Binance Square
Analyses of the most significant developments influencing the cryptocurrency sector
ビットコイン価格が5万ドルを下回るなど、最近の価格変動により、ドナルド・トランプやロバート・F・ケネディ・ジュニアなどの政治家が提唱する連邦ビットコイン戦略準備金の実現可能性に疑問が生じている。セラス・マーケッツのCEO、マイケル・ブレシア氏を含む専門家は、ビットコインはリスクが高いため、経済の安定を確保することを目的とする国家準備金には不向きだと主張している。 支持者はビットコインの希少性が金や銀などの伝統的な資産よりもインフレに対するヘッジとして優れていると主張するが、批評家はこれらの伝統的な資産の方が安定性が高く、歴史的に米国経済を強化してきたと強調する。現在、ビットコインの価格は2024年3月の最高値7万4000ドルから27%下落しているが、金と銀の先物はそれぞれ20%と22%上昇している。 シンシア・ルミス上院議員の法案を含め、ビットコイン準備金への関心は高まっているが、この提案は大きな反対に直面しており、成功する可能性は低い。ブレシア氏は、ビットコインの現在のボラティリティと規模は金の約 15 分の 1 に過ぎず、現時点では国家の準備金として使うのは現実的ではないと結論付けています。 #MarketDownturn #BinanceTurns7 #BTC☀


シンシア・ルミス上院議員の法案を含め、ビットコイン準備金への関心は高まっているが、この提案は大きな反対に直面しており、成功する可能性は低い。ブレシア氏は、ビットコインの現在のボラティリティと規模は金の約 15 分の 1 に過ぎず、現時点では国家の準備金として使うのは現実的ではないと結論付けています。

#MarketDownturn #BinanceTurns7 #BTC☀
FalconX は、約 2,300 億ドルの損失をもたらした市場の下落を受けて、機関投資家が暗号通貨の下落時に買いを入れるという明確な傾向を報告しています。ビットコインへの関心は依然として高く、機関投資家はイーサリアムのほぼ 3 倍のビットコインを購入しています。 FalconX の調査責任者である David Lawant 氏は、この調整中に、自己勘定取引デスク (バイサイド フローの 57%)、ヘッジ ファンド (63%)、ベンチャー ファンド (61%)、小売アグリゲーター (72%) など、さまざまなタイプの投資家が純買い手として行動したと指摘しました。米国の雇用統計が期待外れだったことによる市場全体の下落によって引き起こされた売りにより、多くの暗号通貨投資家がポジションを清算しました。 それにもかかわらず、ビットコインは安値から約 13% 回復して約 56,400 ドルになりました。 Lawant 氏は、機関投資家は現在の下落をポジションを強化する機会と見ており、暗号通貨市場の長期的な見通しは良好であると強調しました。 機関投資家が下落時に買いを入れる傾向は、価格低下を利用して市場での存在感を高めているため、暗号通貨、特にビットコインに対する信頼が回復していることを示しています。 #BTCMarketPanic #BTC☀ #bitcoin☀️
FalconX は、約 2,300 億ドルの損失をもたらした市場の下落を受けて、機関投資家が暗号通貨の下落時に買いを入れるという明確な傾向を報告しています。ビットコインへの関心は依然として高く、機関投資家はイーサリアムのほぼ 3 倍のビットコインを購入しています。

FalconX の調査責任者である David Lawant 氏は、この調整中に、自己勘定取引デスク (バイサイド フローの 57%)、ヘッジ ファンド (63%)、ベンチャー ファンド (61%)、小売アグリゲーター (72%) など、さまざまなタイプの投資家が純買い手として行動したと指摘しました。米国の雇用統計が期待外れだったことによる市場全体の下落によって引き起こされた売りにより、多くの暗号通貨投資家がポジションを清算しました。

それにもかかわらず、ビットコインは安値から約 13% 回復して約 56,400 ドルになりました。 Lawant 氏は、機関投資家は現在の下落をポジションを強化する機会と見ており、暗号通貨市場の長期的な見通しは良好であると強調しました。


#BTCMarketPanic #BTC☀ #bitcoin☀️
ビットコインは、マクロ経済の不確実性と地政学的緊張の高まりにより、55,000ドルを下回り、3週間ぶりの安値に達した。主な要因としては、今後の米国選挙、金利変動、中東紛争の激化などが挙げられる。 週末、ビットコインは約10%下落し、7月13日以来初めて60,000ドルを下回った。CoinGlassのデータによると、清算総額は6億2,000万ドルに達し、そのうち90%をロングポジションが占めている。 GSRの共同創設者リッチ・ローゼンブラム氏は、強気相場の第2段階の可能性を示唆する兆候がある一方で、2020年3月のようなマクロまたは地政学的崩壊が暗号資産に大きな影響を与える可能性があると指摘した。同氏は、このような下落は、経済危機の後に金融刺激策が強化されることが一般的であるため、ビットコインなどの資産がより魅力的になるため、強力な購入機会となる可能性があると示唆した。 政治情勢は変化しており、バイデン大統領が選挙戦から撤退したことを受けて、カマラ・ハリス副大統領がドナルド・トランプ前大統領に対して優位に立っている。この不確実性と、イスラエルがイランやヒズボラからの攻撃に備えている中東の緊張が相まって、市場のボラティリティが高まっている。 マークル・ツリー・キャピタルの最高投資責任者ライアン・マクミリン氏は、仮想通貨は週末に売られることが多いと指摘した。しかし、同氏は最悪の状況は過ぎたかもしれないと考えており、ビットコインは5か月間のレンジの下限で潜在的な買いの機会となっている。 要約すると、仮想通貨市場は大きな課題に直面しているが、マクロ経済状況と地政学的展開の相互作用により、将来の投資機会が生まれる可能性がある。 #BTC_MarketPanic_Dip #US_Job_Market_Slowdown #BTC☀ #Bitcoin❗ #bitcoin☀️






#BTC_MarketPanic_Dip #US_Job_Market_Slowdown #BTC☀ #Bitcoin❗ #bitcoin☀️
Bybitは、8月13日付けでフランス市場から撤退し、ユーザーの取引を資金引き出しのみに制限すると発表しました。この決定は、欧州連合が仮想通貨プロバイダーのための包括的な枠組みを確立することを目指した暗号資産市場(MiCA)規制を実施する中で、規制圧力が高まっていることを受けてのものです。 フランスの金融委員会AMFは以前、Bybitがデジタル資産サービスプロバイダー(DASP)として適切な登録をせずに運営していると警告し、この取引所はフランス法の下で違法であるとしました。Bybitのフランスでのコンプライアンス問題は継続しており、プラットフォームは2022年にコンプライアンス違反でブラックリストに載せられて以来、精査を受けています。 Bybitのフランスからの撤退は、より広範な傾向の一部であり、同取引所は規制強化によりカナダと英国の市場からも撤退しています。現在、Bybitは米国、英国、中国を含むいくつかの主要市場にサービスを提供する予定はなく、同時にオランダのようなよりコンプライアンスの高い管轄区域で事業を拡大しています。 EU における MiCA の導入は、ステーブルコインに対する厳格な規制と暗号通貨サービスプロバイダーに対する監視措置を含み、規制環境の変化を反映しています。これらの変更は消費者保護の強化と金融犯罪対策を目的としていますが、複数の管轄区域で運営しようとする Bybit のような取引所にとっては課題となります。 これらの挫折にもかかわらず、Bybit は暗号通貨取引所市場で重要なプレーヤーであり、取引量では第 2 位にランクされ、最近 55 億ドル以上が取引されました。この地位は、主要市場で規制上のハードルを乗り越えながらも、取引所の適応性と世界の暗号通貨環境における継続的な関連性を強調しています。 #Bybit #Market_Update #Bitcoin❗ #BTC☀



EU における MiCA の導入は、ステーブルコインに対する厳格な規制と暗号通貨サービスプロバイダーに対する監視措置を含み、規制環境の変化を反映しています。これらの変更は消費者保護の強化と金融犯罪対策を目的としていますが、複数の管轄区域で運営しようとする Bybit のような取引所にとっては課題となります。

これらの挫折にもかかわらず、Bybit は暗号通貨取引所市場で重要なプレーヤーであり、取引量では第 2 位にランクされ、最近 55 億ドル以上が取引されました。この地位は、主要市場で規制上のハードルを乗り越えながらも、取引所の適応性と世界の暗号通貨環境における継続的な関連性を強調しています。

#Bybit #Market_Update #Bitcoin❗ #BTC☀
The Bank of International Settlements (BIS) and the Bank of England have unveiled a new initiative called Pyxtrial, designed to enhance the monitoring of stablecoins by providing near real-time data on their liabilities and the assets backing them. This project aims to address significant regulatory challenges faced by financial authorities in verifying the reserves claimed by stablecoin issuers. Pyxtrial incorporates features that enable regulators to directly access data from issuers' systems, facilitating the verification of on-chain liabilities. This capability is essential in the wake of past controversies surrounding stablecoin reserves, particularly following the collapse of the FTX exchange in 2022. Many issuers have resorted to self-regulation, publishing "proof of reserves" to mitigate concerns about their backing. Tether Ltd., the issuer of the largest stablecoin, regularly provides attestations regarding its reserves, although it acknowledges potential discrepancies in real-time data related to circulating tokens. The modular and customizable design of Pyxtrial allows for adaptation to various regulatory environments worldwide, suggesting its potential applicability beyond stablecoins to other tokenized products backed by real-world assets. As a proof of concept, Pyxtrial has demonstrated its ability to support regulators in tracking liabilities and assets effectively, overcoming the limitations of traditional data collection methods. While the initiative has shown promise, further testing and refinement are necessary before full deployment. Successful implementation will require skilled personnel to support system users and ensure effective interaction with both on-chain and off-chain data. #Ftx❓ #usdoller #stableBTC #BTC☀
The Bank of International Settlements (BIS) and the Bank of England have unveiled a new initiative called Pyxtrial, designed to enhance the monitoring of stablecoins by providing near real-time data on their liabilities and the assets backing them. This project aims to address significant regulatory challenges faced by financial authorities in verifying the reserves claimed by stablecoin issuers.

Pyxtrial incorporates features that enable regulators to directly access data from issuers' systems, facilitating the verification of on-chain liabilities. This capability is essential in the wake of past controversies surrounding stablecoin reserves, particularly following the collapse of the FTX exchange in 2022. Many issuers have resorted to self-regulation, publishing "proof of reserves" to mitigate concerns about their backing.
Tether Ltd., the issuer of the largest stablecoin, regularly provides attestations regarding its reserves, although it acknowledges potential discrepancies in real-time data related to circulating tokens.

The modular and customizable design of Pyxtrial allows for adaptation to various regulatory environments worldwide, suggesting its potential applicability beyond stablecoins to other tokenized products backed by real-world assets. As a proof of concept, Pyxtrial has demonstrated its ability to support regulators in tracking liabilities and assets effectively, overcoming the limitations of traditional data collection methods.

While the initiative has shown promise, further testing and refinement are necessary before full deployment. Successful implementation will require skilled personnel to support system users and ensure effective interaction with both on-chain and off-chain data.

#Ftx❓ #usdoller #stableBTC #BTC☀
最近のニューヨークタイムズの記事で、経済学者のポール・クルーグマンは、共和党によるビットコイン支持の高まりに強く反対し、特にドナルド・トランプと副大統領候補のJD・ヴァンスを標的にしている。クルーグマンは、暗号通貨への熱狂は「偏執的な」シリコンバレーの人物たちと誤った方向に同調していることの表れだとし、ビットコインは15年前に導入されたにもかかわらず「経済的に役に立たない」ままであると主張した。 クルーグマンは、ビットコインの主な有用性はマネーロンダリングや恐喝などの違法行為を助長することにあるようだと強調した。彼は、ヴァンスが10万ドルから25万ドル相当のビットコインを所有していることを明らかにしており、その価値が大幅に上昇している可能性があると指摘し、暗号通貨を支持する姿勢を批判した。ヴァンス氏はまた、仮想通貨業界にとってより好ましい規制環境を作ることを目的とした法案を起草していると報じられている。😡 トランプ氏がビットコイン2024カンファレンスで最近行った発言では、ビットコインの価値は金を上回る可能性があり、「戦略的なビットコイン備蓄」を提案したことで、クルーグマン氏の懐疑論はさらに高まった。同氏はこれらの発言を、同氏が「価値を破壊し」環境に有害だと表現する業界に対する政府の潜在的な救済策と見ている。 ケインズ経済学に根ざしたクルーグマン氏は、経済成長を刺激するために積極的な政府支出と金融政策管理を提唱している。同氏は、仮想通貨がインフレに対するヘッジとして機能するという考えを否定し、代わりに仮想通貨を規制をほとんど逃れる「ポンジー・スキーム」と呼んだ。 さらにクルーグマン氏は、共和党が「違法で非米国的な仮想通貨取り締まり」と表現する行為を終わらせるという主張をあざ笑い、そのようなレトリックは有権者のごく一部にしか響かないことを示唆した。一方、民主党は、暗号通貨コミュニティが今後の選挙で重要な投票集団となる可能性を認識し、暗号通貨コミュニティと関わる必要性をますます認識しつつある。 #BTC☀ #MtGoxJulyRepayments




#BTC☀ #MtGoxJulyRepayments
Democratic Efforts to Secure Kamala Harris for Upcoming Crypto ConferenceIn a notable development within the cryptocurrency landscape, prominent Democratic donors are actively advocating for Vice President Kamala Harris to participate in the upcoming Permissionless conference, organized by Blockworks, scheduled for October 9-11. This initiative underscores a growing recognition of the political significance of cryptocurrency as the U.S. approaches the presidential election, which many view as a pivotal moment for the mainstream acceptance of digital assets. Blockworks founder Jason Yanowitz revealed that the conference organizers are exploring avenues to engage with Harris's representatives, motivated by the support from influential Democratic donors. These donors have expressed a willingness to facilitate connections between Harris's team and the conference organizers, indicating a strategic effort to align the event with key political figures who can influence the future of cryptocurrency policy. Notably, the involvement of Mike Novogratz, CEO of Galaxy Digital and a prominent figure in the Democratic party, adds another layer of complexity to these discussions. Novogratz has been vocal in encouraging the crypto community to maintain a positive relationship with Harris, though Yanowitz refrained from confirming whether Novogratz is directly negotiating her potential attendance. The political dynamics surrounding cryptocurrency are further complicated by the contrasting approaches of different political figures. Former President Donald Trump's recent pro-crypto speech at the Bitcoin 2024 conference illustrates a significant shift in his stance, as he now advocates for a strategic Bitcoin stockpile and promises to take decisive actions against the current SEC leadership. This pivot reveals the increasing importance of cryptocurrency in political discourse, with both parties recognizing its potential impact on their platforms. Blockworks is also actively pursuing a bipartisan approach for the Permissionless conference, aiming to feature a diverse array of speakers from both the Democratic and Republican parties. This strategy stands in contrast to the Republican-heavy focus observed at recent cryptocurrency events, such as Bitcoin 2024. Yanowitz emphasized the importance of presenting a balanced narrative, reflecting the multifaceted nature of cryptocurrency policy discussions. However, the absence of Harris at previous events, particularly the recent Bitcoin conference, has drawn criticism from attendees and organizers. While some expressed disappointment at her lack of engagement, it is important to consider logistical constraints, particularly in light of the recent transition in presidential leadership. Experts suggest that adequate preparation and advance notice are essential for high-profile appearances, further complicating the timeline for her participation. As Permissionless approaches, it is poised to become a significant gathering for the cryptocurrency community, with ticket sales surpassing expectations. This event may serve as a critical platform for shaping the conversation around cryptocurrency policies and the political landscape as the 2024 elections draw closer. The ongoing efforts to secure high-profile speakers, including Harris, signal the increasing recognition of cryptocurrency's relevance in U.S. politics and the need for informed dialogue across the political spectrum. #bitcoin☀️ #Bitcoin❗ #CryptoNewss #BinanceTurns7 #Bitcoin_Coneference_2024

Democratic Efforts to Secure Kamala Harris for Upcoming Crypto Conference

In a notable development within the cryptocurrency landscape, prominent Democratic donors are actively advocating for Vice President Kamala Harris to participate in the upcoming Permissionless conference, organized by Blockworks, scheduled for October 9-11. This initiative underscores a growing recognition of the political significance of cryptocurrency as the U.S. approaches the presidential election, which many view as a pivotal moment for the mainstream acceptance of digital assets.
Blockworks founder Jason Yanowitz revealed that the conference organizers are exploring avenues to engage with Harris's representatives, motivated by the support from influential Democratic donors. These donors have expressed a willingness to facilitate connections between Harris's team and the conference organizers, indicating a strategic effort to align the event with key political figures who can influence the future of cryptocurrency policy.
Notably, the involvement of Mike Novogratz, CEO of Galaxy Digital and a prominent figure in the Democratic party, adds another layer of complexity to these discussions. Novogratz has been vocal in encouraging the crypto community to maintain a positive relationship with Harris, though Yanowitz refrained from confirming whether Novogratz is directly negotiating her potential attendance.
The political dynamics surrounding cryptocurrency are further complicated by the contrasting approaches of different political figures. Former President Donald Trump's recent pro-crypto speech at the Bitcoin 2024 conference illustrates a significant shift in his stance, as he now advocates for a strategic Bitcoin stockpile and promises to take decisive actions against the current SEC leadership. This pivot reveals the increasing importance of cryptocurrency in political discourse, with both parties recognizing its potential impact on their platforms.
Blockworks is also actively pursuing a bipartisan approach for the Permissionless conference, aiming to feature a diverse array of speakers from both the Democratic and Republican parties. This strategy stands in contrast to the Republican-heavy focus observed at recent cryptocurrency events, such as Bitcoin 2024. Yanowitz emphasized the importance of presenting a balanced narrative, reflecting the multifaceted nature of cryptocurrency policy discussions.
However, the absence of Harris at previous events, particularly the recent Bitcoin conference, has drawn criticism from attendees and organizers. While some expressed disappointment at her lack of engagement, it is important to consider logistical constraints, particularly in light of the recent transition in presidential leadership. Experts suggest that adequate preparation and advance notice are essential for high-profile appearances, further complicating the timeline for her participation.
As Permissionless approaches, it is poised to become a significant gathering for the cryptocurrency community, with ticket sales surpassing expectations. This event may serve as a critical platform for shaping the conversation around cryptocurrency policies and the political landscape as the 2024 elections draw closer. The ongoing efforts to secure high-profile speakers, including Harris, signal the increasing recognition of cryptocurrency's relevance in U.S. politics and the need for informed dialogue across the political spectrum.
#bitcoin☀️ #Bitcoin❗ #CryptoNewss #BinanceTurns7 #Bitcoin_Coneference_2024
From an analyst's perspective, the launch of Unbound's Bitcoin-based "Golden Visa" investment avenue is poised to have significant implications for the cryptocurrency market, particularly Bitcoin. Firstly, the introduction of this investment vehicle provides a legitimate and regulated pathway for foreign investors to acquire Portuguese and EU citizenship through Bitcoin investments. This could enhance Bitcoin's status as a viable asset class, attracting a new demographic of investors who may have previously been hesitant to engage with cryptocurrencies due to regulatory uncertainties. As the fund requires a minimum investment of €500,000, it is likely to drive demand for Bitcoin as investors seek to satisfy the fund’s criteria. The structured nature of the investment—where the fund will purchase Bitcoin ETFs rather than holding Bitcoin directly—may also contribute to increased institutional interest in Bitcoin, as it aligns with traditional investment frameworks that many institutional investors are accustomed to. Moreover, the endorsement of a regulated fund structure, which includes independent audits and strict compliance with regulatory standards, adds a layer of credibility to Bitcoin investments. This could potentially mitigate some of the concerns surrounding security and volatility that have historically plagued the cryptocurrency market. However, it is essential to consider the broader implications of regulatory scrutiny. The involvement of the Portuguese Securities Market Commission (CMVM) and the need for compliance with the Golden Visa program's eligibility requirements could set a precedent for how cryptocurrency investments are treated in similar programs across Europe. If successful, this could lead to the proliferation of similar investment structures, further embedding cryptocurrencies into the fabric of traditional finance. #bitcoin☀️ #Bitcoin❗ #Bitcoin_Coneference_2024
From an analyst's perspective, the launch of Unbound's Bitcoin-based "Golden Visa" investment avenue is poised to have significant implications for the cryptocurrency market, particularly Bitcoin.

Firstly, the introduction of this investment vehicle provides a legitimate and regulated pathway for foreign investors to acquire Portuguese and EU citizenship through Bitcoin investments. This could enhance Bitcoin's status as a viable asset class, attracting a new demographic of investors who may have previously been hesitant to engage with cryptocurrencies due to regulatory uncertainties.

As the fund requires a minimum investment of €500,000, it is likely to drive demand for Bitcoin as investors seek to satisfy the fund’s criteria. The structured nature of the investment—where the fund will purchase Bitcoin ETFs rather than holding Bitcoin directly—may also contribute to increased institutional interest in Bitcoin, as it aligns with traditional investment frameworks that many institutional investors are accustomed to.

Moreover, the endorsement of a regulated fund structure, which includes independent audits and strict compliance with regulatory standards, adds a layer of credibility to Bitcoin investments. This could potentially mitigate some of the concerns surrounding security and volatility that have historically plagued the cryptocurrency market.

However, it is essential to consider the broader implications of regulatory scrutiny. The involvement of the Portuguese Securities Market Commission (CMVM) and the need for compliance with the Golden Visa program's eligibility requirements could set a precedent for how cryptocurrency investments are treated in similar programs across Europe. If successful, this could lead to the proliferation of similar investment structures, further embedding cryptocurrencies into the fabric of traditional finance.

#bitcoin☀️ #Bitcoin❗ #Bitcoin_Coneference_2024
Celebrity Meme Coins Hit By Reality Check The initial hype surrounding celebrity meme coins launched on the Solana blockchain in June has fizzled out, leading to a dramatic decline in their value. This analysis dives into the factors contributing to this collapse. Short-Lived Hype: The initial surge in these coins was primarily driven by community excitement and celebrity endorsements. However, the lack of underlying utility or long-term vision quickly led to waning interest. Celebrity Involvement Raises Questions: The significant drop in value coincides with some celebrities distancing themselves from promoting their associated coins on social media. This raises concerns about the genuineness of their endorsements and the potential for exploitation. Data Paints a Bleak Picture: Analysis by Slorg, a Web3 strategist, reveals an average decline of 94% across a sample of 30 celebrity meme coins. Individual examples highlight the severity. The dramatic downfall of celebrity meme coins serves as a cautionary tale for investors. Hype-driven, short-term speculation often leads to significant losses. Long-term sustainability requires genuine utility and robust fundamentals. The future of celebrity involvement in the crypto space remains uncertain, but stricter regulations and a focus on real-world applications are likely to become increasingly important. ason Derulo's $JASON: Down 80% since its peak, despite the singer's attempt to rally support.Iggy Azalea's $MOTHER: Lost 72% of its value.Andrew Tate's $DADDY: Price dropped by 60%. #meme_coin #mememcoin #Solana_Blockchain
Celebrity Meme Coins Hit By Reality Check

The initial hype surrounding celebrity meme coins launched on the Solana blockchain in June has fizzled out, leading to a dramatic decline in their value. This analysis dives into the factors contributing to this collapse.

Short-Lived Hype: The initial surge in these coins was primarily driven by community excitement and celebrity endorsements. However, the lack of underlying utility or long-term vision quickly led to waning interest.

Celebrity Involvement Raises Questions: The significant drop in value coincides with some celebrities distancing themselves from promoting their associated coins on social media. This raises concerns about the genuineness of their endorsements and the potential for exploitation.

Data Paints a Bleak Picture: Analysis by Slorg, a Web3 strategist, reveals an average decline of 94% across a sample of 30 celebrity meme coins. Individual examples highlight the severity.

The dramatic downfall of celebrity meme coins serves as a cautionary tale for investors. Hype-driven, short-term speculation often leads to significant losses. Long-term sustainability requires genuine utility and robust fundamentals. The future of celebrity involvement in the crypto space remains uncertain, but stricter regulations and a focus on real-world applications are likely to become increasingly important.

ason Derulo's $JASON: Down 80% since its peak, despite the singer's attempt to rally support.Iggy Azalea's $MOTHER: Lost 72% of its value.Andrew Tate's $DADDY: Price dropped by 60%.

#meme_coin #mememcoin #Solana_Blockchain
A hasty buyout in a volatile market isn't right. What do you want?
A hasty buyout in a volatile market isn't right.
What do you want?
📈 Experts Identify Top Altcoins for 2024

As Bitcoin (BTC) recently witnessed an upward trend, focus has shifted towards altcoins. Cryptocurrency specialists have pinpointed three altcoins that may gain traction in the upcoming months. Analysts forecast that these altcoins could become the frontrunners in 2024.

🔸 How Will NOT and DOGE Perform?

Notcoin (NOT) experienced a remarkable surge of over 28% last month. Trading within a range of $0.0175 to $0.2, NOT displayed considerable volatility in the past week. Recent growth followed an announcement about notable user adoption and new incentives. The bullish momentum suggests that NOT might be entering an upward phase.

Should this trend persist, NOT could break the $0.019 resistance level, potentially pushing its value to $0.05 or even $0.1. However, if market sentiment turns sour, the value could find support around $0.018, with a prolonged decline possibly driving it down to $0.017, underscoring the cryptocurrency market’s volatility.

Meanwhile, Dogecoin (DOGE) has been in a horizontal trend, with bulls and bears wrestling for dominance. Despite occasional sharp movements, its price has remained within a narrow range. Last week, DOGE saw a decline of over 10%, indicating a bearish sentiment among investors.

🔸 What are Ripple’s Ambitious Goals?

For Ripple (XRP), trading above $0.5 during the American session on Monday marked a significant milestone. As per, its value increased by 1.4% within an hour, maintaining a 1.8% rise over 24 hours. XRP had dipped below $0.5 on Friday but recovered above $0.49, signaling a rebound over the weekend.

Experts indicate that the 20-day Exponential Moving Average (EMA) could offer support at $0.5116, as XRP forms its second consecutive four-hour bullish candle. With the relative strength index at 51, compared to the previous week’s oversold region, XRP shows potential for an upward trend towards $0.6. If this breakout happens, XRP’s price could support a larger move towards $1, driven by FOMO (Fear of Missing Out).

The decline starts now!
The decline starts now!
With the recent growth of decentralized finance (De-Fi), there is a project that opens up new horizons: Unchain X is building a truly decentralized financial ecosystem where everyone can participate fairly. With sufficient capital and technology, Launchpad, which opens up opportunities for everyone without a specific pre-investment group, is analyzed as a crucial reason to be a leader in the De-Fi world. Unchain X's Launchpad(UNX) creates a stable token ecosystem by providing early users with the opportunity to acquire UNX. This allows users to enjoy various benefits such as governance participation using UNX, compensation for transaction fees and liquidity provision. Specifically, Launchpad's STARTER OPTION feature is expected to provide users with more UNX mining opportunities, maximizing liquidity and returns.🚀 Unchain X supports a wide range of cryptocurrencies based on the BSC chain, allowing for free rate-setting and repetition of participation in each round. Unchain X, mined during Launchpad, has been shown to provide incremental liquidity to create value in the market, and with this strategic approach and transparent operational policy, Unchain X is positioning itself as a project with promising potential in the De-Fi market. With the participation of the ecosystem of Unchain X's growing crypto market right now, it is expected that the Unchain X and De-Fi investment journey will become brighter and richer.👍
With the recent growth of decentralized finance (De-Fi), there is a project that opens up new horizons: Unchain X is building a truly decentralized financial ecosystem where everyone can participate fairly. With sufficient capital and technology, Launchpad, which opens up opportunities for everyone without a specific pre-investment group, is analyzed as a crucial reason to be a leader in the De-Fi world.

Unchain X's Launchpad(UNX) creates a stable token ecosystem by providing early users with the opportunity to acquire UNX. This allows users to enjoy various benefits such as governance participation using UNX, compensation for transaction fees and liquidity provision. Specifically, Launchpad's STARTER OPTION feature is expected to provide users with more UNX mining opportunities, maximizing liquidity and returns.🚀

Unchain X supports a wide range of cryptocurrencies based on the BSC chain, allowing for free rate-setting and repetition of participation in each round. Unchain X, mined during Launchpad, has been shown to provide incremental liquidity to create value in the market, and with this strategic approach and transparent operational policy, Unchain X is positioning itself as a project with promising potential in the De-Fi market.

With the participation of the ecosystem of Unchain X's growing crypto market right now, it is expected that the Unchain X and De-Fi investment journey will become brighter and richer.👍
Unchain X's Launchpad project appears to be a very exciting project to become a leader in DeFi. The launchpad provides early users with the opportunity to secure UNX tokens, and encourages the stable settlement of UNX through a special launchpad system. It consists of a total of five rounds, and you can participate using various crypto assets (BTC, ETH, SOL, BNB, XRP, Dogecoin, USDT, and FDUSD). In addition, the STARTER OPTION feature allows you to adjust the amount of UNX mining according to the return rate setting, which gives participants more flexibility. UNX mined during the launchpad period will be unlocked by 10% every 30 days after the official opening to ensure liquidity. These features suggest that Unchain X will play an important role in the DeFi ecosystem. #UNX #UNCHAINX #DEFI #DEX #LAUNCHPAD
Unchain X's Launchpad project appears to be a very exciting project to become a leader in DeFi. The launchpad provides early users with the opportunity to secure UNX tokens, and encourages the stable settlement of UNX through a special launchpad system.

It consists of a total of five rounds, and you can participate using various crypto assets (BTC, ETH, SOL, BNB, XRP, Dogecoin, USDT, and FDUSD). In addition, the STARTER OPTION feature allows you to adjust the amount of UNX mining according to the return rate setting, which gives participants more flexibility.

UNX mined during the launchpad period will be unlocked by 10% every 30 days after the official opening to ensure liquidity.

These features suggest that Unchain X will play an important role in the DeFi ecosystem.

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