Binance Square
Thumbs up for Binance and Fellow Binanicians, we are all in this together. I enjoy going on Binance, not have to worry so much about scammers. Thank you
最も信頼しているプラ​​ットフォームである Binance に質問があります。 EQUITY EDGE への投資について連絡がありました。 これが正当な投資なのか、それとも詐欺なのか、誰か明確に説明できますか? よろしくお願いいたします。Dani
最も信頼しているプラ​​ットフォームである Binance に質問があります。

EQUITY EDGE への投資について連絡がありました。


Godmorgen fellow Binanicians l see alot of insecurity and flapping about crypto being a scam. l honestly believe in crypto and the 'independence' it can bring to a certain level. Have any of you not heard when people say they are independent? - well,for me,because l can only speak for myself,- that utter load of crap. So unless you actually have a quite large farm,where you can do your own drilling for water,garden with wheat,vegetables ,a few cattle for meat and so on.. then you are not independent...still you have to drive in a car that needs gas,oil,water to just move. A road to drive on,the car doesnt make itself. lm from an older generation ,where we just took over after WWII. Life is on easymode today,but its a mental state. For those who actually work 6.30 - 6.30 every day except sunday,we know the value of money. And still then,l had a 40acre farm,with all that,but l still had to pay a 4%housetax pro anno ,to the state- after l bought the farm once and paid for it. l could choose not to pay tax,but l would be sent to prison for not giving the state the bribe every year. we dont have to go that far back,when we went to war over 2% tax,now in Denmark, l pay 68% tax total. and thats before l Even go buy food,- where l pay tax again... So l support Binance and do all l can to not be a much..cuz in reality,,,we are all slaves of the powerplay thats going on with the top 1%. And with that l have a request for Binance - will you,pretty please with sugar on top,open the promotions so l,as a normal citizen of Denmark,can take part in just some of these promotions? l can registrer but when l want to trade,'its not available in My region'. 95% of the promotions l get a No,because l am from Denmark? l was a little sidetracked,but it started with some saying crypto is a scam. No its not. oppertunities come ,when you make it possible, thats luck. With that ,l wish everyone a risk managed trade. 🙏 #DYOR #BTC #Write2Earn
Godmorgen fellow Binanicians

l see alot of insecurity and flapping about crypto being a scam.

l honestly believe in crypto and the 'independence' it can bring to a certain level.

Have any of you not heard when people say they are independent? - well,for me,because l can only speak for myself,- that utter load of crap. So unless you actually have a quite large farm,where you can do your own drilling for water,garden with wheat,vegetables ,a few cattle for meat and so on.. then you are not independent...still you have to drive in a car that needs gas,oil,water to just move.
A road to drive on,the car doesnt make itself. lm from an older generation ,where we just took over after WWII. Life is on easymode today,but its a mental state. For those who actually work 6.30 - 6.30 every day except sunday,we know the value of money.
And still then,l had a 40acre farm,with all that,but l still had to pay a 4%housetax pro anno ,to the state- after l bought the farm once and paid for it. l could choose not to pay tax,but l would be sent to prison for not giving the state the bribe every year.
we dont have to go that far back,when we went to war over 2% tax,now in Denmark, l pay 68% tax total. and thats before l Even go buy food,- where l pay tax again...
So l support Binance and do all l can to not be a much..cuz in reality,,,we are all slaves of the powerplay thats going on with the top 1%.

And with that l have a request for Binance
- will you,pretty please with sugar on top,open the promotions so l,as a normal citizen of Denmark,can take part in just some of these promotions? l can registrer but when l want to trade,'its not available in My region'. 95% of the promotions l get a No,because l am from Denmark?

l was a little sidetracked,but it started with some saying crypto is a scam. No its not. oppertunities come ,when you make it possible, thats luck.

With that ,l wish everyone a risk managed trade. 🙏

#DYOR #BTC #Write2Earn
来週のBTCがどうなるか見てみましょう 下落して73,000ドルまで回復すると思います
Mastering Crypto
この $PEPE クジラはわずか数時間で華々しく復帰しました

PEPE 投資家の驚くべき復帰について、いくつかの重要なポイントをご紹介します:

- ジメチルトリプタミン.eth として知られるこの投資家は、当初 PEPE に 45,000 ドルを投資し、驚異的な 2,670 万ドルを稼ぎました。
- 10 か月の休止の後、クジラは 100 億 PEPE を 32.73 ETH で売却し、その価値は約 112,000 ドルでした。
- クジラの復帰により PEPE への売り圧力が高まり、24 時間以内に 5.9% の価格下落につながり、価格は 0.00001077 ドルになりました。
- CoinGecko のデータによると、PEPE はミーム コイン カテゴリで Dogecoin と Shiba Inu に続いて 3 位にランクされています。
- Spot On Chain のデータによると、クジラは依然として 1.99 兆 PEPE を保有しており、その価値は 2,140 万ドルです。

⌨️ コメント

🫂覚えておいてください: 最高の投資記事を提供するために、多くの努力が払われています。あなたの寛大なヒントは、私たちの使命を強化し、最高の投資アドバイスを提供するためにさらに努力するのに役立ちます。

Binanician の仲間の皆さん 私は詐欺師に大金を奪われたという投稿をしました。 すると Jelal が、私が詐欺に遭うなんて、私は無学な人間だ、とコメントしました。彼は、それは私のせいだ、なぜなら (彼/彼女/それ/彼ら/彼ら/その他) のような人たちはとても賢いので、彼にはそんなことは起きない、という意味でした。残念ながら、私は Jeezebel 氏ほど IT の知識を持っていません。そうでなければ、彼の一生の貯金を掘り出して、彼がどれほど批判的か見てみたいものです。 Binance は、ほとんどがお互いを助け合うことに関する回答が多いので好きです。 Jeanal 氏とは違います。彼は母親とつらい幼少期を過ごしたようです。 #BTC #Bonkers
Binanician の仲間の皆さん


すると Jelal が、私が詐欺に遭うなんて、私は無学な人間だ、とコメントしました。彼は、それは私のせいだ、なぜなら (彼/彼女/それ/彼ら/彼ら/その他) のような人たちはとても賢いので、彼にはそんなことは起きない、という意味でした。残念ながら、私は Jeezebel 氏ほど IT の知識を持っていません。そうでなければ、彼の一生の貯金を掘り出して、彼がどれほど批判的か見てみたいものです。
Binance は、ほとんどがお互いを助け合うことに関する回答が多いので好きです。
Jeanal 氏とは違います。彼は母親とつらい幼少期を過ごしたようです。

#BTC #Bonkers
親愛なる Binanician の皆さん 私はレンガ職人として働いた後、一生分の貯金を失いました。 ですから、自分の労働の成果として得た残り物を守るために、あらゆる手段を全面的に支持します。私は暗号通貨の世界に入りました。まずは Coinbase から始めましたが、デンマーク国民なので引き出しができないことがわかりました。 そこでいくつか試してみましたが、IT の知識があっても何かがおかしいと感じ、Binance を見つけました。 「友人」にアカウントの設定を手伝ってもらい、パスワードを二重チェックしてもらいました (2 冊のノートに書き留めておきました)。 知らなかったのは、彼がしてはいけないことをしていたことです。それが何なのかはわかりません。わかっているのは、サポートに問い合わせたところ、彼を追い出して新しいアカウント、新しいメール、新しいデバイス、新しいパスワード、すべて新しいものにするようにと書いてあったことです。 それで、47歳になった今、詐欺師に破滅させられ、ここに座ってあちこちで数ドル稼ごうとしていますが、海外に家を購入して退職後の生活を楽しむという私の計画は、,400ユーロ、Joy Hannah Samuels(Proearnershub、26,000ドル)、Evelyn Lacks(Telegramで毎週新しい会社名、詐欺)のせいで崩壊しました。 結局、恵まれない人たちを助けたいと願う裕福な人がいると実際に信じるほど愚かだったのは私のせいです。 子供の頃から石を持ち上げて積み上げていたため、腕や肩がひどく痛みます。 障害年金を受給していますが、皆さんに申し上げたいのですが、私は国や一部の個人/詐欺会社にひどくだまされ、そのお金を取り戻すことは決してできないと感じています。合計で約半分を失いました。 100万ドルも払ってるのに、まだ食べて家賃を払わないといけないし、今は母と暮らしてるから一緒に買い物をしないと、食べる余裕がない。それに、税金も両親や祖父母も3/4近く払ってる。 詐欺師を捕まえたら、その人の住所を私に送ってほしい。中にチェーンと鍵の入った大きなギフトボックスがあるって伝えてね🤷‍♂️ #BTC #Write2Earn #BNBHODLer
親愛なる Binanician の皆さん


ですから、自分の労働の成果として得た残り物を守るために、あらゆる手段を全面的に支持します。私は暗号通貨の世界に入りました。まずは Coinbase から始めましたが、デンマーク国民なので引き出しができないことがわかりました。

そこでいくつか試してみましたが、IT の知識があっても何かがおかしいと感じ、Binance を見つけました。

「友人」にアカウントの設定を手伝ってもらい、パスワードを二重チェックしてもらいました (2 冊のノートに書き留めておきました)。


それで、47歳になった今、詐欺師に破滅させられ、ここに座ってあちこちで数ドル稼ごうとしていますが、海外に家を購入して退職後の生活を楽しむという私の計画は、,400ユーロ、Joy Hannah Samuels(Proearnershub、26,000ドル)、Evelyn Lacks(Telegramで毎週新しい会社名、詐欺)のせいで崩壊しました。



障害年金を受給していますが、皆さんに申し上げたいのですが、私は国や一部の個人/詐欺会社にひどくだまされ、そのお金を取り戻すことは決してできないと感じています。合計で約半分を失いました。 100万ドルも払ってるのに、まだ食べて家賃を払わないといけないし、今は母と暮らしてるから一緒に買い物をしないと、食べる余裕がない。それに、税金も両親や祖父母も3/4近く払ってる。

#BTC #Write2Earn #BNBHODLer



‼️ 決して誰にも送金しないでください
‼️ 保険料という名目で送金しないでください
‼️ 未知のリンクは決して開かないでください
‼️ ウォレットの認証情報を誰とも共有しないでください

#scammers. #ScamAlert
Binanician の仲間の皆さん 私以外に、「私の地域ではサポートされていない」という回答に問題がある人はいませんか。 入金して取引できます。問題ありません。 しかし、Binance の世界選手権にも参加できません。Binance で宣伝されているプロモーションのほとんどは登録できますが、取引のために資金を送金すると、私の地域ではサポートされていないと言われます。 デンマーク国民が 50% を超える税金を支払っているデンマークのような国では、これらのプロモーションが利用できると思います 🙊🙉🙈 これらのプロモーションの 90% がデンマークのような地域で利用できないのはなぜか理解できません。 Binance の親切なサービスに感謝します。意地悪をしているわけではありません。ただ本音を言っているだけです。 よろしく CountMonteChristo #BNBHODLer #BTC #Write2Earn
Binanician の仲間の皆さん



しかし、Binance の世界選手権にも参加できません。Binance で宣伝されているプロモーションのほとんどは登録できますが、取引のために資金を送金すると、私の地域ではサポートされていないと言われます。

デンマーク国民が 50% を超える税金を支払っているデンマークのような国では、これらのプロモーションが利用できると思います 🙊🙉🙈

これらのプロモーションの 90% がデンマークのような地域で利用できないのはなぜか理解できません。

Binance の親切なサービスに感謝します。意地悪をしているわけではありません。ただ本音を言っているだけです。

よろしく CountMonteChristo

#BNBHODLer #BTC #Write2Earn
Crypto Man BNB
$NYAN エアドロップは 8 時間オープンです! 🪂

Solana $SOL アドレスを以下にドロップして RT してください 👇🏻

すべてのウォレットに 200,000 $NYAN が付与されます

60 分以内にウォレットをチェックしてください! ⏰
#ETHETFS #notcoin #write2earn
People, lm on disability pensionbut l never beg for a dine. l have made My choices and will take the consequnses, - good or bad. Thats life. Please stop begging for money here on this square, where l , amongst other fellow Binanicians seek guidance from obviously smarter individuals than myself. l have No intention of helping you because you make mistakes. grow some balls,get a job and do like 99% here. Educate oneself and DONT beg for anything. l want to make it clear, l read here because l want to learn,not sorting in beggars. #TopCoinsJune2024 #Binance200M
People, lm on disability pensionbut l never beg for a dine.

l have made My choices and will take the consequnses, - good or bad. Thats life.

Please stop begging for money here on this square, where l , amongst other fellow Binanicians seek guidance from obviously smarter individuals than myself.

l have No intention of helping you because you make mistakes.

grow some balls,get a job and do like 99% here. Educate oneself and DONT beg for anything.

l want to make it clear, l read here because l want to learn,not sorting in beggars.

#TopCoinsJune2024 #Binance200M
l just read from Mr. Jafar , about this whale with $1.1M #bitcoin☀️ l would love to make it,so l dont have to worry about My mother getting old and l Will take care of her. No way is she going to a home. only 72. but has so much pain ,she is totally dependent on me. can anyone give me an advice about how l start a fund raising? lm on disability pension ,and l AM so embarrassed.. any ideas are welcome. l wish All a profitabel trading. #TopCoinsJune2024 #BTC #Write2Earn
l just read from Mr. Jafar , about this whale with $1.1M #bitcoin☀️

l would love to make it,so l dont have to worry about My mother getting old and l Will take care of her. No way is she going to a home. only 72. but has so much pain ,she is totally dependent on me.

can anyone give me an advice about how l start a fund raising? lm on disability pension ,and l AM so embarrassed..

any ideas are welcome.

l wish All a profitabel trading.

#TopCoinsJune2024 #BTC #Write2Earn
Fellow Binanicians kEEP CALM Hold your horses and be patient we are experiencing the expected dump l Will hodl you all see as fit you best 🙏 #BTC #BNB
Fellow Binanicians kEEP CALM

Hold your horses and be patient

we are experiencing the expected dump

l Will hodl you all see as fit you best 🙏

What a nigjt/ morning due to software updating on My phone,l havent been able to access My Binance account - all My crypto apps for some peculiar reason. So l wanted to open derevativesv option trading as l finally start getting profit. l got in as it clearly shows,and feared the worst. now l have less than $1000 ,to pay bills,food,school and so forth. lm so sad Binance is shutting down Futures option,because l dont know how lm going to feed My children in 6 months. l was scammed for My life savings in 2021.and l was about to top myself. Disgusting scammers,l really Hope Binance can get them back somehow. l know My money is gone,thats life, but l took My ex's children in ,because she just left with a guy and went to a country abroad. now he is broke and she want her children back. They want nothing to do with their mother,as l showed them l took care.. l have tried to raise money for My childrens clothes,food - basic stuff all take for granted. l just dont know how, because most think its a scam. they ruin for the ones Who starve to death. lm lost for words.. lm on disability pension after a rough traffic accident,but l do what l can to make ends meet. l wish All the best and happy trading. $BTC $BNB #write2earnonbinancesquare
What a nigjt/ morning

due to software updating on My phone,l havent been able to access My Binance account - all My crypto apps for some peculiar reason. So l wanted to open derevativesv option trading as l finally start getting profit.
l got in as it clearly shows,and feared the worst. now l have less than $1000 ,to pay bills,food,school and so forth.
lm so sad Binance is shutting down Futures option,because l dont know how lm going to feed My children in 6 months.

l was scammed for My life savings in 2021.and l was about to top myself. Disgusting scammers,l really Hope Binance can get them back somehow. l know My money is gone,thats life,
but l took My ex's children in ,because she just left with a guy and went to a country abroad. now he is broke and she want her children back. They want nothing to do with their mother,as l showed them l took care.. l have tried to raise money for My childrens clothes,food - basic stuff all take for granted. l just dont know how, because most think its a scam. they ruin for the ones Who starve to death. lm lost for words..
lm on disability pension after a rough traffic accident,but l do what l can to make ends meet.

l wish All the best and happy trading.

$BTC $BNB #write2earnonbinancesquare
Dear Binanicians l would hodl the #BTC #BNBToken and the #NOTCOİN No financial advice although l Will hold My horses on selling too early it will be risky/bad when the #NOT goes on another bullrun.. lm not the right one for economical advice but l have a brain and know how to use it. lm keeping My #BNB and ofcourse join the launchpool. so subscribe your BNB,FSUSD and make use of your holdings. wish All safe trading and DYOR.!! lm very sorry to hear Binance is shutting down derevatives option 'futures'. so l Will be leaving Binancewhich is the company l have supported since the start.
Dear Binanicians
l would hodl the #BTC #BNBToken and the #NOTCOİN

No financial advice
although l Will hold My horses on selling too early
it will be risky/bad when the #NOT goes on another bullrun..

lm not the right one for economical advice
but l have a brain and know how to use it.

lm keeping My #BNB and ofcourse join the launchpool. so subscribe your BNB,FSUSD and make use of your holdings.

wish All safe trading and DYOR.!!

lm very sorry to hear Binance is shutting down derevatives option 'futures'.
so l Will be leaving Binancewhich is the company l have supported since the start.
Dear fellow Binanicians lm finally getting the touch with trading with profit l open orders with max 2 different 'coins' pr day. Mostly only 1. So l divide My assets in 5,and trade with a portfolio of 20%. l then set My margin for a further max 20% loss. lm being told from all 'experienced folks,' thats not the right way,and listen to me' bla bla bla l get a profit every day,so no matter if its not correct,or the way its written - you can Kiss My behind. l strongly recommend ,DYOR,and believe in yourself 🙏 🙈🙉🙊 #StartInvestingInCrypto #Write2Earn
Dear fellow Binanicians

lm finally getting the touch with trading with profit
l open orders with max 2 different 'coins' pr day. Mostly only 1.

So l divide My assets in 5,and trade with a portfolio of 20%. l then set My margin for a further max 20% loss. lm being told from all 'experienced folks,' thats not the right way,and listen to me' bla bla bla

l get a profit every day,so no matter if its not correct,or the way its written - you can Kiss My behind.
l strongly recommend ,DYOR,and believe in yourself 🙏 🙈🙉🙊

#StartInvestingInCrypto #Write2Earn
hello fellow Binanicians l saw this anti fraud Challenge and thumbs up. l AM defently not an IT man,and l have asked on X about the advertisement where theres a picture of Elon Musk and one could get 5 BTC by sending 1BTC. ofcourse a scam but it was there for 3 days so l wrote to support and asked if it was forreal ,- since its on for 3days - on a platform owned by Elon. never got an answer and then l closed My X account. highly unprofessional in My view so lm very happy that Binance take it seriously. never any problem eith Binance. The only crypto platform l never experienced BS. #Binance #CryptoWatchMay2024 #Write2Earn
hello fellow Binanicians

l saw this anti fraud Challenge and thumbs up.

l AM defently not an IT man,and l have asked on X about the advertisement where theres a picture of Elon Musk and one could get 5 BTC by sending 1BTC.

ofcourse a scam but it was there for 3 days so l wrote to support and asked if it was forreal ,- since its on for 3days - on a platform owned by Elon. never got an answer and then l closed My X account.

highly unprofessional in My view so lm very happy that Binance take it seriously.
never any problem eith Binance.
The only crypto platform l never experienced BS.

#Binance #CryptoWatchMay2024 #Write2Earn
dear fellow Binanicians l wish All a good pump in the pursuit of the next altcoin king(s) May you all find gold 🙏 #ICP #Write2Earrn #BTC
dear fellow Binanicians

l wish All a good pump in the pursuit of the next altcoin king(s)

May you all find gold 🙏

#ICP #Write2Earrn #BTC
l would love to be on the receiving end this time.🙏
l would love to be on the receiving end this time.🙏
yes sir
yes sir
Technical Jafar
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