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**トルコ、投資促進のため仮想通貨と株の利益に課税せず** トルコのメフメト・シムセク財務大臣は、株と仮想通貨の利益には課税しないと発表しました。この決定は、税負担を軽減することで投資と市場の成長を促進することを目的としています。 これらの資産に対する少額の取引税についての話がありますが、詳細はまだ明らかではありません。シムセク氏は、市場の健全性を維持するためにバランスの取れた税制の重要性を強調しました。アタ・ポートフォイのメフメト・ゲルツ氏は、少額の税金でも問題を引き起こし、取引を阻害する可能性があると警告しました。 トルコは、セキュリティを向上させ、国際基準を満たすために、仮想通貨の規則を最終調整しています。新しい規則には、資本市場委員会(CMB)が管理する仮想通貨プラットフォームのライセンスが含まれ、より安全な取引のための要件が​​設定されます。 業界の反応は慎重ながらも肯定的です。バイナンス・トルコのムカヒト・ドンメズ氏は、規制がユーザーを保護し、明確なガイドラインを提供すると考えています。トルコは、明確なルールと免税措置で投資家や企業を誘致し、経済力と技術進歩を促進することで、デジタル金融の中心地となることを目指している。






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### Why the Market is Down: US Jobs Report Causes Big Bitcoin Drop, Erases $500 Million in Open Interest The latest US jobs report had a big impact on the cryptocurrency market, causing over $500 million in Bitcoin investments to be wiped out. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics shared mixed news for May. On one hand, they reported 272,000 new jobs. On the other hand, unemployment went up to 4.0%, the highest since January 2022. People worked the same number of hours per week on average, and hourly wages went up by 0.4% in May, which is a 4.1% increase from last year. The private sector hired a bit more than 200,000 people per month over the last few months, compared to 155,000 at the end of last year. The total payroll for private-sector workers grew by 5.4% over the past year, down from the previous range of 6%-6.5%, matching 2018's highs. After this report, Bitcoin’s price fell by 2%, from $72,144 to $70,668, leading to many investors losing money. IT Tech stated, "Over $500 million of Bitcoin open interest was wiped out within minutes. Both short and long positions were liquidated." The mixed signals from the job report caused significant market changes. More hiring suggests a strong economy, but higher unemployment and steady work hours point to weaknesses. Charles Edwards, founder of Capriole Investments, noted, "Unemployment is at its highest since COVID, and markets reacted sharply. Often, the first reaction to these announcements is wrong. We'll see. But it seems like unemployment has bottomed out, suggesting US liquidity will need to increase soon. Rate cuts are likely." Based on the latest jobs report, Bitcoin and other digital assets are expected to remain unstable. Be cautious. If you are a long-term holder, it might be best to stick to your strategy and not panic.
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