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BC.GAME、IGaming プラットフォーム強化のためブランドアップグレードを発表 (9 月 4 日)ウィレムスタッド、キュラソー、2024年9月4日、Chainwire BC.GAME BC.GAME は、iGaming のグローバルリーダーとして、包括的なアップグレードを開始し、ブランドジャーニーの大幅な進化を発表しました。この取り組みでは、ビジュアルアイデンティティの刷新、ユーザーインターフェイスの強化、革新的な製品提供を特徴としており、これらはすべて、世界的な舞台でブランドの存在感を高めるために設計されています。 BC.GAME のブランド変革は単なるロゴの更新にとどまらず、ブランド ストーリーの大幅な強化を表しています。新しくデザインされたロゴは、ブランドの使命と価値を凝縮し、人気の iGaming プラットフォームに象徴的な美的感覚を加えています。洗練されたデザインは、BC.GAME の新たな章を象徴し、現在そのプラットフォームに含まれるダイナミックなゲームと製品をよりよく反映しています。

BC.GAME、IGaming プラットフォーム強化のためブランドアップグレードを発表 (9 月 4 日)


BC.GAME BC.GAME は、iGaming のグローバルリーダーとして、包括的なアップグレードを開始し、ブランドジャーニーの大幅な進化を発表しました。この取り組みでは、ビジュアルアイデンティティの刷新、ユーザーインターフェイスの強化、革新的な製品提供を特徴としており、これらはすべて、世界的な舞台でブランドの存在感を高めるために設計されています。

BC.GAME のブランド変革は単なるロゴの更新にとどまらず、ブランド ストーリーの大幅な強化を表しています。新しくデザインされたロゴは、ブランドの使命と価値を凝縮し、人気の iGaming プラットフォームに象徴的な美的感覚を加えています。洗練されたデザインは、BC.GAME の新たな章を象徴し、現在そのプラットフォームに含まれるダイナミックなゲームと製品をよりよく反映しています。
Floki が Valhalla メタバース ゲームで OG Esports との提携を発表 (9 月 4 日)フロリダ州マイアミ、2024年9月4日、Chainwire Floki は、ブロックチェーン技術を基盤とし、プレイヤーにユニークでやりがいのあるゲーム体験を提供することを目的とした革新的なプレイ・トゥ・アーン メタバース ゲームである Valhalla と連携し、OG Esports との新しいパートナーシップを発表できることを嬉しく思います。 Valhalla は、オープンワールドの探索と戦略的なターンベースの戦闘を組み合わせた MMORPG です。プレイヤーはゲームプレイを通じて報酬を獲得し、スキルと戦略を通じてゲーム内での優位性を獲得できます。 このコラボレーションにより、Valhalla は OG Esports のジャージスリーブスポンサーとして紹介され、今後のすべてのイベントで取り上げられ、ファンのための新しいコラボレーション体験とコンテンツが生まれます。

Floki が Valhalla メタバース ゲームで OG Esports との提携を発表 (9 月 4 日)


Floki は、ブロックチェーン技術を基盤とし、プレイヤーにユニークでやりがいのあるゲーム体験を提供することを目的とした革新的なプレイ・トゥ・アーン メタバース ゲームである Valhalla と連携し、OG Esports との新しいパートナーシップを発表できることを嬉しく思います。

Valhalla は、オープンワールドの探索と戦略的なターンベースの戦闘を組み合わせた MMORPG です。プレイヤーはゲームプレイを通じて報酬を獲得し、スキルと戦略を通じてゲーム内での優位性を獲得できます。

このコラボレーションにより、Valhalla は OG Esports のジャージスリーブスポンサーとして紹介され、今後のすべてのイベントで取り上げられ、ファンのための新しいコラボレーション体験とコンテンツが生まれます。
ビトロ、流動性向上のため永久先物「ZKチェーン」を開始(9月4日)ロードタウン、BVI、2024年9月4日、Chainwire ビトロは、ZKsyncを搭載したElastic Chain上で画期的なオンチェーン永久先物インフラストラクチャであるBitoroCoreを近々リリースすることを発表できることを嬉しく思います。 分散型永久先物取引プラットフォームであるBitoroは本日、Elastic Chainエコシステム上に構築されたZK ChainであるBitoroCoreをリリースすると発表しました。BitoroCoreは、永久先物、オプション、予測市場向けに特別に設計されており、Bitoroネットワーク内の流動性ハブを強化し、Orderly NetworkやInjectiveなどの既存の統合とシームレスに連携します。



ビトロは、ZKsyncを搭載したElastic Chain上で画期的なオンチェーン永久先物インフラストラクチャであるBitoroCoreを近々リリースすることを発表できることを嬉しく思います。

分散型永久先物取引プラットフォームであるBitoroは本日、Elastic Chainエコシステム上に構築されたZK ChainであるBitoroCoreをリリースすると発表しました。BitoroCoreは、永久先物、オプション、予測市場向けに特別に設計されており、Bitoroネットワーク内の流動性ハブを強化し、Orderly NetworkやInjectiveなどの既存の統合とシームレスに連携します。
Venga が暗号通貨アプリをリリース、ブロックチェーンのイノベーションを数百万人に提供 (9 月 4 日)バルセロナ、スペイン、2024年9月4日、Chainwire Venga は、ブロックチェーン サービスを数百万人が利用できるように設計された多目的暗号アプリのリリースを発表しました。ヨーロッパ市場を対象としていますが、世界中で利用可能な Venga モバイル アプリは、現在 iOS の App Store に掲載されています。 Venga アプリは、高度なユーザー エクスペリエンスとスムーズなオンボーディング、鮮明なインターフェイスを兼ね備えています。分散型金融 (DeFi) と Web3 から生まれるイノベーションへのゲートウェイとして機能するように設定されています。その機能により、消費者は 1 つのアプリにシームレスにバンドルされた幅広い金融暗号サービスを簡単に利用できます。

Venga が暗号通貨アプリをリリース、ブロックチェーンのイノベーションを数百万人に提供 (9 月 4 日)


Venga は、ブロックチェーン サービスを数百万人が利用できるように設計された多目的暗号アプリのリリースを発表しました。ヨーロッパ市場を対象としていますが、世界中で利用可能な Venga モバイル アプリは、現在 iOS の App Store に掲載されています。

Venga アプリは、高度なユーザー エクスペリエンスとスムーズなオンボーディング、鮮明なインターフェイスを兼ね備えています。分散型金融 (DeFi) と Web3 から生まれるイノベーションへのゲートウェイとして機能するように設定されています。その機能により、消費者は 1 つのアプリにシームレスにバンドルされた幅広い金融暗号サービスを簡単に利用できます。
Orbs Liquidity Hub が Lynex との統合により Linea に拡大 (9 月 4 日)イスラエル、テルアビブ、2024年9月4日、Chainwire 大手 Linea DEX である Lynex は、Orbs の Liquidity Hub プロトコルの統合を発表しました。この導入により、Lynex ユーザーはより幅広い流動性ソースにアクセスして、より効率的な注文執行が可能になります。 Liquidity Hub の統合により、Lynex のユーザーは、実行価格の改善、MEV 保護、ガスレス取引などの強化された機能を利用できるようになります。資本効率を高めるように設計された Liquidity Hub は、オンチェーンとオフチェーンのソースから引き出して、優れた価格設定とスリッページの削減を実現します。

Orbs Liquidity Hub が Lynex との統合により Linea に拡大 (9 月 4 日)


大手 Linea DEX である Lynex は、Orbs の Liquidity Hub プロトコルの統合を発表しました。この導入により、Lynex ユーザーはより幅広い流動性ソースにアクセスして、より効率的な注文執行が可能になります。

Liquidity Hub の統合により、Lynex のユーザーは、実行価格の改善、MEV 保護、ガスレス取引などの強化された機能を利用できるようになります。資本効率を高めるように設計された Liquidity Hub は、オンチェーンとオフチェーンのソースから引き出して、優れた価格設定とスリッページの削減を実現します。
800 万を突破: BANANA が TON ブロックチェーンで新記録を樹立 (9 月 4 日)カリフォルニア州サンタクララ、2024年9月4日、Chainwire CARV を搭載した TON のアイドル ゲーム「BANANA」が、リリースからわずか 4 週間でユーザー数 800 万人に達し、新たなマイルストーンを達成しました。この成果により、「BANANA」は最も成功した TON ベースのミニ ゲームの 1 つとなり、TON ブロックチェーンがユーザー エンゲージメントと成長を高レベルで促進する驚くべき可能性を浮き彫りにしました。 7 月 27 日のリリース以来、BANANA は今日までに 800 万人以上のユーザーを獲得し、1 日のアクティブ ユーザー数は最大 100 万人に達しています。このゲームは、累計 180 万のリンク アカウントと、7,300 万件のゲーム内タスクの完了という驚異的な数字を誇り、プレイヤーの間でその魅力と持続的なエンゲージメントを際立たせています。

800 万を突破: BANANA が TON ブロックチェーンで新記録を樹立 (9 月 4 日)


CARV を搭載した TON のアイドル ゲーム「BANANA」が、リリースからわずか 4 週間でユーザー数 800 万人に達し、新たなマイルストーンを達成しました。この成果により、「BANANA」は最も成功した TON ベースのミニ ゲームの 1 つとなり、TON ブロックチェーンがユーザー エンゲージメントと成長を高レベルで促進する驚くべき可能性を浮き彫りにしました。

7 月 27 日のリリース以来、BANANA は今日までに 800 万人以上のユーザーを獲得し、1 日のアクティブ ユーザー数は最大 100 万人に達しています。このゲームは、累計 180 万のリンク アカウントと、7,300 万件のゲーム内タスクの完了という驚異的な数字を誇り、プレイヤーの間でその魅力と持続的なエンゲージメントを際立たせています。
POPG がコミュニティ主導の Web3 エコシステムを拡大 (9 月 4 日)アラブ首長国連邦ドバイ、2024年9月4日、Chainwire POPG は、2024 年 7 月末に正式に開始されて以来、ブロックチェーン愛好家やエンターテインメントに情熱を傾ける人々の活気あるコミュニティの育成に注力してきました。現実世界の問題を解決し、人々がお気に入りのエンターテインメントと関わる方法について新鮮な視点を提供するように設計された POPG Web3 エコシステムには、POP.VIP と呼ばれる報酬付き VIP システム、POP.GAME と呼ばれる責任ある iGaming プラットフォーム、および POP.LIVE と呼ばれる限定イベント アクセス ポータルという 3 つの主要プロジェクトが進行中です。

POPG がコミュニティ主導の Web3 エコシステムを拡大 (9 月 4 日)


POPG は、2024 年 7 月末に正式に開始されて以来、ブロックチェーン愛好家やエンターテインメントに情熱を傾ける人々の活気あるコミュニティの育成に注力してきました。現実世界の問題を解決し、人々がお気に入りのエンターテインメントと関わる方法について新鮮な視点を提供するように設計された POPG Web3 エコシステムには、POP.VIP と呼ばれる報酬付き VIP システム、POP.GAME と呼ばれる責任ある iGaming プラットフォーム、および POP.LIVE と呼ばれる限定イベント アクセス ポータルという 3 つの主要プロジェクトが進行中です。
Portal and Immutable Announce Partnership to Drive Web3 Gaming Distribution and Monetization (3 Sep)London, United Kingdom, September 3rd, 2024, Chainwire Portal, the leader in solving Web3 distribution, is thrilled to announce a groundbreaking partnership with Immutable, one of the most prominent players in the Web3 gaming industry. The partnership, officially unveiled today at Korean Blockchain Week during an Immutable and Portal co-sponsored event, marks a significant leap forward for web3 gaming, with far-reaching implications for developers, players, and the broader gaming landscape. The collaboration between Portal and Immutable is poised to redefine how Web3 games are distributed, monetized, and experienced. By combining Portal's unparalleled expertise in user acquisition, rewards, payments, and ecosystem liquidity improvements, with Immutable's robust platform for game development and distribution, the partnership ensures that players worldwide gain easy and rewarding access to the best Web3 games. This alliance not only enhances the growth potential of Web3 gaming but also increases the chances of more web3 games finding traction with mainstream audiences. "This partnership represents a pivotal moment in the evolution of both Web3 gaming and gaming overall," said Ezra Strauss, Head of Partnerships at Portal. "I’m thrilled to be reunited in this work with my talented former teammates at Immutable to push the boundaries of what’s possible in this space. Together, we’re not just enhancing game distribution and monetization—we’re setting the stage for the future of gaming, where players around the world can access and enjoy the best that Web3 has to offer.” Key Elements of the Partnership: Enhanced Distribution and Monetization: Immutable will leverage Portal and its innovative Portal Pay solution to drive distribution and monetization across its ecosystem of games. This collaboration is set to boost the overall growth of the Immutable ecosystem by making it easier for developers to reach new audiences and for players to engage with the latest Web3 games. Platform Integration: Immutable chains will be fully integrated into the Portal platform, including Portal Pay. This integration will streamline payments, rewards, and transactions across Immutable's network of games, creating a seamless experience for developers and players alike. Ecosystem Liquidity Improvements: The partnership will introduce new levels of liquidity to the Immutable ecosystem, empowering developers with enhanced tools for game/dApp monetization and offering players more rewarding experiences as they play Immutable games via the Portal product suite. Portal’s cross-chain tech stack brings players from across every chain to Immutable games, allowing devs to rapidly access and monetize new audiences. This partnership represents a highly synergistic relationship between two of the biggest players in Web3 gaming. While Portal continues to pave the way into the Web3 gaming space by connecting games with players through its cutting-edge distribution solutions, Immutable remains focused on enabling developers to build and deploy great games. Together, they are set to accelerate the growth of Web3 gaming and contribute to its potential to become a dominant force in the global gaming industry. About Portal Portal is building the distribution layer for Web3 and beyond. An ecosystem that's bringing together users from every chain and connecting them with the best dApps in the space - starting with gaming. Via frictionless products, a pioneering liquidity layer and a world-class network, Portal is helping Web3 solve distribution - aggregating users into a single, vibrant ecosystem in the process. Builders of top-level games and dApps can now focus on creating AAA experiences on any chain - Portal is connecting them to users from around the world. Portal's advisors include Jamie King, Rockstar Games Co-Founder, Russell Hanson, former CSO of Consensys, Matt Dixon, former Head of BD, EA Games, and John Yao, CEO Team Secret eSports. Portal is proudly represented by WME. For more information, users can follow Portal on X: About Immutable Immutable is a global leader in gaming on a mission to bring digital ownership to every player by making it safe and easy to build great web3 games. The Immutable gaming platform makes it easy for game studios and independent developers to safely and confidently build and launch successful games on Ethereum. The product suite includes pre-built solutions, optimized for usability, that help developers get to market faster without sacrificing security or player experience. Builders get personalized web3 guidance, live support for their communities, and access to the largest ecosystem in gaming. Immutable was the first gaming platform to deliver a zero-knowledge (zk) scaling solution to the Ethereum community and provides developers with multiple zk-based scaling options, including Immutable X, a rollup based on StarkWare technology, and Immutable zkEVM, powered by Polygon.  Immutable’s in-house gaming capabilities means they know how to build great games first-hand through Immutable Games, a global leader in web3 game development and publishing. Backed by a world-class team who have proven track records of bringing games to millions of players, Immutable Games has pioneered the world’s first blockbuster NFT trading-card game Gods Unchained and is currently building the highly anticipated mobile RPG Guild of Guardians.  For more information, users can visit: Users can join the Immutable community on Discord, Reddit, Twitter, Instagram, Telegram and Youtube Disclaimer. This is a paid press release.

Portal and Immutable Announce Partnership to Drive Web3 Gaming Distribution and Monetization (3 Sep)

London, United Kingdom, September 3rd, 2024, Chainwire

Portal, the leader in solving Web3 distribution, is thrilled to announce a groundbreaking partnership with Immutable, one of the most prominent players in the Web3 gaming industry. The partnership, officially unveiled today at Korean Blockchain Week during an Immutable and Portal co-sponsored event, marks a significant leap forward for web3 gaming, with far-reaching implications for developers, players, and the broader gaming landscape.

The collaboration between Portal and Immutable is poised to redefine how Web3 games are distributed, monetized, and experienced. By combining Portal's unparalleled expertise in user acquisition, rewards, payments, and ecosystem liquidity improvements, with Immutable's robust platform for game development and distribution, the partnership ensures that players worldwide gain easy and rewarding access to the best Web3 games. This alliance not only enhances the growth potential of Web3 gaming but also increases the chances of more web3 games finding traction with mainstream audiences.

"This partnership represents a pivotal moment in the evolution of both Web3 gaming and gaming overall," said Ezra Strauss, Head of Partnerships at Portal. "I’m thrilled to be reunited in this work with my talented former teammates at Immutable to push the boundaries of what’s possible in this space. Together, we’re not just enhancing game distribution and monetization—we’re setting the stage for the future of gaming, where players around the world can access and enjoy the best that Web3 has to offer.”

Key Elements of the Partnership:

Enhanced Distribution and Monetization: Immutable will leverage Portal and its innovative Portal Pay solution to drive distribution and monetization across its ecosystem of games. This collaboration is set to boost the overall growth of the Immutable ecosystem by making it easier for developers to reach new audiences and for players to engage with the latest Web3 games.

Platform Integration: Immutable chains will be fully integrated into the Portal platform, including Portal Pay. This integration will streamline payments, rewards, and transactions across Immutable's network of games, creating a seamless experience for developers and players alike.

Ecosystem Liquidity Improvements: The partnership will introduce new levels of liquidity to the Immutable ecosystem, empowering developers with enhanced tools for game/dApp monetization and offering players more rewarding experiences as they play Immutable games via the Portal product suite. Portal’s cross-chain tech stack brings players from across every chain to Immutable games, allowing devs to rapidly access and monetize new audiences.

This partnership represents a highly synergistic relationship between two of the biggest players in Web3 gaming. While Portal continues to pave the way into the Web3 gaming space by connecting games with players through its cutting-edge distribution solutions, Immutable remains focused on enabling developers to build and deploy great games. Together, they are set to accelerate the growth of Web3 gaming and contribute to its potential to become a dominant force in the global gaming industry.

About Portal

Portal is building the distribution layer for Web3 and beyond. An ecosystem that's bringing together users from every chain and connecting them with the best dApps in the space - starting with gaming. Via frictionless products, a pioneering liquidity layer and a world-class network, Portal is helping Web3 solve distribution - aggregating users into a single, vibrant ecosystem in the process. Builders of top-level games and dApps can now focus on creating AAA experiences on any chain - Portal is connecting them to users from around the world. Portal's advisors include Jamie King, Rockstar Games Co-Founder, Russell Hanson, former CSO of Consensys, Matt Dixon, former Head of BD, EA Games, and John Yao, CEO Team Secret eSports. Portal is proudly represented by WME.

For more information, users can follow Portal on X:

About Immutable

Immutable is a global leader in gaming on a mission to bring digital ownership to every player by making it safe and easy to build great web3 games.

The Immutable gaming platform makes it easy for game studios and independent developers to safely and confidently build and launch successful games on Ethereum. The product suite includes pre-built solutions, optimized for usability, that help developers get to market faster without sacrificing security or player experience. Builders get personalized web3 guidance, live support for their communities, and access to the largest ecosystem in gaming.

Immutable was the first gaming platform to deliver a zero-knowledge (zk) scaling solution to the Ethereum community and provides developers with multiple zk-based scaling options, including Immutable X, a rollup based on StarkWare technology, and Immutable zkEVM, powered by Polygon. 

Immutable’s in-house gaming capabilities means they know how to build great games first-hand through Immutable Games, a global leader in web3 game development and publishing. Backed by a world-class team who have proven track records of bringing games to millions of players, Immutable Games has pioneered the world’s first blockbuster NFT trading-card game Gods Unchained and is currently building the highly anticipated mobile RPG Guild of Guardians. 

For more information, users can visit:

Users can join the Immutable community on Discord, Reddit, Twitter, Instagram, Telegram and Youtube

Disclaimer. This is a paid press release.
Forgd は、トークノミクス設計、流動性監視などの無料ツールで Web3 アドバイザリを改革しています...ニューヨーク、ニューヨーク州、2024年9月3日、Chainwire トークンアドバイザリおよび最適化プラットフォームであるForgdは、ブロックチェーンプロジェクトにトークンエコノミクス設計、流動性監視、キャップテーブル管理、財務計画のためのツールへの無制限のアクセスを提供する、無料で使用できるウェブプラットフォームの立ち上げを発表しました。Forgdは、従来のWeb3アドバイザリに関連する財務上の障壁を排除し、トークンを発行するブロックチェーンプロジェクトをサポートするために構築された、断片化されたサービス業界を統合します。

Forgd は、トークノミクス設計、流動性監視などの無料ツールで Web3 アドバイザリを改革しています...


Klumi Ventures and DWF Labs Join Forces to Grow the UAE Web3 Ecosystem (3 Sep)Dubai, UAE, September 3rd, 2024, Chainwire Klumi Ventures, the first regulated Web3 Venture Capital and Fund Manager based in Abu Dhabi, and DWF Labs, a new generation Web3 investor and market maker have joined forces to bring the already flourishing Web3 ecosystem in the UAE to new heights.  This partnership underscores our mutual commitment to advancing the Web3 and digital asset landscape in the UAE, in line with the Abu Dhabi Economic Vision 2030. By combining Klumi Ventures' regional Web3 expertise—already assisting projects in successfully transitioning to the UAE and go-to market strategies— with DWF Labs' market making and investment capabilities—recently recognized with VIP longest standing client award by Binance for their five years of VIP trading—, we aim to accelerate digital transformation in the region. Our shared vision is to foster and expand the Web3 ecosystem in the UAE, providing all the necessary resources to help new entrants and institutions succeed. Building on DWF Labs' significant experience in Asia, combined with Klumi Ventures' high value local network and dedication to the UAE's digital asset vision, this partnership is strategically placed to achieve its goals. “DWF Labs, one of the leading players in the Web3 space, has achieved significant success in Asia and is now expanding its presence to the UAE. Klumi Ventures is excited to support the leading DWF portfolio companies and contribute to the growth of the Web3 ecosystem in the UAE.” stated Kristiina Lumeste, SEO and Founder of Klumi Ventures. Klumi Ventures and DWF Labs Partnership Framework: Strategic Advisory: Klumi Ventures and DWF Labs will collaborate to offer comprehensive strategic advisory services to companies looking to expand into the UAE market. This includes guidance on go-to-market strategies, regulatory compliance, fundraising, and business development to ensure successful expansion. Investments and Market-Making: Leveraging DWF Labs' expertise in investments and market making, the partnership aims to provide Klumi Ventures' portfolio companies with access to crucial liquidity and capital resources, enabling them to scale effectively in the UAE's growing digital asset market. OTC Deals and Options: DWF Labs will facilitate OTC deals, providing tailored solutions for clients seeking to trade large volumes of digital assets securely and efficiently. In addition, DWF Labs is soon launching its own full scale options platform where Klumi Ventures clients can access various levels of yields with limited risk. Market Education: Starting in 2024, the partnership will launch a series of educational initiatives in the UAE, including workshops, aimed at sharing critical knowledge and tools needed to thrive in the UAE Web3 ecosystem. These initiatives will focus on strategies, networking, regulatory and legal requirements, and the complexities of operating within the UAE market. “This partnership with Klumi Ventures represents a significant step forward in our shared vision to build a robust Web3 ecosystem that supports innovation and sustainable growth across the UAE region. Together, we are strategically positioned to drive the digital transformation in the UAE, empowering both new entrants and established institutions to thrive in this dynamic landscape,” said Andrei Grachev, Managing Partner at DWF Labs.  In summary, the collaboration between Klumi Ventures and DWF Labs is well-equipped to contribute to the UAE's ambitions of becoming a leading global blockchain hub. Together, we are committed to fostering innovation and accelerating Web3 adoption across the MENA region. About Klumi Ventures Klumi Ventures is the premier Venture Capital Firm based in Abu Dhabi, spearheading blockchain innovation and empowerment in the Middle East. Klumi Ventures holds the distinction of being the region's first blockchain-native Venture Capital Firm and Fund Manager regulated by Abu Dhabi Global Markets. The firm provides comprehensive support to early-stage startups, offering a unique array of strategic advisory, incubation, technical support, legal and compliance expertise, and fund management services. The team focuses on disruptive technologies harnessing blockchain to deliver decentralized, transparent, and secure solutions, driving forward the evolution of the Web3 ecosystem. For more details on Klumi Ventures, please visit or follow on X and Linkedin. About DWF Labs DWF Labs is the new generation Web3 investor and market maker, one of the world's largest high-frequency cryptocurrency trading entities, which trades spot and derivatives markets on over 60 top exchanges. For more details, please visit  Disclaimer. This is a paid press release.

Klumi Ventures and DWF Labs Join Forces to Grow the UAE Web3 Ecosystem (3 Sep)

Dubai, UAE, September 3rd, 2024, Chainwire

Klumi Ventures, the first regulated Web3 Venture Capital and Fund Manager based in Abu Dhabi, and DWF Labs, a new generation Web3 investor and market maker have joined forces to bring the already flourishing Web3 ecosystem in the UAE to new heights. 

This partnership underscores our mutual commitment to advancing the Web3 and digital asset landscape in the UAE, in line with the Abu Dhabi Economic Vision 2030. By combining Klumi Ventures' regional Web3 expertise—already assisting projects in successfully transitioning to the UAE and go-to market strategies— with DWF Labs' market making and investment capabilities—recently recognized with VIP longest standing client award by Binance for their five years of VIP trading—, we aim to accelerate digital transformation in the region. Our shared vision is to foster and expand the Web3 ecosystem in the UAE, providing all the necessary resources to help new entrants and institutions succeed. Building on DWF Labs' significant experience in Asia, combined with Klumi Ventures' high value local network and dedication to the UAE's digital asset vision, this partnership is strategically placed to achieve its goals.

“DWF Labs, one of the leading players in the Web3 space, has achieved significant success in Asia and is now expanding its presence to the UAE. Klumi Ventures is excited to support the leading DWF portfolio companies and contribute to the growth of the Web3 ecosystem in the UAE.” stated Kristiina Lumeste, SEO and Founder of Klumi Ventures.

Klumi Ventures and DWF Labs Partnership Framework:

Strategic Advisory: Klumi Ventures and DWF Labs will collaborate to offer comprehensive strategic advisory services to companies looking to expand into the UAE market. This includes guidance on go-to-market strategies, regulatory compliance, fundraising, and business development to ensure successful expansion.

Investments and Market-Making: Leveraging DWF Labs' expertise in investments and market making, the partnership aims to provide Klumi Ventures' portfolio companies with access to crucial liquidity and capital resources, enabling them to scale effectively in the UAE's growing digital asset market.

OTC Deals and Options: DWF Labs will facilitate OTC deals, providing tailored solutions for clients seeking to trade large volumes of digital assets securely and efficiently. In addition, DWF Labs is soon launching its own full scale options platform where Klumi Ventures clients can access various levels of yields with limited risk.

Market Education: Starting in 2024, the partnership will launch a series of educational initiatives in the UAE, including workshops, aimed at sharing critical knowledge and tools needed to thrive in the UAE Web3 ecosystem. These initiatives will focus on strategies, networking, regulatory and legal requirements, and the complexities of operating within the UAE market.

“This partnership with Klumi Ventures represents a significant step forward in our shared vision to build a robust Web3 ecosystem that supports innovation and sustainable growth across the UAE region. Together, we are strategically positioned to drive the digital transformation in the UAE, empowering both new entrants and established institutions to thrive in this dynamic landscape,” said Andrei Grachev, Managing Partner at DWF Labs. 

In summary, the collaboration between Klumi Ventures and DWF Labs is well-equipped to contribute to the UAE's ambitions of becoming a leading global blockchain hub. Together, we are committed to fostering innovation and accelerating Web3 adoption across the MENA region.

About Klumi Ventures

Klumi Ventures is the premier Venture Capital Firm based in Abu Dhabi, spearheading blockchain innovation and empowerment in the Middle East. Klumi Ventures holds the distinction of being the region's first blockchain-native Venture Capital Firm and Fund Manager regulated by Abu Dhabi Global Markets. The firm provides comprehensive support to early-stage startups, offering a unique array of strategic advisory, incubation, technical support, legal and compliance expertise, and fund management services. The team focuses on disruptive technologies harnessing blockchain to deliver decentralized, transparent, and secure solutions, driving forward the evolution of the Web3 ecosystem.

For more details on Klumi Ventures, please visit or follow on X and Linkedin.

About DWF Labs

DWF Labs is the new generation Web3 investor and market maker, one of the world's largest high-frequency cryptocurrency trading entities, which trades spot and derivatives markets on over 60 top exchanges.

For more details, please visit 

Disclaimer. This is a paid press release.
Staking Rewards to Host World’s Largest Staking Summit in Bangkok November 8-9th (2 Sep)Bangkok, Thailand, September 2nd, 2024, Chainwire Crypto staking explorer Staking Rewards has announced that its international staking conference is returning for its third consecutive year. The two-day summit will be hosted in Bangkok, Thailand, from November 8, uniting key participants in the global staking industry to provide insights and innovations that will shape the future of PoS. Set to be hosted at the Siam Kempinski Hotel in Bangkok, the 2024 Staking Summit promises to be the largest event of its kind. Over the course of two days, delegates will hear keynotes, panel discussions, fireside chats, and participate in workshops that illuminate the latest industry developments across the multi-chain landscape. Topics such as Bitcoin Staking, Restaking, LSTfi, Validators, Home Staking, and emerging PoS chains will be among the many themes up for debate during a conference that covers every aspect of the multi-billion dollar staking industry. 2024 Staking Summit will give particular focus to new Proof of Stake networks and the opportunities they present for integration to existing staking infrastructure. Staking Rewards CEO Mirko Schmiedl said: “Since our last event 12 months ago, the staking landscape has undergone rapid growth in TVL and is now the frontline for much of the innovation occurring in crypto today. At the third annual Staking Summit, we’ll reflect on how far the industry’s come but mostly we’ll look to the future as our experts, sponsors, and delegates give their take on the catalysts that will drive the staking sector forwards into 2025 and beyond.” Validators and home stakers have the opportunity to purchase discounted tickets for the conference, which is expected to attract hundreds of industry figures from around the world. Crypto payments are accepted, with general tickets granting access to all event areas, stages, workshops, networking app, catering, merchandise, and the closing party. VIP ticket holders, meanwhile, will enjoy exclusive access to all side events, private meeting rooms, and the welcome dinner with speakers, sponsors, and media partners. More than 40 sponsors have been confirmed for the event so far, headlined by names such as Coinbase, Babylon, Lido, A41, Puffer, and TRES. Many of these sponsors are returning for their third consecutive year, demonstrating the reputation Staking Summit has accrued. Through lending support to the conference, these sponsors aim to drive growth of the staking industry while spearheading innovation, community collaboration, and the sharing of best practices. Discussions will also center on the expected uptick in institutional participation in the coming years with the goal of developing the infrastructure that will allow capital to flow into the staking industry. About Staking Summit 2024 Hosted by Staking Rewards and backed by 40+ sponsors, the Staking Summit welcomes hundreds of delegates to Bangkok for two days of talks, discussions, and side events. The event will help to shape the future of staking and unite PoS protocols, validators, and investors to network and exchange ideas that will help accelerate the growth of Proof of Stake. Learn more: Disclaimer. This is a paid press release.

Staking Rewards to Host World’s Largest Staking Summit in Bangkok November 8-9th (2 Sep)

Bangkok, Thailand, September 2nd, 2024, Chainwire

Crypto staking explorer Staking Rewards has announced that its international staking conference is returning for its third consecutive year. The two-day summit will be hosted in Bangkok, Thailand, from November 8, uniting key participants in the global staking industry to provide insights and innovations that will shape the future of PoS.

Set to be hosted at the Siam Kempinski Hotel in Bangkok, the 2024 Staking Summit promises to be the largest event of its kind. Over the course of two days, delegates will hear keynotes, panel discussions, fireside chats, and participate in workshops that illuminate the latest industry developments across the multi-chain landscape.

Topics such as Bitcoin Staking, Restaking, LSTfi, Validators, Home Staking, and emerging PoS chains will be among the many themes up for debate during a conference that covers every aspect of the multi-billion dollar staking industry. 2024 Staking Summit will give particular focus to new Proof of Stake networks and the opportunities they present for integration to existing staking infrastructure.

Staking Rewards CEO Mirko Schmiedl said: “Since our last event 12 months ago, the staking landscape has undergone rapid growth in TVL and is now the frontline for much of the innovation occurring in crypto today. At the third annual Staking Summit, we’ll reflect on how far the industry’s come but mostly we’ll look to the future as our experts, sponsors, and delegates give their take on the catalysts that will drive the staking sector forwards into 2025 and beyond.”

Validators and home stakers have the opportunity to purchase discounted tickets for the conference, which is expected to attract hundreds of industry figures from around the world. Crypto payments are accepted, with general tickets granting access to all event areas, stages, workshops, networking app, catering, merchandise, and the closing party. VIP ticket holders, meanwhile, will enjoy exclusive access to all side events, private meeting rooms, and the welcome dinner with speakers, sponsors, and media partners.

More than 40 sponsors have been confirmed for the event so far, headlined by names such as Coinbase, Babylon, Lido, A41, Puffer, and TRES. Many of these sponsors are returning for their third consecutive year, demonstrating the reputation Staking Summit has accrued. Through lending support to the conference, these sponsors aim to drive growth of the staking industry while spearheading innovation, community collaboration, and the sharing of best practices.

Discussions will also center on the expected uptick in institutional participation in the coming years with the goal of developing the infrastructure that will allow capital to flow into the staking industry.

About Staking Summit 2024

Hosted by Staking Rewards and backed by 40+ sponsors, the Staking Summit welcomes hundreds of delegates to Bangkok for two days of talks, discussions, and side events. The event will help to shape the future of staking and unite PoS protocols, validators, and investors to network and exchange ideas that will help accelerate the growth of Proof of Stake.

Learn more:

Disclaimer. This is a paid press release.
Web3 社の Safe Haven が、世界初の複数特許、マルチシグ、マルチチェーンのバックアップと... を発表ベルギー、ブリュッセル、2024年9月2日、Chainwire 同社は、Web3 コミュニティのニーズに応えるために元の製品を完全に改良し、同時に Web2 ユーザーにも製品がアクセスできるようにしました。 バックアップ、継承、データ転送のための分散型ソリューションを提供する Web3 企業 Safe Haven は本日、デジタル データとデジタル継承にアクセスするための複数の特許を取得した、複数の署名を持つ分散型ストレージ ソリューションである Inheriti® 2.0 をリリースすると発表しました。これにより、暗号通貨の所有者は、秘密鍵や秘密データを安全にバックアップしながら、それらの完全な管理を維持できます。

Web3 社の Safe Haven が、世界初の複数特許、マルチシグ、マルチチェーンのバックアップと... を発表


同社は、Web3 コミュニティのニーズに応えるために元の製品を完全に改良し、同時に Web2 ユーザーにも製品がアクセスできるようにしました。

バックアップ、継承、データ転送のための分散型ソリューションを提供する Web3 企業 Safe Haven は本日、デジタル データとデジタル継承にアクセスするための複数の特許を取得した、複数の署名を持つ分散型ストレージ ソリューションである Inheriti® 2.0 をリリースすると発表しました。これにより、暗号通貨の所有者は、秘密鍵や秘密データを安全にバックアップしながら、それらの完全な管理を維持できます。
NFL ライバルズが第 2 シーズンに復帰 (8 月 30 日)ニューヨーク、ニューヨーク、2024年8月30日、チェーンワイヤー NFLとNFL選手協会の公式ライセンスを受けたビデオゲーム「NFLライバルズ」は本日、Year 2と呼ばれる第2シーズンの開始を発表しました。Y2は2024年9月5日のNFLキックオフに合わせて開始され、モバイルスポーツゲームにおけるエキサイティングなマイルストーンとなる予定です。 500 万回以上のダウンロードと 1 億 1,500 万回以上のゲームプレイを記録した大成功を収めた初シーズンに続き、NFL ライバルズは、多数の新機能とアップデートでさらに成功を加速させようとしています。初年度の強固な基盤の上に築かれたこのゲームは、プレイヤーに充実したゲーム体験とさまざまな革新的な追加機能を提供する予定です。

NFL ライバルズが第 2 シーズンに復帰 (8 月 30 日)


NFLとNFL選手協会の公式ライセンスを受けたビデオゲーム「NFLライバルズ」は本日、Year 2と呼ばれる第2シーズンの開始を発表しました。Y2は2024年9月5日のNFLキックオフに合わせて開始され、モバイルスポーツゲームにおけるエキサイティングなマイルストーンとなる予定です。

500 万回以上のダウンロードと 1 億 1,500 万回以上のゲームプレイを記録した大成功を収めた初シーズンに続き、NFL ライバルズは、多数の新機能とアップデートでさらに成功を加速させようとしています。初年度の強固な基盤の上に築かれたこのゲームは、プレイヤーに充実したゲーム体験とさまざまな革新的な追加機能を提供する予定です。
マウントゴックス元CEOマーク・カルプレス、作家クリス・ディクソンらがKBW2024の特別講演者に (8月30日)ソウル、韓国、2024年8月30日、Chainwire アジアで最も影響力のあるブロックチェーンカンファレンスであるKorea Blockchain Week 2024は、2009年からブロックチェーン業界で活躍してきた元Mt. Gox CEOのマーク・カルプレス氏が、主力イベントであるKBW2024: IMPACTの特別講演者の一人として登壇することを発表します。 マーク・カルプレスは、2009年にビットコインを通じてブロックチェーンと暗号技術を発見し、その後すぐに2012年にビットコイン財団の創設メンバーになりました。彼は2011年にマウントゴックスを買収し、現在利用可能なサイバーセキュリティ技術に12年間取り組んだ後、2023年に朝鮮の技術大臣に就任しました。マークは、パスフレーズを必要とせず、デジタル資産取引のためのユーザーフレンドリーなプラットフォームを提供する暗号ウォレットおよび取引所であるEllipXのCTOも務めています。

マウントゴックス元CEOマーク・カルプレス、作家クリス・ディクソンらがKBW2024の特別講演者に (8月30日)


アジアで最も影響力のあるブロックチェーンカンファレンスであるKorea Blockchain Week 2024は、2009年からブロックチェーン業界で活躍してきた元Mt. Gox CEOのマーク・カルプレス氏が、主力イベントであるKBW2024: IMPACTの特別講演者の一人として登壇することを発表します。

Blocksquare がテキーラ蒸留所の初のトークン化に協力 (8 月 29 日)リュブリャナ、スロベニア、2024年8月29日、Chainwire Blocksquare の最新の RWA 投資向けマーケットプレイス プールが稼働を開始しました。これは、36 時間未満で完売した以前の Oceanpoint ローンチパッド キャンペーンに続き、プラットフォームの 3 番目の DAO 資金調達プールとなります。テキーラ蒸留所の運営と不動産開発を融合させたプロジェクトである Rancho Altos では、$BST (Blocksquare トークン) 保有者が世界初のテキーラ蒸留所のトークン化に投資することができ、これまで個人投資家がアクセスできなかった業界への投資を民主化します。

Blocksquare がテキーラ蒸留所の初のトークン化に協力 (8 月 29 日)


Blocksquare の最新の RWA 投資向けマーケットプレイス プールが稼働を開始しました。これは、36 時間未満で完売した以前の Oceanpoint ローンチパッド キャンペーンに続き、プラットフォームの 3 番目の DAO 資金調達プールとなります。テキーラ蒸留所の運営と不動産開発を融合させたプロジェクトである Rancho Altos では、$BST (Blocksquare トークン) 保有者が世界初のテキーラ蒸留所のトークン化に投資することができ、これまで個人投資家がアクセスできなかった業界への投資を民主化します。
Merkle Trade, Gamified Perp DEX on Aptos, Launches TGE Sequence (29 Aug)Singapore, Singapore, August 29th, 2024, Chainwire Merkle Trade, the first gamified perpetual futures decentralized exchange (DEX) based on Aptos, the secure, scalable and feature-rich Layer-1 blockchain, is introducing its Token Generation Event (TGE) Sequence, uniquely featuring both Genesis Staking and a Liquidity Bootstrapping Auction (LBA). Backed by prominent investors like Hashed and Arrington Capital, Merkle Trade is building off the success of Genesis Staking that began July 25th, to launch its LBA running from August 29th to September 5th.  The LBA will offer early users exclusive USDC rewards for staking for an extended period. Merkle Trade differentiates from other perpetual DEXes with its focus on accessible and enjoyable trading for everyone, including casual traders. Users can start trading perpetual futures with as little as $2 in collateral, while enjoying gas-free transactions and a seamless user experience with order execution that doesn’t require constant signatures (i.e. 1-click trading). Its focus on user-friendly features has driven rapid growth, with Merkle Trade surpassing $12.9 billion in cumulative trading volume and attracting over 124,500 traders while becoming one of the top fee-generating protocols on Aptos. Building off this traction, the project has launched a unique Token Generation Event (TGE) Sequence, introducing Genesis Staking and the Liquidity Bootstrapping Auction (LBA) as different ways for users to engage with the platform. These options are tailored to benefit both existing users and newcomers to provide diverse strategies to secure MKL tokens, manage positions, and earn additional rewards. Genesis Staking allows preMKL holders to retain their MKL tokens while earning USDC rewards. These rewards are sourced from a portion of the protocol’s revenue and include access to a special reward pool with up to $200,000 in additional benefits. An impressive milestone has been reached with over 3 million preMKL tokens staked for an average duration of more than 20 weeks, accounting for over 22% of the circulating supply at the time of the token launch. Liquidity Bootstrapping Auction (LBA) offers an opportunity for both existing users and newcomers to deposit USDC and/or preMKL over a 7-day period, during which the ratio between the two assets will establish the initial launch price of the MKL token. In return, participants receive MKL-USDC LP tokens, which come with dual rewards, including a share of 1% of the total MKL supply and trading fees generated by the pool. Participants are encouraged to carefully evaluate their financial goals and the unique benefits of each option within the TGE Sequence. Both Genesis Staking and the LBA are designed to offer valuable opportunities, allowing users to select the path that best aligns with their individual objectives. To assist in making informed decisions, the team has provided an $MKL TGE Cheatsheet, offering clear and concise guidance on navigating these options. For more details and updates on how to participate in the LBA, users are encouraged to stay tuned to Merkle Trade’s official channels (X, Discord, dApp).  About Merkle Trade Merkle Trade is the first gamified perpetual futures decentralized exchange (DEX) based on Aptos. It provides omnichain support, including EVM wallet integration via LayerZero. Backed by prominent investors like Hashed and Arrington Capital, Merkle Trade uniquely combines a high-performance, secure perpetual DEX with the engaging, social elements of popular online and RPG games. Believing that making directional bets on volatile assets like crypto should be fun for all, the platform has significantly lowered barriers to entry for crypto asset trading. About Aptos Network Aptos is the secure, scalable, and feature-rich L1 blockchain of choice for both developers and users—delivering the best performance, the highest throughput, and lowest latency. Aptos is the first blockchain to use the Move programming language, and is designed with simplicity in mind for the best builder experience. Aptos is the top choice for next-gen use cases, real-world applications, and the millions of users that come with them. If it’s happening in Web3, it’s happening on Aptos. Disclaimer. This is a paid press release.

Merkle Trade, Gamified Perp DEX on Aptos, Launches TGE Sequence (29 Aug)

Singapore, Singapore, August 29th, 2024, Chainwire

Merkle Trade, the first gamified perpetual futures decentralized exchange (DEX) based on Aptos, the secure, scalable and feature-rich Layer-1 blockchain, is introducing its Token Generation Event (TGE) Sequence, uniquely featuring both Genesis Staking and a Liquidity Bootstrapping Auction (LBA). Backed by prominent investors like Hashed and Arrington Capital, Merkle Trade is building off the success of Genesis Staking that began July 25th, to launch its LBA running from August 29th to September 5th. 

The LBA will offer early users exclusive USDC rewards for staking for an extended period. Merkle Trade differentiates from other perpetual DEXes with its focus on accessible and enjoyable trading for everyone, including casual traders. Users can start trading perpetual futures with as little as $2 in collateral, while enjoying gas-free transactions and a seamless user experience with order execution that doesn’t require constant signatures (i.e. 1-click trading). Its focus on user-friendly features has driven rapid growth, with Merkle Trade surpassing $12.9 billion in cumulative trading volume and attracting over 124,500 traders while becoming one of the top fee-generating protocols on Aptos.

Building off this traction, the project has launched a unique Token Generation Event (TGE) Sequence, introducing Genesis Staking and the Liquidity Bootstrapping Auction (LBA) as different ways for users to engage with the platform. These options are tailored to benefit both existing users and newcomers to provide diverse strategies to secure MKL tokens, manage positions, and earn additional rewards.

Genesis Staking allows preMKL holders to retain their MKL tokens while earning USDC rewards. These rewards are sourced from a portion of the protocol’s revenue and include access to a special reward pool with up to $200,000 in additional benefits. An impressive milestone has been reached with over 3 million preMKL tokens staked for an average duration of more than 20 weeks, accounting for over 22% of the circulating supply at the time of the token launch.

Liquidity Bootstrapping Auction (LBA) offers an opportunity for both existing users and newcomers to deposit USDC and/or preMKL over a 7-day period, during which the ratio between the two assets will establish the initial launch price of the MKL token. In return, participants receive MKL-USDC LP tokens, which come with dual rewards, including a share of 1% of the total MKL supply and trading fees generated by the pool.

Participants are encouraged to carefully evaluate their financial goals and the unique benefits of each option within the TGE Sequence. Both Genesis Staking and the LBA are designed to offer valuable opportunities, allowing users to select the path that best aligns with their individual objectives. To assist in making informed decisions, the team has provided an $MKL TGE Cheatsheet, offering clear and concise guidance on navigating these options.

For more details and updates on how to participate in the LBA, users are encouraged to stay tuned to Merkle Trade’s official channels (X, Discord, dApp). 

About Merkle Trade

Merkle Trade is the first gamified perpetual futures decentralized exchange (DEX) based on Aptos. It provides omnichain support, including EVM wallet integration via LayerZero. Backed by prominent investors like Hashed and Arrington Capital, Merkle Trade uniquely combines a high-performance, secure perpetual DEX with the engaging, social elements of popular online and RPG games. Believing that making directional bets on volatile assets like crypto should be fun for all, the platform has significantly lowered barriers to entry for crypto asset trading.

About Aptos Network

Aptos is the secure, scalable, and feature-rich L1 blockchain of choice for both developers and users—delivering the best performance, the highest throughput, and lowest latency. Aptos is the first blockchain to use the Move programming language, and is designed with simplicity in mind for the best builder experience. Aptos is the top choice for next-gen use cases, real-world applications, and the millions of users that come with them. If it’s happening in Web3, it’s happening on Aptos.

Disclaimer. This is a paid press release.
Morph and Foresight Ventures Launch $20M Ecosystem Fund for Early-Stage Consumer Blockchain Proje...New York, United States, August 29th, 2024, Chainwire The initiative will support projects building within the Morph ecosystem through financial resources and personalized guidance, helping them achieve long-term success Morph, the global consumer layer for driving blockchain adoption for the mass markets has announced today a partnership with Foresight Ventures, establishing a $20 million Ecosystem Fund which aims to accelerate the development and deployment of consumer blockchain projects within the Morph ecosystem and the industry as a whole.  The Morph Ecosystem Fund is a comprehensive program that offers early-stage consumer blockchain projects with advanced blockchain infrastructure and the necessary financial resources and guidance through the likes of capital investment, fundraising, promotional power, technical and operational expertise, and exchange listing.  “Our vision is to create lasting strategic alliances that will elevate Morph's capabilities and expand its influence,” said Cecilia Hsueh, CEO and Co-Founder of Morph.“ This program is not just about financial support; it's about providing a holistic growth environment for pioneering consumer blockchain projects. By leveraging Morph's advanced blockchain infrastructure and our investment expertise, we aim to drive innovation and create significant value within the Morph ecosystem.”  The program will match projects one-on-one with strategic venture partners and offer fundraising support to help structure deals, secure additional funding, and navigate the complex investment landscape. Projects will be given access to Morph’s technical resources, development tools, and operational expertise and provided with co-promotion on Morph's media channels, social platforms, and at industry events to boost their brand visibility.  Forest Bai, Co-Founder of Foresight Ventures, said “We see consumer applications as the sole gateway to mass adoption and are excited to back an ecosystem so dedicated to consumers. Morph Network offers a highly practical tech stack, an ecosystem acceleration system, and unparalleled advantages in regional markets.” The Morph Ecosystem Fund will select applicants who not only offer innovative real-world consumer blockchain solutions and practical utility to the web3 and broader tech landscape but also align with Morph’s long-term strategic goals and have the potential to enhance the overall blockchain ecosystem. Consumer blockchain projects can apply for the program by visiting for more information on eligibility criteria and the application process. About Morph Morph is a fully permissionless EVM L2 that uses a combination of optimistic and zero knowledge rollup technology to enable limitless possibilities in entertainment, social, lifestyle and loyalty. Morph is the first Layer 2 on Ethereum to launch with a decentralized sequencer, aligning it with several core principles of web3—decentralization, censorship resistance, and security. The blockchain was built with mainstream audiences like gamers and social media users in mind, making it a user-friendly option for developers who require a chain to build these types of apps. Bitget, the world's leading cryptocurrency exchange, is an original investor in Morph that will continue to play a role amongst the other investors in shaping the Morph ecosystem. Morph’s founders bring unique backgrounds and perspectives to the company. Cecilia Hsueh, Morph’s Co-Founder and CEO, previously founded Phemex, a top global crypto derivatives exchange. Azeem Khan, Co-Founder and COO, was formerly Head of Impact at Gitcoin, where he helped lead one of the most notable grant programs in the space. Together they launched Morph to empower people who have historically been excluded by the traditional financial system. About Foresight Ventures A research-driven crypto investment & incubation powerhouse with a premier media network, serving as the most essential bridge connecting Eastern and Western ecosystems. With a track record of supporting early-stage projects and driving technological advancements, Foresight Ventures is committed to partnering with visionary projects that have the potential to reshape the future of digital finance and beyond. Disclaimer. This is a paid press release.

Morph and Foresight Ventures Launch $20M Ecosystem Fund for Early-Stage Consumer Blockchain Proje...

New York, United States, August 29th, 2024, Chainwire

The initiative will support projects building within the Morph ecosystem through financial resources and personalized guidance, helping them achieve long-term success

Morph, the global consumer layer for driving blockchain adoption for the mass markets has announced today a partnership with Foresight Ventures, establishing a $20 million Ecosystem Fund which aims to accelerate the development and deployment of consumer blockchain projects within the Morph ecosystem and the industry as a whole. 

The Morph Ecosystem Fund is a comprehensive program that offers early-stage consumer blockchain projects with advanced blockchain infrastructure and the necessary financial resources and guidance through the likes of capital investment, fundraising, promotional power, technical and operational expertise, and exchange listing. 

“Our vision is to create lasting strategic alliances that will elevate Morph's capabilities and expand its influence,” said Cecilia Hsueh, CEO and Co-Founder of Morph.“ This program is not just about financial support; it's about providing a holistic growth environment for pioneering consumer blockchain projects. By leveraging Morph's advanced blockchain infrastructure and our investment expertise, we aim to drive innovation and create significant value within the Morph ecosystem.” 

The program will match projects one-on-one with strategic venture partners and offer fundraising support to help structure deals, secure additional funding, and navigate the complex investment landscape. Projects will be given access to Morph’s technical resources, development tools, and operational expertise and provided with co-promotion on Morph's media channels, social platforms, and at industry events to boost their brand visibility. 

Forest Bai, Co-Founder of Foresight Ventures, said “We see consumer applications as the sole gateway to mass adoption and are excited to back an ecosystem so dedicated to consumers. Morph Network offers a highly practical tech stack, an ecosystem acceleration system, and unparalleled advantages in regional markets.”

The Morph Ecosystem Fund will select applicants who not only offer innovative real-world consumer blockchain solutions and practical utility to the web3 and broader tech landscape but also align with Morph’s long-term strategic goals and have the potential to enhance the overall blockchain ecosystem.

Consumer blockchain projects can apply for the program by visiting for more information on eligibility criteria and the application process.

About Morph

Morph is a fully permissionless EVM L2 that uses a combination of optimistic and zero knowledge rollup technology to enable limitless possibilities in entertainment, social, lifestyle and loyalty. Morph is the first Layer 2 on Ethereum to launch with a decentralized sequencer, aligning it with several core principles of web3—decentralization, censorship resistance, and security. The blockchain was built with mainstream audiences like gamers and social media users in mind, making it a user-friendly option for developers who require a chain to build these types of apps. Bitget, the world's leading cryptocurrency exchange, is an original investor in Morph that will continue to play a role amongst the other investors in shaping the Morph ecosystem.

Morph’s founders bring unique backgrounds and perspectives to the company. Cecilia Hsueh, Morph’s Co-Founder and CEO, previously founded Phemex, a top global crypto derivatives exchange. Azeem Khan, Co-Founder and COO, was formerly Head of Impact at Gitcoin, where he helped lead one of the most notable grant programs in the space. Together they launched Morph to empower people who have historically been excluded by the traditional financial system.

About Foresight Ventures

A research-driven crypto investment & incubation powerhouse with a premier media network, serving as the most essential bridge connecting Eastern and Western ecosystems. With a track record of supporting early-stage projects and driving technological advancements, Foresight Ventures is committed to partnering with visionary projects that have the potential to reshape the future of digital finance and beyond.

Disclaimer. This is a paid press release.
MEET48 GIPR2 Idols Preformed At Fantasy Bullish Night With Steve Aoki, and Ignited the WebX 2024 ...Tokyo, Japan, August 29th, 2024, Chainwire On the evening of August 27, MEET48, in collaboration with partners such as Line Next, hosted the official opening party of Japan’s WebX, the Fantasy Bullish Night. The event featured the Top 7 idols from MEET48 GIPR2 voting activity (members of the SNH48 Group) performing on stage with the legendary DJ Steve Aoki, setting the venue ablaze with energy. Hundreds of fans eagerly awaited the appearance of MEET48 idols After the MEET48 GIPR2 Top 7 idols performed, the atmosphere reached an unprecedented level of excitement Following the MEET48 GIPR2 Top 7 idols, the legendary DJ Steve Aoki continued to deliver a spectacular performance Additionally, as a title sponsor of WebX 2024, MEET48, together with the Top 16 idols from the GIPR2 on-chain voting (SNH48 Group members) and the Top 2 amateur group, held a stunning performance on the main stage of WebX at 1:00 PM on August 28. This event offered a visual and auditory feast combining Web3 technology and entertainment elements, garnering waves of applause and cheers from the audience and drawing attention from industry insiders and the general public alike. At this year’s WebX exhibition, MEET48 showcased its latest product lineup to attendees, including the mini-game CoinFish from the TON ecosystem, the idol model scene generation AI tool SRMBuildor, and a series of upcoming metaverse community-based games. These innovations demonstrated the creative applications of combining Web3 and AI technologies, using music and dance to showcase the potential of Web3 in the entertainment sector, and leading the public into a new digital era experience. On September 4, also in Japan, MEET48 will sponsor the Tokyo tour of the SNH48 Group Top 16, highlighting how MEET48 is expanding its influence through these international events and further advancing its global strategy for virtual idols and Web3. Beyond Japan, during the Token2049 event in Singapore, MEET48 will also co-host the large-scale AI+Web3 application Side Event “Back To The Streets” with Hape on the evening of September 18 ( MEET48 will also participate as a platinum sponsor at Token2049, further demonstrating its strategic layout on a global scale and its key role within the Web3 ecosystem. It is also noteworthy that BNB Chain’s 4th Anniversary 4YA Ecosystem Celebration has officially announced MEET48 as a partner on its official Twitter and website. The “MEET48 Appreciation Festival” (MEET48 GIPR2 Top 16 Idol Blind Box NFT) was successfully selected as part of the third week’s celebration event, scheduled to take place from September 9 to 15, with generous rewards and surprises to be unveiled. The “MEET48 Appreciation Festival” includes four activities: 1. Accumulate points: completing tasks and watch videos to earn points. 2. Exchange for blind boxes: exchanging for GIPR TOP16 blind boxes (support the idol Top 3 video recording). 3. Create gems: holding idol NFTs will automatically generate gem NFTs. 4. Grab red packets: using gem NFTs to participate in weekly red packet activities. Additionally, the MEET48 WEB3 Appreciation Festival will continue until September 23, and interested users can participate through the MEET48 official website activity page ( or the app. About MEET48 MEET48 is considered one of the largest Web3 application project teams globally, with a technical and development team of 500 people and a regional operation network covering Singapore, Hong Kong, Taipei, Tokyo, Seoul, and Dubai. MEET48 aims to achieve large-scale social adoption of Web3 technology through its AI UGC content ecosystem, focused on AIGC (Animation, IDOL, GAME, and Comics) Gen Z entertainment content, and its graphical, intelligent metaverse social foundation. Official Website: Twitter (X): Telegram: Discord: Disclaimer. This is a paid press release.

MEET48 GIPR2 Idols Preformed At Fantasy Bullish Night With Steve Aoki, and Ignited the WebX 2024 ...

Tokyo, Japan, August 29th, 2024, Chainwire

On the evening of August 27, MEET48, in collaboration with partners such as Line Next, hosted the official opening party of Japan’s WebX, the Fantasy Bullish Night. The event featured the Top 7 idols from MEET48 GIPR2 voting activity (members of the SNH48 Group) performing on stage with the legendary DJ Steve Aoki, setting the venue ablaze with energy.

Hundreds of fans eagerly awaited the appearance of MEET48 idols

After the MEET48 GIPR2 Top 7 idols performed, the atmosphere reached an unprecedented level of excitement

Following the MEET48 GIPR2 Top 7 idols, the legendary DJ Steve Aoki continued to deliver a spectacular performance

Additionally, as a title sponsor of WebX 2024, MEET48, together with the Top 16 idols from the GIPR2 on-chain voting (SNH48 Group members) and the Top 2 amateur group, held a stunning performance on the main stage of WebX at 1:00 PM on August 28. This event offered a visual and auditory feast combining Web3 technology and entertainment elements, garnering waves of applause and cheers from the audience and drawing attention from industry insiders and the general public alike.

At this year’s WebX exhibition, MEET48 showcased its latest product lineup to attendees, including the mini-game CoinFish from the TON ecosystem, the idol model scene generation AI tool SRMBuildor, and a series of upcoming metaverse community-based games. These innovations demonstrated the creative applications of combining Web3 and AI technologies, using music and dance to showcase the potential of Web3 in the entertainment sector, and leading the public into a new digital era experience.

On September 4, also in Japan, MEET48 will sponsor the Tokyo tour of the SNH48 Group Top 16, highlighting how MEET48 is expanding its influence through these international events and further advancing its global strategy for virtual idols and Web3. Beyond Japan, during the Token2049 event in Singapore, MEET48 will also co-host the large-scale AI+Web3 application Side Event “Back To The Streets” with Hape on the evening of September 18 ( MEET48 will also participate as a platinum sponsor at Token2049, further demonstrating its strategic layout on a global scale and its key role within the Web3 ecosystem.

It is also noteworthy that BNB Chain’s 4th Anniversary 4YA Ecosystem Celebration has officially announced MEET48 as a partner on its official Twitter and website. The “MEET48 Appreciation Festival” (MEET48 GIPR2 Top 16 Idol Blind Box NFT) was successfully selected as part of the third week’s celebration event, scheduled to take place from September 9 to 15, with generous rewards and surprises to be unveiled. The “MEET48 Appreciation Festival” includes four activities: 1. Accumulate points: completing tasks and watch videos to earn points. 2. Exchange for blind boxes: exchanging for GIPR TOP16 blind boxes (support the idol Top 3 video recording). 3. Create gems: holding idol NFTs will automatically generate gem NFTs. 4. Grab red packets: using gem NFTs to participate in weekly red packet activities. Additionally, the MEET48 WEB3 Appreciation Festival will continue until September 23, and interested users can participate through the MEET48 official website activity page ( or the app.

About MEET48

MEET48 is considered one of the largest Web3 application project teams globally, with a technical and development team of 500 people and a regional operation network covering Singapore, Hong Kong, Taipei, Tokyo, Seoul, and Dubai. MEET48 aims to achieve large-scale social adoption of Web3 technology through its AI UGC content ecosystem, focused on AIGC (Animation, IDOL, GAME, and Comics) Gen Z entertainment content, and its graphical, intelligent metaverse social foundation.

Official Website:

Twitter (X):



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Kaia Announces Mainnet Launch With LINE’s NEXT WEB SDK to Accelerate Consumer Adoption (29 Aug)Abu Dhabi, UAE, August 29th, 2024, Chainwire Layer 1 blockchain Kaia has announced its mainnet launch alongside the Kaia Wave builder support program by Kaia and LINE NEXT to accelerate consumer adoption of web3 services. Created through a merger between the L1 chains Klaytn and Finschia initially developed by Kakao and LINE respectively – both operators of popular Asian messaging apps – Kaia aims to become a major web3 ecosystem that has onboarded more than 400 partners. The Kaia mainnet will go live on August 29 as the world’s fastest EVM blockchain with one-second finality, ultra-low gas fees, and support from leading Asian web3 partners including Kakao and LINE NEXT, LINE’s venture dedicated to developing and expanding the Web3 ecosystem. Kaia aims to solve web3’s UX and distribution challenges via deep integration with leading Asian messengers. This will support a thriving ecosystem of DeFi, gaming, RWAs, and messenger apps running on scalable web3 infrastructure. Using the NEXT WEB SDK package that includes the Kaia Wallet SDK, Kaia Wallet Market API and LINE LIFF API, Kaia builders will be able to create LINE Mini Dapps that launch within the LINE messenger, bringing Telegram-style native app integration. Leveraging Kaia’s low TX latency, account abstraction, and fee delegation features, developers can create end-to-end seamless UX while extending their reach to hundreds of millions of LINE users across Asia. The Kaia Wave builder support program developed by Kaia and LINE NEXT will provide up to $1.2M worth of marketing, tech, and business support per eligible team, with grants available to builders who leverage the NEXT WEB SDK. Teams will also benefit from TGE and liquidity support as well as follow-up VC connections. Dr. Sam Seo, Chairman of Kaia DLT Foundation, said: “The much-anticipated launch of the Kaia mainnet heralds a new era for the mass consumer adoption of blockchain-based services. Kaia will bring web3 to the rest of the world, starting from Asia.” “The launch of the Kaia mainnet is an important momentum for the LINE NEXT business as well, and I think it has started an important first step toward expanding the Asian Web3 ecosystem.” said Youngsu Ko, CEO of LINE NEXT Inc. “LINE NEXT will focus on bringing new experiences to users with the new Web3 platform and LINE Mini Dapps through Kaia Wave.” Klaytn’s blockchain technology is already widely used in South Korea for an array of consumer-facing use cases such as loyalty programs and medical implant certificates. Finschia blockchain, meanwhile, powers the popular DOSI digital commerce platform where anyone can purchase memberships, access passes, concert tickets, and NFTs using crypto or fiat. The merger of these blockchains will ensure strong adoption from day one as projects such as DOSI migrate to Kaia. The Kaia mainnet will launch with a massive addressable user base already in place through LINE and Kakaotalk’s combined 250M users. Kakaotalk is used by 96% of South Korean residents while LINE is the dominant messenger in Japan, Taiwan, and Thailand. Through its integration with two of Asia’s most popular messenger superapps, Kaia provides a ready-made market for developers that will empower them to create original dapps that are accessible to millions. About Kaia Kaia is a high performance public blockchain that brings web3 to the fingertips of hundreds of millions across Asia. Formed through the merger of the Klaytn and Finschia blockchains that were initially developed by Kakao and LINE respectively, Kaia is Asia’s largest web3 ecosystem. It’s integrated with Kakaotalk and LINE messenger that have a combined user base of over 250 million, all of whom can experience web3 with the ease and speed of web2 within their favorite messenger superapp to connect, create, collaborate, and contribute to the ecosystem. Learn more at Disclaimer. This is a paid press release.

Kaia Announces Mainnet Launch With LINE’s NEXT WEB SDK to Accelerate Consumer Adoption (29 Aug)

Abu Dhabi, UAE, August 29th, 2024, Chainwire

Layer 1 blockchain Kaia has announced its mainnet launch alongside the Kaia Wave builder support program by Kaia and LINE NEXT to accelerate consumer adoption of web3 services. Created through a merger between the L1 chains Klaytn and Finschia initially developed by Kakao and LINE respectively – both operators of popular Asian messaging apps – Kaia aims to become a major web3 ecosystem that has onboarded more than 400 partners.

The Kaia mainnet will go live on August 29 as the world’s fastest EVM blockchain with one-second finality, ultra-low gas fees, and support from leading Asian web3 partners including Kakao and LINE NEXT, LINE’s venture dedicated to developing and expanding the Web3 ecosystem.

Kaia aims to solve web3’s UX and distribution challenges via deep integration with leading Asian messengers. This will support a thriving ecosystem of DeFi, gaming, RWAs, and messenger apps running on scalable web3 infrastructure.

Using the NEXT WEB SDK package that includes the Kaia Wallet SDK, Kaia Wallet Market API and LINE LIFF API, Kaia builders will be able to create LINE Mini Dapps that launch within the LINE messenger, bringing Telegram-style native app integration. Leveraging Kaia’s low TX latency, account abstraction, and fee delegation features, developers can create end-to-end seamless UX while extending their reach to hundreds of millions of LINE users across Asia.

The Kaia Wave builder support program developed by Kaia and LINE NEXT will provide up to $1.2M worth of marketing, tech, and business support per eligible team, with grants available to builders who leverage the NEXT WEB SDK. Teams will also benefit from TGE and liquidity support as well as follow-up VC connections.

Dr. Sam Seo, Chairman of Kaia DLT Foundation, said: “The much-anticipated launch of the Kaia mainnet heralds a new era for the mass consumer adoption of blockchain-based services. Kaia will bring web3 to the rest of the world, starting from Asia.”

“The launch of the Kaia mainnet is an important momentum for the LINE NEXT business as well, and I think it has started an important first step toward expanding the Asian Web3 ecosystem.” said Youngsu Ko, CEO of LINE NEXT Inc. “LINE NEXT will focus on bringing new experiences to users with the new Web3 platform and LINE Mini Dapps through Kaia Wave.”

Klaytn’s blockchain technology is already widely used in South Korea for an array of consumer-facing use cases such as loyalty programs and medical implant certificates. Finschia blockchain, meanwhile, powers the popular DOSI digital commerce platform where anyone can purchase memberships, access passes, concert tickets, and NFTs using crypto or fiat. The merger of these blockchains will ensure strong adoption from day one as projects such as DOSI migrate to Kaia.

The Kaia mainnet will launch with a massive addressable user base already in place through LINE and Kakaotalk’s combined 250M users. Kakaotalk is used by 96% of South Korean residents while LINE is the dominant messenger in Japan, Taiwan, and Thailand. Through its integration with two of Asia’s most popular messenger superapps, Kaia provides a ready-made market for developers that will empower them to create original dapps that are accessible to millions.

About Kaia

Kaia is a high performance public blockchain that brings web3 to the fingertips of hundreds of millions across Asia. Formed through the merger of the Klaytn and Finschia blockchains that were initially developed by Kakao and LINE respectively, Kaia is Asia’s largest web3 ecosystem. It’s integrated with Kakaotalk and LINE messenger that have a combined user base of over 250 million, all of whom can experience web3 with the ease and speed of web2 within their favorite messenger superapp to connect, create, collaborate, and contribute to the ecosystem.

Learn more at

Disclaimer. This is a paid press release.
BC.GAME Supports Dogs Token Deposit and Withdrawal, Enhancing Cryptocurrency Options for Players ...WILLEMSTAD, Curacao, August 29th, 2024, Chainwire On August 28, 2024, BC.GAME, one of the world’s leading igaming platforms, announced that it has become one of the first igaming platforms to support DOGS deposits and withdrawals. Currently, users can use DOGS to play all games and place sports bets on BC.GAME, with related deposit and cashback activities set to launch soon. BC.GAME, a leading online gaming platform, has announced its support for deposits and withdrawals using Dogs, a unique meme coin created on Telegram’s TON blockchain. Players can now use Dogs to play all games on the platform and place bets on sports. For all users, this deposit and withdrawal promotion is accompanied by a giveaway. By integrating Dogs as a deposit method, BC.GAME continues to expand its range of supported cryptocurrencies, offering its players even more flexibility and options. BC.GAME CEO Jack Dorset commented on the new integration: “We are excited to add Dogs to our list of supported cryptocurrencies. This unique meme coin not only brings a fun and engaging aspect to the platform but also strengthens our connection with the ever-growing community of Telegram users. We are always looking for ways to enhance our players’ experience, and accepting Dogs as a deposit method is another step in that direction.” The crypto trader, along with other users, has been drawn to the growing buzz surrounding the token recently. DOGS is a native Telegram meme coin with utility within the network’s ecosystem, particularly around non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and beyond. Inspired by 'Spotty,' the mascot created by Telegram founder Pavel Durov, the project quickly gained attention, especially following its listing as the 57th protocol on Binance Launchpool. Players at BC.GAME can now enjoy seamless deposits with Dogs, along with the platform’s wide range of games and betting options. For more information on how to deposit with Dogs at BC.GAME, users can visit BC.GAME's website.  About BC.GAME BC.GAMEBC.GAME is a leading crypto iGaming platform, known for its community-driven approach and cutting-edge technology. Established in 2017, BC.GAME offers more than 8,000 games, including sports betting, slots, and live table games. The platform is also recognized for its partnerships with top-tier brands such as Leicester City FC, the Argentina National Football Team, and Cloud9. Disclaimer. This is a paid press release.

BC.GAME Supports Dogs Token Deposit and Withdrawal, Enhancing Cryptocurrency Options for Players ...

WILLEMSTAD, Curacao, August 29th, 2024, Chainwire

On August 28, 2024, BC.GAME, one of the world’s leading igaming platforms, announced that it has become one of the first igaming platforms to support DOGS deposits and withdrawals. Currently, users can use DOGS to play all games and place sports bets on BC.GAME, with related deposit and cashback activities set to launch soon.

BC.GAME, a leading online gaming platform, has announced its support for deposits and withdrawals using Dogs, a unique meme coin created on Telegram’s TON blockchain. Players can now use Dogs to play all games on the platform and place bets on sports. For all users, this deposit and withdrawal promotion is accompanied by a giveaway.

By integrating Dogs as a deposit method, BC.GAME continues to expand its range of supported cryptocurrencies, offering its players even more flexibility and options.

BC.GAME CEO Jack Dorset commented on the new integration: “We are excited to add Dogs to our list of supported cryptocurrencies. This unique meme coin not only brings a fun and engaging aspect to the platform but also strengthens our connection with the ever-growing community of Telegram users. We are always looking for ways to enhance our players’ experience, and accepting Dogs as a deposit method is another step in that direction.”

The crypto trader, along with other users, has been drawn to the growing buzz surrounding the token recently. DOGS is a native Telegram meme coin with utility within the network’s ecosystem, particularly around non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and beyond. Inspired by 'Spotty,' the mascot created by Telegram founder Pavel Durov, the project quickly gained attention, especially following its listing as the 57th protocol on Binance Launchpool.

Players at BC.GAME can now enjoy seamless deposits with Dogs, along with the platform’s wide range of games and betting options. For more information on how to deposit with Dogs at BC.GAME, users can visit BC.GAME's website.

 About BC.GAME

BC.GAMEBC.GAME is a leading crypto iGaming platform, known for its community-driven approach and cutting-edge technology. Established in 2017, BC.GAME offers more than 8,000 games, including sports betting, slots, and live table games. The platform is also recognized for its partnerships with top-tier brands such as Leicester City FC, the Argentina National Football Team, and Cloud9.

Disclaimer. This is a paid press release.
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