Binance Square
4 years into amateur trading on daily basis.
#BTC #Jasmyusdt⚠️⚠️ ほら、ビットコインは52000ドルくらいまで下がるはずだから、それが同期するようにして、そのレベルであなたが興味を持っているコインを何でも買って、5~6か月間ポートフォリオを見ないで、私はジャスミーに全力を注ぐよ...向こう側で会おう。 それまで
#BTC #Jasmyusdt⚠️⚠️ ほら、ビットコインは52000ドルくらいまで下がるはずだから、それが同期するようにして、そのレベルであなたが興味を持っているコインを何でも買って、5~6か月間ポートフォリオを見ないで、私はジャスミーに全力を注ぐよ...向こう側で会おう。

$NUGX トークン エアドロップは 4 月 26 日に開始されます NUGGETRUSH が発表しました: 次の重要な段階に向けて準備を進めるにつれ、冒険はさらに激しさを増します。$NUGX トークンのエアドロップは 4 月 26 日に正式に開始され、ホワイトペーパーに記載されている権利確定スケジュールに従って毎週行われます。この極めて重要な瞬間に、皆さんのサポートと信頼が実を結び、プレイして稼ぐゲームに革命を起こし、世界中の職人的な採掘者の生活に目に見える変化をもたらすことに一歩近づきます。 地平線に目を向けて: エキサイティングな展開が待っている 今日の成果を祝う一方で、将来は希望に満ちています。今後数週間で、Nugget Rush の将来を形作るエキサイティングなニュースや開発を発表する予定です。未知の領域や新たな冒険への道筋を示す発表にご注目ください。

$NUGX トークン エアドロップは 4 月 26 日に開始されます


次の重要な段階に向けて準備を進めるにつれ、冒険はさらに激しさを増します。$NUGX トークンのエアドロップは 4 月 26 日に正式に開始され、ホワイトペーパーに記載されている権利確定スケジュールに従って毎週行われます。この極めて重要な瞬間に、皆さんのサポートと信頼が実を結び、プレイして稼ぐゲームに革命を起こし、世界中の職人的な採掘者の生活に目に見える変化をもたらすことに一歩近づきます。

地平線に目を向けて: エキサイティングな展開が待っている

今日の成果を祝う一方で、将来は希望に満ちています。今後数週間で、Nugget Rush の将来を形作るエキサイティングなニュースや開発を発表する予定です。未知の領域や新たな冒険への道筋を示す発表にご注目ください。
#Jasmyusdt⚠️⚠️ #XRP/USDT🔥🔥: #SHIB #BTC #DOGE ジャスミーは上場廃止になるだろうと常々私に信じ込ませている「暗号マスター」の皆さん、あなたがどれだけ厳しい主張をするのか見せて、あなたが所有するジャスミーをすべて私に密告してください。私は喜んで彼らを手に入れます!何...それはとにかく運命ですよね? .....右?
#Jasmyusdt⚠️⚠️ #XRP/USDT🔥🔥: #SHIB #BTC #DOGE

ジャスミーは上場廃止になるだろうと常々私に信じ込ませている「暗号マスター」の皆さん、あなたがどれだけ厳しい主張をするのか見せて、あなたが所有するジャスミーをすべて私に密告してください。私は喜んで彼らを手に入れます!何...それはとにかく運命ですよね? .....右?
$JASMY が PANASONIC と提携しました!!!!! #Jasmyusdt⚠️⚠️ #xrp #BNBChain #Write2Earn‬ Jasmy を真剣に保有している人なら誰でも、Jasmy コインは「長期」投資だと私に同意するでしょう。日々の価格の急騰と下落は、あまり意味がありません。 しかし、オンラインで見つけた良いニュースがあります: JASMY CFO の HARA が、IoT (モノのインターネット) の世界を変革する画期的な提携を発表しました。Jasmy Corporation は、IoT ソリューションに革命をもたらすために、Panasonic Advanced Technology と提携しています。これが重要な理由: イノベーション: これは単なる提携ではありません。 Jasmy と Panasonic は協力して、他に類を見ない IoT プラットフォームを作成しています。このプラットフォームの中心には、2 つの重要な機能があります: 個人データ ロッカー: データが安全であるだけでなく、真にあなたのものであることを保証します。完全なコントロールが可能になります。分散型データベース: デバイス情報を個人と直接安全に関連付ける最先端のシステム。 Jasmy 保有者にとってのメリットは? 検証と信頼: テクノロジー分野の巨人であるパナソニックとのコラボレーションは、Jasmy のテクノロジーの強みと可能性を強調しています。これは、Jasmy の革新性と市場に効果的に浸透する能力に対する重要な認識です。 価値の向上: 投資家であるあなたにとって、これはより強力で革新的な Jasmy プラットフォームを意味し、より多くの注目を集め、Jasmy コインの価値を高める可能性があります。今後 3 ~ 6 か月間、Jasmy はパナソニック アドバンスト テクノロジーと緊密に連携してこの革新的な IoT プラットフォームを発表しますので、ご期待ください。これは、これまでにないほどデジタル データを保護およびパーソナライズするための旅の始まりにすぎません。 $Jasmy
$JASMY が PANASONIC と提携しました!!!!!

#Jasmyusdt⚠️⚠️ #xrp #BNBChain #Write2Earn‬

Jasmy を真剣に保有している人なら誰でも、Jasmy コインは「長期」投資だと私に同意するでしょう。日々の価格の急騰と下落は、あまり意味がありません。


JASMY CFO の HARA が、IoT (モノのインターネット) の世界を変革する画期的な提携を発表しました。Jasmy Corporation は、IoT ソリューションに革命をもたらすために、Panasonic Advanced Technology と提携しています。これが重要な理由: イノベーション: これは単なる提携ではありません。

Jasmy と Panasonic は協力して、他に類を見ない IoT プラットフォームを作成しています。このプラットフォームの中心には、2 つの重要な機能があります: 個人データ ロッカー: データが安全であるだけでなく、真にあなたのものであることを保証します。完全なコントロールが可能になります。分散型データベース: デバイス情報を個人と直接安全に関連付ける最先端のシステム。

Jasmy 保有者にとってのメリットは? 検証と信頼: テクノロジー分野の巨人であるパナソニックとのコラボレーションは、Jasmy のテクノロジーの強みと可能性を強調しています。これは、Jasmy の革新性と市場に効果的に浸透する能力に対する重要な認識です。

価値の向上: 投資家であるあなたにとって、これはより強力で革新的な Jasmy プラットフォームを意味し、より多くの注目を集め、Jasmy コインの価値を高める可能性があります。今後 3 ~ 6 か月間、Jasmy はパナソニック アドバンスト テクノロジーと緊密に連携してこの革新的な IoT プラットフォームを発表しますので、ご期待ください。これは、これまでにないほどデジタル データを保護およびパーソナライズするための旅の始まりにすぎません。

1 投票 • 投票は終了しました
今ビジネスの話をしていた$JASMY $IOST #ホットトレンド 見逃した場合や、Jasmy または IOST ホルダーの場合に備えて。 そこで、バイナンスは次のニュースを発表しました。 2023年8月の設立から6か月が経ち、世界的な課題に直面しているにもかかわらず、バイナンス・ジャパンは仮想通貨市場での地位を固めつつある。仮想通貨取引所は、海外アカウントユーザーを国内プラットフォームに移行し、三菱UFJ信託銀行株式会社と協力してステーブルコインを設立し、ポートフォリオを拡大することでサービスを開始しました。


$JASMY $IOST #ホットトレンド
見逃した場合や、Jasmy または IOST ホルダーの場合に備えて。
#HotTrends #Jasmyusdt⚠️⚠️ #JASMY/USDT #IOST #Write2Earn‬ 見逃した場合や、Jasmy または IOST ホルダーの場合に備えて。 そこで、バイナンスは次のニュースを発表しました。 2023年8月の設立から6か月が経ち、世界的な課題に直面しているにもかかわらず、バイナンス・ジャパンは仮想通貨市場での地位を固めつつある。仮想通貨取引所は、海外アカウントユーザーを国内プラットフォームに移行し、三菱UFJ信託銀行株式会社と協力してステーブルコインを設立し、ポートフォリオを拡大することでサービスを開始しました。 米国当局に43億ドルの和解金を支払い、その後創業者兼最高経営責任者(CEO)の趙昌鵬氏が辞任したにもかかわらず、バイナンス・ジャパンはこうした障害になんとか耐えてきた。さらに、同社は3月12日に「日本円建てオーダーブック」を導入し、関心と問い合わせを高めた。 最近のインタビューで、最高経営責任者(CEO)の茅野武志氏は、バイナンス・ジャパンが単なる仮想通貨取引所を超えて「ブロックチェーンを中心としたエコシステムの拡大」を目指していると明言した。当初は100銘柄の取り扱いを目標としていたが、現在は50銘柄の取り扱いがあり、国内トップクラスの地位を確固たるものとしている。 チノ氏は、2024年初頭以降の市場業績の好調と新規ユーザーの流入増加に乗り遅れた。チノ氏は、最近導入された「日本円建て注文取引」について論じ、ビットコインが1000万円を突破したことの象徴的な意味を強調した。 さらに茅野氏は、日本を拠点とする資産の世界的な取引を容易にするバイナンス・ジャパンが、今年下半期から新規取引所公開(IEO)のサポートを開始する予定であることを明らかにした。同氏は、仮想通貨決済セクターと国境を越えた取引の可能性を拡大することへの熱意を表明した。バイナンスジャパンはステーブルコインプロジェクトを推進し、従来の金融とのさらなる統合を計画している。 これは Jasmy と IOST にとって大きな発表です。 2+2 ができれば...次に何が起こるかわかります:) 楽しむ
#HotTrends #Jasmyusdt⚠️⚠️ #JASMY/USDT #IOST #Write2Earn‬

見逃した場合や、Jasmy または IOST ホルダーの場合に備えて。







これは Jasmy と IOST にとって大きな発表です。 2+2 ができれば...次に何が起こるかわかります:)

#HotTrends #Write2Earn‬ #IOST Pst...じっとしていて....$IOST について黙って、もう少しだけ目立たないようにしてください。誰も知る必要はありません!
#HotTrends #Write2Earn‬ #IOST Pst...じっとしていて....$IOST について黙って、もう少しだけ目立たないようにしてください。誰も知る必要はありません!
$FLOKI There was a Viking, a Billionaire and a Dog! All in one! Nice one Floki Team - I like it. This is the real time photo of the Floki billboard in the middle of times square. What do you guys think? I think its just insane:))) Enjoy it and stay rich! #HotTrends #FlokiTeam #BTC.😉. #Write2Earn‬
$FLOKI There was a Viking, a Billionaire and a Dog! All in one! Nice one Floki Team - I like it. This is the real time photo of the Floki billboard in the middle of times square. What do you guys think? I think its just insane:))) Enjoy it and stay rich!
#HotTrends #FlokiTeam #BTC.😉. #Write2Earn‬
Google Play Points are useless! I got a bunch of Google Play Points laying on my account and collecting dust just like many of you do im sure. I tried bringing it up directly with Binance but got no response so I wonder what do other users think. Would you like to be able to trade in your Google Play Points for $BNB ? Follow, Like and Share to easier get the word out. Thank you. #HotTrends #Write2Earn‬ #BNB‬ #BTC.😉. #ETH✅
Google Play Points are useless!

I got a bunch of Google Play Points laying on my account and collecting dust just like many of you do im sure. I tried bringing it up directly with Binance but got no response so I wonder what do other users think.

Would you like to be able to trade in your Google Play Points for $BNB ? Follow, Like and Share to easier get the word out. Thank you.

#HotTrends #Write2Earn‬ #BNB‬ #BTC.😉. #ETH✅
4 投票 • 投票は終了しました
#HotTrends #TrendingTopic #JASMY/USDT #BTC.😉. #Write2Earn‬ Why so serious?? You a firsttimer on halving bull run? Take a chill pill, stop panicking, go get some popcorn, maybe sphank the monkey... lay back and watch the show. And dont come back here to check on prices or my posts again - before same time tomorrow ! And if do so for the next 30ish days - not only that youll be fine but you ll also save money! Buh-byyyye! Now go offline! Now!
#HotTrends #TrendingTopic #JASMY/USDT #BTC.😉. #Write2Earn‬

Why so serious??

You a firsttimer on halving bull run? Take a chill pill, stop panicking, go get some popcorn, maybe sphank the monkey... lay back and watch the show. And dont come back here to check on prices or my posts again - before same time tomorrow ! And if do so for the next 30ish days - not only that youll be fine but you ll also save money! Buh-byyyye! Now go offline! Now!
フロキ爆発 24 時間左#HotTrends #Write2Earn‬ 明日、今度は 24 時間以内に、フローキが太陽を遮り、ニューヨーク タイムズ スクエアを照らします。そんなときはベンチに座りたくないですよね。たとえ最初の波が人々が思っているほど多くの利益をもたらさず、人々が考えるほど巨大にならなかったとしても、明日からは地球上で Floki と毎日更新されるそのユーティリティのことを知らない人は一人もいないでしょう。 $FLOKI $BTC $JASMY

フロキ爆発 24 時間左

#HotTrends #Write2Earn‬
明日、今度は 24 時間以内に、フローキが太陽を遮り、ニューヨーク タイムズ スクエアを照らします。そんなときはベンチに座りたくないですよね。たとえ最初の波が人々が思っているほど多くの利益をもたらさず、人々が考えるほど巨大にならなかったとしても、明日からは地球上で Floki と毎日更新されるそのユーティリティのことを知らない人は一人もいないでしょう。

#Write2Earn‬ #HotTrends #TrendingTopic #JASMY/USDT $JASMY ジャスミーについてはこちら 少なくとも基礎的な数学を終えずに一夜にして暗号通貨のインフルエンサーになれることを望んでいる経験の浅いトレーダーだけが、詐欺などの言葉を使ってジャスミーについての嘘を書いています。市場での経験が十分に長く、高度な数学について少しできる人であれば、優れた投資先を区別して認識できるでしょう。 苦労している人や暗号通貨の世界に慣れていない人へのアドバイスです。皆さんの多くが、一夜にして幸運で金持ちになりたいという初心者の気持ちを抱いていることを私は知っています。コインに賛同し、画面に座って何時間も、何分もローソクの様子を観察しないでください。そうすれば愚かな決断をしてお金を失うだけです。あらゆる指標から利益をもたらすものを見つけて、むしろ考えてください このように: 「わかりました。投資しました。このコインは数か月または数年以内に大きな利益が得られるでしょう。今後 20 年間、8 時から 17 時まで働くよりも、それを待ったほうがはるかに良いです!」 そして、私たちのためにも、詳細な分析を行ったことのないコインについてはもちろんのこと、ほとんどロゴが分からないコインについても書かないでください。 「ハリウッドっぽい」という理由だけで、他人の意見をコピーして自分の意見に貼り付けるような羊になってはいけない。 忍耐は美徳!そして、私の正直な意見として、あなたも覚えているでしょうが、私はファイナンシャルアドバイザーではありませんが、私の言葉を支持するのに十分長い間活動してきました。ジャスミーは、電車が上がるときに乗りたい電車の1つです。 常に自分で調査し、自分で結論を出し、行動を起こしてください。 お時間をいただきありがとうございました デイヴン・アウト
#Write2Earn‬ #HotTrends #TrendingTopic #JASMY/USDT $JASMY




このように: 「わかりました。投資しました。このコインは数か月または数年以内に大きな利益が得られるでしょう。今後 20 年間、8 時から 17 時まで働くよりも、それを待ったほうがはるかに良いです!」

そして、私たちのためにも、詳細な分析を行ったことのないコインについてはもちろんのこと、ほとんどロゴが分からないコインについても書かないでください。 「ハリウッドっぽい」という理由だけで、他人の意見をコピーして自分の意見に貼り付けるような羊になってはいけない。




#TrendingTopic #googleai #GooglePlayPoints #BTC.😉. #usdtgiveaway Google Play Points - is a digital currency one can (as of now) use solely through owned google account to purchase diversity of google products, usually games related. It looks like this image below and you've all seen it and owned it before. I for one, got many of those,(i know that you do too) I dont wish to purchase no virtual useless stuff and i dont want them to collect dust in my google account any longer. I wish to convert it to crypto! Dont you think it would be about time Binance as a pioneer - offered this function as a swap or simple conversion to BNB or whatever?? Anyone agree? Should we let Binance hear our needs? Please share and let me know what you think in the comments section below, the more comments - the more attention from Binance.
#TrendingTopic #googleai #GooglePlayPoints #BTC.😉. #usdtgiveaway

Google Play Points - is a digital currency one can (as of now) use solely through owned google account to purchase diversity of google products, usually games related. It looks like this image below and you've all seen it and owned it before.

I for one, got many of those,(i know that you do too) I dont wish to purchase no virtual useless stuff and i dont want them to collect dust in my google account any longer. I wish to convert it to crypto!

Dont you think it would be about time Binance as a pioneer - offered this function as a swap or simple conversion to BNB or whatever??

Anyone agree? Should we let Binance hear our needs?

Please share and let me know what you think in the comments section below, the more comments - the more attention from Binance.
Google Play Points on Binance? Google Play Points - is a digital currency one can (as of now) use solely through owned google account to purchase diversity of google products, usually games related. It looks like this and you've all seen it and owned it before: I for one, got many of those,(i know that you do too) I dont wish to purchase no virtual useless stuff and i dont want them to collect dust in my google account any longer. I wish to convert it to crypto! Dont you think it would be about efing time Binance as a pioneer - offered this function as a swap or simple conversion to BNB or whatever?? Anyone agree? Should we let Binance hear our needs? Please share and let me know what you think in the comments section below, the more comments - the more attention from Binance. #Jasmyusdt⚠️⚠️ #TrendingTopic #FLOKİ #BTC.😉. #BNB‬ $BNB Thanks

Google Play Points on Binance?

Google Play Points - is a digital currency one can (as of now) use solely through owned google account to purchase diversity of google products, usually games related. It looks like this and you've all seen it and owned it before:

I for one, got many of those,(i know that you do too) I dont wish to purchase no virtual useless stuff and i dont want them to collect dust in my google account any longer. I wish to convert it to crypto!
Dont you think it would be about efing time Binance as a pioneer - offered this function as a swap or simple conversion to BNB or whatever??
Anyone agree? Should we let Binance hear our needs?
Please share and let me know what you think in the comments section below, the more comments - the more attention from Binance.
$Jasmy / $Floki - You can make the difference!#Write2Earn‬ Morning to all of my followers and everyone else. This is the deal... Im not a financial advisor and my meaning is as always only my meaning, you can hear me out at least. The word has got to be spread and the time is running out. YOU CAN MAKE BIG BIG DIFFERENCE! 1. Long (year tops if not months or weeks) $JASMY Consider telling everyone you want to be well and wealthy about Jasmy coin. Make them do the research and decide for them selves. Here in Norway, me and couple of friends started a private campaign so to say a few weeks ago. (The only time we did this before was when $BTC was on only 6$ range.) We immediately started hearing from friends and families investing heavily in Jasmy on daily basis while its still low. Norwegians like money and only thing they like more - is more money. If you do the same, the impact will be stronger and the time to the price increase towards high heavens will be much shorter. Do tell people around you, spread it on social media, do what you can and dont just sit around waiting for things to happen! Mathematical and non-mathematical indicators are all showing a go-go-go! I keep repeating and you need to UNDERSTAND that It s no longer IF but WHEN ! 2. Short/long (days) $FLOKI Floki has been a champ on 4 different occasions in the past month only. It is the only meme coin which has and keeps adding utilities to it. Other meme coins are just based on hypes. Its soon going to loose the status of meme coin, mark my words. Go see the projects behind it, heavy investment deals theyre making on daily basis with different purposes. Have you heard that the team behind Floki, yesterday bought in on screen in the middle of Times Square New York ? Thats right, next to Nasdaq one! From 15. of march (only 6 days from now) it will be visible to the whole world! Because many world news papers and TV channels will want to report about it, not to mention all the selfies of bystanders. Think about it, no other meme coin has that power because there s no utility behind them. Congrats to Floki Team! Thank you for your time

$Jasmy / $Floki - You can make the difference!

Morning to all of my followers and everyone else. This is the deal...
Im not a financial advisor and my meaning is as always only my meaning, you can hear me out at least. The word has got to be spread and the time is running out.
1. Long (year tops if not months or weeks)
Consider telling everyone you want to be well and wealthy about Jasmy coin. Make them do the research and decide for them selves. Here in Norway, me and couple of friends started a private campaign so to say a few weeks ago. (The only time we did this before was when $BTC was on only 6$ range.) We immediately started hearing from friends and families investing heavily in Jasmy on daily basis while its still low. Norwegians like money and only thing they like more - is more money.
If you do the same, the impact will be stronger and the time to the price increase towards high heavens will be much shorter. Do tell people around you, spread it on social media, do what you can and dont just sit around waiting for things to happen!
Mathematical and non-mathematical indicators are all showing a go-go-go! I keep repeating and you need to UNDERSTAND that It s no longer IF but WHEN !
2. Short/long (days)
Floki has been a champ on 4 different occasions in the past month only. It is the only meme coin which has and keeps adding utilities to it. Other meme coins are just based on hypes. Its soon going to loose the status of meme coin, mark my words. Go see the projects behind it, heavy investment deals theyre making on daily basis with different purposes.
Have you heard that the team behind Floki, yesterday bought in on screen in the middle of Times Square New York ? Thats right, next to Nasdaq one! From 15. of march (only 6 days from now) it will be visible to the whole world! Because many world news papers and TV channels will want to report about it, not to mention all the selfies of bystanders. Think about it, no other meme coin has that power because there s no utility behind them. Congrats to Floki Team!
Thank you for your time
#Write2Earn‬ #TrendingTopic #JASMY/USDT #Jasmyusdt⚠️⚠️ #FLOKİ Morning to all of my followers and everyone else. This is the deal... Im not a financial advisor and my meaning is as always only my meaning, you can hear me out at least. The word has got to be spread and the time is running out. YOU CAN MAKE BIG BIG DIFFERENCE! 1. Long (year tops if not months or weeks) $JASMY Consider telling everyone you want to be well and wealthy about Jasmy coin. Make them do the research and decide for them selves. Here in Norway, me and couple of friends started a private campaign so to say a few weeks ago. (The only time we did this before was when $BTC was on only 6$ range.) We immediately started hearing from friends and families investing heavily in Jasmy on daily basis while its still low. Norwegians like money and only thing they like more - is more money. If you do the same, the impact will be stronger and the time to the price increase towards high heavens will be much shorter. Do tell people around you, spread it on social media, do what you can and dont just sit around waiting for things to happen! Mathematical and non-mathematical indicators are all showing a go-go-go! I keep repeating and you need to UNDERSTAND that It s no longer IF but WHEN ! 2. Short/long (days) $FLOKI Floki has been a champ on 4 different occasions in the past month only. It is the only meme coin which has and keeps adding utilities to it. Other meme coins are just based on hypes. It soon going to loose the status of meme coin, mark my words. Go see the projects behind it, heavy investment deals theyre making on daily basis with different purposes. Have you heard that team behind Floki bought in on screen in the middle of Times Square New York ? Thats right ! From 15. of march (only 6 days from now) it will be visible to the whole world! Because many world news papers and TV channels will want to report about it. Think about it, no other meme coin has that power because there s no utility behind it. Congrats to Floki Team! Thank you for your time
#Write2Earn‬ #TrendingTopic #JASMY/USDT #Jasmyusdt⚠️⚠️ #FLOKİ

Morning to all of my followers and everyone else. This is the deal...

Im not a financial advisor and my meaning is as always only my meaning, you can hear me out at least. The word has got to be spread and the time is running out.


1. Long (year tops if not months or weeks)


Consider telling everyone you want to be well and wealthy about Jasmy coin. Make them do the research and decide for them selves. Here in Norway, me and couple of friends started a private campaign so to say a few weeks ago. (The only time we did this before was when $BTC was on only 6$ range.) We immediately started hearing from friends and families investing heavily in Jasmy on daily basis while its still low. Norwegians like money and only thing they like more - is more money.

If you do the same, the impact will be stronger and the time to the price increase towards high heavens will be much shorter. Do tell people around you, spread it on social media, do what you can and dont just sit around waiting for things to happen!

Mathematical and non-mathematical indicators are all showing a go-go-go! I keep repeating and you need to UNDERSTAND that It s no longer IF but WHEN !

2. Short/long (days)


Floki has been a champ on 4 different occasions in the past month only. It is the only meme coin which has and keeps adding utilities to it. Other meme coins are just based on hypes. It soon going to loose the status of meme coin, mark my words. Go see the projects behind it, heavy investment deals theyre making on daily basis with different purposes.

Have you heard that team behind Floki bought in on screen in the middle of Times Square New York ? Thats right ! From 15. of march (only 6 days from now) it will be visible to the whole world! Because many world news papers and TV channels will want to report about it. Think about it, no other meme coin has that power because there s no utility behind it. Congrats to Floki Team!

Thank you for your time
#Write2Earn‬ #TrendingTopic #JASMY/USDT #FLOKİ Ok, this is just efing insane.... Floki team just announced they've bought in to billboard right next to Nasdaq in the middle of Times Square New York for three months starting 15. of March....dont know about you, but i wanna be on this train way before the 15. of March...I sense its gonna hype sky-high so im putting off my pepe position on standby. Always do your own research, use SL especially with memecoins and stay wise!
#Write2Earn‬ #TrendingTopic #JASMY/USDT #FLOKİ

Ok, this is just efing insane....

Floki team just announced they've bought in to billboard right next to Nasdaq in the middle of Times Square New York for three months starting 15. of March....dont know about you, but i wanna be on this train way before the 15. of March...I sense its gonna hype sky-high so im putting off my pepe position on standby.

Always do your own research, use SL especially with memecoins and stay wise!
What is Jasmy? Are you serious?#Write2Earn‬ #BTC #JASMY/USDT #TrendingTopic What is Jasmy (JASMY) Coin?Jasmy coin is the native cryptocurrency that enables all the activities inside the Jasmy ecosystem. The project aims to create a world where users own their data without compromising privacy and security. To realize this aim, Jasmy project has been working on building a decentralized and democratic world for the past couple of years.JASMY or Jasmy coin is an ERC-20 based token, developed and launched on the Ethereum blockchain. The primary reason behind building the Jasmy project on Ethereum is to leverage its processing power, advanced dApp capability, and its security.The utility of Jasmy coin in its ecosystem is not limited to a few activities. As the project evolves, JASMY finds new use cases and helps users access platform’s services. The Jasmy coin was launched in open markets in 2021 and has a total supply of 50 billion JASMY coins.Even though its initial price was more than $1, the coin price dropped significantly by the end of 2021. However, Jasmy coin price started to skyrocket in 2024, with an increased interest from Japanese venture capital investors.How Does Jasmy Work?Internet of Things (IoT) connects a wide variety of electronic devices, ranging from mobile phones, PCs, and others to exchange data. Additionally, different types of physical objecsts are embedded with sensors, software devices like chips for the purpose of gathering and exchanging information.In times where the world is called “the century of data”, and with developments like IoT, metaverse, and Web3, there is a high probability of data leakage and misuse. The Jasmy project looks far ahead into the future and is working relentlessly to ensure data security.The Jasmy project offers a secure Internet of Things (IoT) platform for users to provide the best-possible data security while exchanging information. It even assists businesses and project developers in managing their IoT data despite having a centralized management system. It even provides the required equipment like communication modules and wearable devices for users.Why is Jasmy Coin (JASMY) Called Japan’s Bitcoin?The Jasmy platform was developed and launched by Japanese founders, Kunitake Ando, Kazumasa Sato, Masanobu Yoshida, and Hiroshi Harada. All of them worked under prominent roles at prestigious organizations like SONY and KPMG. Additionally, Jasmy coin was also first launched on Japanese exchange BITPoint Japan.Having an origin in Japan with most of its development rooted in the country, the team claims their Jasmy coin project as “Japan’s Bitcoin”. As we mentioned earlier, the project is receiving significant investments from Japanese venture capitalists, boosting the token’s price.Moreover, the fact that the host of a YouTube video discussion, that happened among several investors, stating “Jasmy is the biggest crypto developed in Japan” is noteworthy.ConclusionJasmy coin is the emerging crypto project that is focusing on offering data democracy, data security, and data sovereignty to users. It keeps the rapid development of technologies in mind such as Internet of Things and metaverse and their potential impact on data exchange and storage. By working towards the intersection of blockchain and IoT, Jasmy coin holds the potential to bring a new area in the tech world.

What is Jasmy? Are you serious?

#Write2Earn‬ #BTC #JASMY/USDT #TrendingTopic What is Jasmy (JASMY) Coin?Jasmy coin is the native cryptocurrency that enables all the activities inside the Jasmy ecosystem. The project aims to create a world where users own their data without compromising privacy and security. To realize this aim, Jasmy project has been working on building a decentralized and democratic world for the past couple of years.JASMY or Jasmy coin is an ERC-20 based token, developed and launched on the Ethereum blockchain. The primary reason behind building the Jasmy project on Ethereum is to leverage its processing power, advanced dApp capability, and its security.The utility of Jasmy coin in its ecosystem is not limited to a few activities. As the project evolves, JASMY finds new use cases and helps users access platform’s services. The Jasmy coin was launched in open markets in 2021 and has a total supply of 50 billion JASMY coins.Even though its initial price was more than $1, the coin price dropped significantly by the end of 2021. However, Jasmy coin price started to skyrocket in 2024, with an increased interest from Japanese venture capital investors.How Does Jasmy Work?Internet of Things (IoT) connects a wide variety of electronic devices, ranging from mobile phones, PCs, and others to exchange data. Additionally, different types of physical objecsts are embedded with sensors, software devices like chips for the purpose of gathering and exchanging information.In times where the world is called “the century of data”, and with developments like IoT, metaverse, and Web3, there is a high probability of data leakage and misuse. The Jasmy project looks far ahead into the future and is working relentlessly to ensure data security.The Jasmy project offers a secure Internet of Things (IoT) platform for users to provide the best-possible data security while exchanging information. It even assists businesses and project developers in managing their IoT data despite having a centralized management system. It even provides the required equipment like communication modules and wearable devices for users.Why is Jasmy Coin (JASMY) Called Japan’s Bitcoin?The Jasmy platform was developed and launched by Japanese founders, Kunitake Ando, Kazumasa Sato, Masanobu Yoshida, and Hiroshi Harada. All of them worked under prominent roles at prestigious organizations like SONY and KPMG. Additionally, Jasmy coin was also first launched on Japanese exchange BITPoint Japan.Having an origin in Japan with most of its development rooted in the country, the team claims their Jasmy coin project as “Japan’s Bitcoin”. As we mentioned earlier, the project is receiving significant investments from Japanese venture capitalists, boosting the token’s price.Moreover, the fact that the host of a YouTube video discussion, that happened among several investors, stating “Jasmy is the biggest crypto developed in Japan” is noteworthy.ConclusionJasmy coin is the emerging crypto project that is focusing on offering data democracy, data security, and data sovereignty to users. It keeps the rapid development of technologies in mind such as Internet of Things and metaverse and their potential impact on data exchange and storage. By working towards the intersection of blockchain and IoT, Jasmy coin holds the potential to bring a new area in the tech world.
#TrendingTopic #JASMY/USDT #Jasmyusdt⚠️⚠️ #Write2Earn‬ #BTC Ok, for those who didnt know, the fall of Jasmy price was foreseen. As it was for BTC. Not a very pleasant experience to many im sure but you have to understand its a normal occurrence in crypto world. The good news is that Jasmy rebounded at 017 and is up an running around 020 - 023 now. If we are going to observe the curves closely - last time that happened, Jasmy had a 2000% price increase. More good news is that with the fall of the price, the trading volume was running only around 50M and that means majority of investors are extremely firm holding to their Jasmy positions.. ..cause its now longer a thing of faith of whatever, its pure mathematics. Jasmy is going to the top. Noone said its an easy ride but its much easier then 8-17 for 40 years or so, enjoy.
#TrendingTopic #JASMY/USDT #Jasmyusdt⚠️⚠️ #Write2Earn‬ #BTC

Ok, for those who didnt know, the fall of Jasmy price was foreseen. As it was for BTC. Not a very pleasant experience to many im sure but you have to understand its a normal occurrence in crypto world.

The good news is that Jasmy rebounded at 017 and is up an running around 020 - 023 now.

If we are going to observe the curves closely - last time that happened, Jasmy had a 2000% price increase.

More good news is that with the fall of the price, the trading volume was running only around 50M and that means majority of investors are extremely firm holding to their Jasmy positions..

..cause its now longer a thing of faith of whatever, its pure mathematics. Jasmy is going to the top.

Noone said its an easy ride but its much easier then 8-17 for 40 years or so, enjoy.
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