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暗号通貨市場レビュー 2024年6月6日木曜日 📈 ビットコインは71.5千ドルから72.0千ドルの抵抗ゾーンに迫っており、まもなく突破する可能性があります。 📊 昨日、株式市場は上昇し、NASDAQとS&P500は新たな高値に達しました。 しかし、今日は横ばいのままです。 カナダ銀行は昨日金利を引き下げ、ECBも今日それに続きました。 🚀 一方、米国の国家債務とその返済コストは急騰しています。 📈 このような状況を考えると、連邦準備制度理事会はまもなく金利を引き下げざるを得なくなります。ドルの生成はすでに再開されており、M2指標は着実に上昇しています。 💵 保有者によって積極的に売却された債券は、米国財務省の資金を使用して買い戻されています。 現在、FRBの金利先物は9月に最初の利下げを示しています。 もしそれがもっと早く起これば、市場にとって非常にプラスとなるだろう。 時価総額は増加しており、現在2.58兆ドルとなっている。 ⚔️ この成長は主にビットコインによるもので、アルトコインは遅れをとっている。イーサリアムはまだ3.8千ドルを超えて固まっておらず、アルトコインは選択的に成長している。市場が「ビットコイン対72.0千ドル」の戦いの結果を熱心に待ち望んでいる中、この日のトップパフォーマーはFLR、INJ、Dydxである。 📥 IBITは2週連続で強い流入を経験している。 ニュースのハイライト: 🔹 Semler Scientific (米国) は、準備資産として581 BTCの取得を発表し、株価が30%上昇した。 🔹 ビットコインを購入した最初の上場企業であるMicroStrategy (2020年8月) は、今年株価が438%上昇した。 疑問は残る。上場企業は、中核事業の業績に関係なく、ビットコインを購入して発表することが時価総額を高める確実な方法であることをどれだけ早く理解するだろうか? 彼らはすぐに理解し、多くの企業がそれに追随するだろうと私は信じている。これはもうひとつの重要な成長要因になる可能性がある。 🔹ゲンスラー氏は、ETH-ETFの発売時期は、発行者がSECの問い合わせにどれだけ迅速に対応するかにかかっていると述べた。 #investments #cryptocurrency #business #bitcoin #finance



📈 ビットコインは71.5千ドルから72.0千ドルの抵抗ゾーンに迫っており、まもなく突破する可能性があります。

📊 昨日、株式市場は上昇し、NASDAQとS&P500は新たな高値に達しました。



🚀 一方、米国の国家債務とその返済コストは急騰しています。

📈 このような状況を考えると、連邦準備制度理事会はまもなく金利を引き下げざるを得なくなります。ドルの生成はすでに再開されており、M2指標は着実に上昇しています。

💵 保有者によって積極的に売却された債券は、米国財務省の資金を使用して買い戻されています。




⚔️ この成長は主にビットコインによるもので、アルトコインは遅れをとっている。イーサリアムはまだ3.8千ドルを超えて固まっておらず、アルトコインは選択的に成長している。市場が「ビットコイン対72.0千ドル」の戦いの結果を熱心に待ち望んでいる中、この日のトップパフォーマーはFLR、INJ、Dydxである。

📥 IBITは2週連続で強い流入を経験している。


🔹 Semler Scientific (米国) は、準備資産として581 BTCの取得を発表し、株価が30%上昇した。

🔹 ビットコインを購入した最初の上場企業であるMicroStrategy (2020年8月) は、今年株価が438%上昇した。




#investments #cryptocurrency #business #bitcoin #finance

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Cryptocurrency Market Overview Saturday, June 8, 2024 🔍 Weekly Performance of Bitcoin: Throughout the week, Bitcoin surged from $67.4K - $67.5K to nearly $72.0K, spending several days above $70.0K. However, last night saw a significant downturn, impacting the overall picture. Bitcoin fell below $68.5K, reaching a local minimum of $68,420, which was quickly bought up. It has since been trading between $69.1K and $69.6K for over 12 hours. ❓Causes of the Decline: There are varying opinions on the reasons for this drop. 1. Rise in Bond Yields and Dollar Index 2. GME Shares Decline 🔄 Combination of Factors: 1. Approaching Range Boundary: - Bitcoin approached the upper boundary of the $66.5K - $72.0K range, where it has been trading since May 20. 2. Resistance at $71.5K - $72.0K: - The resistance area at $71.5K - $72.0K could not be breached over several days, despite nearly reaching $72.0K yesterday. 3. Rise in Dollar Index: - There was a significant increase in the dollar index. 💼Market Participant Reactions: Given these factors, many market participants began taking profits or exiting the market, leading to the drop. 💸Altcoins Impact: Altcoins suffered more than Bitcoin during the drop. The dominance index briefly exceeded 55% but is now decreasing. This higher impact on altcoins is due to lower trading volumes and a less robust audience. Of the $361 million liquidations during yesterday's drop, a substantial portion was in altcoins. 📆Weekend Expectations: Over the weekend, Bitcoin is expected to trade within a range of $68.8K - $69.0K at the lower boundary and $69.8K - $70.2K at the upper boundary. Alternatively, it could consolidate above $70.2K. 📈Upcoming Week: The next week will be turbulent, with important inflation data, the Fed's rate decision and press conference, and significant cryptocurrency market news. Bitcoin might test either $72.0K or $67.0K, and it is possible that both levels could be tested. #Cryptocurrency #Bitcoin #Business #Finance #Money
🤖 AI – A New Narrative in the Crypto Market? In the world of web2, the adoption of AI technologies has dramatically transformed everyday life. Tools like ChatGPT, MidJourney, and other neural networks have become integral to our routines, simplifying numerous tasks. Opinions from Industry Leaders 🔐Major funds and analysts, including A16Z and BlackRock, acknowledge the potential of AI in web3. They emphasize its ability to create innovative gaming mechanics and enhance security through decentralization. Here’s what BlackRock has to say: “Future achievements in AI will be exponential as innovations intensify. The entire tech industry, led by a few large companies, is shifting its focus to AI, indicating a probable revolution. Early research shows a potential positive correlation between the increase in AI patents and overall profit growth. We are placing a significant bet on AI in developed countries over the next 6-12 months.“ Key Directions for AI Blockchain Services: From DePIN to Data Service, offering a range of services from data processing to security enhancement. Tool Developers: Tools that simplify code creation and testing. Marketplaces: Platforms for selling services and data, using AI for analysis and optimization. DeFi: Leveraging AI to automate investment and risk management. 🎮Metaverse/GameFi: Creating adaptive and personalized game content. Now, even NPCs in games can adapt to player actions rather than following a script. Conclusion 🚀Artificial intelligence unveils numerous possibilities for web3. As interest in this area continues to grow, we can expect a significant rise in popularity and the emergence of new trends related to AI technologies in the future. Do you believe in AI? Share your thoughts in the comments! #AIRevolution #Web3Innovation #FutureOfTech
What is Coin Burning? Coin burning is a strategic approach, not magic. Imagine reducing the amount of money in the world so that each remaining dollar becomes more valuable. In the cryptocurrency world, this is not only possible but also a popular practice. Similar to how companies buy back their shares to increase their value, and central banks withdraw excess currency, coin burning strengthens the economy of crypto projects. How Does It Work? 📝 Coins are sent to an address from which they cannot be retrieved. It's like sending a ship on a one-way journey. Thanks to blockchain technology, each transaction is permanently recorded. How Do Projects Burn Their Coins? Projects incorporate burning into their economy in various ways, from one-time events to continuous mechanisms. This helps control inflation, boost trust, and encourage investment. There are two main methods of burning: 🏦 Sending coins to a special, inaccessible address 🛠 Using special software that independently blocks tokens Proof-of-Burn (PoB) Technology 🔐PoB is a consensus mechanism in the blockchain, similar to Proof-of-Stake (PoS), where coins support network security. However, in PoB, participants destroy coins, rendering them unusable, to participate in the network's operations. The Purpose of Coin Burning Burning coins reduces their supply, potentially increasing the value of the remaining ones. It helps combat inflation, strengthens investor confidence, and adheres to network rules. 🧐 However, coin burning does not guarantee an immediate increase in value and can be seen as market manipulation, raising concerns among regulators. 🚀 Examples of PoB blockchains include Ripple and Binance Smart Chain, which burn tokens to support network operations and stimulate native token growth. Like if you found this interesting!❤️ #StartInvestingInCrypto #ProofOfStake #BurningTokens
Project Analysis: Understanding the Importance of a Whitepaper A Whitepaper is a comprehensive document detailing everything you need to know about a project, from its core objectives to technical specifics and token economics. But why is it crucial to meticulously review each whitepaper? 1. Understanding the Goals and Mission of the Project Knowing the changes a project aims to bring can help you gauge its long-term potential. For instance, Bitcoin strives to decentralize the financial system by providing a secure and transparent method of payment without third-party involvement. 2. Familiarity with the Development Team Understanding who is behind the project can provide insights into its potential and the likelihood of its success. For example, Cardano is led by Charles Hoskinson, a co-founder of Ethereum, which highlights his dedication to innovation and quality. 3. Technological Infrastructure The project’s foundation reflects its capability to address its goals and scale effectively. For instance, Polkadot is developing parachain technology to enable inter-blockchain communication, which could revolutionize how different networks interact. 4. Development and Strategic Plans Understanding a project’s development plans can indicate its growth and innovation potential. Tezos, from the outset, incorporated the ability to upgrade without hard forks into its architecture, ensuring flexibility and adaptability to changes. 5. Tokenomics A thorough understanding of a project's token economics is crucial for evaluating its investment potential. Tokenomics outlines the economic structure of a crypto project, including token distribution, functions, and regulations. It influences token value and incentivizes participants, playing a critical role in the project’s success. For instance, Ethereum's tokenomics introduces mechanisms for burning a portion of transaction fees (EIP-1559), creating deflationary pressure on the overall supply of ETH. Interesting fact: Every MacBook has a hidden Bitcoin Whitepaper. #cryptoguide #tokenomics #Whitepaper
Cryptocurrency Market Overview Friday, May 31, 2024 Bitcoin moved within the range of $67.1k to $69.5k over the past day. - Market Capitalization: $2.47 trillion - Dominance Index: 54.53% - Fear Index: 73 This drop occurred despite GDP and labor market data sending the dollar index and bond yields downwards, which usually benefits stock markets. The decline was caused by poor earnings reports from some companies (including Salesforce) and weak corporate profit reports. Combined with weak macroeconomic data, this indicated economic fragility, which spooked the markets. Currently, markets are more influenced by the actions of the Federal Reserve than by the real economy. As a result, the decline wasn't significant. If today's PCE data is favorable (0.3 or lower), markets should perform well. At the moment, the S&P 500 futures are slightly down, but Asian indices are rising. Trump was found guilty of falsifying business records and payments to a certain adult film actress. These events occurred before his presidency (pre-2016), but the case was brought forward in 2023, as elections approach. An appeal will follow, prolonging the case. He remains active in his election campaign, and this situation has even solidified his supporters. However, there was an inflow of $48.8 million into BTC-ETF yesterday, with iBIT closing up 2.19%. If there isn't a significant stock market drop, Bitcoin has a good chance to hit $69.0k today. If we go into the weekend with Bitcoin above $69.0k, altcoins have a good chance of rising over the weekend. Additionally, if there's news today about the start date for ETH-ETF trading, it could trigger the conditions for the start of alt-season. #crypto2024 #altsesaon
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