Binance Square
Hosky Fan
ホスキートークン導入 Hosky Token ($HOSKY) は、Cardano エコシステム上に低品質のコイン ミーム トークンが不足していたために作成されました。私たちは、そのような大きなニーズがあることに気づき、良い子としてその大きな穴を埋めるためにここにいます。私たちが提供するのは、低品質のミーム、金銭的価値、マスチフの利益の約束、マインド ビーグルの技術ではなく、犬のミームだけです。 技術的な詳細 これは、通常、素晴らしい技術的約束が見つかるセクションですが、後で破られてしまいます。私たちのトークンのほうがはるかに速いという図表、永遠に調整されるタイムライン、そしてあなたを喜ばせるための小道具などです。まあ、私たちはミームコインなので、そんなことはしません。技術は私たちにとって、純血種が雑種犬にとってであるのと同じです。


Hosky Token ($HOSKY) は、Cardano エコシステム上に低品質のコイン ミーム トークンが不足していたために作成されました。私たちは、そのような大きなニーズがあることに気づき、良い子としてその大きな穴を埋めるためにここにいます。私たちが提供するのは、低品質のミーム、金銭的価値、マスチフの利益の約束、マインド ビーグルの技術ではなく、犬のミームだけです。

Taking Action: HOSKY’s Contribution to Cardano’s Expansion via Bootstrapping of $USDMUnless you’ve been hiding under a rock or completely disconnected from social media, discussions about what Cardano lacks are common online topic of discussion. However, at HOSKY, we believe in more than just bark — we believe in action. That’s why we took the initiative to support the @MehenOfficial team after a failed funding attempt in Fund 9 of Project Catalyst to bring the first FIAT-backed stablecoin to Cardano. While others may choose to vocalize Cardano’s shortcomings, we prefer to roll up our sleeves, get our paws dirty, and make a tangible difference. Our decision to financially assist in the development of a stablecoin for Cardano wasn’t merely about addressing a need; it was about actively contributing to the ecosystem’s growth and progress, something that HOSKY has always been about. We understand that our support alone won’t solve all of Cardano’s challenges, particularly regarding stablecoins. Nevertheless, we view it as a step in the right direction. We firmly believe that every contribution, regardless of size, can have a meaningful impact. So, what can other projects do to support Cardano’s growth? One straightforward approach is to consider minting USDM, Cardano’s homegrown stablecoin. By converting a portion of their FIAT reserves into USDM, projects can help increase liquidity on the network while demonstrating their commitment to the ecosystem’s success. At #HOSKY , we’re not content with merely discussing change — we’re committed to making it happen. We invite others to join us in taking action and building a stronger, more resilient Cardano community together. Let’s roll up our sleeves, get our paws dirty, and get to work on making #Cardano number one! HOSKY, the self-proclaimed “PREMIERE low-quality s#!t coin doggo meme token,” operates on Cardano blockchain, offering a fun way for users to explore crypto and contribute to the ecosystem. Despite its meme status, HOSKY has become a vital part of Cardano, showcasing the positive impact even worthless tokens can have. Engaging with HOSKY allows new users to discover Cardano’s benefits while enjoying the entertaining meme token. MEHEN USDM is Cardano’s first FIAT backed stablecoin, ensuring value stability. It serves as a reliable medium of exchange and store of value within the ecosystem, backed by USD reserves for security. MEHEN USDM facilitates seamless transactions and hedges against crypto volatility. Visit for more information.

Taking Action: HOSKY’s Contribution to Cardano’s Expansion via Bootstrapping of $USDM

Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock or completely disconnected from social media, discussions about what Cardano lacks are common online topic of discussion. However, at HOSKY, we believe in more than just bark — we believe in action. That’s why we took the initiative to support the @MehenOfficial team after a failed funding attempt in Fund 9 of Project Catalyst to bring the first FIAT-backed stablecoin to Cardano.
While others may choose to vocalize Cardano’s shortcomings, we prefer to roll up our sleeves, get our paws dirty, and make a tangible difference. Our decision to financially assist in the development of a stablecoin for Cardano wasn’t merely about addressing a need; it was about actively contributing to the ecosystem’s growth and progress, something that HOSKY has always been about.
We understand that our support alone won’t solve all of Cardano’s challenges, particularly regarding stablecoins. Nevertheless, we view it as a step in the right direction. We firmly believe that every contribution, regardless of size, can have a meaningful impact.
So, what can other projects do to support Cardano’s growth? One straightforward approach is to consider minting USDM, Cardano’s homegrown stablecoin. By converting a portion of their FIAT reserves into USDM, projects can help increase liquidity on the network while demonstrating their commitment to the ecosystem’s success.
At #HOSKY , we’re not content with merely discussing change — we’re committed to making it happen. We invite others to join us in taking action and building a stronger, more resilient Cardano community together. Let’s roll up our sleeves, get our paws dirty, and get to work on making #Cardano number one!
HOSKY, the self-proclaimed “PREMIERE low-quality s#!t coin doggo meme token,” operates on Cardano blockchain, offering a fun way for users to explore crypto and contribute to the ecosystem. Despite its meme status, HOSKY has become a vital part of Cardano, showcasing the positive impact even worthless tokens can have. Engaging with HOSKY allows new users to discover Cardano’s benefits while enjoying the entertaining meme token.

MEHEN USDM is Cardano’s first FIAT backed stablecoin, ensuring value stability. It serves as a reliable medium of exchange and store of value within the ecosystem, backed by USD reserves for security. MEHEN USDM facilitates seamless transactions and hedges against crypto volatility. Visit for more information.
#HOSKY token は次の大きなものになるでしょうか? $ドージ $シブ
#HOSKY token は次の大きなものになるでしょうか?

$ドージ $シブ
犬を1匹選んでください $DOGE、$SHIB、または #HOSKY ? HOSKY はナンバーワンの Cardano 犬ミームコインです!

HOSKY はナンバーワンの Cardano 犬ミームコインです!
HOSKY は過去 24 時間で 6% 上昇しました $HOSKY は、#Cardano Ecosystem 限定のプレミア低品質の s#!t コイン doggo meme トークンです。
HOSKY は過去 24 時間で 6% 上昇しました

$HOSKY は、#Cardano Ecosystem 限定のプレミア低品質の s#!t コイン doggo meme トークンです。
ビットコイン -->$DOGE イーサリアム --> $SHIB カルダーノ --> #HOSKY 👀
ビットコイン -->$DOGE
イーサリアム --> $SHIB
カルダーノ --> #HOSKY 👀
Hosky Token (HOSKY), a low-quality s#!t coin doggo meme token, exclusively on the Cardano Ecosystem. It has a live price of $0.0000000286 USD and a market cap of $6,520,105 USD. It claims to bring absolutely nothing other than low-quality memes, no financial value, no promises of mastiff gains, no mind-beagle-ing technology, just doggo memes. #Hosky #Cardano
Hosky Token (HOSKY), a low-quality s#!t coin doggo meme token, exclusively on the Cardano Ecosystem. It has a live price of $0.0000000286 USD and a market cap of $6,520,105 USD. It claims to bring absolutely nothing other than low-quality memes, no financial value, no promises of mastiff gains, no mind-beagle-ing technology, just doggo memes.
#Hosky #Cardano
Hosky Fan
🚀 #HoskyToken は、驚異的な 93,000 人以上の保有者を擁し、Cardano ネイティブ トークンの中で先頭に立って増え続けています。 🌟 コミュニティ主導の成長と #Hosky のサポートは素晴らしいです! 🙌 #cardano #Ada
🌍Coming soon to a rug pool near you! 🎉 We're excited to announce two new stake pools in new regions of the globe: GOMA 🇨🇩 - Located in the Democratic Republic of Congo HAWAK 🇦🇪. - Located in the United Arab Emirates Stay tuned for launch dates and more details. #Hosky #HoskyToken #cardano #Write2Earn
🌍Coming soon to a rug pool near you! 🎉

We're excited to announce two new stake pools in new regions of the globe:

- Located in the Democratic Republic of Congo

- Located in the United Arab Emirates

Stay tuned for launch dates and more details.

#Hosky #HoskyToken #cardano #Write2Earn
$HOSKY 保有数No.1のCardanoネイティブトークンとして堅調! #Hosky #Ada
$HOSKY 保有数No.1のCardanoネイティブトークンとして堅調!

#Hosky #Ada
#Hosky トークン、数字で表すと。
#Hosky トークン、数字で表すと。
$Hosky トークンは過去 24 時間で 113.82% 上昇しました #Hosky #Ada
$Hosky トークンは過去 24 時間で 113.82% 上昇しました

#Hosky #Ada
$Hosky トークンは過去 24 時間で 66% 上昇しました 😨 #Hosky #Ada
$Hosky トークンは過去 24 時間で 66% 上昇しました 😨

#Hosky #Ada
$Hosky は過去 24 時間で 20% 上昇しました 🤦‍♂️ #Hosky #Ada
$Hosky は過去 24 時間で 20% 上昇しました 🤦‍♂️

#Hosky #Ada
ホスキートークンとは何ですか? $Hosky は、#Cardano エコシステム内での分散化を促進することを目的としたいくつかの取り組みを実施しています。 #Hosky が分散化に貢献している方法の例を次に示します。 小規模なステークプールとのパートナーシップ: Hosky は、保有者に対し、ADA トークンを小規模なステークプールでステーキングすることを奨励しています。これは、Cardano ネットワークのステークを分散し、集中化に対する耐性を高めるのに役立ちます。 Cardano の使用促進: Hosky は、新しいユーザーと関わり、Cardano ブロックチェーンをよりアクセスしやすくすることで、Cardano ブロックチェーンの全体的な使用量を増やすことを目指しています。これにより、ネットワークへのアクティブな参加者の数が増加し、間接的に分散化が促進されます。 コミュニティの構築: Hosky は、Cardano を中心とした強力で活発なコミュニティを育成しており、ネットワークの分散型ガバナンスを維持する上で重要な役割を果たすことができます。 Hosky は主に気楽な楽しさとユーモアに重点を置いていますが、カルダノの分散化にも積極的に貢献しています。このプロジェクトの取り組みは、新しいユーザーをネットワークに呼び込み、ステークプールの多様性を高め、Cardano コミュニティを強化するのに役立ちます。

$Hosky は、#Cardano エコシステム内での分散化を促進することを目的としたいくつかの取り組みを実施しています。 #Hosky が分散化に貢献している方法の例を次に示します。

小規模なステークプールとのパートナーシップ: Hosky は、保有者に対し、ADA トークンを小規模なステークプールでステーキングすることを奨励しています。これは、Cardano ネットワークのステークを分散し、集中化に対する耐性を高めるのに役立ちます。

Cardano の使用促進: Hosky は、新しいユーザーと関わり、Cardano ブロックチェーンをよりアクセスしやすくすることで、Cardano ブロックチェーンの全体的な使用量を増やすことを目指しています。これにより、ネットワークへのアクティブな参加者の数が増加し、間接的に分散化が促進されます。

コミュニティの構築: Hosky は、Cardano を中心とした強力で活発なコミュニティを育成しており、ネットワークの分散型ガバナンスを維持する上で重要な役割を果たすことができます。

Hosky は主に気楽な楽しさとユーモアに重点を置いていますが、カルダノの分散化にも積極的に貢献しています。このプロジェクトの取り組みは、新しいユーザーをネットワークに呼び込み、ステークプールの多様性を高め、Cardano コミュニティを強化するのに役立ちます。
🚀 #HoskyToken は、驚異的な 93,000 人以上の保有者を擁し、Cardano ネイティブ トークンの中で先頭に立って増え続けています。 🌟 コミュニティ主導の成長と #Hosky のサポートは素晴らしいです! 🙌 #cardano #Ada
🚀 #HoskyToken は、驚異的な 93,000 人以上の保有者を擁し、Cardano ネイティブ トークンの中で先頭に立って増え続けています。 🌟 コミュニティ主導の成長と #Hosky のサポートは素晴らしいです! 🙌 #cardano #Ada
ホスキーを入手する最も効率的な方法は何ですか?一般的に、ラグ プールへのステーキングは、Hosky をコミュニティにリリースする主な方法です。 各ラグ プールは、エポックごとに合計 0.5T の割り当てから、各エポックで同量の Hosky を受け取ります。この金額は、ステークされた ADA の報酬 (40%) と、ステークされたウォレットに保持されている NFT の報酬 (60%) に分割されます。ADA または NFT のラグ プールの人気が高まるほど、資産 (ADA または NFT) あたりの獲得 Hosky は少なくなります。ただし、NFT は、さまざまなボーナスに応じて獲得 Hosky の量が異なります。 ロイヤルティ ボーナス: NFT が Rug プールの同じステーク ウォレットに残っているエポックの数。これにより、5 エポック以内に Cash Grab NFT の有効ウェイトが 2 倍になります。つまり、ロイヤルティのある Cash Grab 1 つは、ロイヤルティのない Cash Grab 2 つに相当します (詳細については、セクション 4.3 を参照してください)。


一般的に、ラグ プールへのステーキングは、Hosky をコミュニティにリリースする主な方法です。
各ラグ プールは、エポックごとに合計 0.5T の割り当てから、各エポックで同量の Hosky を受け取ります。この金額は、ステークされた ADA の報酬 (40%) と、ステークされたウォレットに保持されている NFT の報酬 (60%) に分割されます。ADA または NFT のラグ プールの人気が高まるほど、資産 (ADA または NFT) あたりの獲得 Hosky は少なくなります。ただし、NFT は、さまざまなボーナスに応じて獲得 Hosky の量が異なります。
ロイヤルティ ボーナス: NFT が Rug プールの同じステーク ウォレットに残っているエポックの数。これにより、5 エポック以内に Cash Grab NFT の有効ウェイトが 2 倍になります。つまり、ロイヤルティのある Cash Grab 1 つは、ロイヤルティのない Cash Grab 2 つに相当します (詳細については、セクション 4.3 を参照してください)。
How to Acquire Hosky?Hosky may be acquired in one of six ways. Staking to a Rug Pool: By either a) Staking ADA, and/or b) holding C(ash grab) NFTs, Gnomeskies, and/or S#!tties in a wallet that is staked to a Single Pool Operator (SPOs) on the Cardano network which has been selected by the project team as a “Rug Pool”, AND sending 2 ADA every epoch to $rugpool (common address used for all SPOs).There are currently 18 (soon 20 at time of writing) approved Rug Pools. Roughly 1.7 ADA will be returned with your Hosky allocation for that epoch.This does not affect your standard epoch Cardano rewards. Purchase for ADA or USD: Purchased from a Cardano Decentralised Exchange (DEX), or from an exchange offering a Hosky-USD pair. Discord Tips and Rain: Through participation in the Discord chat, certain members will tip specific members Hosky, or will rain Hosky to all members who have participated over a defined period of time. Information on the Tip Bot can be found by direct messaging !info to @Cardano Tip Bot#7235. User guide can be found here. Purchase from Doggie Bowl: By sending 2 ADA exactly to the Doggie Bowl ($doggiebowl), which will return 1.5 ADA and a random amount of Hosky. See Purchase from Promotional Sites: Some sites support the Hosky project by allowing a certain number of Hosky (along with other tokens) to be claimed each epoch. Costs and eligibility rules differ from site to site. Rewards and Competition Prizes: Occasionally the team will run competitions and/or reward particular community members for their services to the project’s principles. #Hosky #Ada #cardano #Memecoins

How to Acquire Hosky?

Hosky may be acquired in one of six ways.
Staking to a Rug Pool: By either a) Staking ADA, and/or b) holding C(ash grab) NFTs, Gnomeskies, and/or S#!tties in a wallet that is staked to a Single Pool Operator (SPOs) on the Cardano network which has been selected by the project team as a “Rug Pool”, AND sending 2 ADA every epoch to $rugpool (common address used for all SPOs).There are currently 18 (soon 20 at time of writing) approved Rug Pools. Roughly 1.7 ADA will be returned with your Hosky allocation for that epoch.This does not affect your standard epoch Cardano rewards.
Purchase for ADA or USD: Purchased from a Cardano Decentralised Exchange (DEX), or from an exchange offering a Hosky-USD pair.
Discord Tips and Rain: Through participation in the Discord chat, certain members will tip specific members Hosky, or will rain Hosky to all members who have participated over a defined period of time. Information on the Tip Bot can be found by direct messaging !info to @Cardano Tip Bot#7235. User guide can be found here.
Purchase from Doggie Bowl: By sending 2 ADA exactly to the Doggie Bowl ($doggiebowl), which will return 1.5 ADA and a random amount of Hosky. See
Purchase from Promotional Sites: Some sites support the Hosky project by allowing a certain number of Hosky (along with other tokens) to be claimed each epoch. Costs and eligibility rules differ from site to site. Rewards and Competition Prizes: Occasionally the team will run competitions and/or reward particular community members for their services to the project’s principles.
#Hosky #Ada #cardano #Memecoins
What is Hosky? Hosky is a native token on the Cardano blockchain. These tokens have been allocated to various purposes by the project team which were allocated according to the original “Brown Paw-per”, which can be obtained on #Hosky #Ada
What is Hosky?

Hosky is a native token on the Cardano blockchain. These tokens have been allocated to various purposes by the project team which were allocated according to the original “Brown Paw-per”, which can be obtained on

#Hosky #Ada
HOSKY to Partner with United Nations Refugee Agency to “Reward” Those Raising Funds for Refugees.HOSKY to Partner with the United Nations Refugee Agency to Raise Funds for Refugees via the WRFGS Cardano Stake Pool. HOSKY, the Cardano-based cryptocurrency and meme token, is excited to announce its partnership with the WRFGS Stake Pool, a stake pool supporting the United Nations Refugee Agency, also known as UNHCR. Through this partnership, HOSKY aims to help raise funds for refugees around the world. Those staking to the 100% margin Pool WRFGS, will be able to claim HOSKY tokens from HOSKY and the Cardano Foundation are proud to support the community members who are sacrificing their $ADA rewards to help refugees and providing them with the “nothing” that is $HOSKY token for their contribution to the cause. HOSKY joins the ranks of other organizations within the Cardano ecosystem like NMKR and TURF NFT in supporting the United Nations Refugee Agency, which helps people who have been forced to flee their homes due to conflict, persecution, or other forms of violence. According to the UN Refugee Agency, there are more than 82 million people forcibly displaced worldwide, and they need all the support they can get. The partnership with WRFGS Stake Pool and UNHCR is part of HOSKY’s commitment to using its platform for a good cause. “We believe in the power of crypto to make a positive impact on the world,” said the HOSKY team. “And we’re thrilled to be partnering with WRFGS and UNHCR to help make a difference in the lives of refugees.” Additionally, it is important to note that HOSKY is committed to supporting the WRFGS Stake Pool and UNHCR beyond just offering their worthless $HOSKY tokens to those staking to the pool. Typically, HOSKY delegates 25,000 $ADA to pools participating in their rug pool program, but in this partnership, they will be delegating a wallet of 50,000 $ADA to the WRFGS Stake Pool to further support the mission of providing aid and assistance to refugees around the world. HOSKY’s increased commitment to the partnership demonstrates their dedication to making a positive impact and helping those in need through their platform. In conclusion, HOSKY is proud to be working with WRFGS Stake Pool and UNHCR to support refugees around the world. They encourage the Cardano community to join them in their efforts by staking to the WRFGS Stake Pool and claiming their worthless $HOSKY Tokens. For more information on #Hosky and their partnership with WRFGS Stake Pool and UNHCR, please follow their official social media channels. Contact: HOSKY Token Team Email: Website: Twitter: @hoskytoken The Cardano Foundation is a non-profit organization that was established in 2017 with the aim of promoting and supporting the Cardano blockchain ecosystem. The Foundation is based in Switzerland and is responsible for overseeing the development and growth of Cardano, as well as ensuring that the ecosystem remains decentralized, sustainable, and transparent. The Foundation works closely with Cardano’s other entities, including IOHK (Input Output Hong Kong) and Emurgo, to advance the Cardano platform’s technology and adoption. Some of the Foundation’s key responsibilities include promoting Cardano’s adoption, supporting Cardano’s community, facilitating partnerships and collaborations with other organizations, and ensuring that the platform remains decentralized and secure. The Cardano Foundation plays a crucial role in the ongoing development and success of the Cardano blockchain.HOSKY is a cryptocurrency and meme token built on the Cardano blockchain. It was created with the intention of providing a fun and entertaining way for people to engage with the world of cryptocurrency while also making a positive impact on the Cardano ecosystem. HOSKY aims to be a community-driven project, with its developers and community members working together to support causes that align with their values. While HOSKY began as a meme token, it has evolved into a project with a strong social conscience and a commitment to using its platform for good.The UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) is the UN agency responsible for protecting and assisting refugees, asylum seekers, stateless persons, and other people who have been forced to flee their homes due to conflict, persecution, or other forms of violence. The agency provides life-saving assistance such as shelter, food, and medical care, as well as legal protection and support to help refugees rebuild their lives. The UNHCR also works to find long-term solutions for refugees, such as resettlement in a third country or voluntary return to their home country when conditions allow. The UNHCR operates in more than 135 countries worldwide, providing vital aid and assistance to millions of people in need.

HOSKY to Partner with United Nations Refugee Agency to “Reward” Those Raising Funds for Refugees.

HOSKY to Partner with the United Nations Refugee Agency to Raise Funds for Refugees via the WRFGS Cardano Stake Pool.
HOSKY, the Cardano-based cryptocurrency and meme token, is excited to announce its partnership with the WRFGS Stake Pool, a stake pool supporting the United Nations Refugee Agency, also known as UNHCR. Through this partnership, HOSKY aims to help raise funds for refugees around the world.
Those staking to the 100% margin Pool WRFGS, will be able to claim HOSKY tokens from HOSKY and the Cardano Foundation are proud to support the community members who are sacrificing their $ADA rewards to help refugees and providing them with the “nothing” that is $HOSKY token for their contribution to the cause.
HOSKY joins the ranks of other organizations within the Cardano ecosystem like NMKR and TURF NFT in supporting the United Nations Refugee Agency, which helps people who have been forced to flee their homes due to conflict, persecution, or other forms of violence. According to the UN Refugee Agency, there are more than 82 million people forcibly displaced worldwide, and they need all the support they can get.
The partnership with WRFGS Stake Pool and UNHCR is part of HOSKY’s commitment to using its platform for a good cause. “We believe in the power of crypto to make a positive impact on the world,” said the HOSKY team. “And we’re thrilled to be partnering with WRFGS and UNHCR to help make a difference in the lives of refugees.”
Additionally, it is important to note that HOSKY is committed to supporting the WRFGS Stake Pool and UNHCR beyond just offering their worthless $HOSKY tokens to those staking to the pool. Typically, HOSKY delegates 25,000 $ADA to pools participating in their rug pool program, but in this partnership, they will be delegating a wallet of 50,000 $ADA to the WRFGS Stake Pool to further support the mission of providing aid and assistance to refugees around the world. HOSKY’s increased commitment to the partnership demonstrates their dedication to making a positive impact and helping those in need through their platform.
In conclusion, HOSKY is proud to be working with WRFGS Stake Pool and UNHCR to support refugees around the world. They encourage the Cardano community to join them in their efforts by staking to the WRFGS Stake Pool and claiming their worthless $HOSKY Tokens.
For more information on #Hosky and their partnership with WRFGS Stake Pool and UNHCR, please follow their official social media channels.
HOSKY Token Team
Twitter: @hoskytoken

The Cardano Foundation is a non-profit organization that was established in 2017 with the aim of promoting and supporting the Cardano blockchain ecosystem. The Foundation is based in Switzerland and is responsible for overseeing the development and growth of Cardano, as well as ensuring that the ecosystem remains decentralized, sustainable, and transparent. The Foundation works closely with Cardano’s other entities, including IOHK (Input Output Hong Kong) and Emurgo, to advance the Cardano platform’s technology and adoption. Some of the Foundation’s key responsibilities include promoting Cardano’s adoption, supporting Cardano’s community, facilitating partnerships and collaborations with other organizations, and ensuring that the platform remains decentralized and secure. The Cardano Foundation plays a crucial role in the ongoing development and success of the Cardano blockchain.HOSKY is a cryptocurrency and meme token built on the Cardano blockchain. It was created with the intention of providing a fun and entertaining way for people to engage with the world of cryptocurrency while also making a positive impact on the Cardano ecosystem. HOSKY aims to be a community-driven project, with its developers and community members working together to support causes that align with their values. While HOSKY began as a meme token, it has evolved into a project with a strong social conscience and a commitment to using its platform for good.The UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) is the UN agency responsible for protecting and assisting refugees, asylum seekers, stateless persons, and other people who have been forced to flee their homes due to conflict, persecution, or other forms of violence. The agency provides life-saving assistance such as shelter, food, and medical care, as well as legal protection and support to help refugees rebuild their lives. The UNHCR also works to find long-term solutions for refugees, such as resettlement in a third country or voluntary return to their home country when conditions allow. The UNHCR operates in more than 135 countries worldwide, providing vital aid and assistance to millions of people in need.
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