, 2/4 hour short. Focus on 0.9900, look up to 1.0033, 1.0247 and 1.0424, break through and the rise is expected. Support 0.9598, 0.9315 and 0.9173, be cautious when placing orders, defense first, and capital preservation is king! The current market has stabilized and it is a good time to layout. The targets I have studied for a long time are about to start layout, and each is expected to increase by more than 30%. If you like spot trading and have more than 1000u of funds to invest, comment and deduct 1 (or click on my avatar), I will guide you for free Follow me, live broadcast every day, one-on-one guidance, even novices can master the code of wealth, find me to see my profile and communicate 𡝗Send insider coins Search 👉 Public/Account 👉 Encrypted Riding the Wind #TWT.24小时交易策略 #TWT.每日智能策略 #TWT.智能策略库🥇🥇 #美国以太坊现货ETF开始交易
#TWT $TWT TWT market analysis: 1 hour long, 2/4 hour short. Focus on 0.9900, look up to 1.0033, 1.0247 and 1.0424, break through and the rise is expected. Support 0.9598, 0.9315 and 0.9173, be cautious when placing orders, defense first, and capital preservation is king! The current market has stabilized and it is a good time to layout. The targets I have studied for a long time are about to start layout, and each is expected to increase by more than 30%. If you like spot trading and have more than 1000u of funds to invest, comment and deduct 1 (or click on my avatar), I will guide you for free
Follow me, live broadcast every day, one-on-one guidance, even novices can master the code of wealth, find me to see my profile and communicate 𡝗Send insider coins Search 👉 Public/Account 👉 Encrypted Riding the Wind #TWT.24小时交易策略 #TWT.每日智能策略 #TWT.智能策略库🥇🥇 #美国以太坊现货ETF开始交易
#QNT $QNT QNT market interpretation: 1/2/4 hour shorts are strong, and profitable investors can reduce their positions. Pay attention to 71.9, and look up to 72.8, 73.6 and 75.6. If it breaks through, the rise is expected. Support 69.5, 68.6 and 66.9. The spot outlook is good, open up the pattern! The current market has stabilized and it is a good time to layout. The targets I have studied for a long time are about to start layout, and each is expected to increase by more than 30%. If you like spot trading and have more than 1000u of funds to invest, comment and deduct 1 (or click on my avatar), I will guide you for free Follow me, live broadcast every day, one-on-one guidance, even novices can master the code of wealth, find me to see my personal profile and join the exchange𡝗Send insider coinsSearch👉Public~Official/Account👉Encrypted Riding the Wind#QNTUSDT #QNT.智能策略库🥇🥇 #QNT.每日智能策略 #比特币大会
#QNT $QNT QNT market interpretation: 1/2/4 hour shorts are strong, and profitable investors can reduce their positions. Pay attention to 71.9, and look up to 72.8, 73.6 and 75.6. If it breaks through, the rise is expected. Support 69.5, 68.6 and 66.9. The spot outlook is good, open up the pattern! The current market has stabilized and it is a good time to layout. The targets I have studied for a long time are about to start layout, and each is expected to increase by more than 30%. If you like spot trading and have more than 1000u of funds to invest, comment and deduct 1 (or click on my avatar), I will guide you for free
Follow me, live broadcast every day, one-on-one guidance, even novices can master the code of wealth, find me to see my personal profile and join the exchange𡝗Send insider coinsSearch👉Public~Official/Account👉Encrypted Riding the Wind#QNTUSDT #QNT.智能策略库🥇🥇 #QNT.每日智能策略 #比特币大会
#XRP $XRP XRP market analysis: 1 hour callback, 2/4 hours short side. Focus on 0.6102, long pressure 0.6177, 0.6252 and 0.6385. If there is no long-short advantage, short strategy, support 0.5974, 0.5846 and 0.5713. Contract trading defense first to ensure long-term profit. The current market has stabilized and it is a good time to layout. The target I have studied for a long time is about to start layout, and it is expected that each will have an increase of more than 30%. If you like spot trading and have more than 1000u of funds to invest, comment and deduct 1 (or click on my avatar), I will guide you for free Follow me, live broadcast every day, one-on-one guidance, even novices can master the code of wealth, find me to see my profile and communicate 𡝗Send insider coins Search 👉 Public/Account 👉 Encrypted Riding the Wind #XRPS空投 #xrp新纪元 #xrp很快进去爆发期 #比特币大会
#XRP $XRP XRP market analysis: 1 hour callback, 2/4 hours short side. Focus on 0.6102, long pressure 0.6177, 0.6252 and 0.6385. If there is no long-short advantage, short strategy, support 0.5974, 0.5846 and 0.5713. Contract trading defense first to ensure long-term profit. The current market has stabilized and it is a good time to layout. The target I have studied for a long time is about to start layout, and it is expected that each will have an increase of more than 30%. If you like spot trading and have more than 1000u of funds to invest, comment and deduct 1 (or click on my avatar), I will guide you for free
Follow me, live broadcast every day, one-on-one guidance, even novices can master the code of wealth, find me to see my profile and communicate 𡝗Send insider coins Search 👉 Public/Account 👉 Encrypted Riding the Wind #XRPS空投 #xrp新纪元 #xrp很快进去爆发期 #比特币大会
#people $PEOPLE PEOPLE Market analysis: 1 hour rebound, 2/4 hour short side. The key to the daily long and short price is 0.07829, looking up to 0.07960, 0.08115 and 0.08344, if it does not break, the short will continue. Support 0.07644, 0.07432 and 0.07317, keep the risk, break up and go long. Trade steadily and avoid frequent transactions. The current market has stabilized and it is a good time to layout. The targets I have studied for a long time are about to start layout, and each is expected to have an increase of more than 30%. If you like spot trading and have more than 1000u of funds to invest, comment and deduct 1 (or click on my avatar), I will guide you for free Follow me, live broadcast every day, one-on-one guidance, even novices can master the code of wealth, find me to see my profile and join the discussion𡝗Send insider coins search👉Public~Official/Account (Crypto Riding the Wind) #people🔥🔥 #PEOPLE.智能策略库 #people创新高 #比特币大会
#people $PEOPLE PEOPLE Market analysis: 1 hour rebound, 2/4 hour short side. The key to the daily long and short price is 0.07829, looking up to 0.07960, 0.08115 and 0.08344, if it does not break, the short will continue. Support 0.07644, 0.07432 and 0.07317, keep the risk, break up and go long. Trade steadily and avoid frequent transactions. The current market has stabilized and it is a good time to layout. The targets I have studied for a long time are about to start layout, and each is expected to have an increase of more than 30%. If you like spot trading and have more than 1000u of funds to invest, comment and deduct 1 (or click on my avatar), I will guide you for free
Follow me, live broadcast every day, one-on-one guidance, even novices can master the code of wealth, find me to see my profile and join the discussion𡝗Send insider coins search👉Public~Official/Account (Crypto Riding the Wind) #people🔥🔥 #PEOPLE.智能策略库 #people创新高 #比特币大会
#JST $JST JST trend analysis: 1-2-4 hours long side, the daily long and short point 0.02866 is the key. If it stands above, it will rise, and the targets are 0.02907, 0.02923 and 0.02949. If it does not break, it will go short, and the support is 0.02858, 0.02847 and 0.02832. Pay close attention to market dynamics, grasp the trading opportunity, and operate cautiously. The current market has stabilized and it is a good time to layout. The targets I have studied for a long time are about to start layout, and it is expected that each will have an increase of more than 30%. If you like spot trading and have more than 1000u of funds to invest, leave a message in the comment area 888 (or click on my avatar), and I will take you there for free Follow me, live broadcast every day, one-on-one guidance, even novices can master the code of wealth, look for my personal profile, follow up on the analysis of the copycat positions, send insider coins, search, public number: Encrypted Riding the Wind #JST.智能策略库🥇🥇 #JST.每日智能策略 #JST.24小时交易策略 #比特币大会
#JST $JST JST trend analysis: 1-2-4 hours long side, the daily long and short point 0.02866 is the key. If it stands above, it will rise, and the targets are 0.02907, 0.02923 and 0.02949. If it does not break, it will go short, and the support is 0.02858, 0.02847 and 0.02832. Pay close attention to market dynamics, grasp the trading opportunity, and operate cautiously. The current market has stabilized and it is a good time to layout. The targets I have studied for a long time are about to start layout, and it is expected that each will have an increase of more than 30%. If you like spot trading and have more than 1000u of funds to invest, leave a message in the comment area 888 (or click on my avatar), and I will take you there for free
Follow me, live broadcast every day, one-on-one guidance, even novices can master the code of wealth, look for my personal profile, follow up on the analysis of the copycat positions, send insider coins, search, public number: Encrypted Riding the Wind #JST.智能策略库🥇🥇 #JST.每日智能策略 #JST.24小时交易策略 #比特币大会
#ZEN $ZEN ZEN market analysis: 1/4 hour long, 2 hours rebound. The key to the daily long and short price is 11.47, looking up to 12.12, 12.37 and 12.86, if not broken, the short will continue. Support 11.34, 11.12 and 10.81, keep risk, break up and long. Be cautious in trading, and protect your capital first. The current market has stabilized and it is a good time to layout. The targets I have studied for a long time are about to start layout, and each is expected to have an increase of more than 30%. If you like spot trading and have more than 1000u of funds to invest, leave a message in the comment area 888 (or click on my avatar), and I will take you there for free Follow me, live broadcast every day, one-on-one guidance, even novices can master the code of wealth, look for my personal profile, follow up and communicate if you need to analyze the copycat positions𡝗Free insider coins search👉Public/account: Encrypted Riding the Wind#ZEN.智能策略库 #ZEN.每日智能策略 #ZEN.24小时交易策略 #比特币大会
#ZEN $ZEN ZEN market analysis: 1/4 hour long, 2 hours rebound. The key to the daily long and short price is 11.47, looking up to 12.12, 12.37 and 12.86, if not broken, the short will continue. Support 11.34, 11.12 and 10.81, keep risk, break up and long. Be cautious in trading, and protect your capital first. The current market has stabilized and it is a good time to layout. The targets I have studied for a long time are about to start layout, and each is expected to have an increase of more than 30%. If you like spot trading and have more than 1000u of funds to invest, leave a message in the comment area 888 (or click on my avatar), and I will take you there for free
Follow me, live broadcast every day, one-on-one guidance, even novices can master the code of wealth, look for my personal profile, follow up and communicate if you need to analyze the copycat positions𡝗Free insider coins search👉Public/account: Encrypted Riding the Wind#ZEN.智能策略库 #ZEN.每日智能策略 #ZEN.24小时交易策略 #比特币大会
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