Binance Square
Crypto Kahuy
Crypto Kahuy towards liberalism, market news, personal perspective.💬💬💬
もう怠けないでください! 1. 生きるには、明確な計画と目標が必要です。何があってもためらわないでください。 2. 計画と目標があるなら、行動を起こしてください。ためらわず、遅らせないでください。いつまでもケーキを食べてはいけません。時間が経つにつれて、他人はおろか自分自身にも飽きてしまいます。 3. 自制心が必要です。 4. やると言ったら、失敗してもやります。経験から学ぶためにはやらなければなりません。ずっと恐怖に怯えて座っているだけでは、間違いを犯す機会さえ訪れません。 5. Google は、あなたが疑問に思っていることのほとんどすべてに答えてくれます。無料ですから、ぜひ活用してください。 6. インターネット以外にも、本があることを忘れないでください。図書館はいつでもあなたを歓迎します。紙の本を読む時間がないなら、もう一度インターネットを利用して、バスに乗っているときやコーヒーを待っている間にアプリ(無料または有料、どちらも利用可能)で本を読んでください。安くて便利です。 7. 偽の写真やステータスを常に投稿しないでください。それではお腹が満たされません。仮想写真のアップロードをオフにして、お金を稼ぐか、他の役立つことを学びましょう。 8. 自分が賢くないことがわかっているなら、勤勉さでそれを補ってください。人々は月に1冊の本を読みますが、あなたは少なくとも3冊の本を読まなければなりません。 9. ソーシャルネットワークでは、役に立たないものをフォローするのをやめてください。インスピレーションを与えてくれる人、成功している人、常にポジティブなエネルギーをもたらしてくれる人をすぐにフォローしてください。 10. ソーシャルネットワークを無意識にサーフィンして時間を無駄にしないでください。外国語を学び、苦手なスキルを向上させるために時間を節約してください。 11. 自分が何を望んでいるのか、何をすべきなのかがわからないという空虚な状態に陥らないでください。常に自己改善に努めてください。 #XEN $PEPE

1. 生きるには、明確な計画と目標が必要です。何があってもためらわないでください。

2. 計画と目標があるなら、行動を起こしてください。ためらわず、遅らせないでください。いつまでもケーキを食べてはいけません。時間が経つにつれて、他人はおろか自分自身にも飽きてしまいます。

3. 自制心が必要です。

4. やると言ったら、失敗してもやります。経験から学ぶためにはやらなければなりません。ずっと恐怖に怯えて座っているだけでは、間違いを犯す機会さえ訪れません。

5. Google は、あなたが疑問に思っていることのほとんどすべてに答えてくれます。無料ですから、ぜひ活用してください。

6. インターネット以外にも、本があることを忘れないでください。図書館はいつでもあなたを歓迎します。紙の本を読む時間がないなら、もう一度インターネットを利用して、バスに乗っているときやコーヒーを待っている間にアプリ(無料または有料、どちらも利用可能)で本を読んでください。安くて便利です。

7. 偽の写真やステータスを常に投稿しないでください。それではお腹が満たされません。仮想写真のアップロードをオフにして、お金を稼ぐか、他の役立つことを学びましょう。

8. 自分が賢くないことがわかっているなら、勤勉さでそれを補ってください。人々は月に1冊の本を読みますが、あなたは少なくとも3冊の本を読まなければなりません。

9. ソーシャルネットワークでは、役に立たないものをフォローするのをやめてください。インスピレーションを与えてくれる人、成功している人、常にポジティブなエネルギーをもたらしてくれる人をすぐにフォローしてください。

10. ソーシャルネットワークを無意識にサーフィンして時間を無駄にしないでください。外国語を学び、苦手なスキルを向上させるために時間を節約してください。

11. 自分が何を望んでいるのか、何をすべきなのかがわからないという空虚な状態に陥らないでください。常に自己改善に努めてください。

最も困難な時期、無一文のとき、どうやって乗り越えましたか? 🙂 #Bitcoin❗️ #pepe $PEPE $BTC
最も困難な時期、無一文のとき、どうやって乗り越えましたか? 🙂

#Bitcoin❗️ #pepe
噂はあなたが誰であるかを物語らない 1. 賢い人は嘘の噂を気にしない。説明する代わりに、一人でいることを選ぶ。そうすれば幸せになれるからだ。 2. 他人の行動に心を乱されないように。 3. 沈黙はすべての判断の最終的な雄弁である。 4. あなたを打ち負かすことができないものは、あなたを他の人とは違うものにする。

1. 賢い人は嘘の噂を気にしない。説明する代わりに、一人でいることを選ぶ。そうすれば幸せになれるからだ。

2. 他人の行動に心を乱されないように。

3. 沈黙はすべての判断の最終的な雄弁である。

4. あなたを打ち負かすことができないものは、あなたを他の人とは違うものにする。
暗号通貨市場の将来 暗号通貨市場の将来は、一般の採用、規制の枠組み、技術開発など、多くの要因に左右されます。暗号通貨が世界の金融システムの不可欠な部分になると考える専門家もいれば、その持続可能性と安定性に懐疑的な専門家もいます。 リスクと課題 1. 高いボラティリティ: 暗号通貨の価値は頻繁に大きく変動するため、投資家にとって大きなリスクとなります。 2. 法的規制: 多くの国では依然として暗号通貨に関する明確な法的枠組みがないため、法的環境が不安定になっています。 3. サイバーセキュリティ: サイバー攻撃と詐欺は、デジタルウォレットとプラットフォームにとって現実的なリスクです。 $NOT



1. 高いボラティリティ: 暗号通貨の価値は頻繁に大きく変動するため、投資家にとって大きなリスクとなります。

2. 法的規制: 多くの国では依然として暗号通貨に関する明確な法的枠組みがないため、法的環境が不安定になっています。

3. サイバーセキュリティ: サイバー攻撃と詐欺は、デジタルウォレットとプラットフォームにとって現実的なリスクです。

最近、東西を問わず大小さまざまな方法で個人の財務管理をアドバイスする記事が出回っています。しかし、何度も考えてみると、一般的にはいくつかの主要なポイントしかありません。支出は収入以下でなければなりません。おいしくしたいなら、収入を増やして支出を減らす...それだけです。 しかし、結局のところ、多くの人が個人の財務を管理する新しい、より新しい方法を見つけようとしています。究極の問題は何でしょうか?収入を増やすのは難しいが、支出を減らしたくないからです。それだけです。 しかし、この人生では、何かを犠牲にすることなく追加できるものはありません。支出をどれだけ科学的に記録しても、支出を減らす意思がなければ、問題は常にそこにあり、消えることはありません。すべては常にトレードオフであり、人々は両方を手に入れたいために苦しむことがよくあります。


PEPE はどこにありますか? #peppe
PEPE はどこにありますか?

Suffering does not complain, happiness does not brag, loss does not regret, danger does not cause anxiety. There is a limit to suffering, and there is a time limit to sympathy. Don't make yourself pitiful in the hearts of others, and don't harm yourself to become a grain of sand in other people's eyes! Suffering without complaint: is a type of cultivating character There is a very famous saying on the internet: "Never talk about suffering to anyone, because 80% of the people who listen don't care, the remaining 20% just make fun of it." This statement sounds very cruel, but it tells us the truth: There is a limit to suffering, and there is a time limit to sympathy. When faced with suffering, there are very few people who sincerely want to fully understand your suffering. Therefore, suffering without complaining is the best choice for us. Adults should have a very resilient and strong heart, deep enough to keep some private things or secrets. If we live as shallowly as a plate, showing everything we think on our face, even if we are a little sad, we cannot help but tell the whole world, then it will certainly only increase our suffering a hundred thousand times. . Out of every 10 things in life, there are 8 or 9 things that don't go as expected. As for wise people, they take suffering lightly, but try to grasp 1 or 2 parts of the other idea. On the contrary, stubborn people only know how to live and die in their unhappiness. Not complaining is not because we want to suppress our own emotions, but because we want us to see through the mortal world sooner or later. It is a representative of a type of wisdom called "not fighting in vain", also a type of courage called "dare to confront suffering". Suffering without complaining is not because you are weak, you grit your teeth and accept disadvantages in everything, but because you complain less and learn to let go of unnecessary suffering.
Suffering does not complain, happiness does not brag, loss does not regret, danger does not cause anxiety.

There is a limit to suffering, and there is a time limit to sympathy. Don't make yourself pitiful in the hearts of others, and don't harm yourself to become a grain of sand in other people's eyes!

Suffering without complaint: is a type of cultivating character

There is a very famous saying on the internet:

"Never talk about suffering to anyone, because 80% of the people who listen don't care, the remaining 20% just make fun of it."

This statement sounds very cruel, but it tells us the truth:

There is a limit to suffering, and there is a time limit to sympathy.

When faced with suffering, there are very few people who sincerely want to fully understand your suffering. Therefore, suffering without complaining is the best choice for us.

Adults should have a very resilient and strong heart, deep enough to keep some private things or secrets. If we live as shallowly as a plate, showing everything we think on our face, even if we are a little sad, we cannot help but tell the whole world, then it will certainly only increase our suffering a hundred thousand times. .

Out of every 10 things in life, there are 8 or 9 things that don't go as expected. As for wise people, they take suffering lightly, but try to grasp 1 or 2 parts of the other idea. On the contrary, stubborn people only know how to live and die in their unhappiness.

Not complaining is not because we want to suppress our own emotions, but because we want us to see through the mortal world sooner or later. It is a representative of a type of wisdom called "not fighting in vain", also a type of courage called "dare to confront suffering".

Suffering without complaining is not because you are weak, you grit your teeth and accept disadvantages in everything, but because you complain less and learn to let go of unnecessary suffering.
あなたをより賢く、より危険にする 7 つの名言 1. 誰かを完全に信頼すると、2 つの結果のうちの 1 つが得られます。真のソウルメイトか、苦い教訓かのどちらかです。 2. どんな関係でも、尊敬されていないなら、友情であれ愛であれ、別れましょう。 3. 時には、過去の人を忘れることを受け入れなければなりません。彼らは私たちの未来に属していないからです。 4. 誰かが私を裏切ることを恐れているわけではありません。ただ、振り返ったときに私を刺した人を見たとき、それが私が心から捧げている人であることが怖いのです。 5. 誰かがあなたを憎み、叱ったとしても、あなたは本当に気にせず、ただ微笑み返します。それが高貴な人です。 6. 年を取るほど、説明するのが面倒になります。人生は生きるためであり、説明するためのものではありません。誰かがあなたを誤解した場合は、その人自身で答えを見つけさせてください。 7. 友人は去っていき、恋人もまた去っていきます。あなたを批判し、悪く言う人だけが残り、どんどん増えていきます。 #pepe
あなたをより賢く、より危険にする 7 つの名言

1. 誰かを完全に信頼すると、2 つの結果のうちの 1 つが得られます。真のソウルメイトか、苦い教訓かのどちらかです。

2. どんな関係でも、尊敬されていないなら、友情であれ愛であれ、別れましょう。

3. 時には、過去の人を忘れることを受け入れなければなりません。彼らは私たちの未来に属していないからです。

4. 誰かが私を裏切ることを恐れているわけではありません。ただ、振り返ったときに私を刺した人を見たとき、それが私が心から捧げている人であることが怖いのです。

5. 誰かがあなたを憎み、叱ったとしても、あなたは本当に気にせず、ただ微笑み返します。それが高貴な人です。

6. 年を取るほど、説明するのが面倒になります。人生は生きるためであり、説明するためのものではありません。誰かがあなたを誤解した場合は、その人自身で答えを見つけさせてください。

7. 友人は去っていき、恋人もまた去っていきます。あなたを批判し、悪く言う人だけが残り、どんどん増えていきます。

カエルのペペは今週、犬や猫を飛び越えてトップの上昇率を記録しました。 インターネットで最も有名なカエルについて、またバイナンスでペペを購入する方法について学びましょう #pepe $PEPE


#pepe $PEPE
Binance Square Official
#EarnFreeCrypto2024 に参加して最大 500 FDUSD を獲得しましょう!
#EarnFreeCrypto2024 キャンペーンに参加して、最大 500 FDUSD を獲得するチャンスをつかみましょう。💰 Binance Square に、2024 年に無料で暗号通貨を獲得するための上位 6 つの戦略を概説した有益な記事を投稿してください。エアドロップなどのテクニック、特に Binance の Megadrop、Binance Earn、Binance Learn and Earn、Binance Launchpool、Binance Square の Write2Earn などのツール、魅力的な紹介プログラム、ダイナミックなソーシャル メディアの景品について詳しく説明してください。
キャンペーン期間: 2024-05-24 00:00 ~ 2024-05-29 23:59 (UTC)
🤔🤔🤔お金の価値は、どのように使われるかにあります... 人間の価値は、どのように遊び、どのように生きるかにあります... #PEPE✈ $PEPE

LIVING WITHOUT ANYONE HATE IT IS TOO BAD... 1. Tied buffaloes hate eating buffaloes, martial arts officials hate civil servants with long pants. 2. The more you hate something in someone else, the more you don't have that thing. 3. Only people who are not as good as you have time to scrutinize and judge. People who are better than you already have no friends in your eyes. 4. It's obvious that other people hate you. You can't make them love you, so leave it alone! 5. Don't be sad because others hate you. Be happy because at least you have more points than them! $BTC

1. Tied buffaloes hate eating buffaloes, martial arts officials hate civil servants with long pants.
2. The more you hate something in someone else, the more you don't have that thing.
3. Only people who are not as good as you have time to scrutinize and judge. People who are better than you already have no friends in your eyes.
4. It's obvious that other people hate you. You can't make them love you, so leave it alone!
5. Don't be sad because others hate you. Be happy because at least you have more points than them!
IF YOU WANT SUCCESS, YOU MUST READ THIS ARTICLE • Any profession can make you rich, as long as you become the best in that profession. At that time, all your knowledge can be converted into money, even a lot of money. • If you want a good life on the outside, you must train your inner self to be good. Without cultivating the human mind and cultivating wisdom, it is very difficult to be successful. • Every success requires trade-offs to be achieved, giving up comfort, giving up everyday pleasures. If you want to be happy for a lifetime, you must accept suffering for a while. • The knowledge you need is available for free online. Learn through books, learn through successful people, spend money to invite good people for coffee. Invest smartly and you will learn a lot. The important thing is whether you have enough determination to learn or not. • When you are young, you must learn to lower your ego. Seriously learn, accumulate experience, and be disciplined with your own goals. I will go where I want. You must remember: you must respect people who are not related to you by blood but are good to you. The world is so big, having someone be kind to you is your pride. The human heart is so small, having someone in your heart has you, that is your pride. In this world, money can buy you anything, the luxury items you want, but no matter how much money you spend, it cannot buy a heart that treats you sincerely. HELLO NEW DAY #pepe⚡ $BTC

• Any profession can make you rich, as long as you become the best in that profession. At that time, all your knowledge can be converted into money, even a lot of money.

• If you want a good life on the outside, you must train your inner self to be good. Without cultivating the human mind and cultivating wisdom, it is very difficult to be successful.

• Every success requires trade-offs to be achieved, giving up comfort, giving up everyday pleasures. If you want to be happy for a lifetime, you must accept suffering for a while.

• The knowledge you need is available for free online. Learn through books, learn through successful people, spend money to invite good people for coffee. Invest smartly and you will learn a lot. The important thing is whether you have enough determination to learn or not.

• When you are young, you must learn to lower your ego. Seriously learn, accumulate experience, and be disciplined with your own goals. I will go where I want.

You must remember: you must respect people who are not related to you by blood but are good to you. The world is so big, having someone be kind to you is your pride. The human heart is so small, having someone in your heart has you, that is your pride.

In this world, money can buy you anything, the luxury items you want, but no matter how much money you spend, it cannot buy a heart that treats you sincerely.


#pepe⚡ $BTC
DON'T BE RUSSY TO LOOK AT PEOPLE! 1. Today you go up to the elephant, tomorrow you go down to the dog. Life has many variables, don't be arrogant and complacent, one day, you will have to pay the price. 2. A good book cannot be judged by its cover. It takes time to be rich or poor. No matter how rich you are, if you sit around and not enjoy benefits, you will one day be poor and miserable. 3. Everyone in life has gone through difficult times, penniless. Be a little poor to know who is your friend and who is your friend. 4. Don't judge how good or bad other people are, because their good or bad doesn't affect your bread and butter. 5. Don't get complacent too soon. You are just grains of sand in the desert, tiny stars in the vast sky. 6. The world is always changing, people are also always changing. Don't get complacent about your achievements and rest on your laurels when the whole society is always moving forward. 7. If you want a good life, reduce your arrogant "ego" and contempt. #Notcion $BTC

1. Today you go up to the elephant, tomorrow you go down to the dog. Life has many variables, don't be arrogant and complacent, one day, you will have to pay the price.

2. A good book cannot be judged by its cover. It takes time to be rich or poor. No matter how rich you are, if you sit around and not enjoy benefits, you will one day be poor and miserable.

3. Everyone in life has gone through difficult times, penniless. Be a little poor to know who is your friend and who is your friend.

4. Don't judge how good or bad other people are, because their good or bad doesn't affect your bread and butter.

5. Don't get complacent too soon. You are just grains of sand in the desert, tiny stars in the vast sky.

6. The world is always changing, people are also always changing. Don't get complacent about your achievements and rest on your laurels when the whole society is always moving forward.

7. If you want a good life, reduce your arrogant "ego" and contempt.

#Notcion $BTC
SILENT. Anyone can talk, but sometimes you need to know Silence, which for most people is very difficult. Because everyone thinks that Silence is weak, cowardly, humiliating...! But in reality, the one who knows Silence is the one who conquers: - Silence, when my words no longer mean anything to them. - Silence, when my words only make things worse. - Silence, we will prove to our partners that we are not easily influenced by insincere words. - Silence, when we need to ask our heart again. - Silence, when we want to remind our partner to think and consider. - Silence, when we don't need meaningless people to interfere. - Silence, when we want to keep friendship, love, intimacy... - Silence, when we have run out of words with them. - Silence, tell me does my partner really need me? - Silence, when we want to hear and understand a person clearly. - Silence, when we want to find peace for our soul. - Silence, when we want to end a beautiful love story. The basic question is do we have enough courage to be Silent, or do we just speak to prove that we are not afraid of anyone, to speak to make things right? In fact, when a person knows Silence at the right time, right place, right situation, right person, they are truly wise and strong people! #not $NOT

Anyone can talk, but sometimes you need to know Silence, which for most people is very difficult. Because everyone thinks that Silence is weak, cowardly, humiliating...!

But in reality, the one who knows Silence is the one who conquers:

- Silence, when my words no longer mean anything to them.

- Silence, when my words only make things worse.

- Silence, we will prove to our partners that we are not easily influenced by insincere words.

- Silence, when we need to ask our heart again.

- Silence, when we want to remind our partner to think and consider.

- Silence, when we don't need meaningless people to interfere.

- Silence, when we want to keep friendship, love, intimacy...

- Silence, when we have run out of words with them.

- Silence, tell me does my partner really need me?

- Silence, when we want to hear and understand a person clearly.

- Silence, when we want to find peace for our soul.

- Silence, when we want to end a beautiful love story.

The basic question is do we have enough courage to be Silent, or do we just speak to prove that we are not afraid of anyone, to speak to make things right?

In fact, when a person knows Silence at the right time, right place, right situation, right person, they are truly wise and strong people!

#not $NOT
Actually... I tried really hard not to complain about anything during the journey I was on.. But sometimes I feel extremely sorry for myself... ‎ When $BTC was going up, I didn't have 1 coin
I tried really hard not to complain about anything during the journey I was on..
But sometimes I feel extremely sorry for myself... ‎

When $BTC was going up, I didn't have 1 coin
Standard Chartered Bank says other ETFs like SOL and XRP could be approved in 2025, and approval of the ETHER ETF means ETH and similar cryptocurrencies will not be securities. #ETHER ETF trading is expected to begin next month, which could bring inflows of between $15 billion and $45 billion in the first 12 months. Crypto now appears to have political support from both parties. This support for crypto in the United States is a "historic turning point."
Standard Chartered Bank says other ETFs like SOL and XRP could be approved in 2025, and approval of the ETHER ETF means ETH and similar cryptocurrencies will not be securities.

#ETHER ETF trading is expected to begin next month, which could bring inflows of between $15 billion and $45 billion in the first 12 months.

Crypto now appears to have political support from both parties. This support for crypto in the United States is a "historic turning point."
LAZY - THE DESTROYER OF THE FUTURE… 1. A peaceful old age is a devoted youth. A happy old age is an effortful youth. 2. Laziness - the destroyer of the future. You have to have a plan in life, don't hesitate. 3. If you don't try hard when you're young, you'll be sad when you're old. 4. Once your hair is gray, it's too late to regret. Don't give up because of difficulties. Don't be discouraged because of hardship. 5. Living a stagnant life, you only have a life of failure. 6. Don't choose to live comfortably in the years when you can still suffer. 7. Every journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Don't spend those wonderful energies dreaming with a warm blanket. 8. There is no job that is both easy and high-paying. The more effort you put in, the more you get back. Making money has never been easy. 9. This world has never lacked people who know how to try, only people who can persevere to the end. People are better than each other in endurance. 10. Based on what you think, without putting in any effort, life will give you what you want. After all, if we want to avoid suffering for a lifetime, we must endure hardship for a while. #pepe #XEN
1. A peaceful old age is a devoted youth. A happy old age is an effortful youth.
2. Laziness - the destroyer of the future. You have to have a plan in life, don't hesitate.
3. If you don't try hard when you're young, you'll be sad when you're old.
4. Once your hair is gray, it's too late to regret. Don't give up because of difficulties. Don't be discouraged because of hardship.
5. Living a stagnant life, you only have a life of failure.
6. Don't choose to live comfortably in the years when you can still suffer.
7. Every journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Don't spend those wonderful energies dreaming with a warm blanket.
8. There is no job that is both easy and high-paying. The more effort you put in, the more you get back. Making money has never been easy.
9. This world has never lacked people who know how to try, only people who can persevere to the end. People are better than each other in endurance.
10. Based on what you think, without putting in any effort, life will give you what you want.
After all, if we want to avoid suffering for a lifetime, we must endure hardship for a while.

#pepe #XEN
A very absorbing lesson! Not saying it doesn't mean I don't know I still remember my mother and a girl who played together very closely. She is very clever, every word she says makes others feel comfortable. My mother and I both liked her very much, but after that, they stopped seeing each other. I asked my mother why she didn't come to visit anymore, and she told me a little story. During a shopping trip, the two bought a large bag of fruit to bring home and then divided. Later, when my mother went to her house, she discovered that she kept all the big, beautiful fruits for herself and packed the small, ugly ones for my mother. She thought my mother wouldn't know, but in fact, anyone with eyes would know just by looking. After that time, my mother discovered a few more things through which she realized that no matter who had a conflict of interest, she would win at all costs. My mother didn't say it out loud, but she thought that being associated with someone like that had no meaning, so we both didn't go back to being like before. At that time, my mother said something that I still remember to this day. To see through a person's dignity, it is enough to observe when they and their children have conflicts of interest. When you and others are faced with a conflict of interests, especially interests that are being damaged, their reaction will most clearly show their human dignity. #XEN $PEPE
A very absorbing lesson! Not saying it doesn't mean I don't know
I still remember my mother and a girl who played together very closely. She is very clever, every word she says makes others feel comfortable. My mother and I both liked her very much, but after that, they stopped seeing each other.
I asked my mother why she didn't come to visit anymore, and she told me a little story. During a shopping trip, the two bought a large bag of fruit to bring home and then divided. Later, when my mother went to her house, she discovered that she kept all the big, beautiful fruits for herself and packed the small, ugly ones for my mother.

She thought my mother wouldn't know, but in fact, anyone with eyes would know just by looking. After that time, my mother discovered a few more things through which she realized that no matter who had a conflict of interest, she would win at all costs.

My mother didn't say it out loud, but she thought that being associated with someone like that had no meaning, so we both didn't go back to being like before.

At that time, my mother said something that I still remember to this day. To see through a person's dignity, it is enough to observe when they and their children have conflicts of interest.

When you and others are faced with a conflict of interests, especially interests that are being damaged, their reaction will most clearly show their human dignity.

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